CHAPTER THIRTEEN, big time fever

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Andi was in the sound system room along with Gustavo and Kelly watching the boys record a song. One thing Andi is confused about is the fact that James is orange. She wasn't sure if anyone noticed, but she did. And she found it strange. It looked like he had some tanning oil or something on him, but he was so orange.

"Cut! Cut!" Gustavo interrupts the boys' singing. "Will somebody tell me why James is orange?"

Carlos, Kendall, and Logan shrug their shoulders in response. James pulls out two bottles of tan on spray. "Actually, I'm mangerine." He sprayed some in front of him and stepped into it.

Andi stares at him with furrowed eyebrows, not understanding why he did that. "Why? Just-Just why?" She stammered, not sure if she wanted an answer to her question.

"Boys, can I see you out here for a quick minute?" Gustavo questioned.

"Something wrong, boss?" James asked as he, Carlos, Kendall, and Logan walk into the sound system room.

Gustavo stands up, facing James. "James, in this business, image is everything, and the image I'm going for is not three normal boys and a tangerine freak!" He raised his voice at the end, glaring at James.

James nods in realization. "So what you're saying is that the other three guys are too pale. I can fix it." He turned to Carlos, Kendall, and Logan, aiming the tan spray bottles at them.

"No!" The three of them yelled, pushing James back from them.

"We think he might have Hollywood Fever." Kendall informed Andi, Guustavo, and Kelly.

Andi's eyes widen. She knew that eventually the boys would have got Hollywood Fever, but she was hoping it wouldn't happen so soon. "Oh boy." She sighed heavily, knowing this wasn't going to end well.

Kelly's eyes grow wide and she covers her mouth out of shock. Gustavo points at her and Andi. "You two, don't panic." Gustavo points at James. "You, stop being orange!" He rushed towards James, trying to get the spray tan bottles away from James. Gustavo won, but his white jacket now had spots of mangerine on it, and James pulled out two more spray tan bottles.

Andi stares at him with surprise and disbelief. "Seriously?" She questions. She pauses before adding, "How did you even fit all those bottles under your jacket?"

"Magic." James responded, smiling and giving her a wink. Andi rolled her eyes and shook her head as she bit back a smile, thinking how ridiculous James is sometimes. James then sprayed the air in front of him with the spray tan and left the room.

"Well, that didn't work. Let's try this." Gustavo threw the spray tan bottles on the floor, walking to stand in front of Carlos, Kendall, and Logan. "Fix your friend, or I will fire him, and I will replace with someone that is not orange!"

"Andi, help us find him." Kendall immediately pleaded, turning to Andi with desperation written all over his face.

"Nuh-uh." She points at the three of them. "This is your mess to fix." Andi crosses her arms, standing her ground. "You guys got yourselves into this Hollywood Fever mess, so you're going to have to figure out how to get yourselves out of it."

"Please." Logan pleads. "It will go faster with more people looking for him." He gave her a puppy dog eye look along with Carlos and Kendall.

Andi groaned. How could she resist that look? Especially when they all had the same look. "Fine." She gave in, dropping her arms to her side. "Let's go find our orange friend."

They brighten up, looking relieved and a chorus of "Thank you." is heard as Kendall moved to stand by her, throwing an arm around her shoulders and leaned over to kiss the side of her head. Butterflies swarmed in Andi's stomach and she couldn't help the blush that formed on her cheeks. She tried to tell herself it was nothing, but it was getting harder and harder to believe.

"Great!" Carlos exclaims. "Let's go."


Once they got to the boy's apartment they immediately started searching for James. "He's not in the bathroom." Kendall announced after searching the room for James.

Carlos slides down the swirly slide. "He's not in the swirly slide."

"Not in the living room or kitchen," Andi said from her spot in the living room, gesturing around the living room and the kitchen where no James was found. "Obviously." She added under her breath.

Logan walks around the corner, meeting the others beside the kitchen area. "But look, I found an empty bottle of mangerine action tan." Logan shows them the spray tan bottle and looks at it. "According to the label, this stuff dissolves with water."

Andi, Kendall, and Logan look at each other with knowing smiles. Carlos grins, pointing at each of them. "You know what I'm thinking?"

