ten. a dance to remember

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chapter ten!

filler chapter! - written by me!

Dylan Hoffman as Young! Brody Scotchman
Mckenna Grace as Young! Molly Peterson

THE NEXT DAY, MIA WAS IN HER ROOM, reading a copy "Get A Life, Chloe Brown". That's when she noticed her phone getting notifications.

Fake Dating





Knight in Shining Armor

What do you want Rodriguez

I'm trying to read rn


What are you reading?

Knight in Shining Armor

Get A Life, Chloe Brown

I just started reading it today


Well, when you done reading that, lmk if you want to read the Percy Jackson books

Bc I can lend them to you

Knight in Shining Armor

I'll be sure to let you know


Do you want to learn how to dance rn?

My parents aren't home

Plus Alex is with Kiara and Sam today


Aw you're starting to sound like an actual girlfriend

I'm shocked

Knight in Shining Armor

Aw and your starting to sound like a pain in the ass again

I'm flattered


I hate you

Knight in Shining Armor

I hate you more

Anyways please come over

And wear something nice


My outfits are always nice Knight

What are you talking about

Knight in Shining Armor

I mean for you to at least wear a dress shirt

Bc we have to pretend it's the actual deb ball smartass 💀

How are you second on the honor roll again?


Can you stop talking for two minutes pls

Bc your starting to give me a fucking headache

Knight in Shining Armor

Aw it's so cute that you think about me

I mean have you SEEN me? I'm gorgeous


I have to see you everyday this summer unfortunately

I'm not even going to comment on that last part 💀

Also don't you still owe me food?

Knight in Shining Armor

I got you food yesterday 💀

I don't owe you anything


But I'm hungry 🥲

Knight in Shining Armor

You have two hands

You can cook for yourself

It isn't that hard


You know what

I'll just eat when I get back home

I'm coming over

Knight in Shining Armor

See how easy that was


You love giving me reasons to hate you more don't you 😒

Knight in Shining Armor

I'm so happy you understand 😊

See you soon


See you soon 🙄

Knight in Shining Armor

Wow okay rude much 🤨


Only for you "babe"

Knight in Shining Armor

I'm going to step on your feet during dance practice just for that


Only if your in heels they'd hurt

Don't get any ideas

Knight in Shining Armor

You just gave me some ideas

Ty Rodriguez


I regret ever texting you that

But I'm leaving rn

Knight in Shining Armor

Say hi to your mom and Angelina for me

And stay safe on the road


I will

You care about me don't you?

Knight in Shining Armor

No I don't


I think you do

Knight in Shining Armor

Your delusional Rodriguez

Anyways see you soon


See you soon

Mia's outfit!

Mia had set up a cd player with waltz music in the living room. She was currently sitting in a chair, trying to continue reading her book. Suddenly, she heard a knock.  "Who is it?" she asked, walking towards the door. "It's me, Knight."

"Me who?"

"You know exactly who it is, Knight. It's me."

"I still don't know who you are."

"It's Cam." Mia opened the door, giving him a teasing smile. "You know, you could've said your name the first time."

"I hate you."

"Aw, I hate you too.  Are you going to come in or not?"  Cam brushed past her as she closed the door.  "Okay so we can practice in the living room.  The music is already set and... you're wearing a dress shirt?"

"Yeah... I am... why are you so surprised?" Cam questioned. "Nothing. I just didn't think you'd actually listen to me."  The two went into the living room as Mia turned on the music.  She placed her hand on his shoulder and placed his arm around her back. She then linked their remaining hands together, stretching outwards.

As they practiced dancing, Cam couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" Mia asked.

"This reminds me of the time we were in third grade. Remember?"

"Oh, yeah."

FEBRUARY 14, 2015. It was their Valentine's Day Dance and Mia wanted to ask Brody Schotchman to dance with her. She wore a red dress with black flats. Her twists were put up in a bun. Taking a deep breath, she walked to where him and his friends were standing. "Hi, Brody."

"Hi, Mia."

"I was wondering if you want to dance with me for a bit?"

"Oh, Mia. I would like to but Molly already asked. Maybe later?" Molly gave her a devious smile, making Mia want to hit her.

"Yeah... sure."

As Mia exited the gym, Cam wore a confused expression. He followed behind her.

"Mia, wait up!"

The girl was found sitting by a wall, crying.

"What do you want?"

"Why are you so sad?" he asked as he sat beside her.

"Didn't you see what happened?"

"No. What happened?"

"Well, I asked Brody if he wanted to dance with me but stupid Molly is going to dance with him. She had the dirtiest look on her face."

"Oh... well, you can dance with me instead."

Mia stared at him. "Oh, please. Your just saying that because you feel bad for me."

"No! Besides, its just one dance and then after that, you don't have to talk to me ever again."


"Yes, really."


