four. you are invited

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chapter four!

season 1, episode 2 - summer dress (pt.1)!

THE NEXT DAY, Mia was sleeping. Her mother came in her room, holding an envelope. "Mia, wake up. Something came in the mail for you." she whispered. Mia slowly opened her eyes, seeing her mother's figure. "What? Oh, hi mom." Mia stated, yawning. Sandra hands her the envelope, prompting her to see what was inside. Mia opened a letter.

Dear Mia Knight,

You have been selected to attend the annual debutante ball! This is a very special opportunity to inspire girls such as yourself! You must wear a white gown the night of the dance! We hope you are excited to join us on July 3 at 2:30 pm!

Address: xxxxxxx Avenue, Country Club


The Debutante Commitee

"I got in! I got in!" She exclaimed, hugging her mother.  Alex walked into the room, rubbing his eyes.  "What are you shouting about?" he asked, yawning.

"Your sister just got accepted to attend the debutante ball!" their mother answered, causing the boy's face to light up.  "Oh my god!"  His sister extended her arms, allowing him to hug her.  "And.. there's something for you too."

Alex quickly opened it and read his letter, "I got accepted too!" Mia held his hands as they both jumped up and down with excitement.

"You two should start getting ready. I can't wait to tell your dad!" their mother stated as she left Mia's room.

Once they left, Mia grabbed her phone off the nightstand. Opening her messages, she goes to the group chat that her and Cam are sharing.

Fake Dating

Knight in Shining Armor

Morning, Cameron.  Could you please drive me to the debutante tea party today? I'll text you the address.


Morning, Knight. Sure. What time does it start?

Knight in Shining Armor



Okay. See you later, Knight

Knight in Shining Armor

Later, Cameron

After her and Alex ate their breakfast, Kiara called her, asking if they could hang out. Mia accepted, deciding to bring Alex along.

Changing into a pair of jean shorts and a t - shirt with sneakers, Mia grabbed her car keys. Alex came out of his room, ready to go. Saying goodbye to their parents, the two were out the door.

As Mia drove to the park, "Mariposa" played on the radio. "So are you excited to see Sam again?"

"Yeah, it'll be nice to get to know him better. He seemed kind of grumpy at the bonfire yesterday."

"Maybe he was having a rough day?" Mia questioned, focusing on the road. "Yes, maybe."

Mia eventually pulled in front of the park.  Her and Alex got out of the car, allowing her to lock it.  "Hi, Mia!" Kiara exclaimed as she pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, Kiara!" she exclaimed as she returned the hug.  "Hi." Alex stated, sending Sam a small wave.


Mia and Kiara were in full conversation already, walking on the trail. Alex and Sam walked behind the two, silence consuming them.

"So... how are you doing?" Alex asked, taking out a pack of Sour Patch Kids.

"I'm okay." Sam asked, looking around the park.  "Do you want some?"

"Some what?"


"Sure." Alex dumped some in Sam's hand, allowing him to eat some.

"So Sam, what brings you to Cousins Beach?"

"Well, my parents thought it would be good for me to finally get to meet my uncle and my cousin."

"How are you and Kia getting along?"

"It's okay... she's a bit much."

Alex laughed, causing Sam to look at him in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"The fact that you think she's a lot to handle. She's very nice when you get to know her. You two should get along in no time."

"Yeah, right." Sam muttered under his breath.  "What was that?" Alex asked.

"Nothing." Sam stated.  Alex continued to ask him questions, causing Sam to answer them.  For a boy he barely knew, he sure was curious.

AN HOUR HAD passed and it was time for Mia and Alex to leave.   "Bye, Kia.  See you later!" Mia stated.

"Bye, Mia! Bye, Alex!"

"Bye, Kia! Bye, Sam!"

Kia nudged the boy, forcing him to give Alex a small wave.  "See, was that so bad?"

"He sure knows how to ask a lot of questions." Sam stated, causing Kia to raise an eyebrow. "Alex? He's always like that. You just have to get used to it."


"We should get going too. We have a deb tea party to attend."

"We have what?"

"You have so much to learn."

