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Steph's POV:

I'm no newbie to sexual relationships. I've experienced intimate sex, casual quickies, soft and sweet, passionate and demanding, everything imaginable. Sex with boys, sometimes with girls. Sex is normal for me, sort of like eating. Sometimes its memorable, but most times it isn't. and I've never been one to stay up all night replaying my sexual escapades.

So its odd that I'm doing it for a kiss.

Attempting to describe what happened last night would be impossible, and not just because of my limited knowledge of figures of speech. Simply referring to it as a kiss would be false and understating. It was purely raw, a whirlwind of dark emotions expressed in a sensual yet primal way. It consumed my trip back home, my sleeping hours and even my waking hours. I hated how much of my time had been occupied by replaying and pondering that kiss.

"Are you alive?", Kayla snaps her fingers in front of me.

"She's been like this all lunch. That's odd", Quinn points out.

"Maybe we should take her to the nurse", Kayla muses.

I force myself back to the present. I have been distracted all through classes, but I can't let thoughts of Keon interrupt time with my friends.

Thoughts of Keon's kiss.

"I'm fine", I shrug off their concern. "Just have a lot on my mind"

A lot of thoughts about Keon.

I look away from Quinn guiltily. How could I have kissed my friend's twin brother? That's wrong on so many levels.

"So how was yesterday's party?", Kayla begins to eat the macaroni on the plate in front of her. Macaroni Monday.

"It wasn't a part, it was an 'event'." I say, using air quotes. "And  to answer your question, it was boring and uneventful. It's not a lie. The party was boring at the beginning.

"Bunch of boring old men and women talking about their success?", Kayla inquires, and I nod, confirming. "I'm so glad that my dad doesn't take me to mind-numbing events like that."

"Same but at least there were good drinks there. Demanche Hotel has the best bars and dancefloors", I am trying to be active in this conversation, trying to seem like my normal self.

"That's odd", Quinn's eyebrows immediately furrow. Her hair is left in a cute afro puff today and she scratches it, deep in thought. "My dad and Keon went to an event at Demanche Hotel yesterday"

Kayla and Quinn's eyes train on me, and I can feel myself beginning to sweat. "He might have been there I guess", I shrug noncommittally. "It was a big event with lots of people". I reach up to adjust my tie, then remember that I forgot it at home in my rush to leave this morning. So instead of adjusting my tie, I end up awkwardly scratching my neck.

Quinn nods and pokes some macaroni off her plate and onto the table. Kayla's eyes are still on mine and I know that she knows that I'm lying. So much for trying to appear nonchalant.

"You know Steph...", she starts just as her phone alarm goes off. The whole hall turns to look at as and Kayla's green eyes tighten a bit as she turns off the irritating ringing. "Aaron and I are skipping the last classes to go to the arcade", she explains as she begins to shovel the remaining macaroni into her mouth.

"Won't Mr Kebab be watching for you guys?", Quinn says, reminding us of the morning assembly where Mr Kebab announced that too many students were skipping school, blah blah blah and he would be waiting to give detention to any student found out of their appropriate classes.

Kayla gives a wink. "Let's just say I took care of it"

Kayla's eyes twinkle with mischief and normally I would ask her what prank she had pulled, but today my heart isn't just into it.

Kayla gives me a puzzled look before twisting her ring around her finger as she sighs. "I'll umm... I'll get going I guess", she says as she packs up her nearly empty plate and makes her way to dispose of it. Quinn also gets up, her plate still full of macaroni.

"If Keon did something, tell me and I'll take care of him", she says quietly, and I realize that she has picked up on my silence and assumed, correctly, that it has something to do with her brother. Before I can say anything to her, she turns and walks away.

There was a time when I would tell Kayla whatever was on my mind, and no matter what it was, she'd be able to make me feel better. But this is different. Not only because it involved Quinn's brother – that alone would be nearly impossible to explain – but I don't even completely know what happened. I can't explain to others what I can barely explain to myself.

Oh that came out sounding poetic.

I hate poetry... too many confusing words. Just like literature classes and...


I have to shake my distractive thoughts away. What was I thinking of again? Oh yes, I barely understand what happened myself. But there is only one way to get a good explanation.

I glance at my watch and groan. Two hours till I have to meet with Keon. But I need to meet with him now. I need closure on what happened, why it happened, where it happened...

Silly me of course I know where it happened. Stay focused, Steph.

I look at my watch again, tapping my fingers anxiously against my side.

You know what, screw it.

I am going to find Keon and ask him about yesterday. If I find him before the bell rings, all good. If the bell rings first, I'll have no choice but to get to class.

Now that I have a solid plan, I feel anxious to put it into action. I take my empty plate and drop it off, then make my way out of the lunch hall.

