No home anymore. Nowhere to return. My house is a ruin, a cemetery

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I would say I love you but saying it out loud is hard.
So I won't say it at all.

Devore Taylor never understood the meaning of life, or what it meant to live a life that you truly love, with the people you hold dearest to you. Nobody ever thinks about their life until something big happens, something devastating, and then you're forced to live with the fact that should've tried harder. You should've grasped onto the people you love more. Devore never understood this, not until she lost her father. And even after the acceptance of his death marinated into her bones — Devore gave up on everything, including herself.

The Taylor family was a family of the purest blood, overwhelming wealth, but a whole lotta love to give, which some people would find shocking when you look at the other rich families in the Wizarding World. But Isaac Taylor loved his family, his wife and children. He was the complete opposite of the stereotypical Slytherin, and that seemed to pass down to his daughter. Because Devore was loved by everyone, just like him. She wore her heart on her sleeve, just like him. It was evident the first time Devore stepped foot into the Great Hall her first year that she was a Taylor.

It started with a Slytherin falling in love with a Gryffindor. A forbidden love in the eyes of Hogwarts students. A boy chasing after a girl. Girl hating boy. Boy doing everything in his power to get her attention. Girl never giving it to him. He never gives up. She finally gives him attention, and then she begins to get to know him, and soon, it's girl falling in love with boy. A Gryffindor falling in love with a Slytherin.

They get married. They have two children. They have a family of their own, a completed life. Boy turns into man. Man turned into father. Father dies when daughter is fourteen. Son is nine. Girl turns into woman, and woman becomes a mother, and she's left to raise her two children alone. She was once young and lively, so in love that she glows — now she's old and lost her way. It's true what they say about love. It kills you. She loved him and now he's gone, and all she's left with is a daughter with his smile and a son with his eyes.

Devore was no longer the unexpected kind-hearted girl placed into Slytherin with friends from every house, the girl that didn't fit into her own house, she was Devore Taylor, turned mean girl, someone who looked down on anyone that wasn't on her level. She turned her back on everyone, her closest friends, on her own mother. But she'd never turn her back on her brother. Bennet was too young to understand life. She needed to guide him into the right direction so that he'd never be like her, never like their mother, to never end up like their father.

She still gets nightmares about seeing her father in a casket, eyes closed and skin pale, his hands over lapping on his chest. Devore would find herself lying in bed in the same position, her eyes closed, wondering what it would be like if she went to join him, because Devore was nothing without her father. She wasn't the same girl. Nobody would care if she left because she betrayed them. Her own mother wouldn't care. So why should she care?

They all said the same thing about her: the Slytherin mean girl. Sad girl. Angry girl. She made her bed and now was forced to lie in it. She played the victim in her head too much, now she was left with remains of what she had left.

Fred Weasley grew up with Devore. She was best friends with his youngest brother, then being in the same year. He knew her since she was a kid. He picked on her for fun. He laughed when she got angry at him. He got angry when he saw her cry. He smiled when he saw her laugh. He was confused when she suddenly came back a different person, cold hearted and mean. But her father died. Fred had to cut her some slack. But then she said hurtful things to his family, about his family, about that people she used to love. She was no longer Devore Taylor. He didn't recognize her. Ron didn't recognize her, Ginny was saddened because of her, George was angered by her, and Fred, well, Fred didn't know how to feel.

How could she just up and leave them like that? Did they not mean anything to her at all? Was he that disposable in her life? So many questions that would never be answered. He wanted the answers, and he was determined to get them. Fred was determined to find her again, to pull her back to the surface, and to show her that she didn't have to be afraid to love, because there's nothing greater in life than love.

Sydney Park Devore Taylor

James and Oliver Phelps   Fred and George Weasley

Gemma Chan    Chanel Taylor née Young

Taye Diggs   Isaac Taylor

As Described    Bennet Taylor

Jaz Sinclair   Olivia Kennedy

Mason Gooding   Atlas Kennedy

Michael Cimino   Legend Cordova

Halle Bailey   Angelina Johnson

Ashley Laio   Morgan Lin

Kedar Williams-Stirling   Lee Jordan

Lorenzo Zurzolo   Theodore Nott

Notes, the history book on the shelf is always repeating itself is basically the theme of this story

Warnings, mentions of depression and suicidal thoughts, mentions of abuse and abusive relationship, talks of death and murder, mentions of blood,  and minor sexual themes!

Other Notes, yes, I am editing so if you notice any changes while reading or mistakes it's because I haven't got to them yet <3

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