CHAPTER TWO, big time auditions (part two)

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Now the group (besides Gustavo) was at LA at the Palm Woods and Andi was walking besides her mom in front of the group. Kendall's mom, Jennifer, and his younger sister, Katie, was with them as she and her mom guided them to the Palm Woods. Andi was so relieved she was back in LA and not in such a cold state anymore.

"Welcome to the Palm Woods, home of the future famous." Kelly smiled.

They stop near a palm tree, watching as Jennifer touches it. "That's the first palm tree I've ever touched." She said with a wide smile on her face.

Andi chuckles lightly, smiling a little. "I have a feeling you guys will like it here." She commented, smiling at the group. Though her gaze lingered on Kendall, who was smiling back at her. His smile made her heart skip a beat and she looked away quickly, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

"Every year, kids and parents from all over the world come here looking for fame in tv, movies, and music." Kelly explained as they walk to the front of the building.

"Oh, hey. There's that funny kid from the juice box commercial." Kendall pointed out to the red-haired boy that was walking up the stairs with his mom.

"I just want my childhood back!" He exclaimed, trying to run away from his mom, who dragged him up the stairs.

"Tyler, let's go." His mom said while they walked past the group.

Andi and Kelly share a look. "Okay," She drags out the word, sheepishly smiling at the others. "Let's just go inside." Andi suggested and Kelly nodded, agreeing with her.

"The rooms are clean, you're close to the studio, and there is an amazing pool." Kelly told them about the hotel. Just as she finished the sentence, the boys dropped their luggage and run towards where the pool would be.

Andi laughs. "It's like they've never seen a pool before."

Jennifer shrugs her shoulders. "It's been a while." She spoke sheepishly, chuckling slightly.

Andi goes outside to where she was hoping she would find the boys and sees them laying on four lawn chairs. She notices Camille in a purple sparkly dress sobbing while walking away from them. When Camille walked past her she stopped sobbing and smiled at her.

"Hi, Andi!" She greeted cheerfully.

Andi smiles at Camille. "Hey, Camille." She and Camille were great friends. They've been best friends for years now and she always enjoyed to hang out with Camille. She waved at Camille, watching her walk past her and continue sobbing as she walked into the lobby. Camille was a method actress. It was a little weird at first, but Andi was used to it. She walks towards the boys, stopping in front of them. She notices their confused or shocked looks on theri faces and figured they just met Camille. "I'm guessing you just met Camille?"

Nodding, Kendall looks at her. "If you're talking about the girl that just slapped me and called me Troy, then yeah."

"Yeah." Andi chuckles lightly, nodding in response. "That's her. She's an actress and is always practicing for different types of roles." She explained to them.

"That makes a lot more sense." Logan realized.

"Is that Andi?" She hears a voice say and she looks over at the trashcan near them. Kendall takes the top of it off. Tyler pops out and looks over at Andi. He smiles. "Hey, Andi."

Andi nods at him, looking at him with a small smile. "Hey, Tyler. Your mom still hasn't stopped yet?" She asked softly, looking at Tyler with sympathy.

Tyler shakes his head. "Sadly, no."

"So, is everyone an actor?" Logan asks Andi and Tyler. He then looks at Andi. "Or actress?" He quickly added and Andi chuckled. She appreciated the correction, but it wasn't really needed. She found him sweet to do that though.

Andi shakes her head. "No. Everyone's not an actor. There are singers, musicians, dancers, and more. There are a lot of just normal people here too." She explained, knowing the boys would be confused if she didn't. She didn't want them to feel overwhelmed and out of place.

Tyler nods. "Yeah, that's guitar dude." He pointed over to the guy sitting near them in one of the chairs by a table. He had long hair and wore sunglasses. "He's a 'songwriter'." Tyler said, using air quotations when he said, songwriter.

"What's up." Guitar Dude said to them. Carlos nodded and smiled. Guitar Dude then stood and started playing his guitar he has with him.

"What's up? What's up? What's up? Yeah."

Then they hear a dog bark and they look at the other side of the pool. "That's Lightening."

Tyler, who was now out of the trashcan, nods. "The tv wonder dog."

The boys look over at Lightening who waves at them. "He's good." Kendall commented.

Andi glances over at the door when she heard footsteps, sighing in annoyance when she sees the Jennifers. "And of course, there's the Jennifers."

Carlos looks at her, tilting his head to the side. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Tyler looks at them. "Andi the Jennifers don't really get along. Nobody knows why. Not even them."

Andi nods. "He's right." She rolls her eyes. "And honestly, I don't care if we get along. They're like the mean girls from every high school movie." She complained, crossing her arms and scowling slightly.

