Chapter - 1

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First scene of the story.

His life

Morning in khan house

A handsome munda(man) just enters the house from jogging.... He is wearing jogging suit and upper zip is open a little bit....(looked so hot)...He is sweating.. His heir is in messy state(combination or other word package of hotness and cuteness)...

He freshen up and takes the newspaper and cup of coffee...

But when he sip the cup of coffee he make faces and frowns.

What's the hell it is???

He shouted his servant named Ramu. kakaa...

Ramu kaka enters the room in trembling leg....

What's the hell?U know in every morning I drink black coffee...Then what is this...(pointing the cup)

He angrily breaks the cup of coffee...

U r fired....

Momo's mom entry

Beta too much anger is not good for ones health...It's not ramu's mistake...I order him to make ginger tea for u seeing coughing u at last night...So...

Sorry ramu kaka in robotic voice(yaar he is not that much bad)

It's okay baba...

Ramu go end make a black coffee for him and put extra 2 spoon black coffee powder to lighten his spoiled mood...

Ramu smiles..

Kiyaa ammijan....He shyly smiles...

Momo's mum prays plz allah send a pari (angle/fairy) in my momo's life who can transform him a normal person from this robotic person... Who brings colours in his colourless life....

In breakfast table

Momo goes trough the paper of the deal...He forgets to eat...

Momo's mumma can't understand what way she will react because it's the regular picture of her family...

Sajjad smiles...

Vai...U forget something which is very important..

It's impossible... I never forget anything.

Accha gi...

Don't waste my time...Whatever u want to say tell directly...

Vaiaa u forget that u r taking ur breakfast.. See our food almost finished...But ur food is still untouched...

Seriously...& gives him u r impossiblewala look.U waste my 1 minutes and 22 seconds unnecessarily...

Sajjad looked him in disbelief... kyu ki he counts time...

The day will come very soon that day u forget time and....

But momo stops her so he can't complete his sentence

That day never come even ur crazy dream....Mark it....

Who can said what will happen in future?

Exactly... So stop ur day dreaming...Mohsin khan will never change...

U can't guarantee it.....

Momo glares him....

Sajjad ur time is up...For today u enough trouble ur vai...Now chup chap k nashta kar..

Sajjad whispered to her mom ear thanks for saving me from this angry sher...

Ammijan am done....

What momo?You didn't finish anything..

Mom plz...Can u stop calling me momo...Am not anymore a kid...

Yes ammijan...He is the great mohsin khan...Number 1 young businessmen of the country...

This name momo doesn't suit to his strict personality....

They day will very near when I will beat u black and blue...(momo threats him)

Sajjad glaps in fear....

But can't come out from his character... the fear exits for a moment...

Ammijan good bye and pray for me(bent down to touch her feet and taking blessing)

He is saneskari too(consider the spelling)

If we crack the deal we will gain a huge profit...

My blessing is always for u....

He goes...

But when he reached in door steps sajjad called him from behind...


Sajjad am warning u... no more silly talks..

Areey at least listen me...all the very best mr akru...

Momo glares him but in return sajjad give him 32 teethwala smile back...

Momo looks him in disbelief and goes...

Oh mumma leaves my's hurting..

Why did u always trouble ur brother..

Mumma it's necessary...aur na tow his life becomes more boring...ishh chokkore he glares at me...aur na tow if he can he becomes a robot for 24 hours...


Don't u think some spices thrill needs vai's life??

But ever he allows this...?His first priority and love is work..

Don't worry mom...Very soon his life will change...

U and ur stupid talking...

Both momo and momo's ammijan takes lightly the words of ganni sajjad....Who knows his words comes true very soon...

Precap- When shivin meet
No proof read

Author's Note

Don't know what is making here...Whether it's good or bad...If u like it then don't forget to votes and comments..

Desired Votes...50-60

Guys shivin love will update tomorrow or day after tomorrow.. pakka...little bit busy...

& do follow me eagerly waiting to reach hundred club..

Thanks all the ♥♥ly♥♥

This book is about to end and I would really like you guys read this story and that's why I recommend you.

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