Chapter 38- Plummet

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Includes emotional distress

NOTE 1: This will be the last update for a while! I'm going to be quite busy, and want to focus on things outside of wattpad for a while. I'll still be writing when I have some free time, but I'll probably save any written chapters and publish them together.

NOTE 2: I would really appreciate it if you did the interactive parts and gave me feedback please! This was the first chapter in a while where I actually didn't feel frustrated writing in detail. Sometimes I can't make it as detailed as I would like, which irritates me, but this came quite easily. I would love to know if you found it detailed and descriptive too.


In the morning, the agents assembled in the Fuze to eat their breakfast.
The trainers were all sitting together.
Astra poked at her scrambled eggs.
She noticed Sophia walk by.
She stared at Sophia as she walked towards Olga, hoping that she'd look back at her. When she didn't, Astra frowned and turned her attention back to her food.

"So, how's the tech project coming along?", asked Knox.

"Oh yes, Caia was telling me about it", said Eila.

"I didn't think techie stuff was your thing, Eila", said Imelda.

"Oh, it isn't usually, but I find the creative side of it very interesting", said Eila.

"Well... I actually finished it this morning", reveals Minerva.

Knox's eyes widened.
"You did?
That's great!"

Minerva chuckled, shaking her head.
"It's not that great."

"Uh-uh, it's amazing news!
You've been working so hard on it!", exclaimed Knox.

As all of the other trainers cheered and congratulated Minerva, Raphael watched from a table only a short distance away.
His lips curled up in disgust as he saw Minerva smile even brighter.
He looked straight ahead, to the table where Rhiannon and Makoto were sitting.
Makoto was talking animatedly about something, and while Rhiannon looked like she was paying attention, he noticed the girl glancing over at Minerva, and then at him.

"Anyway, Oren said he's going to give me another training session after our fitness one", said Makoto.
"He thinks I've got a really good chance at learning the soul searcher before we go to Agoraville."

Rhiannon could barely focus on what Makoto was saying.
She couldn't stop thinking about how twisted Raphael was.
All night she had been thinking of a way out of her situation.
If only Astra and Sophia would talk to each other.
Rhiannon was dealing with another problem too.
Her dwindling faith.

Her faith in people.

She and Makoto treated Raphael so well!
He was opening up.
He was actually starting to feel like part of their little team.
But he threw all that away when he blackmailed Rhiannon.

How was she supposed to fight alongside a person she didn't trust?

"So, what do you think about it?", asked Makoto.

Rhiannon realised she hadn't been listening to a word they said, but she wasn't about to admit that.
She quickly plastered a confusion expression on her face, knowing that Makoto would pick up on such expressions.

"Sorry, what?
I was away with the fairies for a minute there."

"Uh, about coming to watch me train with Oren?", repeated Makoto.

I can't.
I'm, uh... going to ask Imelda for extra combat lessons", she lied.
"Actually, you might think about taking up some extra lessons yourself."

Makoto frowned.
"There's more to training than fighting."

"Oh, I know, but combat is the area you're struggling in most", said Rhiannon.

"Look, Rhiannon, I don't want to fight in the-"

"I've actually got to be somewhere else", said Rhiannon, standing up.

Every possible negative outcome to the blackmail situation filled her head.
Astra and Sophia could break up permanently.
Astra could lose focus on the fitness classes, which would mean the trainees could miss out on valuable fitness knowledge.
The break up could impact the trainers' seemingly close yet fragile bond.
Everything could fall apart.


She couldn't let that happen.


"Ok, so let's try it on the ground again", said Oren.

Instead of training on the Training Grounds. Oren took Makoto to the Flower Garden.
It wasn't that far from their usual spot at all, which confused Makoto.

"Why are we training here?", asked Makoto.

"You're used to feeling the grass, but the simple fact is, you don't know what environment you'll be in when you need to use the soul searcher", explained Oren. "There have been accounts of people who use the technique when touching walls and concrete floors indoors.
Only two people have ever been able to do it, but that's what I want you to do."

"But... only two people can do it?
If it's that hard, there's no way I'll be able to do it!"

Oren shook his head.
"Don't think like that Makoto.
I have every faith in you that you'll be able to do it."

Makoto furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.