Andi glances over at him with raised eyebrows. "Uh, probably not...And I'm not sure if I want to know." She admitted, not quite sure if she wanted to know what Carlos was thinking.


A few minutes later the four of them are now set up with nerf squirt guns full of water. Each of them were wearing sunglasses and had on black bandanas.

"I was thinking we get snow cones to beat the heat," Carlos shrugs his shoulders, glancing at the nerf squirt gun he held. "But this works too." Andi chuckled at that.

Logan grins. "And should break the fever quite nicely."

Kendall looks at Carlos. "Carlitos, you scope the pool for orange James." When Carlos nods, Kendall turns to Logan. "Logan-ator, you hit the Palm Woods Park."

Logan gets his nerf squirt gun ready in response and Kendall turns to Andi. "Andi-landy, you can help me stake out the lobby."

Andi nods and salutes. "Sounds good, Kendall-shmendall." She grinned proudly at the nickname she came up with on the spot.

Kendall chuckles at her nickname for him, shaking his head with a fond smile at seeing the proud grin on her face. He had to admit, she was really adorable when she was proud of herself. Well, she was adorable all the time, but especially when she was proud of herself. It was also amusing how creative she is with her nicknames. He clears his throat and shakes his head, trying to get out of his thoughts. "Alright, move out!"


"Kendall-schmendall," Andi gets Kendall's attention from her place hiding behind the corner near the front desk Kendall is hiding behind. Kendall looks over at her as she gets her nerf squirt gun ready to shoot at James. "I see James walking into the lobby. Get ready."

Kendall nods and gets his own nerf squirt gun ready to shoot. "Copy that, Andi-landy."

When James start to walk into the lobby the two get out of their hiding places, shouting James' name. James stopped walking, startled as he looks at them. That's when Andi and Kendall quickly start shooting water at him. Andi doesn't know how, but James managed to miss every shot of water that she and Kendall aims at him. Andi lowered her nerf squirt gun and stomps her foot angrily when James safely got to the elevator.

"Dang it!" She pouts, glaring at the elevator. "How did he manage to dodge all our shots?"

"I don't know, I can't believe we missed." Kendall sighed. His gaze lingered on Andi though, thinking her pout was adorable. He wanted to kiss it away, but shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

Andi nods in agreement, turning around to look at everyone else who were in the lobby when she noticed they were looking at the two of them with angry expressions. She smiled nervously when she saw most of them were wet.

Kendall chuckles nervously. "Looks like you guys beat the heat."

"Yeah, they're angry." Andi notices, slowly beginning to back up along with him as the others advanced towards them. "Let's get out of here."

"On it." Kendall, without hesitation and a second thought, he grabbed her hand and the two quickly made their escape, running out of the lobby and down the hallway. Andi's heart was pounding in her chest, partly from the adrenaline of the chase, and partly from the warmth of Kendall's hand in hers. She stole a glance at him as they ran, and he returned her glance. Kendall flashed her a bright grin, squeezing her hand lightly and her heart skipped a beat.

Oh no, was the first thing that popped into her mind. She was falling for Kendall, and there was no denying that now.

As they reached the end of the hallway, Kendall skidded to a stop, pulling Andi into a small alcove to hide. She let out a surprised gasp, and the two ended up in a position where they were practically pressed up against each other. Andi was blushing furiously and her breathing was uneven, staring into Kendall's beautiful eyes.

After a moment, Kendall speaks up with a grin. "Well, that was fun."

Andi chuckles breathlessly, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, definitely not how I expected today to go." She was still blushing and she was having a hard time trying to calm her heart beat.

Kendall's smile softens as he looked at her, his gaze lingering on her lips for a moment before he spoke again. "Hey, um, thanks for helping out with this whole Hollywood Fever thing. You're a lifesaver."

Andi felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words, a small smile playing on her lips. "Of course, anything for you guys." She was being honest, too. She would do anything for the guys, even if she did question their decisions and their way of handling things sometimes.

"Anything?" He questioned, smirking slightly.

Andi blushed and playfully punched his shoulder. "Don't push it, Kendall-schmendall." She laughed, and Kendall's expression softened. He had never heard a more beautiful laugh. He could listen to it forever, and his gaze flickered down to her lips. The urge to kiss her was overwhelming, but he resisted, knowing it wouldn't be right.

