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Thank you BookCoverHouse & ILikeBaconStrips for the amazing cover!

As I walked towards the run down dinner I saw in the distance my hair hanging loosely around my face ,strands of red and white falling in my line of vision. My blue and red leather jacket tied around my waist due to the heat being to much in it. My ray gun hitting against my leg as I walked. Twigs and sand crunching under my black dust covered boots. My maroon bandana over my mouth and nose.

The sun beating down on me as I walked. As I got closer I noticed a car that looked in good working order. I took my ray gun in my hand and started walking slowly. I took my binoculars out of my bag and looked at the dinner.

I zoomed in on the windows of the diner , focusing the lenses I looked through the window searching for someone until I heard a gun being loaded behind me. "Stand up , and put your gun on the floor" I heard a muffled voice say. I lowered my binoculars and put my gun on the floor and pushing it to the side. I stood up slowly facing forward , breathing in heavily.

"Turn around " the voice spoke. I slowly turned my hands up. When I turned around I saw a guy a bit taller then me with messy red hair ,pale skin, a yellow mask,a red bandana over his mouth ,a blue, red and white leather jacket and some grey jeans. He had a yellow gun pointed at me it has motor oil covering it in places. "Name" he said. I looked at him through my googles "vice violence" I replied quietly "age, family and favorite music genre".

" 26, no family I'm an orphan and my favorite music genre is Rock " I replied a bit louder "name , age and favorite book" I asked him. "Party poison, 28 and my favorite book is hamlet" he lowered his gun and put it in his gun holder. "Why were you stalking my group?" He asked picking up my gun and holding it put to me.
I took it slowly slipping it into my pocket as I did so I replied " I wasn't stalking you , just looking for a place to stay but I'll leave , sorry" I started walking in the other direction away from the diner.

"Wait" I felt a hand on my shoulder "if you want you can stay with us at the diner , there's plenty of booths in there " he gave me a small smile. "Are you sure?" I asked quietly, he nodded in reply "yep! Us killjoys have to look out for each other after all" he put his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side with a strong grip. I felt my face heat up and butterflies in my stomach starting to flutter "o-ok" my voice came out with a stutter a high octave to it.

Party chuckled shaking his head grinning. "Well then let's get going , to your new home " and with that we started walking towards the dinner together. As the blistering heat from the sun died down as the sun set behind us.

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