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It was pouring rain. It almost felt like the rain followed wherever I go. I groaned, deciding to keep moving forward.

Y'know, I didn't think I'd make it this far, especially since I barely had any survival training.

The night was cold, so dark, and quiet. But the sound of the raindrops crashing onto the ground relaxed me.

The only source of light that helped me see was the moon, the moonlight barely shining from behind the tall trees. I was beginning to think this was getting hopeless. I'm helpless, cold and kinda injured.

I was limping, my arm was scratched and my clothes were soaking wet from the rain. I was also almost beginning to think my life was over.

I took a quick break under a tree, it's leaves acting as an umbrella for me. I sighed and leaned against the trunk of the tree. I stared up at the leaves, shielding the raindrops away from me.

Sometimes I'd wish that there's something worth living and waiting for. But now it's all useless, I reached a dead end.

I felt the barriers breaking, struggling to keep the tears in. I took deep breaths, trying not to make a fool out of myself in the forest while a bunch of forest animals stared.

Giant birds were standing on a giant tree branch, gazing down at me like I'm a worthless baby chick.

The next thing I knew, it was morning, unless I think so. The weather was warm and had a hint of breeze. I got up and stood out of the shadows of the tree.

The bright light and warmth of the sun roamed against my skin. It felt like a hug I have been lacking for years ever since I was a child.

Suddenly, I hear singing along with music as well. It had a nice melody and beat to it. I didn't bother try singing along because it's not something I'm very good at.

But then I realized that there could be other trolls around! I quickly made my way and followed the lovely sound of music.

I felt like the thing keeping my leg from limping was entirely gone and I could run freely. My arms felt like they were wings and I could fly. Obviously I can't but it still felt wonderful.

I saw a giant mountain that was heavily steep separating me from the music. I took a quick stretch and extended my hair into a grappling hook, latching it onto a sturdy branch. Once I knew my hair wasn't loose, I started climbing up while pulling onto my hair.

It took a while to get to the top but it was worth it. I saw the lovely colors and the bright and energetic trolls. They were so happy and joyful. Their voices were in perfect harmony, their dance moves in sync, oh it was stunning.

But then I realized how much of a mess I was compared to them. Leaves were stuck in my hair, my dress almost completely ruined. I was wearing a rag, in fact.

My home village wasn't very festive with the outfits. Sometimes I'm still surprised I survived that piece of dump.

I sneakily search around, looking for some sort of Lost And Found booth.

And I'll admit, it wasn't easy being unnoticed. Everyone was almost staring, giving me these looks like I'm some sort of Bergen.

I finally arrived at this some sort of Inn. I saw that it provided a free night only for this "special occasion".

So I took the opportunity and took a nice warm shower. For the rest of the night, I gained all the rest I needed to make up for the restless nights in the woods.

The next morning, I wore this warm green dress with sleeves that almost reached my elbows. It was given by this sweet ol' troll who happened to have sewing as her hobby. She saw me wearing the disaster of an outfit and sewed me the green dress.

Right after I put it on, I came to checkout on the main desk.

The lady runnin' the desk took a look at me, concerned and hesitated to check me out.
"And your name is?"

"Seana, Seana Reeves," I smiled.



This may contain a TINY bit of OC x canon character shipping.

But don't worry, it's not entirely based about it. So, please don't @ me.

Anyway, I hope ya'll will like this and have a good time reading

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