He cleared his throat, tearing his gaze away from her and took a step back, creating some space between them. Andi was glad he did, because she had been dangerously close to closing the gap between them. She mentally chided herself, shaking her head to rid her mind of her thoughts.

"Come on, let's go check on the others and see if they found James yet." She suggested, not wanting to dwell on her thoughts any longer. Though she couldn't find herself to move away from the alcove yet.

Kendall nods, not being able to stop the fond smile that appeared on his face. He was finding it more and more difficult to keep his feelings for Andi at bay, and it was driving him crazy. He was falling hard, and he couldn't stop it. "Okay, but, just for the record, you looked pretty hot with a nerf squirt gun." He teased, hoping to ease the tension that had settled over them.

Andi laughs, ignoring the blush appearing on her face as she shakes her head. "And you looked pretty hot while firing it." She shot back with a smirk.

"Oh, is that so?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and stepping closer to her. He could feel his heart beating faster and the temptation to kiss her was growing stronger by the minute.

"Yeah, maybe." She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, though the blush that was steadily growing on her face betrayed her.

Kendall was amused by this, a grin playing on his lips. He took another step closer to her, bringing his hand up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Andi's breath caught in her throat and her heart was hammering in her chest. They were only a few inches apart now, and she could feel the electricity crackling between them.

"We should probably get going." She blurted out, taking a step back. She could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment at her sudden outburst, but she couldn't bring herself to meet Kendall's gaze.

Kendall's smile faltered slightly, but he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right." He took a step back as well, giving her some space. "Let's go check on the others."

Andi let out a shaky breath, grateful for the change of topic. She quickly composed herself and nodded, meeting Kendall's gaze with a small smile. "Lead the way, Kendall-schmendall."

Kendall chuckled softly, feeling a mixture of disappointment and relief. He gestured for Andi to follow him, and they walked side by side down the hallway, their shoulders brushing occasionally. Despite the lingering tension between them, Kendall couldn't help but feel grateful for Andi's presence. She always managed to brighten his day, even in the midst of chaos.


Andi and Kendall now had cornered James in the lobby. They had to chase him around the pool in the blazing sun, but they didn't care. They just wanted James back to his normal self.

"Finally got you now." Andi smirked, standing next to Kendall. James' eyes widen and he tried to look for a exit, but there wasn't a easy one for him. He was backed up against a wall. The computer table was set up on one side of him while someone was sitting at the sitting area on the other side of him.

"Sorry, James," Kendall apologizes. "But you got the fever."

Andi and Kendall raises their nerf squirt guns at James causing anyone who was near them to quickly run away. "And we got the cure." Kendall added.

The two go to spray water at James who covers himself. Andi furrows her eyebrows when no water came out of the nerf squirt guns. "Seriously?"

"Unbelievable!" Kendall exclaimed when he realized his nerf squirt gun was empty as well.

Standing up, James smirks at the two. "What's the matter, Andi and Kendall?" The two panics when he raises two bottles of spray tan bottles at them. "You both are looking a little pale."

"Tanning powers go!" When he started spraying Andi and Kendall. The two teens quickly tried to cover themselves, Kendall had grabbed Andi's arm, pulling her close and shielding her from the spray tan. Andi's heart sped up and she could feel her cheeks flushing. She tried not to think about how close she was to Kendall and how her hand was gripping the front of his shirt, but it was proving to be very difficult.

Kendall was also having a hard time focusing, the feel of Andi's hand on his chest and her body pressed up against him was making his brain short-circuit. He kept one arm around her waist and used the other to try and cover their faces from the spray tan. In the midst of that happening, James was quick to escape.

Andi leans her head back on Kendall's chest out of annoyance as she groans. "Why does he have to make this so difficult?" She huffed, turning around in Kendall's arms, resting her hands on his chest.

Kendall smiles gently at her. "Because he's James." He states, the corners of his mouth turning up into a grin. "That's just what he does."

Andi rolls her eyes, but can't help but return the smile. Kendall's smile was contagious, and his presence was comforting. "I guess you're right," She concedes, biting her lip. "But he's still a pain in the butt." She grumbled, earning a chuckle from Kendall.

He nods, agreeing with her. "That he is."