Oren smiled.
"I've seen how well you've been doing at learning this technique.
You've picked it up so quickly.
You can do this."

Oren's words took Makoto by surprise.
It was like they had just tripped, but felt a safe pair of hands grab them a second later. They weren't sure why they were so surprised.
Oren never gave them a reason to doubt him.
For someone so gentle and quiet, he had a remarkably strong presence.
Kindness radiated from him.

His kind and supportive nature made Makoto want to do better, what to be better... for him.
Makoto knew that Rhiannon felt the same. And, although Raphael seemed to be quite distant lately, Makoto knew that Raphael wanted to please Oren just as much as they did.

Makoto wasn't quite sure about Ashryn though.
She seemed like she had mentally checked out a while ago.
Makoto wanted to ask why, but they didn't feel like incurring Ashryn's wrath.
They did see her look genuinely focused, even if it was just for a few seconds, whenever Oren was leading a fitness session though.

"Ok, I'll give it my best shot", said Makoto.

They stood on one side of the flower bed, staring at the concrete area that housed some of the flowers.
They placed their hand on one of the concrete walls, before taking a deep breath.

"Now remember, I haven't taught you how to actually look for a person yet, so all you're going to do is feel every sensation that runs through your body, and try to calm them", explained Oren.

Makoto nodded.
The concrete was cool to the touch, and a little bumpy.
They silenced the thoughts in their mind-something they had only really mastered when doing this technique.
A familiar tingling sensation ran through their body, only this time it spread further and was less intense.
Then came the feeling of ice cold water coursing through their veins.
Actual icy water seemed like it would definitely hurt, but this feeling left Makoto feeling refreshed.

Makoto's furrowed eyebrows and soft smile told Oren that they had succeeded.

"Ok, now let go."

Makoto held on, gripping the concrete.
They had grown to enjoy the sensations.
The feeling of being in control of their mind and body.

"Makoto, you have to let go."

With a sigh, Makoto pulled their hand away. They knew Oren was right.
Practising for too long caused their eyes to secrete a black liquid, and for their vision to go, last time.
They weren't in a hurry to go through that again.

"Good job showing restraint", said Oren.

"How do you look for an actual person with this technique though?", asked Makoto.

"Well, I was going to save it until your next lesson, but I suppose telling you now would be ok.
Just promise me you won't practise it on your own", replied Oren.

Makoto nodded.
"I promise."

"You have to picture the last time and place you saw the person.
The image of them in your mind has to be crystal clear.
There have also been accounts of people remembering meaningful memories of that person, but the first method is used more often."

Will you teach me both methods?"

Oren nodded.
"Of course.
But for now, that's the lesson done."

"What, that quickly?
But we only just started!"

"I know, and I'm sorry.
I promised Faizah and Alessa that I'd walk with them to their Clinic appointments."

On cue, Alessa and Faizah approached them. Makoto noted that Faizah looked just as cheerful as she usually did.
She seemed to be feeling more discomfort, but that was to be expected with her injury. She gave Makoto a warm smile.

Alessa, on the other hand, was much harder to get a read on.
Makoto was quite proud with how well they knew the usual social cues and quirks of the trainers, but Alessa's recent demeanour confused them.
At first, she was standoffish and cold, borderline cruel even, but somewhere in the last month or so she began to soften.
Just a little, and it was much more noticeable when she was around Oren and her other friends.

In the last couple of weeks, she fluctuated between being cold and sad.
Makoto found her so fascinatingly complex. Correction-terrifying and fascinatingly complex.

Are you ready?", asked Faizah.
"Sorry, I would've waited until after your training session with Makoto finished, but Alessa insisted."

Alessa's eyes widened, and Makoto watched as Faizah flashed her a cheeky grin.
Alessa's expression softened, and she gently shook her head, an uncharacteristic chuckle escaping her lips.

"Only because I knew you'd try to get out of going if Oren wasn't there", said Alessa.

Faizah gasped.
"That's not true!"

Oren smiled.
"I'm with Alessa on this one."

Faizah placed a hand to her chest.
"My bestest friends are ganging up on me?"

