Chapter 3: Discussion

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Legolas POV

I walk over to where My Ada and Gandalf are. At first, no one says anything. Then Gandalf begins to speak, "Listen Legolas, you have to know we are doing everything we can to save Aerlinniel." I give a nod and he continues speaking, "We just got word from Tauriel, whom we had sent out along with some other guards to get information. She said that it looks like Lithôniel is planning to start a war."

"I need for you and Tauriel to go to Rivendell to request help from Lord Elrond. We are strong, but his army has 3,000 more warriors than us and a lot of them used to be are own. I don't like asking for help, but we need it. We will defeat them and we will get Aerlinniel back. I want to get her back too, you know." My Ada tells me.

"I know, I just am getting really worried. I keep thinking, what if she's dead already, or-" I get cut off by Gandalf.

"We must not think like that, Legolas Greenleaf. We have to be focused on saving Aerlinniel, not thinking what might have happened to her. Now, are you willing to go with Tauriel to go to Rivendell, or not?"

"I will go." I answer.

"Good, you leave at dawn tomorrow."

~the next morning~

I am waiting for Tauriel, who went to get Lembas bread for out journey to Rivendell. She should be out at any minute. I am waiting at the front gate for her.

I soon see her approaching, and we get on our horses and head off for Rivendell. Tauriel and I have not talked much since what happened. It's always been awkward between us since then. I wish that it never had happened. I wish I never had kissed her. But it did happen, and now I might have lost a friend.

Once in a while, she will look over at me and the immediately look away. I decide to start a conversation, because I hate this awkwardness between us.

"Tauriel, what has happened, happened. Do you think we can put it behind us, and maybe we can be friends again?"

She looks at me, somewhat shocked for a second before answering, "Yes, I would love for us to be friends again. Legolas." She gives me a smile and I return it.

"I am sorry for all that had happened." I tell her.

"Don't, be. Like you said, let's but what has happened behind us." I give her a nod in reply.

We continue riding and hours turn into days. We sometimes will talk, but there is not much to talk about. I am still worried about Aerlinniel, but I am trying to stay positive and I am trying to stay focused on saving her.


We have now exited Mirkwood and are galloping across the fields. It should not be to much longer until we reach Rivendell. I just hope that Lord Elrond will be willing to help us.

I was somewhat shocked when my Ada told us to come here to ask for help. Because, well, he is not one to ask for help. Gandalf must of convinced him to somehow, or something.

"We should reach Rivendell before sundown." Tauriel shouts to me. She is a little farther ahead of me.

I wonder how Aerlinniel is doing right now.

Lithôniel POV

I am going to start a war with the Woodland-Realm, and there is no way they will win, I have made sure of that. My army of elves are bigger and stronger than 'King' Thranduil's. And I know that he would never ask for help. He's to selfish and stubborn. That's how I know I am going to win this war.

My first plan did not work, but this one is sure to. With Aerlinniel as my slave, I will have her kill her friends and her sister. Then, I will take out Rivendell and Lothlórien. Take Aerlinniel's powers from her and take them for myself. And I will rule Middle-earth!


Here's an update for you guys! :D I hope that you liked it, what did you think? I am leaving for Vacation an Friday and I will be gone for about two weeks. But, don't worry, I will have WiFi!!! ^~^ So that means, I should still be able to update. Now, I have a very close friend, who would like some feedback on her books, she really wants to know how she is doing and if she should delete them or not. Here are her stories and what they are about:

The Beginning of Silvia Silver- Silvia was a half-vampire and half-elf girl from the forest of Lothlorien in a place called Middle-Earth. She has many powers, but she still gets plenty more. She has to learn how to control them, raise her family, train for battles and wars, and worry about too many things to count. This is how everything happened.

Silvia in Narnia- Silvia Silver has disappeared to a magical land called Narnia. She and her best friend, Kimberly, meet the Pevensies, and they might find the love they couldn't find when they were home. The story you know is only the start. It didn't happen the way you think it did.

They are AWESOME Books and it would mean sooooooooooooooooooooooo much to both her and I if you could go check them out, and vote for them, and comment on them, and let her know how she is doing, and whether she should delete them or not! :D Thank you so much to those who do!!!!!! ^~^ Love you,                   


Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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