Chapter 19

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Important note:

Readers of PROMISING TO BE THERE FOR YOU.. i have a good news for u.

The book is back again, Alhamdulillah

Now Its called "For you!"

(Smok03) Shaafi maryam osmani would be delighted to get all the love from her readers back. Pls shower her all the love like you all used to do.


Sorry for the late update..

Life has been keeping me very busy, lovelies. I hope you all understand me.

And thank you so much to all my lovelies for voting for my books in the literary awards and in the fiction awards.

Truly I felt really over whelmed seeing your notifications that you've been voting for me even without me asking you to.

Jazakallah khair once again:)

Iam very much blessed to have readers like you all. Alhamdulillah

Happy reading.

And yes, A very thrilling chapter ahead.

Ignore the errors.


Holding the bunch of keys in her plam, she tried to find that one key to the main door of Malak villa but for some weird reason her palms were perspiring and she could literally hear the palpitations in her heart.

"Relax safi, why are you scared as if you are stealing something!" She mumbled to herself, taking a deep breathe.

It was dark as the watchman had not switched on the porch lights saying there was some electricity problem because of the heavy rain past few days.

Even now it was drizzling slightly and climate was very soothing and pleasant to say the least.

Switching on the torch in her phone she realized her battery is only 5 percentage and she needed to save that till she reached home.

Safina mehek sighed, locking her phone and keeping it safely in her clutch and got down walked over to the gate, mentally scolding herself for going there all alone by herself.

"Watchman uncle!" She called, as she reached the gate.

Her intuition was telling her that something is gonna happen but she didn't give it that much thought.

As she neared the gate and noticed the watchman uncle lying unconscious on the cemented floor, her heartbeat raised in a fraction of seconds and she reflexively looked around for a moment.

She was about to kneel down to check his pulse, but sensing someone's footsteps echo in the empty street,made her stand up and ran as fast as possible to save her life.

She couldn't help but feel guilty for not helping watchman but her subconscious was telling her to get out from there as fast as possible.

She hastily speeded her step towards her scooty. It was eerily silent as the heavens poured down drenching her in just a seconds of lightning.

Safina tried to calm down her palpitating heart as she focused on the melodious sound of the rain pouring down the heavens.

She loved rain and everything about it..

Even the lightning and the roaring of the skies wouldn't scare her..

But she knew less, that she would start hating the very thing that she loved and enjoyed with all her being..

From this day on..


After bidding off her brother, Rashiya'a went up to her room with a cup of hot espresso as she loved sipping on it every time the heavens poured down.

Rashiya'a checked her wattpad for updates from her favourite stories but seeing none.. she decided to chat away with her bestie..

Hey saf, bhaiya left just now..just got free. Wassup?

She waited for her reply for a few minutes but her last seen was an hour ago and assuming she was busy Rashiya'a opened her instagram account to pass away the time.

Assalam alaikum. -Adeel.

To say that her heartbeat speeded up like that of the rain pouring down from the heavens with full speed would be an understatement.
She could hear her heart beating fast, even though the tip tap of the rain was more louder than her heartbeats.

Rashiya'a couldn't help but smile widely before calming her heartbeats and opened his message, keeping the hot coffee turned cold on the table.

Wa alaikum assalam.

She replied and anticipated his reply.

How are you?

He replied those short three words after a couple of minutes and Rashiya'a sighed before replying..

Alhamdulillah, wbu? - Rashiya'a.

Alhamdulillah good, btw is safina with you? -Adeel

Nope, why? What happened? -Rashiya'a.

I will get back to you later, Allah hafiz. - Adeel

All the butterflies and dragons that Rashiya'a had felt in her stomach vanished in a second as she realised that something is wrong and she dialed Safina's number getting down from her bed and paced in her room to and fro; her usual habit whenever she is nervous.