They're both silent for a moment, neither of them moving from their current positions. Kendall's arms are still around Andi's waist, and her hands are still on his chest. When Kendall's phone rings, he pulls it out of his back pocket and puts it on speaker after noticing it was Gustavo. "Kendall, I trust you've solved our little problem. Now get back to the studio. We've got work to do."

Andi and Kendall look down the hallway, furrowing their eyebrows when they see Logan dressed up like a hippie while playing bongos. Andi's eyes grew wide when she saw Carlos with two of the Jennifers, dressed up nicely.

"I hate the Hollywood Fever." Andi groaned, resting her forehead on Kendall's chest. She tried to ignore the way her heart skipped a beat at feeling him rub her back in an effort to comfort her.

Kendall couldn't help but smile fondly at her, rubbing her back comfortingly. He ends the call with Gustavo, putting his phone back in his pocket. "Come on," He said, pulling away from her reluctantly. "It's time to wrangle up the others and get back to work." He held out his hand to Andi, offering her a reassuring smile. Andi took his hand, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort flood through her at his touch. Together, they head down the hallway to gather the rest of the boys, ready to face whatever chaos awaited them next.

As they walked, Andi couldn't shake the fluttering feeling in her stomach. She couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards Kendall, and she couldn't ignore the way her heart skipped a beat whenever he was near. But she pushed those thoughts aside for now, focusing on the task at hand. There would be time to explore those feelings later. For now, she was content to be by Kendall's side, facing whatever challenges came their way as a team. And with the support of her friends and the undeniable chemistry between her and Kendall, she knew they could handle anything that Hollywood threw at them.


Andi and Kendall finally got Carlos, James, and Logan back to Rocque Records. Andi wasn't really for sure why one of the Jennifers were missing. She was more concerned about Carlos, James, and Logan.

"Kendall, can I talk to you for a minute?" Gustavo questioned.

Andi and Kelly did their best to keep the others from going into Gustavo's office, but they failed. Andi sighs heavily as they walk inside. She knew this wasn't going to end well, especially when Gustavo yelled.

"Sorry, we couldn't stop them." Kelly apologized as Carlos, the Jennifers, and Logan walk in.

Carlos pushes Kendall out of the way, looking at Gustavo. "Yo, Gustav, I want a solo on the next album we record."

"And his new name is Jennifer." The two Jennifers said.

Carlos shakes his head. "Okay, maybe not that, but the band's new name is Carlos and the Rush."

"Well, you and your princess posse can take this and-"

Logan starts playing his bongos, stopping Gustavo from yelling. "Everybody chill it out and hop aboard the Logan Train," He mimics the sound of a train, moving to stand in front of Gustavo. "To Mellowville." He then boops Gustavo on the nose. "Bink. Chill." He added and played the bongos again.

Gustavo gets up from sitting on the edge of his desk while glaring at Logan. Logan's eyes grow wide when Gustavo knocks the bongos out of his hand. Then James had to make things worse by coming in with four bottles of spray tan and started spraying them. Andi, Kelly, Kendall, and Gustavo quickly left the room and went into a nearby storage room. Gustavo closes the door after he got in.

Kelly glances at Andi before looking at Gustavo. "They've got the fever, and it's bad."

"Yeah," Andi nods. "I've never seen anyone get the Hollywood Fever this bad before." She was being serious. The three of them had gone completely bonkers, and she had no idea how to fix it.

"And this heat is only making their symptoms worse." Gustavo pointed out.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait." Kendall looks at each of them with surprise. "You guys know about the Hollywood Fever?"

Gustavo nods. "It's broken up nearly everyone of my bands. It starts with tanning or bongos. Before you know it, they quit to start movie careers or they move to Canada to live among the moose."

"Like Boyquake." Andi remembered the band. They had been one of Gustavo's biggest successes, but they had fallen victim to the Hollywood Fever and disbanded shortly thereafter. It was a sad day for the music industry, but Gustavo had moved on. Though she was worried about the boys, she didn't want them to lose their band over it.

Gustavo winces. "Yeah, let's not talk about them."

"We have to snap them out of this before it is permanent." Kelly was just as worried as Andi. She loved the guys, despite how many headaches they gave her, and didn't want anything bad to happen to them.

