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Chapter 13

Steph's POV:

I drive slowly on the highway looking in the rearview mirror from time to time to make sure that Keon's car is still in sight. Quinn opted to ride with him, and usually I'd be tearing across the road with the windows down in a rush to get to the party, but I need to go slowly to make sure that Keon is following behind me. Also, I'm sure Keon would be pissed off at me if I broke any road safety laws.

Not that I care what he thinks.

But he did look cute today, when he came out of the house, all fancy looking. It's so amusing to see someone our age so out of touch with fashion that he would actually wear a bowtie to an informal weekend party, and I couldn't stop laughing, even though I felt bad when I saw the hurt expression on his face. And the way his eyes stared at me behind his glasses was actually really hot and...

I shake my head, and put on some music to distract myself. Keon... hot? I almost snort aloud with laughter. Wait till I told Kayla about this, she'd never let me live it down.

At least it's a welcome distraction from my father. He had caught me sneaking out and we'd had a huge argument. Before he let me go, I had to promise to attend a dinner party with him and convince him that I was still taking my meds. How annoying. Maybe mom would have some advice for me. I've been trying to call her all week, but it never seems to go through.

I make a mental note to go and see her as soon as possible, then I push the matter out of my head.

For the most of the drive, I manage to keep my head straight and focus on driving to the party, refusing to entertain any distracting thoughts, blasting music and enjoying the feel of driving alone.

Finally, we pull up at the outskirts of our little town which is where the school captain of Kingsley High lives. Calling it a house wouldn't be doing it justice. It's a mansion so big it could house the whole town.

I park my car in the already crowded driveway and hop out, watching Keon park right beside me. The driver door opens and Keon comes out, then open the passenger door for Quinn. As he walks towards me, I can't help but notice just how attractive he looks, nothing like the guys I'd normally notice, and yet intriguing all the same.

"You broke at least two traffic rules driving here and you ran the traffic light", he says, his British accented voice stern and shaking me out of less holy thoughts.

What is wrong with me. This is Keon for goodness' sake. He is Quinn's brother. And he hates you.

I roll my eyes at Keon.

"Not my business. Now are you going to scold me all day or are you coming in?"

He mutters something about wishing he hadn't come and I couldn't agree more. It is too distracting having him around. Everything about his prescence is confusing to me in ways that it shouldn't

Without waiting for him or Quinn I push inside the house where the party is in full swing, and head towards the direction where everyone is crowded, knowing that's where I'll find a drink.

I'm going to need one if I'm to make it through tonight.





I lift up my last shot glass and down the alcohol enjoying the warmth through my veins and the cheers of people all around me.

"Looks like I win", I smirk through my hazy vision at the dark haired guy standing beside me. His green eyes are very intense, and the sleeveless turtleneck sports muscles covered in tattoos. He is much older than I am, probably in college, but he's hot anyway.

"Looks like you did". His voice is a deep rumble, like sexy thunder.

He fixes me with a sly look. "I've never met a girl who could beat me. Want to dance?"

I am about to take his hand when a firm voice comes from behind me.

"She doesn't"

British accent, annoying behaviour, commanding presence. Even through the alcohol, I don't need to turn around to confirm that the person behind me is Keon fucking Jacob.

The guy with the intense look barely glances at Keon, his eyes fixed on me.

"Does your bodyguard speak for you?", he asks, cocking an eyebrow in amusement.

I scoff. "Not my bodyguard", I say, jerking my thumb back at Keon, before turning to boldly meet the guy's gaze. "I'd love to dance."

I turn back to smirk at Keonm but pause when I see how dark with anger his face is and the glint in his eyes. Before I can think about it, I'm swept onto the already crowded dancefloor. The DJ puts on some song by Megan thee Stallion and the guy puts his hand on my waist allowing me to grind against him while he holds me in place. The effects of the alcohol are beginning to kick in, and I feel light, free. All my worries seem to have melted away and it feels so good dancing with my partner.

"What's your name anyway?", I ask, or did he tell me already. Am I so drunk that I forgot?

"Names aren't important for this game sweetheart", he rasps into my ear and I find myself giggling loudly.

Did he make a joke or something? I seem more scatterbrained than usual. ANd that's saying a lot

I shake my head and pull away from him as the song begins to slow down.

"I think I should go", I mutter under my breath, but he pulls me back.

"Oh no you don't honey. You don't just grind against me making me as hard as a pole and then choose to walk away". He forces my hand down to feel the bulge in his pants. "Now that's going to have to go down one way or another, so what's it going to be".

His intense eyes aren't hot or sexy any more, now they are dangerous. I push him back to provide space and pull my hand backwards ready to punch him, just as a loud sound of crashing glass comes from above me and I feel the spray of a liquid over me and the guy.

He totters for a moment, before dropping down to the ground.

A warm hand in the darkness pulls me awayto a darker corner of the dance floor. I am about to thank my savior when I hear a condescending voice.