Logan raises an eyebrow. "So, what? They're like, the queens of the Palm Woods?"

Andi scoffs. "Hardly. They just think they are." Andi couldn't stand their attitude and the way they always acted like they were better than everyone else.

As if on cue, the Jennifers approach, their noses high in the air and their eyes scanning the area for potential targets. Andi's expression turns sour as they draw nearer. "Ugh, here they come." She muttered under her breath.

James glances at the door, seeing the Jennifers walk their way. "They can't be that bad."

"3 girls all have the same name, who sing, dance, and act." Tyler moved a fan that was nearby towards them that makes their hair blow while they walk. Andi doesn't understand why he did that, to make them look cool she guesses. She thought it was dumb.

Andi looks at the four boys seeing them all staring at the Jennifers as they walk by and she frowns. This was one of the things she feared for really anyone. Anyone falling in love with the Jennifers was never a good thing.

"Hey, Andi," One of the Jennifers chirps, her voice dripping with insincerity. "Having fun with your little group of misfits?"

Andi forces a tight-lipped smile. "I was until you three showed up." She spat, shooting the Jennifers a glare.

She watches as their faces scrunch up with anger, their eyes narrowing at her. She wasn't afraid of them, not one bit. "Well, we wouldn't want to disturb your precious time with these losers. I mean, who are they anyway?" She asked, waving her hand dismissively.

"We're in a band." James spoke up.

"Really?" The Jennifers speaks as if they were excited about it. "Oh my gosh!"

The boys look at each other while smiling as they look back at the Jennifers. The brunette haired one spoke up next. "And we're actresses who don't care."

Andi glances back at the boys seeing that James frowned and Logan looked away. Carlos was the only one who didn't seem to realize what was happening. "Wanna go to the movies tonight?" He asked with a smile and Andi sighed heavily.

"Are you guys starring in the movie?" The blonde Jennifer asked.

Carlos shakes his head. "No."

The curly brunette headed Jennifer leaned forward and said, "Then no."

"If that seems harsh, it's because it is. And so is this town, so.." The brunette Jennifer said and they put their matching sunglasses back on.

They look over at Andi and glare at her. "Andi."

She glares back at them. "Jennifers."

They turn back to the boys and wave. "Later." They say together in unison and walk back to the table they were walking to earlier.

"I'm so in love." Carlos smiled dreamily, laying back on the chair with his hands behind his head.

Andi rolls her eyes and sighs. "Don't." She warned him.

"They are really pretty." Kendall says and Andi groans, slapping a hand to her forehead. "Why are you so against the idea of liking the Jennifers?" He asked her, tilting his head to the side curiously.

"I just don't think you should like them." She tells him. "

They're not genuine people, Kendall. They're superficial and they only care about themselves and their image. Trust me, you don't want to get involved with them." Andi explained, hoping Kendall would understand her point of view.

Kendall nods slowly, understanding her concerns. "Okay, I get it. Thanks for looking out for us, Andi." He smiled at her gratefully.

Andi's cheeks turned a slight pink color and she smiles a little. "You're welcome." She was thankful that he understood her point of view and she hoped he would stay away from the Jennifers.

"Okay, reality check. We have to promise ourselves now that we're not gonna let this singing thing or this town changes us. We are 4 hockey players from Minnesota, and we can never forget that. Do we all agree?" Kendall asked his friends.

His friends nod in agreement. "Yes."

Kendall looks over at Andi. "And to make sure that this happens, you should make sure we don't forget also."

Andi's wide grow wide and she immediately shakes her head. "What? Don't drag me into this." She whined.

Kendall looks at her with puppy dog eyes. "Please?" He pleaded. Andi's expression turned soft. He was very hard to say no to and his puppy dog eyes were so cute. It wasn't fair. How could she say no to that face? She let out a sigh and sent him a weak smile.

"Fine." She gave in, nodding slightly. Kendall cheered with his friends and grinned as he stood to pull her in for a hug. She tensed when his arms wrap around her waist and her face heated up.

"Thank you." He murmured, resting his chin on the top of her head.

Andi relaxes in his embrace and her arms wrap around his torso. "You're welcome." She smiled warmly, closing her eyes and taking in his scent. She had to admit, he smelled really good. Plus she enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms, even though she had just met him. It was comforting and she felt safe in his arms.

"I'll help you guys not go famous crazy." Andi reassured him as they reluctantly pull away from the hug. She hoped she could help them, but she had a feeling she wouldn't be able to. But she was going to try.