Now if I were a boring, hot nerd, where would I eat lunch.

Interesting question. I never took time to consider where Keon might spend his free time. Actually, to be more accurate, I never took time to consider Keon or his hobbies. However, I'd more or less been scanning the hall during lunch and I am nearly completely sure that I didn't see him go in or out. Which leaves me with one other place that he I know he spends a lot of time.

The library.

I still have a few minutes before the bell rings, so I decide to make it count. I make my way through the near empty hallways as I head for the library. Soon I am standing in front of the closed doors. For a minute, my heart drops... what if the library is locked.

I place my hand on the door handle and turn it. The door opens easily.

Of course it does, Steph. You've come here many times and the doors are always shut during lunch.

I shake my head as I walk through the doors. The librarian isn't at her desk, and the library seems deserted except for a couple concealed in the shadows, having a very heated make out session. Who can blame them? The library is either for nerds or horny couples. Normally I'm the latter.

I make my way to Keon's normal table, and to my disappointment, no one is there. His books are neatly arranged in a pile and a jacket is on the seat but other than that, it's empty. Damn. I had really thought that he would be in his usual spot. I mentally kick myself for not asking him if he had hobbies or something, maybe I would have known more. Maybe he'll be along soon. I should pass some time while I wait for him.

I reach over for one of his books and open it, only to promptly slam it shut a couple of minutes later. Whatever is in that book is not meant to be read or understood by me. I begin to walk around the library, wary of the dark corners which could be hiding energetic couples. I skim the books, but nothing catches my eye. I consider reading ahead for the tests that I know I will be facing in a few weeks, but I dismiss the thought. Keon and I are studying every afternoon after school and that is already boring me to death. It seems like I've covered the whole library, and Keon isn't here. I am just about to leave when the door opens and Keon comes in talking with a teacher. On closer inspection, I realize it's Mr Angeli and for a moment, my eyes take him in.

Mr Angeli is one of the youngest teachers in our school, and undeniably the hottest. He's in his late twenties, with dark olive skin and glossy black hair. He isn't very tall, maybe about 5'10, but his presence is so commanding that it doesn't matter. Rumors about him are plentiful, some claiming that he was a model and an actor, others saying that he's a mafia boss somewhere and some that he hosts huge parties and orgies at his mansion.

OK I might have been the one to start that last one. And Mr Angeli was not pleased when he heard it. I might have made an enemy for life there.

Keon spots me before Mr Angeli does.

"Can we continue our conversation later?", he asks, without a change of expression. Mr Angeli nods and leaves the library, thankfully without noticing me. I expect Keon to move over to me anxiously, maybe a blush on his cheeks as he recalls last night or something...

Instead he branches off and starts to look among the shelves for a book. I wait for what seems like hours, becoming less sure of myself with every passing second.

Finally, Keon finds whatever huge book he was looking for and comes to the table, taking his seat opposite me.

"I was not aware that we had a class at this moment", he says, his British accented voice as smooth as velvet.

"We don't", I answer, and suddenly, I am flustered. I didn't expect Keon to be so remote. Yes he is normally like this, but still, I thought there would be a touch of emotion or something.

I am beginning to get angry.

"I wanted to talk to you. I've been waiting here for ages"

"Approximately three minutes", he quips.

"What?", I ask, startled.

Keon opens a book, his eyes focused on the pages as if it is the only thing of importance in the world. "I left here seven minutes ago to see a teacher. I had already eaten my lunch here. Assuming you left the dining hall and walked here immediately after I left the library, you would have been waiting for approximately three minutes"

Okay, now I am definitely angry. I came to have a conversation about what happened yesterday, something that has kept me up all night and here is Keon acting as if nothing has happened, calmly reading and reciting boring statistical facts.

I try again, deciding not to get distracted by stray thoughts which are popping into my mind.

"About what happened yesterday...", I start, peeking under my lashes to see his reaction. Nothing. He has looked up from the book, but his face is still void of any expression, and I can't help but wonder if this is the same boy who kissed me with so much emotion last night. Still I forge on, ignoring the sting of embarrassment now coloring my cheeks.

"So yesterday, what happened was..."

"What happened was an accident", Keon interrupts. "You were drunk, I was drunk and we made a foolish decision"

"Yes, of course. It was very...stupid of us", I say, because that is all there is to say. "I shouldn't have kissed you back"

"Hmm... but you did", Keon mutters under his breath, and my rage ignites again, this time not at him, but at myself. Why did I even come here? It was a one-night stand, I've had multiple of those. I should have never had this conversation. I shouldn't be having it right now.

As if sensing my thoughts, the bell rings, and I get up from the chair. Keon turns his eyes back towards his book, but I don't even care as I walk out, sure of one thing.

Last night was an accident that will never repeat itself.

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