"Do you always take such good care of yourself during parties or am I just lucky"

It is a good thing it is dark because the scowl on my face is definitely not to be seen.

"I had it under control", I try to pull away, but stumble back. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to drink so much.

"Sure you looked like you were really doing a good job"

I finally manage to snatch my hand out of his grip and stare at his shadowy outline. "Don't you have a sister to control, Google"

"Kayla and Aaron showed up and they are watching her. I trust them more than I trust you"

I laugh out at that. Its so hilarious somehow, yet not at all.

"Do I jest?", he asks confused.

"Not at all you control freak. I'm surprised you haven't completely banned your sister from communicating with me. I'm surprised that youre communicating with me right now". I should stop talking now, but the alcohol urges me on. "You think you're so much better than everyone else Keon, so high-and-mighty, and I'm nothing but the bad influence, so why are you here? Why did you help me huh? After all I deserved it didn't I? I had it coming to me so..."

Keon places his fingers on my lips.

"No one deserves to go through sexual assault Stephanie. I helped you because it was the right thing to do"

"But you still consider me a bad influence on Quinn", it isn't a question and it strikes me for the first time how odd this conversation is, a drunk wild girl and a straight-laced boy, enemies having a meaningful conversation in the dark.

"Look Quinn has been through a lot, probably more than you know. I don't want to put her at any risk ever again, and I don't want to ever see her unhappy again"

I nod along and try to move but stumble again.

"Stay here, I'm going to get you some water"

He moves awwway from me before I can protest and I realize that whatever safe feeling I had left with him. I press myself into a corner trying to disappear, and I remain that way until he comes back with a glass of water which he offers me.

"Did you poison it?", I ask suspiciously as I bring the water up to my nose and take a delicate sniff.

"If I wanted you dead Stephanie I would have already gotten rid of you"

"You could have been waiting for the right time", I roll my eyes but down the water anyway, and my fuzzy head becomes a bit clearer.

Macarena starts, and all around us, people are coming to gether in groups and beginning to dance together.

Keon awkwardly clears his throat, and starts to move away, but I grab his hand.

I feel like I've touched a live wire, but I ignore the sensation.

"Want to dance?", I ask "I read somewhere that dancing can help reduce the effects of alcohol so..."

"Umm I would love to accept but I'm not familiar with this song."

I gape in astonishment. How can anyone not know Macarena? It was on tiktok for literally forever.

"Ok, you may be smart, but you know absolutely nothing", I laugh as I pull him onto the dancefloor.

I start to dance.

"See it's like this Keon. Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena", I sing while placing my hands in front of me, then crossing them over my chest.

"Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena", I continue, putting my hands behind my head then crossing them on my waist.

"Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena", I place my hands on my waist.

"Eh, Macarena, ¡Ay!", I trace my waist in a circle and turn to face Keon who is simply staring at me. I feel my face flush at the attention of his eyes on me. My heart rate has increased though its moost likely from the exertion of dancing.

"Not that hard huh?", I manage to breathe out and Keon seems to break out of his trance and shakes his head.

"Much too complicated for me", he begins to say, but I glare at him.

"If I can do it, so can you. Now dance".

He opens his mouth to complain but one glance at my face and he seems to change his mind.

"Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena", I start while he begins a dance move that looks eerily similar to the funky chicken.

"Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena", I manage to continue while he does a something resembling a moonwalk if Micheal Jackson had broken both his legs.

"Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena", I can feel the tears streaming down my face as he begins a dance move even I can't explain.

I can't even finish the song as he drops down into a squat position and jumps back up. I am holding my sides as I gasp from laughter and Keon turns to me with an offended look.

"Whatever are you laughing at. I just created an improvised and improved version."

"Improvised certainly", I barely manage to say, "but improved it is not"

"How dare you...", Keon starts to protest with a cheeky glint in his eye, but at that moment, we hear Quinn's voice amongst the crowd.

"Keon, Steph, is that you?"

Immediately, Keon and I step away from each other and within moments, Quinn emerges from the crowd, behind her Kayla and Aaron.

"What are both of you doing here?"

"We were..." I begin but Keon cuts in.

"Stephanie brought me out to the dancefloor to show me some dance moves and see if I could be persuaded to join in as well".

Somehow, Keon's voice has become much more distant than it was only moments ago, and his expressions are closed up and guarded.

"Yeah", I say, suddenly not liking Keon half as much anymore, or maybe the alcohol is just wearing off. "Your control freak of a brother here was keeping me company, isn't that right google?"

He doesn't answer and looks away from me while I roll my eyes.

Kayla notices the attitude as always. "I'm glad you guys haven't killed each other yet. Thank goodness you weren't together for too long"

"Yes, thank goodness. Anyway, enough about Keon. Let's dance"

And as I pull them closer to me, I notice Keon slip off the dancefloor and out of the party

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