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Guys don't worry.I will complete this story for them who loves this story.Yesterday I just described the bitter truth and my internal turmoil.Hope you can understand my monologue and perspective.I am still updating for you guys and of course for silent reader.

Shivi noticed rishab discoverd a moneybag from the dress.

She snatched the moneybag from rishab's hand and opened it.The money bag looks costly.Shivi checked the brand and yes she is right.Isn’t it his money bag?She finds its strange.Does a mere employee can use this expensive brand?

Same question is written in rishab face too.

I know It’s bad to check others wallet but I have to do.She opens the wallet.There she finds a huge amount of cash notes and credit card of different bank of different countries.He finds a passport.
With a shaking hand she opens it.

Mohsin khan is written there in bold letter.

That's it.It crushed her heart.

By seeing her facial expression and pale face rishab gets the points.

I told you and warn you..Not to belief an unknown person...and I dislike the man from the beginning and see the result yourself.

Shivi raised her hand to stop.

No,I can't be wrong.My instinct can't be wrong.I can't choose a wrong person for me.He can't be a cheater.

Acca...Rishab frowns..Then please give me an explanation why did he do this?He kept say laying everything from the first meeting.What's reason?

I don’t know the reason..But he can't cheat me.My eyes can't ditch with me.I can see pure honesty in his eyes.

I can see that.Open your eyes and see this.This is the example of his honesty.
He showed her the passport.

Rishab mocked shivi.

Shivi glared him.I can't belief on a piece of paper.

Seriously shivi...Still you are saying this.Where is old shivi?Someone cheated on you and still you believed him blindly. Unbelievable.

That's none of your concern.
She talked rudely as she didn’t want to heard any wrong word against her mendak.

Rishab gets surprised seeing this new sides of shivi.

Shivi controlled her emotions  and took her helmet...

Where are you going???

To find him.I want to know why did he do this?

But I can't allow it.I can’t let you go alone in this state.I am coming with you.

Don't be kidding rishab.I can handle everything alone.I don’t need anyone help.

Anyone?Seriously, you count me on your anyone list....

He gets hurt.

Rishu,I am sorry.I don't mean it.You know me.Plz don't misjudge me.Let me solve this my own terms & you know I can do it.Do you belief me?

Rishab reluctantly agreed as there is no option left..

But what is your plan?Even you don't know his contact number.. I doubt whether it’s his real name or not?And most importantly where will you search him?What if he leaves the town....

No.He can't leave.I must find him.He can't go before answering of my questions.He have to face me.

Shivi almost checked every hotels-motels and guest houses in kartik khan and Mohsin khan name.But her efforts went in vain.

Rishab phoned her and informed that Mk companies have a rest house and if he is Mohsin khan he might be there.So
Shivi decided to go there.

But a car stopped her ... She tried to pass the car and moved her scotty opposite direction but another car blocked her path.

What the hell😡😡.

Do you have any idea who blocked her path.. ??

Mohsin's pov

I don’t know how i come here from there.Everything happened before my eyes and i couldn’t do anything.I was a mere watcher.I felt somebody stabbed my heart and it cut into innumerable pieces.My heart bleeds but she is not here to heal me.

Earlier I lived for her,I dreamt/dreamed about her.She is the sukoon of my life but that's also get snatched from my life.Why God why?It’s better we had never meet.Then at least I have right to dream about her.How can I think about others girlfriend???

He can't  control himself and break down....

He packed her bag and went to airport.

But durning boarding pass he Couldn't find his wallet.It’s missing.Where it could be dropped?Oh my God...No.. No...It couldn’t be dropped at shivi's place.

It’s okay she doesn’t love me but I can't afford to see hatred in her eyes.

Luckily I meet with one of my old client.He assured me to arrange a private helicopter for me.

Currently I am sitting on waiting room and thinking about her.I wish i can see her once..

I get a call and it’s from local number of Rishikesh.

Who can be call me in this time?

I wish I could get a call from her.Alas! she even doesn’t my real name let alone phone number.

I sighed and cut the call.

Right now i don’t want to talk anyone.But the caller is hell irritating.He keeps calling on me and so i receive the call.

Whatever i heard that makes me freeze.

I felt numb and a cold shiver passed through on my spine to every veins of my body.

Automatically the phone dropped from my hand.

Who phoned kartik???


Nothing to say...Hope you like it.

Happy reading.

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