Making You Mine - 7

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I have been driving for three hours and I'm starting to feel tired. I see a sign for a gas station up ahead. "Callum, you're going to drive after this rest stop break."

Callum turns his head toward me. "Okay," he closes his eyes again and falls back to sleep.

"Lucy?" She looks at me. "Do you need to use the restroom?"

"Yes," she yells. "I've been needing to go for the last half hour."

"Lu," I scold. "You should have told us earlier that you needed to go. We're not that mean not to find some place."

She shakes her head. "I didn't see any signs while we were driving and there wasn't any turn offs during that time." She lifts up her water bottle. "I need to get more water."

Callum opens his eyes. "I can't sleep with the two of you talking."

A smile spreads across my face. "That's a good thing. You're driving shortly, Callum. I'm two miles from the gas station. You can fill up the car, while I get refreshments. Do you want anything?"

"A bottle of coke and some lollies. I need an extreme sugar boost while I tackle driving the rest of the way to Las Vegas."

I continue until I see a gas station and pull into it.

Finally! I really need a break from driving.

I park next to a gas pump and fill up the car. I grab my handbag from the back seat and walk into the gas station with my sister.

Lucy and I head in the direction of the bathroom. As we get closer to the restroom I see a line and we wait for our turn.

Looking outside I see Callum swipe his card through the machine. He puts the card back into his wallet and climbs into the car. He drives to the parking lot in front of the station. Stepping out of the car he walks into the station and sees me in the line.

Callum walks straight to the men's restroom and walks right in. He locks the door.

Lucy looks at me. "I'm going to use the men's once he comes out. I can't hold on any longer." She crosses her legs and starts jumping around.

A woman looks at my sister. "You could use the disabled toilet. That ones normally free."

Lucy looks at it. "I'm going to try it." She walks over to the door and opens it. "It's free." She yells, before slamming the door.

Callum walks out of the men's and he looks at me. "Do you want me to get you something to eat or drink? I want get out of here ASAP."

"Sure, can you get me a bottle of water, Pepsi max and some chocolate." I pull my purse out of my bag to give him the money.

Callum shakes his head. "I don't need your money, Cassie. Keep it and buy me something on the way home if you'd like."

"Okay," I watch him walk away.

Lucy walks out and she whispers to me. "You should use that bathroom. It's probably better than the one that you're waiting for."

I take her advice and use the one she did.

Once I've relieved myself I walk out of the bathroom and walk down the aisles until I come across the one that has tampons in it.

Lucy's about to leave when she spots me in the aisle. She walks over to me. "Didn't you pack any before we left?"

I shake my head. "I forgot. I was too busy choosing outfits to wear this weekend."

She laughs. "Are you trying to impress, Callum?"

"Why would I need to do that? He notices me in everything I wear. I had to choose what I was going to wear tonight when I race. Tomorrow when I show you some tricks on the motocross track and then for the night on town. Then the outfit for when we drive back home." I take the box off the shelf and head to the cash register with my sister behind me.

I pay for the tampons and head out of the gas station with my sister. Lucy climbs into the backseat of the car and I sit at the front next to Callum.

Callum starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot. He heads in the direction of Las Vegas.

I flip through the radio stations until I come across a song that I like. I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I'm woken by Callum when he pulls into the driveway of my Grandparents place. "Are your Grandparent's at home?"

"They told me that they would be. If they're not I know where they keep the spare keys."

The car comes to a stop in front of the cream coloured house that's recently been painted and the deck that leads to the front door has been polished. The wooden swing set has been fixed and there's a black cushion on it, with a heart and my Grandparent's initials are written in it.

The front door opens and my Grandparents step out. I run over to them hug them. "Sorry, I haven't been here in awhile."

Grandpa smiles. "This trip makes up for all the times that you haven't been here to visit us. Besides, we know that you've got a hectic schedule with you're competitions to visit us."

Callum walks over to us and he shakes Grandpa's hand. "Hello, Sir. It's good to see you again."

Grandpa grips his hand. "When are you going to make an honest woman out of my Granddaughter. I've been watching the two of you for years and kept wondering if you two were going to marry before we died. Looking at the two of you I can tell that all you're thinking about is your career on the tracks and not the life outside of it." He let's go of Callum's hand and opens the front door for us.

I walk into the house and see pictures of Dad when he was growing up. There's wedding photos of Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad. Also, a few of my aunts and uncles.

In the living room are pictures of the Grandkids on their prom and graduation nights. I see one of Callum and I when we attended our prom.

Callum is looking at me and he has a huge smile on his face. His arms are wrapped around my waist. "I love that picture. I wish that I had a copy at my place or on my phone."

"Give me your phone." I hold out my hand as he digs through his pocket. He pulls it out and hands it to me. "Thanks," I pull up the camera on his iPhone and zoom into the picture. I take a photo of it. "Now, you'll have it with you at all times. Just like that bracelet I got you, that hangs from the mirror in your car when you race."

A smile spreads across his face and it lights up his eyes. "Thanks, Cassie."

Grandma places her hand on my shoulder. "There's some food in the fridge if you want something to eat. You're grandfather and I are going to rest for awhile." She takes Grandpa's hand and leads him towards the bedroom.


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