three. baking with alex (ft. sam delgado)

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chapter three!

season 2, episode 2 - love scene!

THE NEXT DAY, MIA HAD RECEIVED A TEXT from Belly, furrowing her eyebrows.  Her and Belly had spoken over the months but she assumed she would be seeing the girl later since Belly and her family usually came to Cousins towards the end of June.  The girl decided to open her texts.


Hey Mia! I got a call from Jere that he hasn't seen Conrad.

He's worried about him


Hey Bells! Come to think of it, I haven't heard from Connie in a few days

The last time I spoke to him was I think... Tuesday?


Well, if you hear from him, please tell me

Because Jere is really worried about him


I'll be sure to tell you

I hope you guys find him


Me too

But thank you, Mia

I hope to see you in a few days


Same here, Bells

Mia decided to call Conrad, putting in his number.  After a few rings, it went to voicemail.  "Maybe he's busy?" she questioned, hanging up the phone.  "Hey, Mia.  Are you busy right now? I need someone to help me bake something for my TikTok video."

"I'm actually planning to have a girls day with Kiara and Olivia.  Maybe Alan can help you?"

"I asked him but he has a long shift at the ice cream store."

"Right, I forgot.  You could see if Sam's busy?"  Mia noticed the way her brother's eyes widened at the mention of Sam's name, "I don't know.  He might say no."

"Alex, he's Sam.  I don't think he'll say no to you."

"I'll give him a call.  Thanks, Mia.  Enjoy your girls day!"

"Thanks, Alex.  Enjoy baking!"  Alex went back into his room, grabbing his phone.  His heart was beating fast as he dialed Sam's number.  Why was he so nervous? Sam was someone he enjoyed talking to! Taking a deep breath, he called him.  Ring, ring, and... "Hello?"

"Sam, hi.  Uh... I was wondering if... you were busy today?"

"I literally have nothing to do.  Kiara's driving to your house right now and she left me here alone."

"You could go to the skate park? Don't you have your skateboard?"

"I do but I think I'll do that in a few days.  Why do you ask?"

"Oh! I just need some help baking something for a TikTok video.  But everyone's busy so..."

"I can help you if you want."

"Really? You will?"

"Of course, Alex.  I'm on my way now, actually."

"Great! See you then!" Alex hung up the phone, jumping with excitement.  Mia entered his room, putting something in her purse, "What's got you excited?"

"Sam is coming over! Wait... I need to shower! I can't stink if he's coming over!"

"Good point.  But Kia's waiting outside for me so I'll see you later, Alex."

"Bye, Mia!"

MIA, OLIVIA, AND KIARA HAD ARRIVED at the book store, the older friend was getting some lattes for them. Mia was in one of the aisles, trying to find a book.  She eventually saw one that she liked, trying to reach it.  "Do you need some help getting that?" a voice asked.  "That would be great." she answered as the person got the book for her.  "Here you go."

"Thank you-" her lips formed a small smile as she took the book.  "Hi, Rodriguez.  What are you doing here?"  Cam looked at her, feeling butterflies in his stomach.  He didn't really understand why he was feeling this way but he couldn't be rude.  "I needed to get away from Brody and Molly.  They were acting so lovey dovey with each other, it was a lot."

Mia laughed, "Yeah, that's true.  A lot of couples at school do that.  But thank you for the help, Rodriguez.  See you around?"

"See you around, Knight."  Mia walked out of the aisle, jumping when she saw Olivia.  "Liv! You scared me!"

"Sorry! You were being really nice to Cam just now."

"I know, I think I can tolerate him now."

"Really? So I'm not dreaming about this?"

"No. Unless you want me to pinch you."

"I'm good." Kiara walked up to the duo, holding their drinks. "Hey guys. You ready to go to the mall for a bit?"

"Yeah. Mia was being nice to Cam just now."

"Really? Why is that?"

"Thank you for the lattes, Kia. But I guess... he isn't so bad as I thought he was." Olivia wiped a fake tear from her eye, smiling. "Our girl is all grown up."

"Yeah, yeah, I can tolerate him now. Let's go shopping!"

Meanwhile, back at the house, Sam and Alex were in the kitchen. Alex was recording a TikTok, filming himself cracking an egg into the batter.  "And now I'm stirring the mix.  Oh, this is my friend, Sam! He's helping me bake today."

"I'm actually taste testing today." Alex nudged his shoulder, causing Sam to roll his eyes.  "I'm not doing all this by myself."

"I'm not a baker, Alex."

"Well, you are one today.  Can you take out the trays?"  Sam eventually found some silver trays, placing parchment paper on them.  Alex spread the batter onto each trap, turning on the oven.  "Now, we're gonna put these in and wait for thirty minutes!"  As he set a timer, he put on some music, dancing.  Sam stared at him, furrowing his eyebrows.  "What are you doing?"

"I'm dancing.  You should try it, Delgado."  Sam rolled his eyes, "I don't dance."

"That's what Chad said and he danced during the baseball game."

"Did you just refer to a scene in High School Musical?"

"So you know about other movies? That's shocking.  Come on, Sam.  Please?"  Sam sighed, "Fine."  The two danced for a while as Alex laughed at his moves.  "That's what you call dancing?"

"Like you're the one to talk, Knight."

"So you're saying that I'm a bad dancer? I think I could beat you in a competition."

"Don't get too cocky."  Alex smiled, feeling his cheeks warm.  "Oh, the cookies! We have to take them out!" he exclaimed, turning off the music.  He then used some oven mitts to take out the cookies, placing them on the counter.  "We're gonna let these cool down for a few minutes and taste test them!"

The two eventually ate the soft cookies, "These are really good."  Sam nodded his head, "Yeah, they are.  Oh, you got a little something."  Sam wiped some crumbs off of the corner of Alex's mouth, causing the boy to look at him.  "Thank you."

"No problem."

Maya Speaks 💫:

HE'S SO CUTE me and G were gushing over him I fear 😭 Also hey G!

Alex is me whenever I'm debating on talking to my crush 🧍🏾‍♀️like they're just a guy?? HELLO??

But all jokes aside, Alex and Sam are so cute 😭 This is their season fr

Mia being nice to Cam?? Wtf?? You guys got crumbs today but you guys will get more content in the next chapter! I'm really pulling the uno reverse card this time 😭

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