"We must divide and conquer." Gustavo dramatically said. He points at Kendall. "Kendall, you take bongo boy and drum some sense into him."

Gustavo points at Andi and Kelly. "Andi, Kelly, find Carlos and remind him that he's not a Jennifer!" He points at himself. "And I am getting a shrink for James."


Andi and Kelly had a bit of trouble thinking of something that would bring Carlos back to normal, but Andi came up with an idea that she thinks Carlos would want to do. She figured if he saw one of them do it then he would want to do it also because of how fun it looked.

"Hi, Carlos!" Andi greeted him when he and the Jennifers walked into the lobby. Carlos does a double take when he sees the shopping cart slingshot she and Kelly made, and then pretended like he didn't care.

"Andi, Kelly, what are you doing here?" He asked, acting like he wasn't interested.

"Just trying this awesome shopping cart slingshot we made." Andi smirked, keeping the shopping cart in place.

Kelly looks at Carlos with a grin. "Care to try it out?"

Carlos looks at the shopping cart slingshot, doing his best to hide his excitement. Andi really thought that he was going to cave in. Carlos looks at the two Jennifers who shake their heads. He looks back at Andi and Kelly. "Care to try out my forget it?"

"Burn." "He brought it." The Jennifers complimented Carlos' comeback.

Carlos lowers his sunglasses, looking at the shopping cart slingshot. "It does look really cool, though." Andi hoped that meant he was going to try it out, but her hopes were crushed when the two Jennifers pull him back when he stepped forward.

"Last chance. I'm getting in." Kelly warned, waving the extra helmet she had at Carlos.

Andi looks at her with a worried expression. "Wait, mom, we haven't put any padding at the end yet."

Carlos looks at the Jennifers again and the two shake their heads so Carlos crosses his arms along with them. Kelly angrily drops the helmet in the cart. "Carlos, get in the cart! You've got the Hollywood Fever!"

Andi's eyes grow wide when her mom accidentally hit the lever that make the shopping cart slingshot forward. Andi lost her grip on it when her mom hit the lever and all she could do was watch in horror. Carlos and the Jennifers were quick to move to the side as Kelly flew past them, ending up crashing into a luggage cart full of suitcases.


Andi, Kelly, and Kendall were back at Rocque Records now. Kelly was fine but she did have a few bruises and Andi noticed that Kendall now had on a hockey jersey and even brought his hockey gear with him.

"Okay, Hollywood Fever progress check." Gustavo turns around in his chair, facing Andi, Kelly, and Kendall who sat in front of him. The three of them cringed when they see he had been sprayed with the tanning spray. "We have made no progress."

Kelly looks at Kendall. "How come all of your friends got Hollywood Fever and you didn't?"

Gustavo points at Kendall. "Because he has a normal brain, and his friends have the brain of a cricket." He takes his sunglasses off. "New plan. Kendall, you're going solo. Or you and Andi could be a duet."

Andi shakes her head. "I'm not replacing the guys." Her heart flutter at the idea of being a duet with Kendall, but she had to stay focus. This wasn't the time for her to think about her crush on him.

"And I don't wanna go solo." Kendall said, standing up and points at Gustavo. "They may just be a singing group to you, but they're my best friends."

Kendall goes to grab his hockey gear as he speaks. "Now I'm gonna do what I always do when you, this town, and this heat gets to me. I'm hitting the rink to figure things out."

He opens the door just as Kelly turns to look at him. "Wait, the rink?"

Kendall nods. "Yeah, the ice and the cold helps me clear my head and remind me where I came from."

Andi's eyes widen. "Wait a minute, repeat what you just said."

"The ice and the cold helps me clear my head and remind me where I came from." Kendall repeated. Pointing at Andi, a look of realization forms on his face. Andi nodded, grinning while she pointed back at him.

Gustavo furrows his eyebrows. "Why are you two looking at each other and saying things twice?"

Kendall walks over to Gustavo. "Don't you see? I never got the Hollywood Fever because I never lost touch with my roots." He explained.

Andi and Kelly stands up while Kelly speaks. "And maybe Hollywood Fever is a fancy word for..."

