seven. fun and fireworks

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chapter seven!

season 1, episode 4 - summer heat!

Mia's outfit!

IT WAS THE FOURTH OF JULY and Mia was excited to go to the Fishers' household for the day.  Her and Alex had arrived at the house.  The two siblings went inside, quickly greeting Susannah and making their way to the back, where the beach was.  "Hey guys!" Alex called out, causing the other kids to notice. "Hey!" they all greeted.

Mia noticed a pitcher full of red liquid, her mouth watering. She was a bit thirsty at the moment, curious to drink it.  "Mia, hi! I'm so glad you could make it!" Belly exclaimed, pulling the girl into a hug.  Mia hugged her back, not wanting to be rude.  "Isabel, hi! I didn't want to miss out on the fun!"

The two eventually broke apart, awkwardly looking at each other.  "So... do you want something to drink?" Belly asked.  "Sure.  That red juice looks really good.  Could I try some?"

"Of course! One juice coming up." Belly answered, pouring Mia a glass.  "Thank you."  Mia drank some of it, cringing a bit at the taste.  It wasn't bad but it sure was strong.  While she continued drinking, Cam and Jeremiah entered the scene, greeting everyone. Conrad had offered Cam some of his drink but he declined.

Cam sat next to Belly, noticing Mia. A teasing smile slowly formed on his lips, "Hey, Knight.  Where's your sword?"  Mia rolled her eyes, "Rodriguez, I didn't expect you to be here! You know, since parties aren't really your scene."

"You're so annoying, Knight." Cam stated, earning a scoff from Mia. "Well, you're insufferable, Rodriguez." Belly sighed, "Can you two please get along for once? Aren't you guys friends anyways?"

"We're getting there." Mia answered, earning a confused look from Cam. The kids decided to play a drinking game, except Cam. A few drinks later, Mia decided to get a snack from the kitchen, leaving the beach.

Meanwhile, Alex was by the ocean, collecting shells.  Sam and Kiara had just arrived, leaving Kiara to talk to Alan and Olivia and Sam to roam around.  He noticed Alex, walking up to him.  "Need some help?" Sam asked, causing Alex to look up at him.  "Hey, Sam! Sure."

Sam knelt down, picking up some shells.  "How are you enjoying your Fourth of July today?" Alex asked.  "It's okay, I guess.  It could be better. What about you?" Sam stated, making Alex smile.  "It's good.  I'm excited to see my end of the bet win."

Sam rolled his eyes, "Well, you're wrong.  I'm going to win this bet and I'll get my prize."  Alex laughed, "Oh, you're so on, Delgado."

MIA WAS IN THE KITCHEN, eating some chips.  It didn't help that she was drunk and wasn't in the right state of mind at the moment.  "Knight? There you are, the others were wondering where you were." Cam stated, walking into the kitchen.  He grabbed a bottle of water, handing it to her.  "I'm - perfectly fine, Rodriguez.  I don't need - to drink water."

"Well, you do.  You're drunk, Knight."  Mia knitted her brows in confusion, "No, I'm not.  I drank juice."

"Knight, you accidentally drank pomegranate margarita.  That wasn't juice."  A look of panic was present on Mia's face, "Oh my god, my parents are - going to kill me! I - I can't be!"

"Knight, you need to drink the water.  Please."


"Drink the water."


"Knight, please!"  Mia looked up at him, "Your hair looks really soft."  Cam was taken aback by what she had just said, "What?"

"Your hair looks really soft.  How - how do you get it that curly?" Mia asked, giving Cam an idea.  "You think my hair is soft?"


"If you drink the water, I'll let you touch my hair."



"Fine." she said, pouting a bit as she took the bottle.  Unscrewing it, she drank the water, surprised from the sudden coldness.  "It's cold!"

"It'll help you, Knight.  Please drink more."  She sighed, drinking more of the water.  When she was finished, she threw it in the garbage.  Sitting down at the table, she gave Cam a puzzled look.  "Why are you being nice to me right now? You're never nice to me."

"I'm nice to you!"  Mia gave him a look, causing him to roll his eyes.  "Fine, maybe not.  But you're drunk right now and I want to help you.  Plus, I think it might be best if I took you home."

"Can I touch your hair now?" she asked, causing Cam to nod.  He walked closer to her, allowing her to touch his hair.  As she touched his curls, he couldn't help but feel his cheeks flush.  He didn't know why they were so red, especially now.

"Uh, I think we should start going now." Cam stated, causing Mia to slowly stop touching his hair.  The two walked out onto the front porch as Alex walked up to them.  "Hey, Cam.  Is Mia okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to take her to your house for a bit.  I'll come back to pick you up shortly."

"Okay.  Bye, Mia!"  Cam led her to his car, opening the front door for her.  He eventually followed suit, driving away.

The two of them arrived at the Knight household, getting out the car.  Getting to the front door, Cam looked at Mia.  "Can I have the key please?"

"Sure."  Giving him the key, Cam opened the door, allowing Mia to go in.  Her parents weren't home yet so Cam had some time to help her.  "You might need to shower." Cam stated, earning a glare from Mia. "Excuse me-"

"It's to get rid of the smell of alcohol. Plus, it should wake you up a bit. You go and shower, I'll take out some stuff."

"Fine." she stated, walking upstairs.  Cam took out a pair of pajamas and left them on her bed.  As he was heading out, he noticed a few photos on her nightstand, one of them being a picture of him and Mia when they were younger.  "She still has this after all these years?" he quietly asked himself, looking at it.  Cam left the room, walking downstairs. 

Minutes passed and Mia walked into the room, now in fresh pajamas.  "I feel so much better now.  I'm not that drunk anymore!" she exclaimed, causing Cam to chuckle.  Mia rolled her eyes, "I forgot that you were still here.  Anyways, thank you, Rodriguez."

"No problem, Knight.  I should be on my way, actually.  I still need to pick up your brother."

"Right! You do.  Rodriguez?"

"Yes, Knight?"

"What happened between us, stays between us, okay? If anyone found out that I touched your hair, my friends will bring it up all the time."

"I can do with that.  So see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow." Cam walked to the front door, opening it. He was about to walk out when Mia stopped him. "Can I have my key back?"

"What? Oh, yeah. Here." Cam stated, handing it to her. "Thank you."

Maya Speaks 💫:

The way I think about them and Sam and Alex needs to be studied

Sam and Alex nation got crumbs today 😭 dw guys you WILL get more moments between them 🫶🏾

Your girl is officially back with an update! Everybody cheer!

But ty guys for being patient! I've been dealing with writer's block lately and was finally able to break through it! Also I'm thinking of keeping this book as one whole book instead of splitting it into two!

That's all for now my pookies! Toodles!!

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