Oren shook his head, a fond smile on his face.
Makoto was well aware of how shy Oren was around Faizah.
It wasn't like he wasn't confident around her, but it was the kind of shyness Makoto would associate with having feelings for someone.

Oren looked at Makoto, who was trying not to make it obvious that they were analysing the trio like crazy.

"Great job today, Makoto.
I'll see you at fitness training", he said.

"Oh, you had a good session?", asked Faizah. "Literally, Makoto could singlehandedly take down the beasts in Agoraville considering how well they've been doing!"

She lightly punched Makoto's arm, making them smile.
Faizah reminded them of a more energetic version of their sister Hana.
Hana was just as supportive and loving.

And now that they were on their way to mastering the soul searcher technique, they could finally make her proud.


Standing in one of the empty rooms, Rhiannon stared at the scraps of metal and wiring in her hands.
Gut-wrenching guilt ate away at her as she realised exactly what she had done.
In all her years of watching her parents build their technology company, of learning how it all works, she never thought she'd have to use her knowledge for evil.

She never thought she'd be standing here, parts of Minerva's competition project in her hands.

"Rhiannon?", called out Makoto.

Rhiannon quickly shoved the scraps into her pockets, wincing when one of the metal pieces scraped against her hand.

"There you are!", exclaimed Makoto.
"What are you doing in here?
The tech competition's started."

Sorry, I got lost."

Concern flashed across Makoto's face.

"Are you ok?
You've been acting a bit, off today", asked Makoto.

"I'm fine", said Rhiannon.
"I think your analysing skills are faulty today", she added, walking past them.

Makoto frowned, but decided not to push the subject.
They followed after Rhiannon.

The tech competition was being held in one of the bigger tech labs.
Banners were hung on the door and walls. Each participant had a laminated yellow sheet with their agent number on attached to them.
Everyone had their uniforms on, but Rhiannon could spot Raphael a mile away. He had a smug expression on his face, and when his eyes met Rhiannon's, he smirked.

Oh what she'd give to punch that face of his.

"Rhiannon!", exclaimed Minerva, placing a hand on the older girl's back.

Rhiannon turned around to face her.
She had her usual white lab coat on, and her long black hair was styled into a
Dutch braid that reached her hips.
What caught Rhiannon's attention the most was Minerva's bright smile.
She looked nervous, but also excited.

"Wish me luck!", she said, before walking towards the other participants.

"Good luck!", exclaimed Rhiannon, a pang of guilt in her chest.

"Welcome to the annual technology competition!", called out Calihan.
"Every year we get fantastic entries, but I have to say, this year we have some really special inventions.
Will all participants please stand next to your inventions?"

Rhiannon watched as Minerva walked towards her invention.
Her smile had disappeared now, and was replaced by a look of deep worry.
Rhiannon wanted to tell Minerva she had nothing to worry about, but she knew that was far from the truth.

Knox whistled, catching the attention of some of the agents.
They didn't matter to him right now though.
It was Minerva's attention that he cared about.
The nervous girl looked at him.
He gave her a big grin and a thumbs up, subtly winking at her.
Minerva smiled, her nerves fading just a little.

"Agent Ghimire, you're up first.
Tell us a bit about your invention, then demonstrate it in action please", said Calihan.

"Well, my invention will allow agents to be completely invisible to the enemy.
They blend in with their surroundings, and their total body mass shrinks, meaning that the enemy can essentially pass through them without feeling a thing, and the agent isn't harmed in the process", explained Minerva.

"That's incredible!", exclaimed Calihan, with some of the other agents nodding in agreement.

Rhiannon looked at Raphael, who was rolling his eyes.
How could he not be impressed by Minerva's invention?
Wasn't he supposed to be an inventor himself?
Minerva had the most impressive mind Rhiannon had ever seen, especially for someone who was only nineteen.

"Why don't you show us how it works?", asked Calihan.

Rhiannon grimaced.
Some agents tried to push past those in front of them, wanting to get a closer look. Rhiannon let herself fall to the back of the crowd, not wanting to see what was about to happen.
She opened the door and rushed out of the room.

Only a few seconds later, laughter erupted from the room.
There was too much of it to pick out individual laughs, but one thing was certain-they weren't laughing with Minerva.

Rhiannon's phone vibrated, so she quickly pulled it out of her pocket, mostly so she could distract herself with something.

