Magical Princess Makina: Chapter 5 - The Cat's Collar Restaurant

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In a thick forest, a large black bear with a single horn swung its claws, so Tet backflipped out of the way.

The murderous red glint of the bear's eyes met the knight's black eyes. He could not take his eyes off of the monster for a moment. A single hit from those giant claws or fangs could leave him mortally wounded.

But its large body made it slow.


The bear raised its arms while drooling.

Tet took that moment to rush in and slash up from below. A red line was carved in its furry torso and blood splattered, but it was a shallow wound.



Without rushing, he rolled below the bear's arm to put some distance between them.

The skin-deep slash and the way he escaped after an initial attack was meant to keep the bear's attention on him.

The real attack came from his princess and her magic staff.

"Poison Electric Shock!"

A purple light surged toward the bear's wound.

The monster roared in pain, collapsed weakly to the ground, and began writhing in agony.

"Gh!? Groarrrrr!"

"I know the pain of poison...but sorry, it's survival of the fittest out here!"

Tet raised his sword high and used all his strength to shorten the monster's suffering by lopping off its head.


"I can see why they call this the Forest of Monsters, but it looks like we're going to make it."

"Yes. Monsters like this aren't a problem as long as we don't get careless."

After watching the monster corpse turn into particles of light and vanish, Makina and Tet viewed the darkness around them.

Once they reached Banilanda's Pub when travelling from Wells to the royal capital, most travelers would use the maintained road.

But while that route was safe, it took a detour around this vast forest which added several days to the journey.

These two had money for their journey, but they did not want to waste any time, so they had chosen to cut through the forest.

However, the forest was territory to powerful monsters, so only skilled adventurers would approach it.

But they were a top-rate swordsman and a skilled mage, so they were making progress with little difficulty.

"When wielding my sword against monsters like this, my training with the knights is definitely useful, but I need to think on my feet and keep my options open a lot more. It really feels like I am fighting to survive."

"Once Grandel has been revived, we need to make some changes to the knight training manual, don't we?"

"No, no! I was not trying to find fault in the kingdom's traditional sword technique!"

"Hee hee. I know, I know. And you're letting your old self slip out again~."

A peaceful atmosphere surrounded those two as they followed an animal trail through the monster-infested forest.

While fighting off the attacking monsters, they continued through the forest.

At one point, they saw a human seated on the ground up ahead.

But something was not right. The man was not properly equipped to defend himself in this dangerous forest and he was screaming.


Several Black Dogs had surrounded him.


"Right! Frozen Blast!"

Tet called her name and ran forward at the same moment Makina used some magic.

She froze the moisture in the air and launched it at the monsters as a spear.


"Bow wow!"

The Black Dogs failed to respond to the thick icicle in time and several of them were skewered.

Tet used that opening to run down the unpaved path and bisected the Black Dog that rushed at him.

His sword passed through its mouth to separate upper jaw from lower jaw and it continued on down to the tip of the tail. The bisected Black Dog splatted to the ground and the man screamed in fear after seeing it.

"Ah, ahh!"

"A-are you okay!?"

Makina jogged over to the man.

The monsters realized how strong those two were and their instincts led them back into the forest.

Tet sheathed his sword, reached out, and helped the panicked man to his feet.

"Y-you saved me! If you hadn't come, I would've been-... Thank you so much!"

"What are you doing here?"

"You don't look like an adventurer."

Only armed adventurers would travel through this forest. If you were not confident in your skill, you would never set foot in here. But he seemed too kind to harm even a small animal, much less a ferocious monster.

"I'm looking for my son."

"Your son!?"

His son was a boy named Nero.

The boy's mother was sick and confined to bed, so Nero had gone out into the forest alone to find a mushroom that would make his mother better.

"I've always told him this forest is no place for normal humans since so many monsters live here! And lately I've been telling him to be extra careful because a lot more of the people who enter the forest stopped coming out starting half a year ago!"

"He must have been very worried about his mother."

"Although he shouldn't worry his father like this."

The child was already missing, so there was no point in criticizing his actions now.

Makina squeezed her magic staff and spoke to Nero's father.

"We will search for Nero!"


The father looked up in surprise, but Makina looked back at him with determination in her eyes.

She had not discussed this with Tet, but he decided this was fine.

She did not need her knight's permission to rescue someone in need.

Seeing this side of Grandel's princess made him proud all over again that she was his master.


"All we need is a general map of the forest, information on where those mushrooms tend to grow...and a description of Nero. We will not ask for a reward and we can fight the monsters just fine. ...I promise you we will bring Nero back to you!"

Nero's father must not have expected for complete strangers to say this. He bowed deeply with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you so much! Please! Please find my son!"

This was not a quest from the guild, so there would be no reward.

They had chosen the shortest route, but now they were taking a detour on their journey to the royal capital.

But Tet made no complaints. Obeying your master and doing everything in your power to complete your given mission was the duty and pride of a knight.

So with the map and information they had asked for, they watched the man leave the forest.

Makina's dignified voice gave a royal command to Tet.

"Royal Knight of Grandel Tet Chrom, I command you to search this forest with me! We will bring Nero back to his family!"

"As you wish, master!"

Tet placed a fist on his chest in the way of a loyal servant as opposed to an adventurer.

"Neroooo! Where are you!?"

A beautiful soprano voice echoed through the forest.

But only the rustling of the leaves and the cries of birds and beasts answered it. There was no sign of human life.

"We've searched several of the locations already, but still not a single clue."

Tet kept an eye on their surroundings while drawing another X on the map.

Nero had been trying to find the nutritious mushrooms that would help his mother get better. When his father had given them this map, he had told them where those mushrooms grew.

But they had not found the boy at those locations. After repeating that process several times, they were running out of possibilities.

"Could he be somewhere else entirely?"

"That's fine if he can get back on his own, but he might be stranded or have collapsed somewhere we can't see him. Or he could already be..."

The possibility Tet left unsaid was the worst but also the most realistic. It seemed cruel to say, but it would not be easy for a child to survive for hours in the Forest of Monsters.

But Makina's powerful determination refused to accept that possibility.

"We must not give up so quickly. Nero's father still believes his son will soon return to him! We have to save the boy!"

"Yes, master!"

Nothing was certain at the moment. And since they had made a promise, they could only pray Nero was safe and find him as quickly as possible.

But the forest was too large for two people to find a single boy while fighting off the attacking monsters.

Eventually, every spot on their map was crossed off. There were no more locations where the mushrooms tended to grow.

The sun was setting and the forest grew much more dangerous at night.