"Homesickness!" Andi finished her sentence and Kelly nodded in agreement. Andi had to admit it made a lot more sense now that she thought about it. The boys had been gone for so long that their homesickness was manifesting in the form of Hollywood Fever. She felt stupid for not seeing it sooner, but she was glad she and Kendall figured it out.

Gustavo stands up, slamming his hands on his desk. "Get the dogs to the ice rink now!"

Andi waves her arms around dramatically. "How are we gonna get Carlos to the ice rink if we couldn't even get him to ride a shopping cart slingshot?"

"What if we bring the ice to them?" Kendall suggested.


After getting some shaved ice from Katie and Buddha Bob, Andi and Kendall made a lot of snowballs and each went separate ways. Kendall went to get James while Andi handled Carlos. Andi found Carlos in the lobby with the two Jennifers. She quickly got a few snowballs from the duffle bag she carried and threw two of them at Carlos.

"Hey!" Carlos exclaims, looking at her with a glare. "This is silk!"

Andi just smiled sweetly and threw another one at him. Carlos let out a scream and went after her. She yelped, her eyes widening and she quickly turned around and ran away from him. Kendall soon caught up with her with an angry James catching up to him. Andi noticed Logan sitting on top of a table when they run out to the pool area so she grabs a few snowballs from the duffle bag she has. She threw them at Logan once she got near him. Andi stayed behind while Carlos and James continue to chase after Kendall.

"Woah, woah, bad vibes." Logan noticed.

Andi rolls her eyes and grabs a snowball from the duffle bag. "Snap out of it!" She shouted and threw the snowball at him.

Logan looks at her with a glare. "Not cool, Andi!" He got off the table and she started running after the others as he begins to chase her. They eventually get to the park where they had Buddha Bob make snow from his new machine he has. Carlos, James, Logan, and even the Jennifers looked at the snow with surprise and excitement.

Gustavo gets up from his hiding place he built with the snow, holding up some snowballs. "Fire at will!"

Katie, Camille, Tyler, and even some others had join in on the snowball fight. Everyone on the right side of the park starts throwing snowballs at Carlos, James, Logan, and the Jennifers. Eventually Carlos, James, and Logan got back to normal and had fun with the snowball fight along with everyone else.

"Goodbye heat wave, and goodbye Hollywood Fever." Gustavo smiled, standing next to Kelly.

The two look in front of them with wide eyes when they were suddenly hit with snowballs. Andi and Kendall had joined Carlos, James, and Logan and had thrown the snowballs at the two. Gustavo and Kelly start throwing snowballs back at the five. In the end everyone had a great time beating the heat by having a snowball fight.

At one point, Kendall had grabbed Andi's hand and the two went to hide behind a tree. The snowball fight turned out to be a perfect remedy for the Hollywood Fever that had gripped Carlos, James, Logan, and the Jennifers. As they laughed and played in the makeshift winter wonderland, it was as if the heat and stress of Hollywood had melted away.

Andi couldn't help but smile as she dodged snowballs and joined in the fun with Kendall and the others. There was something magical about the way the snow brought everyone together, washing away their worries and replacing them with pure joy.

When Kendall grabbed her hand and pulled her behind a tree, Andi's heart skipped a beat. She glanced up at him, her cheeks flushed from the excitement of the snowball fight. For a moment, it felt like they were the only two people in the world, surrounded by the peaceful tranquility of the snow-covered park.

"Thanks for helping me figure out the whole Hollywood Fever thing," Kendall said, his voice soft as he looked down at her.

Andi smiles up at him, feeling a warm flutter in her chest. "No problem. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?"

"Right." Kendall chuckled, a sparkle in his green eyes. He reached down and gently brushed a snowflake off of her nose, making Andi's breath hitch. She couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking about kissing her. Because honestly she was thinking about kissing him. 

But then suddenly, a snowball hit Kendall square in the face, breaking the moment. Andi burst into a fit of giggles as Kendall shook the snow out of his hair. "I'm gonna get you for that, Carlos!" He called out to a laughing Carlos, who had gotten a head start with running away from him. 

Kendall winked at Andi before chasing after his friend, and Andi's heart fluttered again. Even if the magic of the moment was broken, the memory of it would stay with her forever. And she couldn't help but hope that someday, their shared moments would turn into something more. 

A/N kendi <3

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