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Something felt wrong, it wasn't right. I felt a chill come up my spine and felt the hairs on my neck rise, the feeling in your gut that something isn't right. I tried to brush it off, but the feeling comes back, I didn't tell Jess cause I didn't want to worry her that much, and I haven't spoken to Levin all day, come to think of it now he wasn't present... At all. Usually he'll be walking around the village or riding his horse, whispers and chitter chatter filled the village as to have a sought worry in where the Lord was.

It's been a week now, the village is in constant fear as if they aren't feeling protected, the feeling kept nagging me over and over again... Everyone felt the same, there was no trace of him nor warning of his whereabouts. Guards have been on searching parties and asked any nearby village, but strangely Malachi has been absent too. They would both leave a message if they were going somewhere, but there was nothing to be found. The tower that Malachi and Levin would stay hasn't been touched no fresh footprints or any lights switched on. My gut kept telling me to at least check on them inside, but I couldn't, it's not right to just go in a Lord's tower.

But my mind kept on telling and begging me to go inside, our village is vulnerable. Any army can defeat us in a wipe, I needed to find the leaders and fast, I stood in front of the door that belonged to the tower of Levin and Malachi, for the past few weeks, they've been in each other's throats and been seeing me less and less, they have been fighting for a while, I wonder what happened now, I placed my hand on the knob on the door about to twist it open, unlit a voice shouted.

" Y/N we shouldn't mess with the tower, even if it wasn't you that made the Lord's disappear. Everyone is going to jump into conclusions, we have to stay inside "

" But Jess, something's in there... I know it, my gut has been telling me to check the tower since their disappearance. Maybe I should check inside the tower, just to be sure "

" Y/N, just face it. They abandoned us, why else would they leave without a note? They probably didn't want to tell us cause they think we are stupid enough not to notice "

" Jess don't say that, you know they wouldn't do that. You know them more than I know them, you know it isn't in their hearts to leave you here, why would they leave you anyway, I've always hear good and positive things from them talking about the village "

" Maybe he just wants to lie in front of your face Y/N you never know what people's true intentions are, cause just they are nice on the outside, doesn't mean they are nice in the inside "

" Why are you saying all these things Jess, this isn't like you "

" And it isn't like Levin and Malachi to leave us as you said, this isn't them as you said. Y/N no one really hangs out with the Lord's except you, you're literally the closet person to them, how can you not see that "

See what? I didn't know what she meant by that, a familiar rang went through my eyes and signalling my head that we should get going back home before the sun goes down, it's been like this for weeks. Before the sun sets, we must be in our house and lock all the doors and windows and anything as much as possible, to keep the lights off so no one knows that this village still alive, it's not like any guards protect this place, it's just that Malachi does most of the night shift guarding.

As we got into the house we ate dinner silently, the awkward moment staying with us for dinner tonight. We said no words, we just went into our rooms and closed the door leaving the rest of the house dark as we have too, we have a few minutes before we have to turn off our room lights, my heart and mind made a decision to go tonight, o gathered a small bad with a lamp, a dagger and rope just in case for other situations. As I heard her lights turn off, I did the same to mine and slowly went to my wooden my door and twisted the knob before pulling it inwards for me to get out.

I tiptoed to the front door unlocking the lock the whole village dark and death, I lit my lamp low and walked down the pathway slowly and steady. The village looked abandoned and dead, like no life is not in this place anymore, as I stood in front of the tower I heard a few footsteps walk this way, I quickly hid behind a tree as I saw two guards walk passed me, I gave a sigh. That was close, I got back to the front door and my hand again touched the knob and turned it right before pushing it open, seeing more darkness.

My gut started to pull me into the room, my foot hesitated to left up but did anyway and took my first step into the building, I lifted my lamp to the level of my eyes to see what's in this room, the tables and chairs destroyed and laid all over the place, it was like a tornado was formed in this room. As I got to a spot, I found spots of blood on the floor and walls, my heart beat started to fasten as so many thoughts came into my head. My nose hating the stench and feeling slightly dizzy, I back away to get out the tower but my back collided to another, multiple chills creeped up my back and I gave a light scream as I felt it's hand cupping my neck, but not so hard to choke me.

My vision went, black.

I opened my eyes to find myself in another room, the dizziness still dancing in my head. My left ankle wrapped in a chain and attached to a wall, my mind with confusion and curiosity wondering where I am and who took me here, the room was small and cramped. The same blood smell came into my nose making me feel nauseous, my eyes couldn't see well since it wasn't very well lit, I jumped as a voice came out of nowhere.

" Why Y/N you are here, I didn't expect you out of all people to check on us, I knew you loved me. I want you coming into my loving arms, but HIM HE HAD TO RUIN EVERYTHING! "

The voice sounded so familiar, my hands covered my mouth as soon as I figured who the voice belonged to, it was...

A. Levin
B. Malachi


A. Levin
" Levin?! " He stepped out so I could see him " H-How could you? Your own brother?! "

" He got to spend more time with you, it wasn't fair. I wanted to spend time more with you, he got the upper hand but not anymore... Just look at the state he's in "

A small window shined in Malachi captive and tied up, looking tired and dead, the dark circles under his eyes and tears running down his cheeks, the fear deep in his eyes as he looked at me helpless and weak.

" You can choose me and he can live, or, choose him and he can die. It's your choice Darling, choose wisely "

I closed my eyes tightly as I thought about it deeply, if I do he can't leave him in peace, if I don't he can wipe him out in a second, I stared deep into his eyes seeing the sanity gone from his body. His aura is something different, this isn't him anymore, this is some else. Not the person I once knew, tear flew down my eyes as he tighten his grip on the sword. He smirked as he knew I was giving my answer.

" NO! "

" No? Well to be honest love, you had no say in this, he will die anyway! "

I screamed as loud as I can as he swung his sword and seeing the horror in front of me... The blood, splattered all over the walls and floor, the sight can never get out of my eyes...


B. Malachi
" Malachi?! " He stepped out so I could see him " H-How could you? Your own brother?! "

" Y/N I did this for us, he was getting in the way of our love, our happiness, and mostly getting in my way, he got to live most of his life, and me I DIDN'T HAVE MUCH OF A CHILDHOOD, he stole everything I wanted. "

My eyes widen with shock, no way I was gonna choose between the two of them, is this was Jess was talking about... Dod they like me this whole time?!

" You can choose me and he can live, or, choose him and he can die. It's your choice Darling, choose wisely "

I closed my eyes tightly as I thought about it deeply, if I do he can't leave him in peace, if I don't he can wipe him out in a second, I stared deep into his eyes seeing the sanity gone from his body. His aura is something different, this isn't him anymore, this is some else. Not the person I once knew, tear flew down my eyes as he tighten his grip on the sword. He smirked as he knew I was giving my answer.

" NO! "

" No? Well to be honest love, you had no say in this, he will die anyway! "

I screamed as loud as I can as he swung his sword and seeing the horror in front of me... The blood, splattered all over the walls and floor, the sight can never get out of my eyes...

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