"It would be difficult to search much longer, Princess. We need to decide whether we will head back now or continue through the night."


They were running short of options and she was unsure what to do.

But when she remembered Nero's father, she knew they could not return emptyhanded.

Was there anything more they could do? Some kind of useful magic for a situation like this?


When a certain idea occurred to her, she slammed her magic staff against her head.


"I-it's nothing. Just gathering my thoughts."

She pulled the brim of her witch's hat low to hide her red face.

She did not know any magic that would help find someone, but that just meant she had to learn it.

And conveniently enough, there was a young man right in front of her: Tet.

She might be able to use the effects of the sex curse to learn some useful magic. She had in fact overcome some previous problems by doing that.

(But with Tet!? I-I couldn't possibly!)

But that alone she could not do, so she shook her head.

Even if it was to save the missing boy, she could not just start getting it on in the middle of the forest.

More importantly, he would be horribly disillusioned if she asked him to do that. He would find out just how indecent a girl Grandel's princess was.

That was the fear that kept her from telling Tet about her past experiences.



While she thought about all that, Tet suddenly called out to her.

She looked up to find her beloved knight staring back at her.



There was powerful, almost feverish emotion in his gaze. This was unusual for him.

She was afraid she had spoken her thoughts out loud.

Had he realized what was going on, or had some side effect of the sex curse stimulated his lust?

That would not surprise her much. When she met other men, their eyes would crawl all across the curves of her tits, hips, and ass. They had made no attempt to hide how badly they wanted a taste of that lewd body.

But Tet was her childhood friend and faithful servant and he alone had shown no sign of that.

Still, he was a healthy teenage boy. It was hard to imagine he would let it out at a time like this, but there was always a chance he would desire her body during this journey.


"W-we can't, Tet! We're-...!♥"

Tet stepped closer, spoke in an excited way, and reached a hand toward her.

She knew this was a bad idea and it was a line they should not cross, but her mind and body were ready to accept-

"Do you see something through the trees there!? It looks like a house!"


He walked right past her and his extended arm pointed through the forest.

Sure enough, there was a wooden structure barely visible through a gap in the trees.

"See, it's over there!"

"Y-yes... I-I see it too..."

But before they could say anything more, Makina wished she could bury herself in the ground for the sexual thoughts filling her mind.

"We have to check this out! Let's go, Princess! ...Princess?"

When he saw his master covering her red face with her hands and trembling, he had no way of knowing this was a reaction of shame and self-loathing.

"A restaurant?"

"The Cat's Collar?"

Reading the sign told them the small cream-colored house was a restaurant.

They were simultaneously surprised and suspicious. Who would be crazy enough to open a restaurant in this dangerous forest?

"Let's go in."


But they wanted any clues they could find. They might even find Nero inside, so there was no reason to ignore it.

With staff and sword in hand, they opened the front entrance.

The bell on the door jingled, but silence returned to the Forest of Monsters as soon as they stepped in and shut the door.


"W-welcome to the Cat's Collar..."

A pair of waitresses was waiting for them inside.

Although they were dressed more like the maids who served noble and wealthy families.

The girls were even younger than Makina. They wore frilly maid uniforms and they bowed.

It was almost like they had known these two visitors were coming.

"Just the two of you? Today's special is-..."

"W-wait. We aren't here to eat."

The one on the left from Makina and Tet's perspective – a girl with pink hair worn in twintails – smiled cheerfully as she promptly got down to business.

But they cut her off to tell them what they wanted.

"We are looking for a boy who went missing in the forest. He is a black-haired child named Nero."

"Hmm, haven't seen anyone like that. We don't see many kids around here."

The pink-haired maid placed a finger on her chin in thought, but she apparently did not know anything.

But Tet did not let that comment slide.

"I doubt you see many people in general around here, so why would you open a restaurant? And why have children wait the tables?"

Tet did not bother hiding his caution as he let out his hostility. Protecting Makina was his duty as a knight, so he could not let his guard down in such suspicious circumstances.

The girl on the right with semi-long blue hair shrieked at Tet's intensity. He must have seemed pretty intimidating because she cowered down with tears in her eyes.

But the pink-haired maid was not bothered and kept her waitress's smile as she answered Tet's questions.

"This is a restaurant for the adventurers traveling through the forest! There are no other rest points around here, so there's actually a decent demand. We are Nunna and Nena, daughters of the owner and chef!"

The energetic pink-haired maid was Nunna and the shy blue-haired one was Nena.

They and their father in the kitchen ran this restaurant as a family.

"Oh, that explains it. Sorry if I was rude."

"No, no! Think nothing of it, mister! You're pretty hot, so you can ask me questions all day long!"

"Okay, Princess, we should leave. They don't seem to know anything, so we need to continue the search."

Tet turned around without even checking on Makina's reaction.

But before he could reach for the doorknob...

"Ah, w-wait!" The maid named Nunna called out to stop him. "S-since you're here, why not have something to eat! It's on the house!"

She kept Tet and Makina there by explaining all about the day's specials.

Makina was also highly suspicious of this restaurant and Nunna, but they had no definite proof and it might just be restaurant. Since she could sense no hostility or magic power, there was little to go on.

And while she considered that, her stomach growled. She had been searching the forest since midday, so that was hardly surprising.

"Well, it would be dangerous to head back into the forest once it gets dark. Let's take them up on their offer, Princess."

"G-good point. Okay, Nunna, we will take a table for two."

"You got it! This way please~!"

Nunna seemed happy she had snagged some customers as she showed Tet and Makina where to go.

Nena bowed and gave a modest "thank you" before following Nunna.

Tet and Makina followed the two small girls further inside the Cat's Collar Restaurant.

"Now, we will hold onto your sword and staff! Please leave behind any other sharp or dangerous tools like knives."

Before they took a seat, Nunna gestured toward a large table similar to a shoe shelf. They were supposed to leave their weapons there.

"S-since we are waiting the tables, um...we must ask this to prevent violence and skipped bills..."

Nena hesitantly asked them in a quiet voice.

An adventurer's weapon was like their very life, but Nunna and Nena would be worried too. Powerless little girls could not hope to stand up to armed adventurers.

Makina understood that this was necessary for both sides to feel comfortable while they enjoyed the meal.

"Understood. Please don't lose them."

"There isn't a thing to worry about! Thank you for your cooperation!"


Tet was more reluctant, but he still placed his sword on the table. Makina did the same with her magic staff.

Once the two were unarmed, they were led through a door...but not to a table.

The door led to no more than a small room.

"There are brushes and towels inside, so please clean yourselves off."

" important."