BACK AT THE house, Mia had just finished showering.  As she took out her change of clothes, she noticed that Cam texted her.

Fake Dating


Hey, Knight.  What time should I get you?

Knight in Shining Armor

1:30. I'm almost ready


I'll start leaving in 15 minutes

Knight in Shining Armor

See you in a bit, Cameron


See you in a bit, Knight

Knight in Shining Armor

This is the address, xxxxxx Avenue, Country Club



Knight in Shining Armor


Wearing a white corset top, pink mesh skirt, pink heels, and pink floral lace gloves.  A white fascinator hat was placed on top of her braids.  Placing pink bow-knot shaped pearl earrings in her ears, she was ready to leave.   "Alex! Are you ready yet?"


CAM WAS AT his house. Wearing a striped shirt, shorts, and sneakers, he was ready to go. Grabbing an apple from the dining table, he bit into it. His mother, Denise, was frying some chicken at the moment. "Hey, mom." he stated as he kissed her cheek. "Hi, Cam. How are you doing today?"

"I'm doing good. What about you?"

"I'm okay."

"Just okay? You sure your alright, mom?"

"Yes, baby. I'm fine."

"Okay. But um, I'm going to leave soon. I have to pick up Mia and Alex and drop them off at the country club."

"That's great, sweetie! How are they doing, actually?"

"Their doing great. I hung out with Mia yesterday at the bonfire. It was nice."

"But its great that you two are hanging out again! You should ask her to come over some time, along with Alex."

"I'll ask her later."

"Okay, sweetie. Oh, one more thing. Your cousin, Angelina, is coming to stay with us for two weeks. She should be here by tomorrow."

"Angie? I haven't seen her in so long! I mean I face time her a lot but the last time I saw her in person was when I was like 8. Is Carlos coming too?"

"He isn't. He's at some music camp with his friends."

"Oh. But I've got to get going. Later, mom!" Cam stated as he kissed his mother goodbye. "Stay out of trouble!"

"I will!" Cam grabbed his car keys, opening the front door and closing it behind him.

ALEX CAME OUT of his room. Dressed in a short sleeved button up, pants, and sneakers, he was ready to go. "How are we going to get to the country club?"

"Cameron is driving us."

"Yes! Wait, why were you two hanging out yesterday?"

"We just decided to catch up."

"But didn't you tell me that you hated him like yesterday?"

"Yes but people can change, Alex. Do you like my hat?"

"It looks a bit tacky."

"This is what I have to wear to the country club today. Plus, all the girls wear it."

The two went into the kitchen. Their dad was making some baked mac and cheese. "Hey, dad!" the Knight siblings stated. "Hey, kids! I heard that you two will be attending the debutante ball this year!"

"I'm so excited to be a debutante!"

"I'm excited to dance!"

Their father chuckled as he hugged them. "You two are going to do great. I promise you. Do you guys want me to drive you?"

"No need. Cam's going to drive us." Alex answered. "That's great. Its nice that you and him are spending time together again, Mia."

"Yeah..." Mia excused herself, walking upstairs to grab her purse.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Alex exclaimed. He opened it, noticing Cam. "Hey, Cam! Mia, Cam's here!"

Mia grabbed her purse and walked down the stairs. "Hello, Cameron."

"Hi, Knight. Hello, Mr. Knight." Cam greeted as he shook the man's hand.

"Cam, long time no see. You kids be careful."

"We will."

"Bye, dad!" Alex and Mia exclaimed.

"Bye, kids!"

AS CAM DROVE his car, Mia couldn't help but get excited. She was going to finally be able to be escorted by her dream guy and dance the night away with him.

But first, she would have to interact with the other debutantes. How hard could it be?

Cam parked in front of the country club. Unlocking the car, he gets out of the driver seat. Opening the door for Mia, she gets out. "Thanks, Cameron."

"Wow, Knight. This like what? The third time you've thanked me."

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, Cameron."


Their so cute omg 😭 how I missed writing about them ☹️

Writing their banter is so fun tho 🤭 like wdym their throwing insults instead of flirting 💀

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