Raphael: Didn't want to stay to see the results of your mess?

Raphael: Have to admit, you're rather good at sabotaging.

Rhiannon huffed, her eyes narrowing and her fists clenching.
She gripped her phone, almost like she was trying to break it.

Raphael was a monster.

She put her phone back in her pocket, before looking at her hands.
She saw the small grazes on her hands, from where the stolen pieces of metal from Minerva's project had scraped her.

She couldn't help but feel like she deserved them.



Third place.

Out of thirty participants, I was top three.

Of course, first place suits me far better, but I can't say I'm surprised.
This agency gave Ghimire a job so they don't have the best judgement.

You should have seen her face when her invention didn't work!

Her face contorted into this look of horror, confusion and embarrassment all rolled into one.
She stumbled over her words as she tried to explain herself, and all that came out was incoherent babbling.


I was getting sick and tired of everyone treating Minerva like she was this brilliant and clever being.

I don't think this day can get any better.

I stood in front of the mirror in my room, after getting ready for my date with Alessa. My hair was gelled back-the only time I ever used gel.
My hair was naturally flawless.
But I wanted it to look like I was making an effort.
With the agency having strict uniform rules, I had to rely on these little things to enhance my appearance.
I reached for the silver robot broach on my desk.
I pinned it to my tuxedo, smiling to myself when I looked in the mirror.
I looked great.

I wouldn't blame Alessa if she fell in love with me.

She chose to meet in the atrium.
It was hard to believe that the Nightshade had launched such a brutal attack here.
It looked like nothing had changed.
Sitting at one of the tables near the vending machine that housed drinks, was Alessa.
Her hair was loosely curled, this time intentionally, and she appeared to have some makeup on.
Her cheeks were rosy red, from blush, and she had red lipstick on her lips.

I noticed that the trainers-namely Oren, Imelda, Astra and Finian were also in the atrium, but not with Alessa.
Faizah was there too, but she was talking to an agent I had never spoken to.

The agent had auburn hair that was styled into a very tight donut bun.
I couldn't see the agent's face, but the back of her head looked familiar.
I had seen her talking to Faizah quite a few times over the course of being here.

Makoto and Rhiannon walked through the doors, but they weren't doing that sickly sweet thing they usually do-linking arms while they giggled or spoke in enthusiastic whispers about something.

"Hi there", I said, once I reached Alessa's table.

Alessa smiled.
So glad you could make it."

I thought you would've got cold feet about all this."

Alessa shook her head.
"Of course I wouldn't.
I really enjoyed your company."

I noticed two drinks on the table.
They were in tall glasses, and the drinks were hot pink.
There were bits of, what appeared to be, glitter in the drink.
Alessa took a sip of hers, the drink glowing as it passed through the straw.

I had never seen a drink like it.

"Oh, I got you the same drink as me", said Alessa, sliding the glass towards me.

"Thank you.
It looks interesting.
I've never seen a drink like this before."

"It's a specialty in one of Plurg's neighbouring towns.
It gained popularity here when we had a lot of wannabe agents joining from that town about three years ago", explained Alessa. "Try it."

I picked up the glass, perhaps a little too eagerly.
The drink had a thick consistency, and was ice cold.
It was refreshing at first, but then the sour aftertaste hit.
It wasn't intensely sour, and the mild sweetness that came through actually made it very enjoyable.

"You like it?", asked Alessa.

I nodded.
"It's delicious!"

"Here, have some more", she said, before picking up her glass and pouring it over my head.

I let out a gasp, the cold drink sending shivers across my body.
It dribbled down my face, trickling onto my tuxedo and completely covering my robot broach.

"What, you thought I actually fell for your tricks?", asked Alessa.
"How dare you try to use what happened to my mother to manipulate me."

"Y-You, I-I... you knew?"

Alessa smirked.
"You actually thought I wanted to be with you?
You're a weak, egotistical idiot.
I can't believe you actually thought I, or anyone else for that matter, would want to spend time with you!
A person like you is always going to be alone, Yuan-Ko.

