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Keon's POV:

I am in the library sitting opposite Aaron and poring over a book on advanced astronomy when the bell rings.

All too soon, the school day is over, which I believe is a pity since I actually find the time spent here quite interesting.

Aaron groans opposite me, breaking my concentration. I glance over the top of my book to find him already looking at me.

"We are in a library you know", I say, even though the library is practically empty. Not a lot of people spend their last period in a library which is why last period is my preferred time to be here – it's quieter and there are fewer annoying people around.

"Look we are the only one's here so maybe we can speak louder", Aaron suggests, but I fix him with a stern shake of my head as I return my concentration back to the book in front of me.

"You know, you're more of a stickler for the rules than I am", he mutters under his breath. "I don't know why Kayla calls me rulebook when you're the real rulebook around here"

I roll my eyes and open my mouth to make a sarcastic remark when the door goes flying open and Kayla runs into the library, her loud footsteps seemingly unwelcome in the room's quiet. Or maybe just unwelcome by me. She flings her arms around Aaron who kisses her, and I make an effort to avert my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I'm no prude but I believe some things should be done behind closed doors. 

I find my eyes wandering to the door in search of a red-haired figure, but the doorway stands cold and empty.

"Looking for someone?", Kayla asks, and I realize that I've been staring at the empty doorway long enough for them to detach themselves from each other.

I turn my eyes back to them. "I was simply waiting for you to conclude your lovers' reunion, and in the process, I looked at the doorway to see if my sister was with you."

The lie slips off my tongue easily. As much as I love my sister, she was the last person on my mind as I stared at the door.

Stephanie Young.

Anger and another emotion drifts through me as I vividly recall the brief encounter I had with her earlier today. I know it annoyed her when I called her her full name. Which is precisely why I do it. When she gets angry, she snaps at me and helps me push out any other delusional thoughts I might be having about her. How absolutely gorgeous she is, like a siren from ancient myths with a tongue sharp enough to leave despair to anyone stupid enough to judge her. 

I can vividly recall every encounter I've had with her, and while that in itself is not something significant – after all I have a very detailed memory – the fact that she hasn't been able to leave my mind since the first day we met is interesting.

No not interesting. Exasperating.

"I'm going to head home now", I announce, pushing my chair back and standing up. My books are already neatly arranged in alphabetical order in my bag which is slung over the left side of my chair. I pick it up and sling it over my left shoulder. I take of my glasses polishing them with a cloth in my pocket which I keep specially for that purpose before replacing them back on my nose.

"Do you know where Quinn is?", I query, as I face Kayla who is perched on Aaron's lap.

"Oh, she already left. Steph was going home, and offered to drop Quinn off."

And there she was again, her name turning up like a bad penny. Try as hard as I did, I just could not seem to be able to avoid her.

"Well then, I'll be on my way"

Personally, I would have liked to have waited until they left so that I could properly clean up the library, reshelving books in alphabetical order and according to their subject. However Kayla and Keon seemed to want privacy and I would rather they made out when I was not watching. Or in the nearby vicinity.

Maybe I am a bit of a prude.

I head out of the library without a backward glance, and into the parking lot. There aren't many cars there since most people prefer to leave immediately after the bell rings, and it is easy to find my silver little convertible parked in my usual spot. Quinn and I normally share a car, so when she goes home before me, I walk or take the bus. However, I am glad that she went with someone else, even if that someone else is Stephanie, because at least now, I get to have solitude with my thoughts instead of being on a cramped bus.

As I enter the car, I think of the offer I got, not too long ago where I attended a possible business associate. I needed to consider it carefully. If the plan succeeded, it would bring so much peace of mind to my mother, to Quinn. But one mistake...

I gently ease the car out of park and drive off straight home.


One hour and seventeen minutes after I arrive at the house, the doorbell rings. I know that it is one hour and seventeen minutes because the instant I arrived home and found out that Quinn wasn't there, I started recording the minutes – you need to wait at least twenty-four hours before you can report someone as a missing person.