It was true that Tet and Makina had some leaves and mud on them after running around the forest. This would be the restaurant's way to let them feel clean enough to really enjoy the meal.

"Is this good enough?"

Tet washed off his face with a wet towel and Makina brushed her hair and cleaned off her body.

Nunna nodded in satisfaction after seeing them.

"Perfect! Next, we have a change of clothes for you! ...But it would be weird to have guys and girls change together, so follow me, mister."

Were they supposed to take off their clothes as well? The restaurant took their cleanliness seriously.

The room had two doors leading out the other side. Nunna led Tet through the one on the left, so Makina went through the one on the right.

"Okay, Nena, it's your job to show her around."

"Y-yes... I know, Nunna..."

Makina thought it was adorable how nervous Nena was as she left Tet and Nunna and followed the blue-haired maid.

The door led to a long hallway.

Something was clearly off about this. The Cat's Collar had not been this big when they had seen it from the outside in the forest.

But Makina still sensed no hostility from Nena. She could have dealt with this if there had been any malice, but the maid girl showed nothing of the sort. Instead...



Something was not right.

Nena was breathing heavily, but Makina still sensed no wicked magic power.

The hallway continued on and Nena tried to keep walking on unsteady legs, but she eventually collapsed.

"Ahh! Khh!"

"A-are you okay, Nena!? I-I need to get help! Where did Nunna go!?"

Just as Makina turned around, Nena reached out a hand and grabbed the hem of her skirt. She nearly tripped from the unexpected tug.

When she looked to Nena to see what was up, she was surprised by two things.


First, Nena's face was flushed, her eyes were damp, and her breathing was heavy.

But the young girl was not ill or feverish. Makina knew this look quite well from personal experience. It was the face of a sexually aroused human.

But more than that, an alluring purple and pink light escaped through Nena's clothing at the lower stomach. Makina recognized that color of light.

"Y-you're searching for a boy name Nero...didn't you?"

The second surprise was from Nena's skirt.

The maid uniform had cute frills, but the bulge lifting it up at the crotch would only be there for a boy.

"P-please help me! I-I am Nero!"

"Nena is Nero!?"

Swordsman Tet was unarmed as he walked down a long hallway with the pink-haired maid named Nunna.

"Just walk through here and we'll be there~. Once at your seat, we'll start you off with an appetizer."


Tet had already noticed something was not right. The Cat's Collar Restaurant they had entered had not been this large. They had clearly encountered some kind of spatial distortion.

"By the way, mister, are there any foods you don't like~?"

"No, I am not picky."

"Fantastic! Picky eaters can be difficult in more ways than one."

Was she trying to say it could affect their physical health if they did not get a balanced diet?

"Miss Nunna."


"Sorry, but could I head back for a moment? There is something I forgot to give Makina."

"You'll be with her again in just a second~. It would be best not to head back after going to the trouble of cleaning-..."

He ignored Nunna and took off running the way he had come.

"Ah! Wait!"

She yelled at him, but he did not look back. He reached the door he had entered through and tried to turn the knob.

But it refused to budge. He tackled the door, but it stood as strong as a stone wall.

"It's no use."

He heard a voice behind him. He had supposedly run full speed away from Nunna, but she seemed to have caught up already.

"Please do as you are told, mister. You look delicious, so I just know you'll make the finest dish! Oh, you're absolutely brimming with life force! Should I crystallize you, or should I give you the tattoo and make you my sex slave? Both options have their appeal!"


Nunna had stepped on a landmine with the words "crystallize" and "tattoo".

She clearly sensed that fact. As soon as she felt the killer intent coming from Tet, he turned around and lifted the waitress by her slender neck.

"Kyah! I didn't expect you to be into such kinky stuff, mister~!"

Her neck strained in his strong grip.

But she did not seem remotely concerned and she even smiled.

The expression belonged to the girl who waited tables at a restaurant, but it did not seem remotely human.

"What are you? Tell me everything you know!"

He gave Nunna a piercing glare, but she gave him a piercing glare of her own while her pupils grew narrow and vertical like a cat's. She had the look of a fierce hunter about to consume its prey.

"Do not touch me, human! You are no more than a meal for me!"

The darkness lurking the Forest of Monsters revealed its true form.

And while Tet and Nunna were locked in such a tense situation, Makina was in a tense situation of her own.

"Pant, pant!"

"W-we should be safe in here!"

She opened the only door on the side of the long hallway and carried, Nero inside.

It was a simple room with only a bed, a desk, and a closet. It was apparently the room Nero had been given by Nunna.

He would normally sleep in here, so it had to be somewhat safe. But the boy in a blue wig and a maid uniform was far from calm.

"I-it's too much...!"


Nero held his chest, an erection pushed up his skirt, a sexual light glowed from within his skirt, and he gasped for breath while flushed in the cheeks. He looked just like a cute waitress girl, but he was clearly a boy.

He had entered the forest to find the mushrooms to heal his mother's illness and he had been attacked by a frightening monster. Then that monster had forced him to work at her restaurant and help her "hunt".

She had forced him to obey and stay here by placing this sex curse tattoo on his lower stomach.

"I-I need to see if Tet is all right! Wait here a moment!"

Tet might be in danger after going with Nunna.

She got up to leave, but Nero grabbed her skirt again while lying on the bed.



"P-please...don't go."


When he tearfully pleaded her, she felt like she was doing something wrong. She wanted to go help Tet, but she was reluctant to leave Nero here alone.

More than that, she knew the powerful effects of the sex curse all too well. She knew just how overwhelming and agonizing it was.


"W-well, if you insist♥"

She could not just leave him here. If he had the sex curse, there was a good chance he would lose control like Coltra had in the past. And if he gave into his desire and sexually assaulted someone at his age, it could deeply scar him psychologically.

–So what could I do but give him some "relief"?

She prayed for Tet's safety while gently pushing the boy back onto the bed.

"Eh!? U-um?"

"Let me take care of everything♥ Don't worry♥ You'll feel better in no time♥"

While Nero lay face up on the fluffy bed, she lay to his left.

After removing his girl's underwear, she found the sex curse tattoo on his lower stomach and his cute little penis.

"Ahh♥ Th-that's embarrassing!"

He blushed and grew tearful, which almost made him look like a girl.

That stimulated something inside Makina, be it her maternal side or her bullying side, so she whispered sweetly into his ear.

"Oh, it's so cute♥ Now, stop trying to hide it and let me see♥"


Her white fingers softly touched the boy's penis. The foreskin still covered that undeveloped short sword, so it was a new sight for Makina.

All the male "items" she had seen so far had been gigantic and seemingly shaped for the sole purpose of pleasuring her body, but this young penis looked downright adorable by comparison.

