Chapter 12: Befriending a Horse

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Malia's P.O.V.

I was now with Ben at the stables, where the horses were at.

He told me he was going to give me riding lessons. I haven't ridden a horse before, so I was kinda scared about it.

"Okay, Malia. There is only one horse here in the stable that hasn't been ridden before for some reason. So, I have a feeling maybe you could be the one to ride her." he explained as we got to a stall.

"Eclipse." he called out.

Just then, a beautiful, jet-black horse with a star on it's forehead came to us.

"Malia, meet Eclipse." he introduced me to the horse.

"Boy or girl?" I asked.

"Girl. You can pet her. It's okay. She's gentle." Ben explained.

I slowly extended my hand out to the mare and put it on her snout before she ended up nuzzling my hand and leaning into my touch. I smiled as did Ben.

"You're gonna be riding her." Ben told me.

I nodded before he got what I believed was a saddle and bridle before he led Eclipse out of the stall and set her up.

"Here, I'll help you up. Always get up from the left side." he told me.

I walked over to Eclipse's left side before Ben lifted one of my legs and I went up and down three times before I ended up on Eclipse's back.

I felt my heart racing as I was on the horse.

"Don't be scared. It can spook the horse." he explained.

I nodded and tried my best to stay as calm as I could as Ben led the horse outside and into the pasture.

"Okay, to get her to go, you have to kick her sides, but not to hard. Kick her sides lightly and that'll be enough to get her to walk.

I did as Ben instructed and Eclipse went walking. Now, turn her left using the reins." he explained.

I turned her to the left as gently as I could.

"Okay, now to the right." he instructed. I pulled the reins to the right before she went right.

"Okay, now halt her." Ben told me.

"Whoa." I said before she stopped.

"Now, back her up." I nodded before turning my attention to the mare.

"Back, back, back." I said as I gently pulled on the reins, making her go back.

Soon, I halted her and she let out a whinny.

"You did good. Now, what you're gonna do is get her to walk." he told me.

I lightly kicked Eclipse's sides and she walked.

"And when you get to the middle, kick her sides a little more and it'll make her trot." he instructed.

I did as he said and Eclipse was trotting. I'll be honest with you, it felt fun riding a horse. It actually wasn't that bad.

"Now, turn her to the right and make her go into a canter. It's kind of like galloping, but at a medium speed." Ben said.

I kicked Eclipse's sides again and she went cantering. "Good girl, Eclipse." I said with a smile on my face.

"Okay, now when you get to where we started, kick her sides again and she'll go into a full gallop." he told me.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Now, do it!" he answered.

I kicked Eclipse's sides again and she went into a gallop. I hesitated, but as soon as I felt the wind blowing, I smiled.

So, this is what it's like to ride a horse.

You suddenly just

After what was about 3 minutes of endless galloping, Eclipse started to pant.

"Whoa." I said as I began to slow her down. She stopped and I smiled as I patted her neck.

"Good girl, Eclipse." Ben said as he patted the other side of her neck. I got off her and threw the reins over her head so that I was holding her.

"Now, maybe we should go and get her groomed." he told me.

"Okay." I said as we began walking.

We got to the stables and Ben tied her up outside.

He helped me take off her tack and gather the brushes, hoof cleaner, etc.

I got a brush and began brushing her body down and Ben worked on her mane and tail.

"So, how long have you had her?" I asked him.

"All her life." he replied. I smiled as I kept on brushing Eclipse.

She looked at me before she nuzzled my shoulder.

"Hehe, looks like she likes you." Ben told me.

"You think so?" I asked as Eclipse started rubbing her snout in my hair.

"Pretty much." he replied as we finished brushing her down. He got the hoof cleaner and began cleaning her hooves one by one.

As he was, I gently stroked Eclipse's head. "Wanna be my friend?" I asked. She responded with a nudge to my cheek, which made me laugh as well as Ben.

We soon took her a bath with the hose and she was looking shinier than ever.

"I can just picture you and Jay riding horses together." he said,making me snap my head at him as I kept stroking the horse's face.

"What did you just say?" I asked.

"Malia, I can see it in your eyes and your face says it all. I see how you are when you're with him. I even saw you guys on the bleachers. It's obvious you like him." he told me.

"Man, you know about it." I admitted.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anybody. But know this, if you really like him or perhaps even love him, don't let anything stand in the way." he told me.

Wow, for a boy, he is really good at advice.

"Thanks, Ben." I told him.

"Now, I'll muck out her stall while you walk her around so she can dry off." Ben said.

I nodded as I untied the role that was attached to Eclipse's halter before I began walking her.

I walked the beautiful horse around the stables. If you looked at us, we looked like we had always been together.

Soon, I felt her and saw that she was already dry. I smiled as I kissed her head and led her back to the stall that Ben had just finished cleaning. I put her back in and took the rope off.

"You can ride her anytime you visit." he told me.

"Give her this." he said as he handed me an apple. "She loves apples." I held it out to her and she began eating it.

I smiled as she ate her treat. "Good girl, Eclipse." I said as I patted her neck.

"We should get going. The Tourney Game will be starting soon." he said.

I nodded and gave Eclipse a hug before we walked off back to the school.

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