Rashiya'a got tired of trying to reach her bestie as it was unreacheable and dialled Fariha's number, wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead with her cotton dupatta which had formed even in the coldest atmosphere.

She hoped with all her heart that everything was alright but little did she know that nothing was going to be right..

From this day on..


Safina mehek didn't had much time to ponder when a car stopped in front of her with the scorching head lights that almost blinded her vision momentarily.

She looked around and entered an apartment building not knowing what to do.

It didn't took her a moment to realize that they were those stalker who had been following her and Rashiya'a, a month ago.

Not a single soul was visible as far as her sight reached as it was pouring heavily. She looked around for the security of the building but they weren't any where to be seen.

She parked her scooty with her trembling hands and got down looking around with her shivering form; her abaya, her niqab, her whole form drenched in rain..

She blinked back the tears in her eyes and took a step forward when he came in front of her.

He had covered his face with a hoodie and balaclava.

It all happened in the spur of the moment.

One moment Safina was taking the pepper spray from her clutch and the other he was screaming in pain and Safina took the opportunity to run outside the building..

Just when the power went off.


Safina Mehek burst out crying out of joy and fear when she found a couple who wanted to help her by giving her a ride to her home on their way back to their home. She thanked them a million times as she got in and drove to her home which was hardly a five minutes drive.

She felt relieved seeing she jad neared her home but all her happiness vanished as soon as her eyes landed on the van parked outside the gate.

"Please stop!" She asked her lips wibbling as she dabbed on her tears.

"What happened dear?" asked the women and the old man turned to look at her from the driving seat.

"I .. I will go from here.." She didn't know what to say; what to do. She was not in a state to comprehend anything.

She was clever enough to not enter her building but rather the opposite building. She sighed in relief seeing few people with the umbrella's and some with plastic coverings going in and out.

Safina stopped for a second before taking a step forward when he got hold of her wrist and pulled her with all the force and the last thing she remebered was the heaven thundering with all its might before she dropped unconscious.


Safina mehek opened her eyes to feel the throbbing headache as she tried sitting up. Her eyes welled up with tears as she realised she was kidnapped seeing her both hands tied to the either side of the bed crown.

Her abaya and dress were still drenched and that made her realise that it would have been only few minutes since they reached this place. She noticed she was kept in a room.

"You are up?" Safina looked towards the door hearing a girls voice.

She looked at her with blank expression as she thought if the girl could help her escape this place.

"Who are you?" Safina breathed out as the tears which she had been holding back found their way out.

"Iam Anisha." She smiled as she opened the closet taking clothes and extended them towards safina.

"Please get changed. You will catch fever."

"Really? You.. you think I will be worried about catching fever rather than being kidnapped!" She hiccuped at the thought that her family would be waiting for her.

"I like your sarcasm." Anisha gave her tight lipped smile before freeing both her hands and pulling her down the bed and handing the clothes in her hand, she showed her the way to washroom.

"Please," Safina was almost begging her. "My family will be worried for me, Can't you help me?" She asked with hope but Anisha nodded in negative.

"Please get changed, if he knows that we are having a chat he won't let me talk to you." With that she walked away leaving her all alone.

To cry on herself.

To cry on the situation she is in.

To cry on her pathetic self.

To cry until there was nothing more left..


"Why am I kidnapped?" She asked seeing Anisha as coming out of the washroom.

"Iam sorry, that dress is too big for you!" Anisha smiled ignoring her question.

"Are you serious? Please answer my question or stay silent." Safina spatted out in anger

Anisha nodded and gestured towards the plate of food kept at the side table.

"Please, eat it. I have got it for you without him knowing about it."

Safina didn't had the appetite to eat and she just stared at Anisha as she took the rope and pulling Safina towards a chair and making her sit on it, she tied her hands to the chair. Safina mehek didn't even had the strength to fight her off and run for her life..

Now, she was tired of being her own saviour.

She only prayed for a miracle now.

