Chapter 2: Long Time No See

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|| Coral ||

[Two and a half years later]

The hustling and bustling of the café were like music to my ears. The aroma of fresh coffee being brewed, servers fumbling around, and people chatting at the tables has been my life for the last two years.

I loved to stay busy. It made a lot of things easier on me, helped me to stay distracted most of the time.

But unfortunately, I had to leave my beloved café for a while.

"What? You're going to California?" Millianna hollered once I announced the news. She has been my first server since I started my café, also my closest friend around here. At first, the café wasn't going that well, but then, with our hard work and perseverance, my café became one of the most popular ones in Houston.

"How long are you gonna be gone?" inquired the part-time chef, Joseph. He was a sweet university student who would often try to hit on me.

"For fifteen days," I replied, and their jaws dropped.

"You're kidding, right? Why the hell didn't you say something like that earlier?" Millianna asked, glaring at me.

"Because I knew you'd react like this," I said honestly. "Anyway, Mily, I'm leaving the café in your capable hands." I handed her the keys and grabbed the hilt of my luggage. "I need to get going now." I had dropped by here on my way to the airport.

Millianna sighed. "Fine, I guess, even workaholics like you need a break. You have never stopped working for a single day ever since you started this café."

I gave her a half-smile and said, "I'm not going for a break. I've got work to do there."

"What work?" asked Daisy, another of the servers.

"I've got a wedding to plan. It's my best friend's wedding," I let out in excitement.

"Wow, that's great. Congratulations to her!" Millianna exclaimed in excitement. She had met Ara before, and they had gotten really well. Then again, anyone got along with Ara. "But I'm sad that I didn't get any invitations."

"Oh, no, no, Ara wanted to invite you, but she's keeping her guest list really short since she wants a simple wedding. So, I'm sorry on her behalf," I clarified.

"Please, I was kidding." Millianna laughed.

"Even so, you're gonna be away for that long?" Joseph asked with a sad look on his face.

I nodded and smiled. "Ara and her fiancé have done a lot for me. They let me stay with them for four months after my mom passed away." I would never forget what Ara and Theo did for me back then. They picked me up from the peak of despair and helped me get over the depression I had fallen into. "That's why I want to return that favor even just a little bit by making it the best wedding ever."

"I bet you will!" all of my employees cheered, and it filled my chest with warmth.

I was glad that I decided to move to Texas after I stopped mooching off Ara and Theo in New York. Because Texas gave me everything I needed at that time to start afresh.

I have been living here happily ever since then.

But now, it was time to go back to the place where I was born and raised—California.

I had no home there anymore, so I'd just stay in a hotel that was booked for VIP guests.

Therefore, after parting with my café employees, I boarded the flight to San Francisco. Once I was seated, I grabbed whatever magazine was lying ahead of me.

It happened to be a business magazine, and its cover had familiar gray eyes staring right into my soul. But somehow, they weren't so familiar anymore. The eyes which once held warmth and love were now cold and lifeless.

I glanced over the headline which read, "Youngest Businessman of the Year, Wyatt Reeves."

I scoffed.

Of course, he was that successful now. After all, he didn't have an annoyance consuming his time anymore.

As I was about to throw away the magazine, I remembered that I would have to see Wyatt sooner or later. After all, Wyatt was Theo's cousin. So, unless he turned out to be a massive asshole who would skip his own cousin's wedding, I'd be seeing him soon.

I might as well try to get used to his face before I actually have to meet him. But God, no. I wanted to see him as least as possible.

I even sincerely hoped he wouldn't come before the wedding since he was all that busy. Now, I was even hoping he actually skipped the wedding.

Considering his past records, to be honest, I wouldn't even be that surprised. But Theo and Ara would be hurt.

I shoved back the magazine where it was and grabbed another magazine to pass my time.

But I couldn't help the thoughts that started haunting me.

Ara and Theo started dating around the same time as me and Wyatt. They were now getting married. Where did I go wrong for our relationship to not have lasted? Could there have been something I could've done to save it, instead of abruptly breaking up? Maybe I would be getting married as wel—

No, stop. You don't love him anymore. Stop thinking about the past, I told myself and concentrated back on the magazine, gulping down the dull ache that threatened to start burning.

I was prepared to meet Wyatt at the wedding. I'd show him that I didn't care about him anymore—which was the truth.

After four hours of flight, I landed in San Francisco and got in a cab to get to the hotel I was supposed to be staying in. I texted Ara about my arrival since she said she would come to see me, but I forbade her since it was already late at night.

The five-star hotel was, as expected, luxurious and nice. I entered the hotel lobby and made my way to the front desk.

"Yes, how may I help you?" asked the receptionist with a kind smile.

"I'm supposed to have a room under Coral Hawkins here," I told her.

"Let me check. Yes, I've got your room. Can I see your ID, please?"

I handed her my ID and started looking around the golden outlines of the lobby. It would be a nice place to hang out if I got bored. But my first goal was to hit the beach.

I was grinning at the thought when someone stopped beside me and that person's voice froze me. "Excuse me, I should have a room booked under the name of Wyatt Reeves here. Here's my ID."

No... it can't be. He shouldn't be here yet.

My heart thumped loudly as I turned my neck around in slow motion, and when I did, I was met with those captivating gray eyes.

My breath hitched.

He had become even more handsome in real life than those magazine covers. He now even had stubble, which I must admit, made him look more attractive. His sand blonde hair was brushed back, unlike how I used to like it disheveled. More than anything, he emitted the perfect arrogant businessman aura, nothing like that friendly cheerful high school senior I had once known.

"Hey... Coral," Wyatt managed to say, and that snapped me out of my trance.

Shit, I was making a fool out of myself in front of my ex by gaping like that.

"Hi, Wyatt!" I greeted in a voice a little too loud to be normal and smiling so widely to show off all my thirty-two sparkling white teeth. God, I ought to know better acting. "Long time no see." The words tasted bitter in my mouth. "How have you been?"

"I have been well. What about you?" he asked naturally, putting on a small smile. For some reason, that made me angry. Somewhere in the corner of my mind, even if it was unjustified, I had been hoping that maybe, just maybe, he was miserable after I left him.

But no, he seemed happy. And has been happy. Without me.

Even now, my presence didn't faze him. His breath didn't hitch after seeing me. Why did he get to be so happy when I mentally suffered so much after our breakup?

Geez, I was the one who was acting like those jealous exes now.

"Never been better," I responded, still smiling widely. "But I'm surprised to see you here so soon. I was expecting to see you at the wedding directly."

"Ah, well, Theo threatened to expose some not-so-embarrassing photos if I didn't agree with him, so here I am. I'll work online from the hotel and help out with everything I can," he said.

I nodded and turned to the receptionist who handed me my keys. I was about to take off when I heard Wyatt mumble, "I liked your hair better when it was longer."

I turned to Wyatt, and for a moment, I saw the way he once used to look at me with love, but that couldn't be true. It was my eyes playing tricks on me. Because it was gone the next second.

I cleared my throat and responded with a tight-lipped smile, "That's the exact reason I cut it shorter." With that, I turned back and walked straight to the elevator without looking back. Because that's how it was supposed to be.

I was not supposed to look back at him anymore. He was only someone who broke my heart in the past. No one else. He didn't mean anything now. And that wasn't going to change due to the mere fact that we met again.


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