"It's so small and cute♥ Did you know doing this felt good?♥"

The foreskin-covered penis still felt somewhat soft even when erect and she gently rubbed it with her fingertips.

She had thought of penises as hard, violent things that pounded her everywhere that felt good. She knew the inkeeper's girth, Tact's length, Coltra's hardness, and Monta's technique.

But Nero's dick was far smaller and softer, so it was nowhere near as overwhelming. In fact, she felt a protective urge that told her to take the lead.

And for Nero, a busty older girl had come to save him by giving that penis a handjob.

"Did Nunna never do this for you?"

"Ah♥ Ahh♥ Sh-she would...♥ Make the feeling go away with a strange light when it was too much.... N-never anything like this. Hyah♥"

"Hee hee. You sound just like a girl♥ Does my hand feel that good?♥"

If Nero was to be believed, Nunna was behind his disappearance. She may have been absorbing his sexual energy through magic instead of sexual contact. Then was that dark-hooded man connected to this?

"M-Makina♥ This feels really weird...♥ But really good♥"

"It isn't weird♥ It's normal♥ C'mon, don't try to suppress it♥ Just accept the pleasure♥"

She stopped thinking to focus on the handjob.

When she whispered in his ear and blew there, a tremor ran through his entire body and his erect cock.

She used all ten smooth and skinny fingers to stimulate it. She rolled his balls around, stroked the hairless sex organ, and gently pulled back the foreskin. The princess's hands had transformed into sex organs capable of providing pleasure equivalent to breasts or a vagina.

"There, I pulled back the skin♥ Now you're a proper adult, Nero♥"

"Ah♥ Ahh♥ M-Makina...♥"

After exposing the fresh pink head, she placed her palm on that sensitive part and kneaded it.

Nero moaned like a girl and the young boy's high-pitched voice sent a tingle down her spine. She had never imagined she would feel so much lust for a boy in a maid uniform.

More than just blow in Nero's small ear, she lightly bit his earlobe, brought it into her mouth, and licked at his earhole. The boy's body jumped and writhed in a combination of ticklishness, embarrassment, and narcotic-like pleasure.

"Hyah, wah...!?♥ M-my ear♥"

"Hee hee♥ That's your weak point, isn't it?♥"

Goose bumps covered his body His first feel of a woman's body, her scent, and the handjob's pleasure were all new to him and it was too much for his young body to handle.

Precum was already flowing from the head, so she let it coat her slender fingers and used it as lotion. An obscene sticky sound echoed through the room.

While crying and drooling in her grasp, he unconsciously reached out toward the two overwhelming mounds to his left.

"Oh?♥ Are you interested in my boobs? ♥"

"Pant, pant♥ Ahh♥"

He could not even respond. She found that so adorable she pulled down the chest of her dirndl to reveal her jiggling tits and their pink nipples.

"Ah, ahhh!♥"

"Look, it's my boobs♥ You can touch them and suck them all you want♥"

As soon as he had permission, Nero began sucking at those seductive breasts.

"Ahn♥ No need to rush♥ I'm not going anywhere♥"

Teasing the young boy had her so horny she forgot all about hurrying this up to go help Tet. And despite her reassurances, Nero groped her breasts like he was trying to keep her here. They were so warm and soft. He sucked at one of the pink tips like a baby and refused to let go.


"Hee hee♥ Yes, take this time to enjoy, enjoy your mama's boobs♥"

She recalled this child had gone to the dangerous forest to help his mother.

He must have felt so lonely after being kidnapped, so it was not surprising he saw a motherly side to Makina and started acting like a baby.

It would have been maybe a dozen years since his last time sucking on a tit. But the way he went after those giant things was more like a man than a baby.

"Mama♥ Suck♥ Suck♥ Lick♥ Suck♥"

"There, there♥ Nh♥ Ahh♥ More, ahh♥"

She rubbed the maid boy's small head while he fondled her breasts.

That seemed to turn him back into a baby and all his short fingers sank into the boobs in front of him. He felt the soft white skin and the body heat of his "mama" while sucking hard on the nipple.

While he sucked at her nipple like he was trying to get milk out, the ticklish feeling and the lust she felt from Nero caused the nipple to grow erect and moans to escape her lips.

She resumed using her rubbing hand to produce pleasure on the level of a sex organ for the little boy cock that was as erect as her nipples.

While supplying each other with arousal and pleasure, the sex curse tattoos on their lower stomachs glowed as if resonating.

"Ah♥ Something's coming♥ I'm going to pee♥ I think I'm going to pee, mama♥"

"Let it out♥ It's okay♥ Trust in your mama and let out that white pee♥ I promise you it will feel good if you squirt it in my hand♥"

His limit was close. His balls were like small fruits and she could feel them rising up in preparation.

The up and down motion of her fingers picked up speed to guide Nero to his very first ejaculation.

The mixture of pleasure and fear of the unknown must have worried him because he clung to her boobs and held the nipple in his mouth like a pacifier.

This was only meant to calm down the sex curse, but Makina felt it was her duty to help him take this first step toward adulthood in the best possible way.


"Ah♥ It's coming out♥ It's coming out♥♥♥"

The maid boy cried out in the first climax of his life.

"Good!♥ Cum in your mama's hand♥ You can do it♥ Squirt it all out for me♥"


"Hwahh♥♥ Wow♥♥♥ Hee hee hee♥♥ You came so much♥ That must have felt really good♥ Well done♥♥♥"

The boy's male fluid dyed her white hand even whiter.

Nero's hips shook from the pleasure and, if that part of him had been covered by the skirt, he would have looked just like a maid girl orgasming while a man came inside her.

Most boys probably did not have such a pleasurable first ejaculation. No busty princess adventurer would show up to help them with her tits and a handjob.

But Nero did not know that, so he was simply happy as he enjoyed the pleasant afterglow.

And while the princess rubbed his head like a mother after taking him that first step toward adulthood, her sex curse glowed brightly and left her panties utterly soaked.

Tet understood what a true monster was now.

This was different from the others that were mere beasts. The term had probably originally been meant for creatures like the one before him.

"Hissss! Grrrr!"

"So that is your true form."

The black-haired knight confronted a large black-furred cat in the long hallway.

The Black Dogs and the large bear were no comparison. It had fangs and claws like great swords and it glared at him with the bewitching light of giant crystals in its eyes.

There was no sign left of Nunna, the lovely maid girl with pink twintails who had led him this far. This was only a monster that drooled while viewing its prey.

This enemy and threat could probably tear through a human torso in a single blow, but Tet was unfazed.

