Chapter 2: Leaving

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Malia's P.O.V.

Me, my sister, and our friends stood in front of Mom as she was sitting down, doing who knows what with her nails. I was standing in between Jay and Hallie.

"You will go. You will find the fairy godmother. And you will bring me back her magic wand." she said before blowing on her nails and looking at me and Mal.

"Easy peasy."

"What's in it for us?" Mal said.

"Matching thrones. Hers-and-hers crowns." she said.

"Um, I think she meant us." Carlos said.

She threw her nail thing before gesturing me and Mal to come forward.

"It's all about you and me, girls. Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" Mom asked.

"Well, yeah. I mean who doesn't?" Mal asked.

"Sure I do." I said.

"Well, then, get me the wand. And you and I can see all that and so much more." Mom said.

I felt a smirk grow on my face.

"And with that wand, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" she said.

"Our will." Evil Queen said, making Jafar, Hook, and Cruella look at her.

"Our will, our will." Mom said as she snapped her finger.

"And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your lives, missies." she said with a cluck of her tongue and a wink.

Mal and I were gonna say something until Mom stuck her hand out. She then walked towards us, her eyes glowing green.

'Oh, no.' I thought as I felt my mom in my head.

I struggled to fight against it as my eyes too became green. I could tell Mal was the same. I couldn't take it, so I gave in.

"Fine, whatever." me and my sister said.

"I win." Mom said.

"Evie." Evil Queen said, making Evie walk to her.

"My little evilette in training. You just find yourself a prince with a big castle, and a mother-in-law wing..." she said.

"And lots and lots of mirrors!" she and Evie said as Evie began laughing.

"No laughing. Wrinkles." Evil Queen said.

I looked at my sister, who I was sitting next to on the stairs.

I didn't really pay attention to anything because I was totally looking at Jay as he was with his dad.

It felt like everything was in slow motion whenever I looked at Jay.

I snapped myself out of it was Mal tapped my shoulder.

"You like him do you?" she said.

"Keep your voice down!" I said in a whisper.

"I don't know what your talking about." I whispered back.

Mal sighed as she took my hands in hers.

"You're my sister. You can tell me." she said.

"Okay, I do." I said.

"I knew it. You two look good together." she said with a smile.

"But I don't think he likes me back." I said.

"Trust me, sis. I've seen him stare at you. He likes you." Mal said.

"Yeah, right." I said as Mal playfully nudged me with her elbow.

"How about a bet. Five bucks. If he does like you, you owe me five bucks. If he doesn't, I owe you five bucks?" she asked.

"Deal." I said with a smile.

"What is wrong with you all?!" Mom said, which made us jump.

She then walked as she grabbed me and Mal.

"People used to cower at the mention of our names!" Mom said as Mal ended up in a chair and me beside her.

"For 20 years, I have searched for a way off this island. For 20 years, they have robbed us from our revenge." Mom said.

She looked at Evil Queen.

"Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men." she said.

"Ow!" she said as Evie plucked her eyebrow before looking at my mom.

She then turned to Jafar.

"Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie " she said.

"I will-" Jafar said but was held back by Jay.

She then turned to Hook.

"Revenge on Peter Pan and his little fairy." she said.

"I will get that annoying boy someday! "he said but got held back by his daughter.

She then turned to Cruella.

"Revenge on every sneaky Dalmatian that escaped her clutches." she said.

"Oh, but they didn't get baby." Cruella said as she played with her squeaky stiffed Dalmatian.

"They didn't get the baby!" Cruella laughed.

"And I, Maleficent... the evilest of them all. I will finally have my revenge of Sleeping Beauty..." Mom said as she looked at a mirror. "and her relentless little Prince." she finished.

"Villains!" she said.

"Yes?" Cruella, Hook, and Jafar asked.

"Our day has come." Mom said with a smirk.

"E.Q, give her the magic mirror." she said as she got off the Evil Queen. Queen handed Evie her mirror.

"This is your magic mirror?" she asked.

"Yeah, well, it ain't what it used to be. But then again, neither are we." Queen said, making her and Mom laugh.

"It will help you find things." she said.

"Like a prince?" Evie asked. '

Okay, girlie. Ease up on the princes.' I thought to myself.

"Like my waistline." her mom said.

"Like the magic wand, hello!" Mom said.

"My spell book. My book. I need my-that book." Mom said.

Evil Queen clucked her tongue as he pointed to the refrigerator.

"Ah, the safe! The safe!" Mom said as she tried to open it, but couldn't.

"Queen, help me!" she said.

Evil Queen got up before opening the fridge the right way.

"Voilà." she said. "Come, darlings, come." Mom said to me and Mal.

I grabbed her hand as we made our way to our mom.

"There she is. It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon." she said.

"Remember? When we were spreading evil and ruining lives?" Mom asked Evil Queen.

"Like it was yesterday." she replied.

"And now, you will be making your own memories." she said to me and my sister as she was handing the book to Mal, who was about to grab it, but Mom snatched it back.

"By doing exactly as I tell you." she said as she gave it to Mal.

Then, a honking sound was heard as Mom walked me and Mal to the balcony that had the view of Auradon from the distance.

"The future of the free world rests on your shoulders." she said as she wrapped her left arm around Mal and her right around me.

"Don't blow it." she said, looking at both of us before giving us a smile and walking off.

I felt Mal grab my hand in hers as we looked at where we were gonna be going.

"Mal! Malia!" she called out. Me and Mal grabbed our bags and purses

I looked over to Hallie and her Dad.

"Before you go, I want to give you this." he said as he held out a bracelet with different charms.

"It was your mother's. She told me to give it to you when you're sixteen. The charm of the person running represents teleporting." he started as Hallie took it and put it around her wrist.

"The cloak represents invincibility. And the one with the faces used in drama represent the ability to talk, basically sound likd anybody else." he finished explaining to her.

"Thanks, dad." she said as she gave Hook a hug and left, Hook following behind her.

Me and Mal walked outside to where a limousine was waiting. I gave my bag to the driver, who put it in the trunk as well as my sister before we looked up where our mom was.

She gave us the 'I'm watching you' sign.

I waved goodbye before I went in, taking a seat in between Evie and Jay. Hallie was the last one before Carlos.

Carlos and Jay eyed the candy that was there before snatching some of it. I got a green lollipop similar to Evie's before I bit it, savoring the sweet taste of it.

"You're looking a little washed out, let me help you out." Evie said as she began applying blush on Mal's cheeks.

"Ew, stop." she both said, making Evie stop what she was doing.

"I'm plotting." Mal said.

"Well, that's not very attractive." Evie said as she bit her lollipop.

"Malia?" she asked.

"Want some?" she asked, holding her lipstick.

"What color?" I asked.

"Coral." she said.

"Go head." I said and let her work on my lips.

After she was done, she gasped.


Hallie got a red string of candy before eating it. "These are so good!" she said.

"Try this, Malia." Jay said as he held a light brown candy. I was gonna get it, but he snatched it.

"Open your mouth." he said. I laughed and opened as he threw the candy in there, me catching it with my teeth. It was so good!

I finished that candy before I continued eating my lollipop.

"Look!" Evie exclaimed.

We saw that the limo was gonna drive where there was no bridge. We were gonna crash!

"It's a trap!" Hallie and Carlos yelled. W all screamed as we all huddled together.

I clutched Jay's vest tight and grabbed my sister's hand as we were preparing for the worst.

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