The chatter in the atrium stopped.
Gasps rang out, and I even heard some snickering.
My face flushed a bright red.
I felt like there was a spotlight shining down on me, and only me.
Embarrassment crawled along my body, making me want to physically shake it off.
I looked up to see Alessa's smug face staring back at me.

Someone ran towards me, but I was too embarrassed to look up.
When they got closer, I decided to look up just a little, and saw Makoto.
Their mouth was opened, like they had gasped and never closed their mouth again. Their face softened when they saw me looking at them.

"Alessa, what are you doing?", called out Oren.

I forced myself to look up properly, and I saw Oren, Imelda, Finian and Astra by Alessa's side.
Faizah hurried to join them, but she was limping a little more than usual.

"He broke the no dating rule.
He was trying to flirt with me to get me on his side, probably to make me look stupid later", explained Alessa.

"So you humiliated him?", questioned Oren.

His eyebrows were sharp, and his face was full of anger.
I could hear the anger in his tone too. Judging from the look on Alessa's face, and even the other trainers' faces, they weren't used to seeing this side of Oren either.

Alessa's eyebrows furrowed, and her face changed as she realised no one was on her side here.

"He's the one at fault here", said Alessa.

Oren shook his head.
"No, you are.
I can't believe I actually thought we were finally getting the old you back."

Alessa's face softened.
"Oren...", she said, her voice uncharacteristically soft and quiet.

"How could you do something so cruel to someone else?", questioned Oren.

"There are better ways of handling problems, Alessa", said Astra.

Alessa looked at Imelda and Finian.
"You understand, right?
You taught Yuan-Ko a lesson when he skipped training sessions."

"Yeah, and we were wrong to do that", said Imelda.

"I understand your anger", said Finian.
"I let my anger get the best of me, and I caused long-lasting mental damage to Raphael.
Take it from me Alessa... this is not the answer."

"You... you don't understand-", started Alessa.

"No, you don't!", yelled Oren, startling everyone.
"What you did to Raphael?
You can't just do to someone, alright?
You can't manipulate and use people!
You can't tear people down like that!
I don't... Alessa, I can't even recognise you anymore."

Tears formed in Alessa's eyes, but the tough girl tried to blink them away.
She only made it worse though, and the tears trickled down her face.

Oren's face contorted into a look of disgust. There was more than anger here.
More than disappointment.
Oren couldn't stand to look at Alessa.

"I'm done, Alessa", he said.
"I'm done hoping you'll be the friend you used to be.
You're... you're a lost cause."

The trainers left, with Faizah hesitating for a few seconds longer than the others.
I should be delighted.
Delighted that my honour was being defended.
Delighted that Alessa lost everyone.

But I wasn't.

All I could think about was her words.
Her words that burned.
Her words that cut so deep.
They hurt, because she wasn't wrong.

No one wanted to spend time with me.

Not my parents.

Not my childhood best friend, Nana—the only friend I've ever really had.

Not Makoto and Rhiannon.

Not even Ashryn.

So, if I'm truly destined to be alone... maybe it's for the best that this happened now.
I needed to be reminded that I was just here for a job.
That's all.



So, there are a few things to talk about!

Makoto is thriving and I am absolutely loving writing their scenes. Hopefully you've noticed, but this isn't the first time I've written about Makoto's social cue observations. I love it because we get to kind of know what a character is feeling, but through someone else's eyes and it's not said out loud.

Rhiannon has betrayed Minerva! She'll have to deal with that guilt, and we'll see how that manifests soon. The cut Rhiannon got was referenced twice in the chapter. I wanted it to symbolise Rhiannon's betrayal, and her looking at it again and sort of feeling like she deserved it, shows that she thinks she should be punished for what she did. It reinforces that Rhiannon really didn't want to betray Minerva, but she didn't know what else to do. What are your thoughts on this?

There does seem to be some tension between Rhiannon and Makoto though. Rhiannon will have to deal with her guilt, and poor Makoto has been trying for a while to tell her that they don't want to physically fight in Agoraville.

Will Makoto finally be able to tell Rhiannon? And how will she react?

Alessa truly messed up here. Oren finally gave up on her, understandably given all that she has done. Her other friends have expressed their shock at what she has done as well. Is there a way back for Alessa right now?

What are your thoughts on this chapter?

What part of this chapter did you like/interested you the most?





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