**ten minutes later**

Andi is now standing nearby the pool, looking at the boys who were on pool floaties in the pool. "Once you've drink from a coconut, there's no goin' back." Kendall stated.

"So true." Carlos, Logan, and James agreed.

Andi rolls her eyes, putting one hand on her hip. "You guys remember that pack you made 10 minutes ago?"

Carlos looks up at her with confusion. "The what?"

Andi sighs. "Never mind. The sun already got to your brain." She mumbled under her breath, turning around and walking towards the lobby. She knew they weren't going to take their vow seriously and she did try helping them to keep that pact, but she just gave up at one point. She walked into the lobby to find her mom. Kelly glanced up at her phone, noticing Andi walking into the lobby. She smiled, hanging up her phone.

"Hey, honey." She greets, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and smiling down at her. "Everything okay?" She asked, noticing the slight annoyance in her expression.

"The boys aren't taking their promise seriously. They're already turning into Hollywood wannabes." Andi groaned, shaking her head in disapproval as she leaned her head on Kelly's shoulder.

Kelly sighs. "Oh, honey. That's Hollywood for ya. Just give them some time, they'll learn soon enough. I noticed the Jennifers, you alright?" She asked, running a hand through her daughter's hair comfortingly.

Andi shrugs her shoulders. "I'm used to the Jennifers. Their insults don't get to me anymore. They're like water off a duck's back." She responded.

Kelly smiles a little. "That's my girl. I'm proud of you." She told her.

"Thanks, mom." Andi murmured, hugging her mother. She knew it would take a lot of effort to get the boys not to change, but she was willing to do whatever it takes to keep them from going Hollywood crazy. She would hate to see the sweet and caring boys turn into the arrogant, mean, and self-centered Hollywood jerks that were known for their awful attitudes and lack of respect for others. She could tell they had a lot of potential and that they could do great things in the music industry, but if they went Hollywood crazy, it could all be ruined. She was determined to keep that from happening. No matter what.


Andi follows her mom back outside to where the boys were standing near the Jennifers. "I'm gone for a few minutes and they're already trying to get with the Jennifers." She muttered under her breath, scowling slightly. She noticed Kendall wasn't so she was glad that maybe at least he was listening to her advice. It made her feel a bit better.

"Okay, mom's all checked in, your sister complained again that she has no friends, so your mom let her watch 'shark cage' on fox and now it's time to start Gustavo's boyband boot camp." Kelly told them, looking at what the boys were looking at. She looked over at Andi for an explanation.

"They're looking at the Jennifers." Andi sighed.

Kelly nods. "Ah, makes sense."

"Sorry, they're a little busy." Kendall apologized, sending Andi and her mom an apologetic smile.

Andi shakes her head. "I warned you." She muttered under her breath, knowing this was only the beginning.

"I'm also busy. And they won't go for you until you're famous so let's roll." Kelly started walking off. Andi followed her and glanced over her shoulder, making sure the boys were following them. Kendall was, but the others were still paying attention to the Jennifers.

Kendall stops and looks over at them. "Guys, c'mon." He sighed, gesturing for them to follow him.

"Woah, woah, woah. Kelly, Andi. Clearly, you don't understand the power of the..." James gestured to his face dramatically with a smirk as his friends point at him. Kendall did too, but he looked more annoyed than the others.

Andi and Kelly share a look, neither one impressed. Andi crosses her arms and looks at James with an unimpressed expression. " "Okay, this will be interesting." Andi put her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow at the boys. She watched the boys look at the Jennifers as James walked over to them.

"Ladies, I don't think we properly introduced..." James starts to say but then the Jennifers throw their drinks at the boys. Kendall had been the only one who didn't get hit, he had stepped to the side quickly after realizing what was happening. He had stood closer to Andi, not wanting to get covered in the fruity drinks. He had moved to stand slightly behind her, his hands on her shoulders as they watch the other three get drenched. Her heart skipped a beat when he had done that. She liked him standing close to her though. "Ourselves." He finished and Andi couldn't help but chuckle.

She looks over at Kelly with a grin. "I told ya this would be interesting." She said and her mom chuckled.

"It's only gonna get more interesting, trust me." Kelly responded, knowing this would only be the start.

"Okay, let's go to boot camp." Kendall finally decided after sharing a look with his friends, tossing an arm around Andi's shoulder once he moved to stand by her side. Andi's heart skipped a beat again, but she smiled slightly and couldn't help but lean into his touch. His heart fluttered at that and he smiled warmly, happy that she was comfortable with him.

Andi glances at him and the others with a smile. "Alright boys, let's go."

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