Making You Mine - 16

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Day 2

I'm supposed to make a confessional on my own and the only person I can think about is the woman I've been spending a lot of time with. Cassie, she seems like a girl that could make me fall in love. I know it's too early to tell who I'm going to end up with, but I'm hoping the more time I spend with her I'll get to know her better.

- Callum

I am woken by the closet door opening in the room. Who's in my room? Sitting up I look around the room and realise that it's the shows house I'm in.

Kaylee steps out of the closet in shorts and a t-shirt. "Morning," She says, cheerfully. "Sorry, I woke you. I'm normally up and hitting the beach around this time.

Looking at the nightstand I see a digital alarm and it says 7:30am.

I'm normally at the track talking to the coach at this time.

"That's fine. I never sleep this late anyway. I'm normally at the track working out before my team comes in at 8:30am."

She smiles. "It must be nice working alongside people that you have something in common with."

I climb out of bed and head towards the bathroom. "The only thing I have in common with those guys is the love of motocross. The rest of the time it's a competition of who can get the fastest time. They don't like it that I hold the top spot."

"Tell me everything I need to know about motocross over breakfast. I want to hear your story."

"Okay, I also want to hear yours."

"Deal," She opens the door to the bedroom and walks out.

My roommate seems interested in getting to know me than the other contestants. I think she'll be perfect for Callum.

Walking into the bathroom I take a quick shower and then get changed. Opening the door I head down the stairs to the dining room.

When I get there I see all the females already seated and Callum is at the head of the table talking to the rude blonde from last night.

She flips her hair and giggles at something she told him.

Callum's eyes make contact with mine and he has a pleading look in them, telling me to help him out.

A smile spreads across my face.

He'll have to deal with this alone. I'm not going to interfere with him getting to know the other contestants. He signed up for this.

Looking around the table I see a spare seat and it's next to Callum and Kaylee.

Looks like I have to deal with the spoilt brat now.

Walking past the other contestants I hear them talking about the activity of the day. I take a seat next to Callum and say. "What did I miss?"

He turns his attention away from the girl that has her hands all over him. "I have to get to know all the girls in a group setting. So, I decided that we'd go to a race track and see who can handle an adrenaline rush of being inside one of the fastest cars driven by yours truely."

I've been in a car with him on the tracks. It's impressive how fast he can go, but he's never driven with me behind the wheel.

Lucy is the only person I let into a race car with me. She wanted to feel how it was to be in a proper car with an expert. She told me that 'Callum doesn't count as this is his profession.' If she wasn't into motocross I'm sure racing cars would have been the next thing she would take over.

Growing up I took Lucy everywhere with me and she eventually became passionate about the same stuff as me and begged me to show her everything I knew.

At the end of the day I knew her passion would exceed what I feel for the sport I love. I wanted to change the sport so she could compete and show the world that girls can compete against men if they want to.

A smile spreads across my face. "That sounds like fun. I was hoping to have an adrenaline rush today."

The woman sitting next to Callum leans forward and says. "Don't you get enough rush being on a motocross track?" She lowers her voice and mumbles. "Dyke,"

Leaning across Callum I grab her face and make her look into my eyes. "Next time you mumble an insult make sure the person can't hear you. Just because you're a beautiful woman and know it, it doesn't mean you have to be a shallow person. This example is probably why you can't find a man. There's too much crap running through that brain of yours."

A few girls gasp at my words.

She opens and closes her mouth a couple of times. Shaking her head she glares at me. "Do you know who you're talking too?"

I don't care who you are.

"No, because who you are isn't important to me." Moving away from her I look at Callum. "Getting to know him is my main priority."

She ignores me and says. "I'm Chantelle Adams. 2016's Miss Universe."

I start applauding really slowly. Sarcastically I say. "Give it up to Miss Universe."

Callum looks between Chantelle and I. "Okay, girls. It's breakfast and we don't need any more drama."

I grab a slice of toast and put bacon on it. Looking at Callum I take a bite out of it and his tongue slips through his lips as he watches me.

Kaylee touches my shoulder and says. "He wants you so bad."

I feel the exact same way about him. Too bad I have to beat thirteen contenders to get him to myself.

Breakfast continues without anymore drama. I tell Kaylee all about motocross and Callum puts his input in. Making all the girls listen to what he has to say.

He's learnt a lot from me over the years.

Callum stands up and looks around the room. "Ladies, if you need to change into something f appropriate for the date, please do so. You have an hour until we leave."

The woman stand up and rush out of the room. Leaving me with Callum and Kaylee.

Kaylee stands up. "I'm going to get some fresh air." She walks out of the room.

Callum grabs my hand and pulls me off the seat. He lowers his voice. "I need to show you our secret spot. When things get tough I want you to disappear to this room." He pulls me through three different halls and up a set of stairs. Down another hall and at the end is a door. He pushes it open and there's a library.

The entire room has shelves full of books and there's a ladder at the end. I walk over to the bookshelf and look at the covers. Most of them and hardcovers and first editions.

This collection is worth a lot.

Callum moves a book and the shelf opens up revealing a staircase. "That will take you to my room. I found this room by accident last night and came across the book that will make sneaking around with you a lot easier."

I like the sound of that.

I put the book back in place and the shelf closes.

This is Callum and I's secret. I'm not going to tell anyone about it.

Looking at the ceiling I see a camera pointed at us. "When the show is on TV people are going to know our secret."

He shakes his head. "I made sure that one was disarmed last night. I don't want everyone to know everything just yet. We deserve privacy."

Yes, we do.

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