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Though right now the growth of voting is lowing down(compared to its reader 180/40) still it’s reaching first position.

Thank you guys who always is there for me and appreciates me and my works.

Coming to story

Kartik's pov

He is clueless.He can't understand why did they hate his name so much?Aren't they still think that mk is the barrier of their love life??

If it’s true then I won’t show my face to shivi..never ever.He determined it.

On collaterally a different thing comes up his mind...His positive mind never wants to belief she doesn’t belong to him.He only made for him.

Though he doesn’t belief miracle still he keeps hope.How can he give up hope?

Still there is something which force him to rethink and considers all the circumstances again.Is there any points missed but where?

Yes.His uncle said that she run away with a rich guy as she is a money minded girl.But situation is totally different here.So he decides to conceal his real identity.

I am mk's assistant...

S-There is nothing to left for negotiations.So please excuse us.

M-I am sorry to cut ur word mam.But may be there is some misunderstanding...

R-Seriously.Misunderstandin??.(mocking him)

Naira cut him..

First u guys offer to buy this land on the cost of one third price of its original.

Then threaten us to sell this land by local goons.. Still u guys wants to negotiate. Wow..(claps hand)

Mohsin felt to punch his manager mouth.He clearly understand everything. But what can he do now?Already his name and fame,reputation is damaged.

I still stay to my word..There must be misunderstanding. See.Sir sent me with a blank cheque.You guys can put any amount here.We are ready to pay for the price.

N-We Won't sell the land and it’s final.This is not just a land for us.It's our existence.How can we sell it??

R-Shivi,I can't understand why you are explaining him.Can't you understand that it’s another strategy of swankpot and diplomat MK.

First he wanted to buy this land namesake price then he threatened and sent goons and now all of a sudden wanted to pay any amount.This is rubbish.

Hey mr. Door is there.

N-Rishab behave.Let me handle na.She fold her hand to nameste.. Sorry we can't sale it if ur mk wanna give doubled, tripled  price.I hope u can understand our emotions .

Kartik smile seeing her gentle nature.Really she is a diamond.
He only nodded his head.

R-Madam now would u take rest please??

Naira tried to stand up her feet but Rishab lifted her..

She protests but he doesn’t pay heed to her.

Hey,u still here??

M-This is mk's card.In case if u guys change ur mind then feel free to call anytime.

N-I think we make clear Everything (irritated voice )

Mohsin felt hurt.. But in deep down his heart he felt happy seeing her selfless nature.
You guys look good together.

Rishab- Thank you.
Naira felt ackward


Khan office

Mk back his office in full swag.Everything  is now crystal clear.He can understand how his manager use his name and money his own benefit.

He checked all the account and his (manager)  forgery was caught.He insulted him and instantly fired  from the office.

He cancelled the Project and decided to leave the city as early as possible.

He is very happy today seeing his lifeline in save hand.Their happily picture flashes before his eyes.
He sighed..He could be the man of her life.but...she chose him..

He felt he can't take breathe.He increased the speed but he forced to break the car.

A car blocked his way..

What's the hell here??He came  out

Precap-What do you thin who block the car?


Do more follow,votes and comments🙏🙏
May be it's boring.I promise next wil be full shivin.

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