For Allah subhana wa ta'ala to send someone to be her saviour


Safina mehek was tired of thinking of all the possible scenario that could happen with her.

Her back and arms amd shoulder hurt for sitting too long in the same position but she was too scared to bother about that.

She kept reciting all the du'a's and surah's she had known and hoped for some help from her lord.

She was not hopeless, even in this situation.

she realised it must be the fajr time as she could see the sun rise after the heavens had calmed down, through the window which was kept opened the whole night leaving her to hear the rain showers and that made her tremble with fear all night.

Never had she got drenched in rain for hours as she had the last night.

And she hated it now.

Her love turned to hatred.

She didn't want to dislike the very thing she loved but it was not it her might or will to change that which she felt from deep within.

Safina's eyes welled up again knowing her parents and brothers would be worried for her.

She wanted to pray fajr and beg to her lord, and so she tried to open the thick rope even though she knew it would be in vain.

Just then the door handle clicked and made a weird nose before he came in. The guy on which she had sprayed pepper.
He smirked at her as he started at her for what felt like eternity. Safina mehek wanted to punch both his eyes for looking at her that way.

With nothing said, he left the room with a loud bang of the door.

It had been so many hours since then and Safina couldn't help but feel sleepy. She didn't want to sleep. Not when she didn't know what might happen with her. She was scared to death from deep within but she couldn't let that tumble her down. She had to be strong for herself.


The shimmering rays of the sun fell on her petite form as she blinked several times before her eyes got adjusted to the bright light. She panicked realizing that she had slept and she checked her surrounding and heaved a sigh of relief knowing everything was intact.

Just then the door opened and in came a man, his face covered and only his eyes visible. He stood there for a moment as he gazed at her and strode in towards her, untying the ropes and freeing her and she stood up as soon as she got rid of the ropes. Her balance went wayward because of sitting for too long but she managed herself as she sat on the bed across the chair.

"What do you want? Ransome? When is my father and brother coming?" She asked in mere whispers, her eyes welling up with tears for the millionth time.

But he stayed silent and walked out of the room. Once again leaving her, unanswered.


"Why have you kidnapped me"?She asked, her lips wobbling,feeling like crying but nothing came out. it was just a sort of sad sickness, sick sad, when you can't feel any worse.

"Don't put it that way!"

"Then how do you want me to put it, if this isn't kidnapping?!"She yelled at him, fuming in anger as she stood up from the bed.

He sighed, closing his fist as his jaws clenched and walked away without bothering to reply her.

She was tired; tired of asking him the reason; tired of crying; tired of yelling, her eyes were red and puffy. Her throat was chap and dry. Even though there was everything needed to eat, she didn't gulp even an ounce of water. Looking around the room in disgust, Safina covered herself with the black and white duvet,and unwillingly rested her head in the soft pillow and closed her eyes.


Safina jolted up from her sleep and hugging her knees to her chest, tears sprang out of her eyes like a two year old kid crying for his feeder. She wiped her tears, when the door flew open; not wanting him to witness her shattered state. he walked towards the round table and kept the plate filled with delicacies for her.

"Ms.Mehek.."He called, taking long strides towards her.

"Dont come near me!"She yelled and started throwing the things at him which were kept at the bed side table, while he dodged them and gripped her hands, stopping her from making further damage.

"Dont touch me. You make me disgusted with myself. You are a non-mehram." She pushed him with full force and he stumbled back.

"Then get ready for the Nikah!"He said, calmly after a long moment of silence and dashed out of the room.


And coming back to the chapter..

How was it?

Was it thrilling?

How curious were you on a scale of 1 to 10? 😉

What would you do if you were in safina's place?

Who will be her saviour?


Its been almsot a day since she got kidnapped..

Whats going to happen?

How do you think will the story unfold?

Whats gonna happen next?

Do leave all your feedbacks and inline comments. I need all the motivation you could give me.

Signing off until next chap!


Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

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