Cam got off the floor and extended his hand out, helping her off the floor. The two kids walked back into the gym. Unbeknownst to them, they were holding hands. 'Shut Up and Dance' by Walk the Moon was playing and all the other students were dancing.

Mia placed a hand on Cam's shoulder as he placed his arm behind her back as they playfully waltzed. Cam spun her around a few times which caused her to giggle. Kiara, Olivia, and Alan danced towards their direction. "Do you two mind if we join in?" Kiara asked.

"Sure!" the duo answered.

That night was the last time Cam and Mia were at peace with each other. Maybe in another life, they could've stayed friends. But Cam had to keep his promise even if it hurt him.

THE TWO TEENS laughed at that memory. I can't believe he even remembered, she thought to herself.

"I think we should stop." Cam stated, pausing the music. "Yeah, we've done enough dancing for the day."

"I should probably go. Later, Knight."

"Wait, Rodriguez."

"What is it?"

"You just got here. Plus, I have something planned for us today."  Cam glanced at her, wearing a smile.  "What exactly do you have planned?"

"I can't tell you.  It's a surprise." Grabbing her purse and house keys, the two were out the door. Unbeknownst to them, Olivia and Alan were being driven by Olivia's older brother.

Olivia was looking out the window, boredom consuming her.  "Hey, isn't that Mia?" Olivia asked, noticing the girl.  "Really? Let me look." Alan answered, moving closer to her.  "That is her.  And she's with Cam? Okay, there has to be something going on between them.  I think they're holding hands?"

"Really?" Olivia asked, taking out her phone.  She quickly took a picture of the two, curious of what was happening with Cam and Mia.  "We have to show this to Kiara."

Kiara was waiting at an amusement park with Sam and Alex.  Olivia and Alan hadn't arrived yet, making the older girl very impatient.  "Where are they? We've been waiting forever!"

"Kia, relax. They'll be here soon." Alex reassured her. "You know... if they don't come, we can just go back to your dad's house."

"Sam, for the last time, we're not leaving. You need to have some fun. You can't be a moody, grumpy skater all summer."

"I am not a moody, grumpy skater." Kiara gave him a look, causing the boy to sigh. "Fine, I may be that but it's who I am. Does it look like I scream sunshine?"

Alan and Olivia eventually arrived at the amusement park, only to meet a very angry Kiara. "What took you guys so long? We were waiting for you two for an hour!"

"Sorry, Kia. There was a lot of traffic, plus we left a bit late. Anyways, let's go stuff our faces with cotton candy and ride the roller coasters!" Olivia spoke, grabbing her friends hands. Sam and Alex tagged along behind them, curious about what rides were available.

The three friends were all in their own little world, leaving Sam and Alex alone. "So... what do you want to go on first?" Alex asked. "Um, we could go on that one." Sam answered, pointing at a kiddie ride. "Really, Sam? That one? Let's try... this one!"  Alex exclaimed, grabbing Sam's hand as he ran to one of the roller coasters.  Sam's mind was racing... I mean, how bad could it be?

Multiple pictures and loud screams later, the two boys got off the ride.  Alex was filled with glee and laughter but Sam wasn't.  "Let's never go on that ever again." Sam stated, causing Alex to laugh.  "It wasn't that bad, Sam.  Plus, there are other rides to go on.  It was only one ride."

"One ride? It felt like I was going to die!"  Alex rolled his eyes at the boy's antics, crossing his arms.  "You're so dramatic.  I'm going to show you how fun roller coasters can be."  Taking the boy's hand once again, he led him to another ride.

Meanwhile, Mia was covering Cam's eyes, not wanting him to see what she had in store for him.  "Is this a trap, Knight? Because if it is, I swear-"

"This isn't a trap, Rodriguez. God, you're so dramatic."  Mia stopped walking, taking a deep breath as she removed her hands from his face.  "You can open your eyes now."  Cam did what he was told, leaving him in awe.  "Your taking me to an aquarium? Why would you-"

"I remember you saying that you liked sea creatures.  Plus, think of it as a way of me thanking you for the flowers." Cam smiled at her and Mia could've sworn she felt her stomach doing flips. The curly haired boy opened the door for her, playfully bowing. "After you, my lady."

"Thank you, kind sir."

Who knew it would be the funnest "date" they ever had?

Maya Speaks 💫:

More Sam and Alex content!! Who cheered bc I did!! I'm sorry for not giving them enough moments in this book!!

Who doesn't love the classic amusement park trope in romcoms?? I'm a SUCKER for that trope sm

I HATE writing on a laptop bc why does the format look differently than how it does on the phone?? I really need to get more storage

Your girl wrote 1, 881 words... I love being a writer sm but DAMN I love it a bit too much

There WILL be more Sam and Alex content in the next chapter and less Cam and Mia moments (bc my boys deserve it)

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