Chapter 29- Raphael's Bad Day

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The next day, the group were heading to the Training Grounds.
They ate breakfast together today, which proved to be a little awkward at first, but the conversation soon flowed relatively easy.

"I can't get those plaques out of my head", said Rhiannon.
"For their achievements to be immortalised like that... it's incredible."

"I can't believe she helped a thousand people", remarked Makoto.

"More than that.
I mean, think about how many people she helped indirectly?
How amazing is it to have a purpose?"

Most people would tune out at this point.
Not to be mean, but because they would've heard this over and over again, so they wouldn't really need to pay attention.

But not Makoto.

They listened intently every time she mentioned craving a purpose.
They mouthed some of the words, remembering word-for-word what had been said.

They had always been like that.
Even if someone was being repetitive, Makoto found joy in the smallest of mannerisms—a spark in their eyes, a scrunch of their nose, a laugh that highlighted their dimples.

People were fascinating to them.

"I wonder what Imelda has in store for us today?", pondered Raphael, before turning to Ashryn.
"What time are we practicing today?"

"Oh, can't do today.
I'm busy", she said, flatly.

Ashryn had a lot on her mind.
With so much time wasted on the escape room, the blonde woman was keen to use all her free time to get to the bottom of her siblings' deaths.

Raphael's face fell, and he froze momentarily, not prepared for Ashryn's response.

Ok, yeah.
That's fine."

The rest of the walk was silent, with the trainees taking the time to get in the right head-space—something Oren advised them to do.

Finian stood near a tree, with his back to the trainees.
When he heard some surprised gasps, and confused murmurs, he turned around.

"Hello again, trainees."

"We thought you were still recovering?", questioned Rhiannon.
"I mean, it's great that you're ok, it's just a shock."

"I get that.
Yes, I was injured, but I'm better now.
I actually want to explain what happened to me", he said.

"Oh yeah, Sophia mentioned something about you and a tree?", said Ashryn.

Finian looked down at the ground.
He wanted nothing more than to just run away, but he knew that he couldn't keep the agents in the dark.

If the Nightshade knew about him, then so many other creatures could too, and that might end up putting the trainees in danger.

"I wasn't born in Plurg.
In fact, most of my family come from a distant village.
It's entirely agricultural, and the people worked with trees a lot.
It was discovered that overexposure to the sapplings caused the people to become part tree", he started.

"What the heck?", questioned Ashryn.

"Fascinating...", whispered a stunned Raphael.

"What does that have to do with you getting hurt though?", asked Rhiannon.

Finian exhaled sharply, before closing his eyes for five seconds.
When he opened them again, he continued speaking.

"Those who are part tree have the ability to grow branches and communicate with trees.
They are also much stronger in sunlight.
My mother was one of these people. The abilities cannot be passed on through birth, so I'm completely human."

Bit boring", said Ashryn.

"I still have a strong connection to nature, and it's why I love being in the Training Grounds so much.
Anyway, the gas the Nightshade leader sprayed is called Yew X.
It significantly weakens people who are part tree and even their children."

"How?", asked Raphael.

"No one really knows how.
I'm the only one of my kind that goes here, and I've only been hurt by the spray once before.
The strongest theory we have is that our bodies try to protect ourselves against the spray, and a natural defence mechanism is to grow branches and shield ourselves.
The spray turns the branches... evil, I guess?
Or, it controls them.
If I don't get treated quickly, the branches suffocate me and... I díe."

This was all too much information for the trainees to take in.
This whole mission had only just registered in their heads, and now they were being told their trainers—the people they were supposed to trust with their lives, weren't who they thought they were?

"Why... why did you keep it a secret?", asked Makoto.

It's been so long since I was last hurt by the spray... my life has been normal since then.
I just didn't think there was any point in bringing it up."

"Well, thank you for telling us", said Rhiannon.

"Yes... it's a bit of a shock, but your honesty is appreciated", said Raphael.

"Yeah, we all have things we want to keep to ourselves", said Makoto.

The sound of footsteps stopped the conversation, and everyone turned to see Imelda.

I-I didn't know you were joining us today."

"Yeah, I feel a lot better, thanks to Minerva."

Raphael's ears pricked up at the mention of Minerva's name.
A curious expression covered his face.


"Uh, yeah.
She modified the gadget she used to help lessen the pain from the chili competition.
Now it can relieve any kind of intense pain.
It really helped during the recovery process."

Raphael scoffed.
Anyone could've done that.
He could've done that.
In fact, the only reason it was her success was because Raphael had put inventing on the back-burner lately.

Finian clasped his hands together, the sudden noise pulling Raphael away from his thoughts.

"Right then, let's get to work!"


After the day's sessions were over, Raphael made a beeline for his room. Ashryn cancelling their training session was just the thing Raphael needed to realise where his priorities should be.

He stared at his desk—the one where his inventions lived.
Dust had started to collect on it, after weeks of ignoring the one thing he had growing up.

It wasn't like he planned on giving up inventing, not at all!
Things had just been so hectic, and training took up so much of his time. And when he wasn't training, he was in the library or hanging out with Ashryn.

Maybe that's why things were going wrong in his life?
Ashryn pushing him away, Minerva getting all the spotlight—it all stemmed from Raphael neglecting his true gift of inventing.

Or perhaps he was overreacting?
After all, all this had happened today. It's possible that a bad day is just that... a bad day, isn't it?

A thunderous knock on Raphael's door made him jump.
He hurried over to it, looking through the small peephole to see who it was. He quickly opened it when he saw that it was just Makoto.

"Good heavens!
Why the loud knock?

"Oh, sorry!
I just got excited."

"About what?"

"Minerva's Freezum Ray is up for an award!", beamed Makoto.
"We're all in the Fuze congratulating her if you want to come."

Raphael felt his blood boil.
The more he simmered in his rage, the more red his face turned.

How can Minerva be up for an award when her device freezes things?

Raphael can create robots that function as miniature humans!

"Uh, Raphael?
You ok?"

"Perfectly fine, thank you!", he snapped, before slamming the door in Makoto's face.

"Um... I'll say you're busy?"


This wasn't fair.

How could things turn from good to bad so quickly?



This chapter focused on Finian and Raphael, and there will most likely be quite a few chapters that only focus on certain storylines, but everything is slowly coming together.

I also really loved Makoto in this chapter!

I have an important question:

Are you interested in the trainers now? I'm worried that I haven't done enough to make you really care about them, which is a problem considering some chapters will just be dedicated to them fixing their own problems.

It would be really helpful if you told me what I can do to make you feel more connected to the trainers please!

Or if you already feel a connection to them, please tell me why!






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