"Hee hee. What, this isn't enough to scare you, mister?♪ You don't have a sword or armor, so I'll tear you to shreds!"

"Who needs all that equipment to slay a mere kitten?"


His provocation seemed to have enraged Nunna. Her black fur bristled and she showed off her sharp fangs as a threat, but Tet still smiled confidently.

And the unarmed knight clenched his fists and held them in front of his face. He held his right fist a bit in front of his jaw and his left out toward Nunna. He moved his left leg forward and angled himself to the side while lifting himself up on his toes a bit.

He regulated his breathing to create a rhythm for himself. His eyes were focused on his opponent.

This was a traditional martial arts stance passed down among the knights.

"A knight must protect no matter the situation. ...Come at me, monster of the forest. I will show you the Grandel Kingdom Army's official martial arts."

"Can it! You're just unarmed human garbage!!"

With that, Monster Nunna rushed at Tet. She opened her mouth wide to crush Tet's tiny head with jaws that no punch could stop.

But that was when Tet's leg kicked up at her lower jaw.


His kick was as quick as lightning. His flexible joint threw the kick almost straight up.

That forcibly shut Nunna's mouth and sent pain into the roof of her mouth.

He used that moment to rush toward the giant cat.


He elbowed her in the throat. He used the hardest part of his right arm to hit her so forcefully he might have crushed her windpipe.

The giant cat groaned in agony, but he was already targeting her gut. He ran through the blind spot at her feet while sending a series of blows up into her thinner-skinned belly.

The belly was a weak point for all creatures, so the repeated blows there nearly brought quadrupedal Nunna to her knees.

"D-damn you!"

The quick punches were hard hitting and they had caught her entirely by surprise.

She tried to capture him below her belly, but he had already run out behind her.

Then he grabbed the base of her long black tail, fixed it tightly under his arm, and used all his strength to throw her giant body to one side of the hallway.


"Gh, gyahhhh!?"

Several windows shattered when the monster hit them and the shards pierced her body. Then he slammed her into the doors on the other side.

Nunna finally managed to shake her tail free of Tet's grasp. She also put some distance between them, but she was breathing heavy from the pain.

"I-in that case!"

A symbol appeared on her forehead. It was the same one seen on Makina and Nero's lower stomach or on the Poison Frog boss. More importantly, it was the one used by the man who crystallized all of Grandel's people.


The purple-glowing symbol shot out and hit Tet in the forehead as he raised his fists again.

His head was knocked back a bit, but then he glared sharply at the monster cat once more.

White light immediately surrounded the symbol on his forehead and it vanished.

"What just happened!? Who the fuck are you!?"

Nunna was horribly confused. The magic he had given her was not working. Even though she had given up on feasting on this boy and instead tried to trap him in a crystal.

Also, no human had ever tried to take her on unarmed before. At the point the little girl transformed into the monster cat, everyone else had reacted with fear and uncertainty.

So how could he take her on barehanded? Why did the look in this human's eyes remain unshaken?

"I am no one."

The answer was simple. No mere monster or magic was going to scare him anymore. Because he had already experienced much greater fear and despair. For that alone, he thanked the dark-hooded mage.

"I am Tet Chrom, my princess', Makina's knight!"

He clenched his fists and stared straight ahead. This boy had overcome hell, so now he ran toward the monster.

While Tet and Nunna were fighting, Makina and Nero had just finished their "first round".

Nero had been suffering from the effects of the sex curse, but Makina's hand had guided him to orgasm.

That would calm him a fair bit, so they could regroup with Tet. Except...


"Ah♥ C-c'mon! Don't just grab me like that♥"

She had thought getting him off once would be enough, but either due to the sex curse, due to the sexual energy of a young boy, or due to her sexy body in front of him, his dick was still hard and he grabbed her so she would not leave.

They had been searching for this child at the request of his father, so she could not use magic to violently shake him off.

"You really are a boy, aren't you?♥"

He changed position and pushed her down on the bed with his small body that looked just like a girl in that maid outfit.

"Does mama need to give her little boy a sex ed lesson?♥"

She decided the only option was to let the fun to continue until he was satisfied. Not that she tried very hard to find an alternate solution.

She lay face up on the bed with her large tits still exposed, so she spread her legs and pulled up her skirt to show off her pink panties. The underwear was already soaked.

"Okay, can you take this off for me?♥ Remember to be gentle with girls♥"


Nero hesitantly reached for her underwear and slipped it off of her legs.

After peeling the forbidden fruit that was a princess's body, the boy got his first look at a pussy.

He could not have had much knowledge about this, but his penis reacted. The core of his maleness knew that was a sexual and arousing thing.

He also reacted to the tattoo on her lower stomach since it was identical to his.

"Y-you have one too?"

Other people generally could not see the tattoo, but someone else with one was apparently an exception.

"Hee hee♥ We match, don't we?♥ Now, a girl's pleasure cave is located below here♥"


Nero audibly gulped.

"You know what you do here?♥ A boy puts his penis inside this hole♥"

"M-my penis?"

"Yes♥ Now, penetrate my soaked pussy with your newly-awakened cock♥"

"Pant, pant!"

She seduced Nero with dirty words spoken with a toxic sweetness.

He pressed the head against the entrance and felt the wet pleasure cave there.

And finally, he pushed his hips forward like his male instincts told him to.

His small but plenty-hard young dick entered her wet and horny pussy.

"Ah, ahhhh~~~♥♥♥"

"M-Makina!♥ What is this!?♥ It feels like I'm melting♥"

He lost his virginity to a truly incredible vagina. And he found this pleasure amid the fear of being taken hostage.

The extreme circumstances of his first time meant his cock was about to explode before he even reached three thrusts.

But his sex curse tattoo glowed brighter and released his desire. All the blood in his body gathered toward his penis so he could devour this female body and enjoy the pleasure.

"Ahh!♥ Ahhh♥ Makina!♥"

"Ah♥ Ahn♥ Nh♥ C'mon♥ Move your hips more...nhh♥ Yes, just like that♥ Keep going♥ Ahh♥"


Nero thrust his hips to fulfill his duty as a male.

His hip movements and penis size left something to be desired, but Makina still found herself moaning.

She could tell that was thanks to the sex curse. Their curses were resonating and throbbing in an alternating pattern. Each time hers throbbed, a wave of pleasure washed over her. She realized this was her first time having sex with another cursed person.

That may have been why each of his thrusts brought her the same overwhelming pleasure as her first time but with the pain of her broken hymen missing this time.