I spring out of the armchair where I was previously seated and rush to the door, but before I get there, I hear the loud revving of an engine, and a peek out of the window shows a dark blue car speeding away from the premise. A closer examination of the plate number confirms what I already suspected. It is Stephanie's car, and she is responsible for keeping my sister out.

The doorbell rings again, and I open it, revealing the innocent gaze of eyes just as grey as mine. That's where the similarities between me and my twin end because while I get my looks from our mother, she got the rest of hers from our father. Quinn has skin as dark as ebony and her dark afro hair is often packed high because she is too lazy to braid it. While I am tall and muscular, she is short and so skinny that a small breeze could carry her off. Compared to my six-foot two height, she is a petit five foot four.

I am already used to the differences between us, but a lot of people hardly believe we are related, and when we are introduced as twins, it is very hard for people to get used to it. Quinn has had a much harder time dealing with it than me because our dad is barely around and she looks nothing like our mother. People tend to assume she is adopted, and frankly, I hate it and tend to be very protective of her.

"Do you mind explaining yourself?", I ask, arching an eyebrow.

"What's to explain", she says as she shrugs off the huge – and might I add highly unfashionable – sweater that she always seemed to be buried in, revealing the long sleeved shirt she is wearing underneath.

That's another difference between my sister and I – our manner of speech. I speak with a British accent due to spending time a lot of time with my father in England, but Quinn spent her years in America, hence her speech carries an American accent.

I watch as she makes her way to the stairs before she stops and hesitates a bit. "Steph asked me to go to a party", she says quietly.

I consider the statement, wondering why she is telling me. "Well, how did she react when you told her that you weren't going?", I ask to keep the conversation going, since she is still staring at me.

A moment of silence.

Two moments of silence.

She looks down at her feet and I shake my head. "No. Absolutely not Quinn".

"But Keon you know how long I've waited for a friend.", she says. Her voice doesn't get any louder but it harbors a hint of disappointment. "Why is it that now that someone wants to be with me, you don't approve of them"

"Why don't I approve", I repeat incredulously. "Do you remember what happened the last time you and Stephanie went out for a party?"

Maybe she didn't, but I did.

Quinn gasping in the car as Stephanie rang the bell. I was already awake and opened the door. It wasn't locked.

"I'm sorry", she sobbed. "I didn't know... she fell into the pool... asthma attack"

I didn't wait to hear more. "You promised me you would take care of her"

I reached into the car and carried her out. She was heavy and her breathing had become lighter, but I was frantic with fear.

Without another look at Stephanie, I carried Quinn into the house and locked the door behind me.

I am jolted out of my thoughts by Quinn's hand on my shoulder. Quinn can always tell when I am relieving memories, but she doesn't know how painful it was that night. I thought she was going to die.

"It wasn't her fault you know", Quinn says, but I shake my head.

"She was supposed to watch you and she didn't. She promised to keep you safe, and I trusted her."

And that's why I can never stand to be around Stephanie for long. Not because of her carefree attitude or her untidiness, things that I could find a way to overlook, but because she nearly cost my sister her life, and yet they were still close friends. Why couldn't Quinn see that with a friend like that – someone who would always take risks just for the sake of fun – her already fragile life would always be in danger.

"You need to try and forgive her Keon. I have after all".

I shake my head, but I sigh in defeat. "She has one more chance Quinn. But she will mess it up, mark my words."

I feel her weak hands close around my neck as she pulls me in for a hug, and once again I'm reminded of how small she is, how fragile.

I already feel like I have made a mistake.

A/N: Hey loves. Hope you all had a good week.

Second chapter out just like I promised. How do you like Keon so far? Do you think his dislike of Steph is valid?

Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions, or pm me with your thoughts. I'll be seeing you in the next chapter 💋💋💋

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