Chapter 7: Promise

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Aerlinniel POV

~Flashback to when she was six (in human years)~

I ran down the halls, that I have now memorized, until I get to the throne room. As soon as I hear the familiar heartbeats I run up and hug them.

“Ada! (Father) Naneth! (Mother) Guess what I did today?"

“What did you do today, Aerlinniel?" My Ada asks me.

“I learned how to say, 'I love you' in Elvish!" I say all excited. They taught me common lounge first because they thought it would be easier for me. So now I an learning Elvish.

“Really? That amazing, Aerlinniel! Can you say it for us?" My mom says, I can tell by her voice she has a big smile on her face.

“Gi melin! (I love you)" I say, proudly as I hug them again.

“Gi melin, Aerlinniel. You are doing such a great job so far." My Ada says.

I give them a smile. I love it when my parents are happy, because that makes me happy. I know that's will always remember this day. Because it was also the day that I found out, I was going to have a little sister!

~Four years later when Aerlinniel is 10 and Elarinya is 4 (in human years)~

“Wait for me!" My little sister called as she was running after me.

We were running through a field, how I wish I could see what it looked like. I was told it had many different kinds of flowers that were all different colors. Elarinya and I were heading for the forest to go to a pond that we like to go to, so we can talk.

I stopped running and waited until Elarinya had caught up with me. “Are we getting close to the forest, gwanun? (sister)"

“Yes." She replied, trying to catch her breath.

“Alright then, lead the way." I said to her.

She took my hand and we walked to the pond, her guiding me so I won't bump into any trees. I know we are close to the water now, because I can hear the wind going across the water.

We have fun, splashing water at each other and talking about everyday life. We sit down to just relax. I can feel the sun on my skin as I lay on the ground and I hear Elarinya lay next to me.

“Aerlinniel?" Elarinya says.

“Yes?" I say, giving her a smile.

“I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I want you to promise me something." She tells me.

“I love you too. And what is it?" I ask her.

“I want you to promise me that we will always be best sister friends. And that we will always stick together and keep each other safe." She says to me.

I smile ever wider, if that's possible. So I tell her, “I promise."


Hope that you like this update with flashbacks! :D Do you like the flashbacks? Because if you do, I can do more of them. And I could also do a flashback going into detail about Aerlinniel being blind and how it happened. And what went on with her parents and Lithôniel. I could even do one on the Dragon attacking the kingdom if you wanted me to. How about you leave a comment telling me what you guys want to have happen? :) Also, ITS ME ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY ON WATTPAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I can't believe it and I can't believe how far I have come. Thank you to each and every one of you. I can not tell you how much you all mean to me!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I love you all sooooooooooooooooooooooo very much and I just can't thank you all enough! ^~^

    Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

                                                                  ~Ellethwen <3

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