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A/N: enjoy this filler chapter because i have no idea what to write without jah in it.

free that nigga bro‼️

May 2013

I'm flipping through the pages of art books in a tattoo shop.

I can't decide between a piercing or a tattoo.

I don't exactly know which tat I want, but I do know that I want it to be small and meaningful.

The artist man walks up to me; wiping his hands with a paper towel, he waves one of his satisfied clients goodbye.

"So, piercing or tat?" He says in a raspy voice.

"Would it hurt to get both?"

He shrugs. "I don't think it would," he lets out a faint chuckle. "But then again, look at me."

This man is covered in tattoos. One in every visible place imaginable. His face is covered in colors; even his hands are tatted.

He has silky black hair pulled into a curly man bun and a smile that could kill anyone in his presence.

"I think I'll take both."

He nods his head towards his station and asks me what I would like first. I tell him the tattoo.

"Before we start, I need you to sign this waiver," he hands me a yellow sheet of paper and a pen.

I skim through it, knowing it's mainly checking to make sure I won't sue if anything goes wrong. I read the signature section, it asks me to clarify whether I'm of age or have a parent or guardian present to sign.

Looking over, I see he's business prepping the needles and sanitizing everything. I sign my name under the 'of age' and leave it on his station behind me.

He comes back and reads over my signatures, "ID?"

"Forgot it at home," I lie.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do business without an ID."

I give in and hand him my ID. My head drops down as I prepare to accept my defeat.

"You're fifteen?"


He looks back and sighs. "I'll tell you what, I'll give you both the tat and piercing, but only if you swear to never come back until you're of age or with an adult. I need the extra money anyway."

I nod eagerly as I get comfortable on the chair. I tell him the tattoo I want and how I want it written.

"That's it?" He asks.

"Yeah, that's all."

"No, fancy letters or a specific color? Nothing?"


He laughs, cuts on his pen, and gets to work.

I squeeze my eyes shut at the feeling of the needle poking my skin multiple times. I imagined this feeling like a constant shot, but it feels like that feeling when one of your body parts falls asleep.

"This your first time?" He asks.

"Yeah," I mutter.

"Why'd you choose it?"

I shrug. "First word that came to mind."

He tells me about his personal life while he works, claiming that talking is a distraction from the pain.

I learn that he's a nineteen-year-old boy named Preston who's working to take over his Uncle's business. He says his Uncle has an incurable disease, so he won't be here for much longer.

He has a one-year-old daughter named Kehlei who rotates between him and her mother's houses.

After he wipes down my tattoo, he tells me we're finished and that I can look at it in the mirror.

I asked for the lower part of my back to be done, so it wouldn't be too noticeable.

While he's prepping for the piercing, I pick out a starter ring for him to put in.

I decided to go for a belly piercing since I don't wanna add any to my face just yet, and my ears are already double pierced, so why not?

He rubs an alcohol wipe around my belly button area and then used a Q-Tip to dry off any residue.

He marks where exactly the piercing is gonna go and instructs me to lie down on the cushioned table.

"Alright, so take a deep breath in."

I inhale and hold my breath as he slowly pushes the needle through.

"And... All done. "

I put my hands over my mouth and feel my eyes begin to water.

He uses another Q-Tip to clean up the blood. "You'll have to keep this clean for the next few days, and it may hurt a little if you bump into anything so be careful."

I stand up and look at my belly in the mirror. There's a small, heart-shaped ring looking back at me. "I love it." I smile. "How much is it?"


I hand him a twenty and thank him again before leaving.

As I walk the two minutes towards my house, I can't help but look down at the jewelry smiling at me. Even though it's still bleeding a little, I can't help but love it.

As for my tattoo, I can't really see it, but it also means a lot to me.

The reasoning for it now is a little sad, I'll admit, but what better word than to describe my lovely little situation?

I unlock my house door and enter silently. The first thing I do is head to the bathroom and look at the word inked into my skin.

'Alone' rests in cursive italics with a small broken heart under it.

I may regret this later, but as of right now, I think it's cute.

Everyone is alone in their own way.

Only you know how you feel, only you genuinely know what you want and desire. Only you and whoever you choose to believe in can see and remember all the bad things you've done in the past.

Nobody truly knows who you are, making you alone.

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