Despite his small size, she really was writhing in pleasure and her vision flashed in and out while her thoughts were scattered by electrical signals she had never experienced before.

She could tell sex between cursed people would be highly addictive and she moaned loudly from the bottom of her gut.

"Hwah♥ Ah♥ Ahh♥ G-god, yes♥ Your cock is so good♥ Ahh♥"

"I...♥ I feel good too♥ It's amazing inside you!♥"

A slapping sound echoed through the room as they pounded their flesh together and their moans were proof of their mutual pleasure.

She had intended to take the lead with this virgin boy, but she was rendered helpless by his cock. That fact turned her on like crazy.

The maid boy's tattoo glowed as he pinned the princess down in the missionary position and buried his face in the giant tits that jiggled with every thrust.

She would have preferred something larger, but the erect male symbol rubbing at her inner flesh was otherwise exactly what her vagina had wanted. She had wanted to find this boy to protect him, but now she just wanted him to fuck her brains out. A kingdom's princess had seduced a young boy to satisfy her own desire.

––In that moment, nothing could have brought me more arousal or pleasure.

"Ah♥ Ahn♥ Ah♥ Nero♥ Yes♥ Just like that♥ Fuck me hard♥ Ahn♥"

"Makina, Makina, Makina, Makina♥"

"Ahh♥ Ah♥ Hee hee♥ What a quick learner you are♥ Nh♥ If you can pleasure girls like this♥ You've passed mama's test♥ Hyah♥"

This was his first time inside such a superb vagina, or any vagina at all, so he felt overwhelmed by the pleasure too. But he still thrust his hips and had the sex curse's help to bring them both to orgasm.

To praise him for showing promise in the field of sex, she rubbed his head and held his face to her two motherly mounds.

He breathed in the sweaty feminine scent and enjoyed the marshmallow softness, but still moved his lower body to consume the ultimate pleasure of her inner flesh.

This ultimate luxury was similar to eating several delicacies all at the same time.

And for the one having her various flavors enjoyed, being eaten by this restaurant's crossdressing waitress boy was an irony she was more than willing to accept.

"Ah♥ Makina♥ It's happening♥ It's happening again!♥ Just like before♥"

"Okay♥ Let it out♥ Enjoy that pleasure again, okay?♥ I promise you it will feel amazing to squirt your white pee inside me♥"

"Ah♥ Ah♥ Hwaaaahhh♥"

His thrusting accelerated as he felt the second ejaculation rising from deep within his balls. Their tattoos alternately glowed even brighter as their climaxes arrived.



Nero bent back and trembled from the pleasure of cumming inside someone during his first time having sex.

For the one on the receiving end, the force and quantity of the ejaculation could have been better, but it tingled in her brain like a drug. It was likely the sex curse's effect, but his semen felt hotter, sweeter, and more pleasurable than any before.


The boy sank weakly into her chest pillow.

He had lost his virginity now, but with this first time, Makina was a little worried he would have trouble when he did fall in love with a girl.

"You came so much inside me♥ You fucked me good and hard♥ That gets a perfect score for a first time♥"

But she decided now was the time to celebrate with him, so she gently rubbed his head as he tried to catch his breath.



"...!? Nero!?"

While they basked in the afterglow, Nero rolled onto the bed next to her and held his lower stomach again.

Was the sex curse activating again? Or had Nunna done something to him?


But it was neither. The truly unexpected result shocked Makina.

The sex curse tattoo on his lower body glowed bright white and then disappeared.

It was entirely gone and his original skin color had returned. They exchanged a surprised glance and then they caught on.

Nunna had cast this sex curse on Nero. And the effects of sex curse magic disappeared when the caster was knocked out or killed.

The battle was over.


Broken windows, torn wallpaper, and deep claw marks in the wooden floor.

And the one collapsed there...was not the puny human. Swordsman Tet stood tall and looked down at the collapsed giant cat.

"That was more work than I expected. It seems I broke two or three ribs."

It had taken breaking his own bones, but he had defeated the monster. He was bleeding from all over his body and there was a painful-looking chunk gone from his right arm where he had been bitten.

But he had still won. He had used the narrow hallway to negate Nunna's mobility, continued accurately targeting her weak points with his bare hands, and ultimately brought her down.


The large black cat named Nunna had her red tongue hanging out as she panted. She had never imagined a mere human – and an unarmed young man at that – would ever defeat her.

She had been the strongest of the monsters in this forest. She had also had the power he had given her, so she could even hunt down the adventurers. She had been so close to invincibility.

But now her instincts rather than her rational mind had accepted defeat. Each step Tet took closer made her heart quaver.

(I-in that case...!)


Nunna used her last resort. That large carnivorous monster transformed into a pink-haired waitress. But her maid uniform was in tatters, her twintails were frayed, and she was covered in countless bruises.

"I-it hurts! Help me, Nena! Daddy!"

The young girl wept while collapsed on the floor. Her voice and face would have brought guilt to even the coldest of hearts.


But Tet did not stop.

He grabbed sobbing Nunna's neck, squeezed, and lifted the girl up high with just his left arm.

"Kah!? Wait!"

A look of "he wouldn't" flashed across her face while she dangled there.

Nunna had thought of Tet as a kind and gentlemanly young man, so surely he would not strangle a poor battered girl. But she had entirely underestimated him.

"First of all, that father of yours doesn't exist. If he did, he would have shown up by now."

He gathered strength in his left hand to constrict her windpipe.

Tears dripped down the maid girl's face as her mouth flapped like a goldfish's as she sought oxygen.

But he still did not loosen his grip.

"Now, answer me. What is the ancient magic of Gelwess? Where is the man who gave you that power?"

"H-help me...!"

The tears dripping down her face were joined by snot and her drool formed a foam at the corners of her mouth, but Tet still showed no mercy. Nunna was the monster who had driven fear into the hearts of adventurers and nearby villagers, but his expression filled her heart with true fear for the first time in her life.

"I was taught a painful lesson in my own powerlessness. I could not protect the people of my home kingdom, I collapsed from poison, and my Princess constantly needs to support me. ...When you get down to it, there is only so much a single person can do."

Her conscious was slipping away. Her eyes rolled back in her head. A yellow liquid leaked from the small maid girl's crotch.

"Kah! Hhh!"

I can only save people who are within reach of these hands. And that includes my Princess. So I cannot afford to show you mercy!"


There was a dull crack and Nunna moved no more.

"Sigh. I did it again..."

He had killed a source of information before they could talk. He had also killed what looked a small girl, even if she was really a monster. But Tet's regrets were about carelessly losing a possible clue. He knew he needed to fix his bad habit of getting tunnel vision when he was mad.

