Chapter 7

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This one is for my Ammi, for motivating me immensely.💜

"What's with your cheery smile today?" Rashiya'a asked as the four friends walked out of their class towards the university gate.

"Where? Iam not smiling!" Safina said with a shrug.

"Rashi is right, I noticed you dreaming with a huge grin." Noushin agree with Rashiya'a.

"She is always her happy and cheery-self,girls!" Zikra said supporting Safina as they both high-fived.

"What are you hiding, Safina?" Rashiya'a asked looking at her with a calculating gaze while Safina tied her niqaabi and said,

"Oh,bhai is here!"

For some reason, Rashiya'a turned scarlet and Safina couldn't help but do a clap in her mind as she walked away after saying salaam to her friends.

"Something fishy is going on with her?" Noushin said as the three stood under a shade of tree.

"We will find out soon!" Rashiya'a thought adjusting her hijab.


"Surprise!!" Shouted Rashiya'a and Fiza as they emerged from behind the white satin curtain,startling their brother, Rihab.

"Whoa girls!!" Rihab took a step back staring at his sisters,clad in black Abaya and hijab whilst they grinned showing their perfect white teeth.

"What are you doing here?" Rihab asked crossing his arms across his chest.

Rashiya'a shrugged and slumped on the black velvet whirl-around chair.

"We came here to remind you--" Fiza started faking a sad face and wiping her imaginary tears." - that you have a family, bhaiya!"

Rihab smiled lazily as he ran his long fingers in his already disheveled messy hair,giving his sisters an apologetic look.

"Guess what brother?" Rashiya'a said snapping her fingers. "That look is not gonna melt our heart as it does to our ammi."

Rihab gave a look to Fiza as if asking her to calm down her big sister bit she raised her hands in defence.

"Yaar, Iam really busy with this case." He said and strode towards the couch and sat beside Fiza not before ruffling her neatly tide hair and yearning a groan from Fiza.

"That doesn't mean you don't show your face to your family for a whole freaking week?"

"Language sissy!" Fiza said while Rihab was silent for he knew that he was at fault and his sister's temper was not to messed with when her anger is at the highest peak.

"Let's go on a outing?" Rihab suggested as he suppressed his yawn.

"And let you sleep there?" Rashiya'a asked sardonically gaining a heartfelt laughter from her siblings.

"Fiza,what are you doing?" Rashiya'a scolded her little sister for she was not being serious.

"Sorry didi, I couldn't contain myself but now iam back on my angry mode." Fiza said,placing her Palm on her mouth to hide her huge smile.

"So what do you suggest,we do rashipie?" Asked the only brother who was now grilled by her two sisters.

Rihab was so bundled up with the cases and hearings that he stayed till late night in his cabin and would leave home before anyone would wake up. He had developed this habit of working in his cabin and he wasn't able to concentrate at home, though he had a separate room allotted for his work.

And that was the reason, the Yunus sisters were at Rihab's cabin now, because obviously they missed spending time with their only brother.

"Let's decide that tomorrow, ammi is waiting!" Rashiya'a said Standing up and adjusting get her hijab around her neck.

"Where?" Rihab asked following Rashiya'a and Fiza.

"At the jungle." Rashiya'a said sarcastically and she herself couldn't control her smile at her comebacks.

"Obviously at home, bhaiya." Fiza took pity on her brother and answered correctly as they sat inside the car and drove off.

"Let's get something from the ice-cream parlour?" Rihab asked taking a glance at the rear view mirror at his sisters.

"Okay!" Echoed the sister's cheery voice gaining a heart-warming smile from Rihab.


"One caramel crunch and two DBC, please." Adeel turned around hearing a familiar voice and was greeted by his friend,Rihab.

"Assalam alaikum," Rihab said and Adeel's eyes flickered towards a certain someone, before he turned his attention on Rihab and answered his salaam.

"It's been really long." Smiled Rihab.

"Yeah, what brings you here?" Asked Adeel and laughed at his own question.

"Sisters!!" They both laughed in unison.

"I have to be at home,before this melts!" Adeel said showing the ice creams which he had bought just a minute ago.

"No problem, Iam heading home too, Allah hafiz." Rihab said and Adeel left after shaking hands but not before his heart made his eyes to look at the maroon coloured hijabi standing a little far away from her brother,lost in her own thoughts.


"Rashi..Rashi. ." Rashiya'a opened her heavy eyelids and closed them immediately as they were blinded by the scorching sun rays showcasing their hot presence through the window.

"Ughh Fiza. .what are you doing so early?" Rashiya'a groaned from under her blanket.

"It's almost eleven in the morning, madame!"

"Safi?" Rashiya'a peeked from her pink velvet blanket, taking note of the voice.

"Yes, it's Safina Mehek in all her grace, standing in front of you!" Safina gave a huge grin,bowing in style and stood back up folding her hands.

"Is everything alright?" That was the first question Rashiya'a asked after realizing that Safina was at her home; in her room,so early on a Sunday morning.

"Yes." Came her short reply.

"Then, why are you here?" The words were out before she could process them in her brain.

Well, she was known for her out spoken and straightforward manners in her childhood.

Rashiya'a was that scandalous child who spoke about everything she thought, where ever she went.

And that was the reason she was often the most misunderstood and that had a huge impact on her.

"It's okay. No offence taken,Rashi, because it's your day, today." Safina replied before Rashiya'a even apologised.

Aren't they friendship goals?

"Aww, thank you, jaani." Rashiya'a sat up and pulled Safina for a tight hug.

"Wait? Why is it my day, today?" Rashiya'a frowned.

"First brush your teeth and then hug me." Safina pushed her away, jokingly whilst Rashiya'a pouted and got down from the bed.

"I won't brush,unless you tell me what you are hiding from me?"

It had been more than a week since Safina was hiding something from Rashiya'a. But now it was time for revelation.

Isn't it?


Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
First of all, Iam really sorry for the making you all wait for such a long long long time.

I really am sorry.

I have huge writers block and I couldn't come with anything, plus i wasnt feeling like penning down my thoughts:((
but today,I sat down and wrote something and

Hope you all enjoyed this filler and short chapter.
And sorry for the short chapter too.

I hope Iam forgiven?
And Inn shaa Allah, next new chappy in a few hours?

Also,sorry for not reverting back to your PMS. In sha allah will do soon.

So how was it?

What do you think will be Rashiya'a's reaction?

You all know what Safina is gonna reveal, right?

What would you do,if you were in Rashiya'a's shoes?;)

Do leave a few words in comments.

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