Chapter 17

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AN: The end is nigh.

"You lose a fight, Kelly?" Jack flinched involuntarily as Morris and Oscar Delancey walked up to him in the hallway. He had definitely not missed them while he'd been gone. He tried to ignore them, but they shoved him against his locker before he could react. "What, are you scared, huh?"

"Leave me alone." Jack muttered. He tried to walk away again, but ended up gasping for breath when they shoved him again, this time in his still tender ribs.

"Daddy get rid of you again?" Oscar teased and Jack glared at them.

"Shut up."

"Oh, what a great comeback. Not so tough now, are we? Your old man must've softened you up."

"He's not my old man." Jack was finding it very difficult to keep his temper in check.

"You sure about that? You go stay with him an awful lot." He shoved Morris, hard, causing Oscar to shove him back against the lockers even harder.

"Well, if it ain't the Delancey's." All three boys turned to see Race glaring at Morris and Oscar. He shoved Oscar away from Jack.

"You need another kid to help you out of your fights, Kelly? It won't help." Morris said, before throwing a punch at Race, who ducked.

"Why, you little - " Race launched himself at Morris, nearly causing him to topple over. Oscar went for Race, but Jack shoved him away, and it was about to escalate before Davey surprisingly stepped in. He grabbed both Race and Jack by an arm and held them back, glaring at the other two boys.

"Get out of here. Now." Oscar nudged Morris, who shrugged.

"We have better places to be anyway." They walked off and Davey rolled his eyes before raising an eyebrow at the two remaining boys.

"What did you do, Race?"



"I didn't do nothing, Davey."

"Anything. And are you sure?"

"Why does everyone assume I started it every time I'm in a fight?"

"You've never proved anyone wrong before." Jack sighed.

"It's my fault Dave, they were cracking some jokes about... him, and I dunno, I guess I'm just kinda on edge, what with the trial this weekend." Davey nodded, understanding.

"Just try to control yourself next time, yeah? And don't worry too much, it'll all be fine." Jack nodded, though he wasn't sure he believed it.


Katherine and Crutchie sat on Jack's couch as they watched him pace back and forth in front of them.

"What if there's not enough to prove him guilty? What if they let him go?"

"They're not gonna let him go Jack, they saw what he did to you." Crutchie pointed out, but Jack just shook his head.

"They saw it before and the most he's ever gotten because of it is two year in there." He stopped and looked at them. "I can't handle going to live there again."

"They're not going to let you go back there." Katherine tried to assure him, but it didn't help.

"They have before! Why wouldn't they again?" Neither of them had an answer for that. After a few moments, Jack sighed and sat back down in between the two of them on the couch. "Will you come with me? For, y'know, moral support?"

"Of course, Jack."

"Wouldn't miss it." At their responses, he finally allowed himself to relax slightly. He wouldn't be alone.

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