He finally let go and dropped the girl onto the forest underbrush.

By defeating the monster, the Cat's Collar Restaurant had turned into particles of light and vanished. The same happened to Nunna's corpse.

He was surrounded only by the thick greenery of the forest and their weapons and equipment lying on the ground.



He looked back to see Makina running over. Her face was red, she was breathing heavily, and she was sweaty.

He quickly gained the look of a knight and worried that something had happened with her too.

But she did not seem injured and the blue-haired maid named Nena was watching nervously from a short distance away.

"You're okay!? Are you hurt at all!?"

"That's my line, Tet! You're all bloody!"

"Eh? O-oh, this is nothing! Just some cat scratches."

"This is no time for jokes! Wait a moment while I use healing magic!"

Makina quickly picked up her staff and started to heal Tet's wounds.

Seeing her like this renewed Tet's resolve to protect and guard her.

And with that, the restaurant that devoured wanderers in the Forest of Monsters was no more.

With the top of the ecosystem gone, the turf wars between monsters would probably intensity for a while.

After leaving the forest, Tet and Makina brought captured Nena – who was really the boy Nero – back to his family.

"Thank you so much for everything!"

"No, no! We were only doing our duty as adventurers!"

The following morning after Makina and Tet had spent the night at Nero's house, the boy's parents and the boy (whose hair and eyes were black once more) saw them off with many thanks.

"It might not be much of a reward, but please take this."

"You really don't have to...but thank you."

The mother was feeling better thanks to the mushrooms Nero had brought back and she handed the two adventurers a wrapped package. It contained some portable food and some tools that would be useful on a journey.

Nero's mother would likely recovery little by little from here on.

"What are these?"

"Those are Summon Bells. They are Magitools that resonate with identical bells and start ringing, so they let you know when someone with the matching bell is nearby. ...Although powerful adventurers like you two might not need them."

"Thank you! We really appreciate it!"

Tet bowed deeply and Makina verbally expressed her thanks.

And they finally turned toward Nero.

Now that he was freed from the maid uniform and the sex curse, he was back to being a normal boy. But he was fidgeting nervously and hiding behind his father.

"C'mon, Nero. You need to say goodbye!"


Whether he was embarrassed or reluctant to say goodbye, he could not get out the words his father wanted.

Makina smiled at him and crouched down to his eye level.

"Caring for your mother is a good thing, but don't do anything else that will worry your father, okay?"

"Okay... Sorry."

"Good boy. Now, we will be continuing our journey."

"Ah... Wait...Makina!"

When she patted his head, he raised his voice.


She leaned in toward his ear and whispered so only he could hear her.

"Next time I see you, I hope you can bring me even more pleasure♥"


His face grew so red it looked like it was boiling over.

But by then, she had already stood up and bowed to his parents again.

"We will be going then."

"Excuse us."

"Thank you again for saving our son!"

"We are praying for safety during your journey!"

Tet and Makina turned around and set off toward the royal capital again.

Nero waved toward Makina's back and finally said goodbye to his savior.

"B-bye bye, Makina!"

She looked back just once and waved with a smile.

Next to her, Tet looked satisfied that his Princess had enough charisma to draw in even children.

And their long journey resumed.


Magical Princess Makina: Another End 5 - The Restaurant's Horny Waitress

The name's Wanderin' Joe.

I'm your typical adventurer. Y'know, a guy who travels from town to town bounty hunting and treasure hunting.

But as your typical adventurer, I'd found myself lost yet again.

I'd never been more lost. There was nothing but deep forest in every direction.

I had dug up some rare ore at Wells's mine and planned to make a name for myself in the royal capital.

Well, that was the plan, but I spent way too much at Banilanda's Pub when I stopped there on the way. As you'd expect with a handsome man like me, I was Mr. Popular while I was there, but those cute bunny girls ended up sucking my balls and my wallet dry. Well, that's life sometimes.

But Banilanda, the monstrous looking owner of the pub, had told me of a route to cut straight through the forest. She looked like an orc, but she's a pretty nice person.

The forest is dangerous, but walking around it to the royal capital would have taken days. I didn't have enough money left for that, so I had just one choice. It was called the Forest of Monsters, but I thought an adventurer of my level could handle it.


All I could find to eat was flowers and berries. Everything around me was green and I couldn't find the path to the royal capital. I thought I was going to go crazy.


But then I found salvation. A wooden building suddenly appeared before me.

"The Cat's Collar? ...This is a restaurant!? I'm saved!"

I did not have much money, but I had enough for a meal and a room for the night. I decided to fill my stomach there and ask them the way out of the forest.

I had a way of always lucking out in the end.

I happily threw open the door to the restaurant.


"J-just the one person?"

"Follow me please~."

"Ohh, now this is what I like to see."

I forgot all about my hunger and I smiled like I was partaking of the finest delicacy.

I was greeted by three waitresses when I entered the restaurant. One was a cheerful-looking little lady with pink twintails and another was a more docile-looking blue-haired girl.

But my eyes were drawn to in the blonde girl who was still young, but was taller than those two and (more importantly) had some massive melons barely contained in her top. She was wearing a maid-style uniform, but she still gave off a refined aura.

"I will take your coat."

"And to ensure all of the customers can relax and enjoy their meal, please leave your weapons on this shelf."

"How about we clean you up~?"

"Heh heh heh. You're thorough here, aren't you? What a strange restaurant."

While the three cute girls looked after me, I had almost all my equipment removed and was led further in.

But it seemed odd I'd never heard rumors of this place when they had such cuties working here. Did the people who knew keep it a secret?

"Th-this way please..."

The blue-haired young lady showed me the way. The energetic girl and the busty blonde were great, but I found I was more in the mood for this calmer girl. I kinda wanted to turn her into my kind of woman.

"Nh, h-huh?"

Something was wrong. I had planned to eat a ton here since I was starving, but I started feeling really sleepy.

Was I worn out from the journey? But this was more than that. My mind was quickly fading...


"Wh-what should we do, Nunna?"

"Hmm, he doesn't look very tasty, so I'll pass. But we can't let a catch go to waste, so let's take just his life force."

"You mean...?"

"That's right, Nena! It's time to have some fun with you, Makina, and Tet!"

Nena, who was actually the boy named Nero, looked frightened, but Makina's face was filled with sexual desire.

The Gelwess symbol appeared on pink-haired Nunna's forehead, her cat-like eyes glowed, and she licked her lips.

While trapped in the crystal, Wanderin' Joe could only watch the obscene party play out.

"Ahhh♥ Nyaaahn♥ I love it♥ Your sexual energy is the best, mister♥ I can't stand it♥"

"Ah, kh, stop this!"

Nunna's small body bounced up and down on the large bed. Her breasts were only budding by human standards, but she had an incredible body for people who were into that kind of thing.

Puffy pink nipples blossomed at the tip of those slight mounds. They were the same color as her hair and they were erect. Her small butt and slender hips moved rhythmically to ride Tet's cock.


Makina and Tet had been asked to search for missing Nero by the boy's father. They had encountered the monster named Nunna during their search and Tet had lost to her. He had been injured and confined to bed while he healed. All the while, Nunna drained is sexual energy like this.

"Well?♥ How do you like it having such a little girl riding you?♥ My monster pussy is super tight, isn't it?♥ It feels good, doesn't it, mister?♥ You can move your hips too if you want♥"

"I would never!"

Despite Tet's wishes, his penis reacted inside Nunna's vagina.

Her womb and the smooth curve of her stomach throbbed with joy at the movement and her vagina tightened around his rod even more.

She looked just like a cute little girl (and that young appearance was definitely part of the problem), but she had nearly killed him before. She was the wicked monster who had kidnapped Nero, given him the sex curse, and attacked any adventurers who entered the forest.

Tet hated how his body reacted so positively when she had her way with him like this. And more importantly...

"You can be honest with yourself, mister~♥ Just give in to your lust♥ Like Nena and Makina over there!"

What pained him more than his own situation was the pair having sex in the next bed over.

"Ah♥ Ahh♥ Nhh♥ More♥ Harder♥ Nero♥"

Makina had gotten down on all fours and lifted up her maid uniform's skirt while Nero pounded her from behind.

Gravity was pulling her breasts down and they jiggled back and forth with each thrust while the pink tips grew ever harder.

From Tet's perspective, he was seeing his unsullied master moaning as a younger boy had his way with her. The melted look on her face and bestial moans were a first for him.

The plump butt and thighs visible below her lifted skirt were sweaty and her white skin was flushed with arousal.

Her face was also flushed and she had sweat on her brow. His precious master and the childhood friend he was supposed to protect was being fucked in such an indecent pose.

"Ahhh♥ Ahh♥ Makina♥"

Nero had lifted the skirt of his maid uniform to reveal an erection while he desperately pounded his hips against the large butt before him.

He looked just like a girl, but his male side showed through when he devoured that female body with no concern for Tet's presence.

"Nero♥ Nero♥ Ahh♥ Ahh♥ Ahhn♥ Yes♥ It's so good♥♥♥"

"Makina♥ Ah♥ It like it too♥"

They both had the sex curse, so the pleasure of sex was truly addictive. Soon after failing to rescue Nero, Makina had become hooked on these orgies and Nero remained a captive.

"Kh! Princess!"

Tet felt so powerless after failing to defeat Nunna and failing to save Makina and Nero. He felt intense regret.

But he clenched his teeth most of all at himself for getting so hard inside this monster's vagina while she forced herself onto him.

He could claim it was only a biological reaction to the physical stimuli, but he could not deny that the blood was gathering in his lower body from hearing his childhood friend's moans and seeing her fucked by another man (well, boy) overrun by lust. And that was what he truly could not forgive himself for.


"Ahh, yes♥ I love moving my hips while watching cute Nena and cute Makina going at it like animals♥ And milking you of all your cum while you try and fail to avoid getting hard is the greatest pleasure of all♥ Everyone should obey their instincts♥ Humans are animals just like the rest of us♥"

Nunna felt pleasure surging through her spine while she moved her hips above Tet.

This restaurant had become a place for these four to bring their instincts to the surface and enjoy animalistic sex while gathering life force energy from any adventurers who happened by. These orgies of the flesh were exactly what Nunna wanted, but Tet alone kept his senses.

"Do you really think I'll give in if you keep doing this!?"

"What you do doesn't matter, mister. Not when they've already given in."


Nunna was enjoying Tet's cock so much her entire body was sweaty and drool dripped from the corner of her mouth, but now she pointed over at the pair next to them.

The boy who looked just like a girl was giving into his male instincts by grabbing Makina's butt and hips and thrusting faster as he approached climax.

"Ah♥ I'm about to cum♥ Makina♥ I'm going to cum♥"

"Ahhhh♥ Cum♥ Cum inside me♥ Fill me up♥ Squirt it all out and- ah♥ Nhhh♥ Hwaaaaaahh♥♥♥"

As those two orgasmed in unison, Tet could only bite his lip and avert his gaze.


Nero came in the deepest part of Makina's vagina so hard Tet swore he could hear it.

He could not cover his ears, so there was no blocking out Makina's cry of joy as she was cummed inside or the sound of the cum filling her royal womb.

"Princess! Please come back to your senses! You mustn't let a monster control you and have indecent relations with such a young child!"

But Makina could no longer remember her duty as a princess or her love for Tet. Her thoughts were ruled by the sex curse as her face was distorted by the pleasure of orgasm.

"Ahh♥ It's so hot♥ There's so much of your cum♥ Eh heh heh♥ This is the best♥"


Nero and Makina had had sex several times already, so they knew each other's bodies quite well and could bring each other the greatest pleasure.

As proof, a milky white substance erupted from the nipples of the breasts she had bared herself. Those mounds shook in time with Nero's hips and seemed to be producing milk along with her climax.

"Makina♥ I...I want to go home and see my mama."

"Hee hee♥ Don't worry♥ I'm your wife and your mama now♥ If you're feeling lonely...look♥ You can drink mama's milk to clam down♥ So don't cry, little papa♥"

Makina embraced Nero and pressed her giant breast against his mouth to get him to drink her milk. Since she was producing milk, she must have already had Nero's child inside her.

Nero could not return to his family, but he had gained a new family here.

"There's nothing at all to worry about, Nena♥ Let's all live here together and enjoy ourselves♥ ...Ah♥ I'm cumming♥ I'm cumming, cumming, cummiiiiiiiiiiiiing♥"

"Kh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Tet clenched his teeth, but he could not stop the surge of milkiness from filling Nunna's womb.

Nunna cried out in pleasure at the sensation and then began moving her hips again. Nero sobbed and sucked at Makina's breast while trapped between pleasure and sadness. Makina herself gained a melted look of pleasure, pushed Nero back onto the bed, and mounted him.

They say a monster lives in the forest leading to the royal capital.

And they say there is a restaurant in that forest where beautiful waitresses work.

But no one who enters that forest ever returns alive. It was unclear where the rumor had come from, but it had spread to all the nearby villages and towns.

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