Chapter 8: Players and Pieces

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A/N: you and the others take on a death stalker and Nevermore.

Weiss: did he just leave us here?!

Ruby: uh......

Weiss: I knew their kind couldn't be trusted.

Ruby: I think he was just helping Jaune out.

Weiss: as If, he abandoned us.

Ruby was soon looking at something which gave her an idea.

Ruby: I have an idea.

Weiss: and there's no way I'll......


The two girls were hanging on to something very feathery and very fast.

Weiss: Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!

Ruby: We're fine! Stop worrying!

Weiss: I am so far beyond worrying!

Ruby: In a good way?

Weiss: In a bad way! In a very bad way!

Ruby: Well, why don't we just jump?

Weiss: What are you? Insane?!

She is met with silence; Ruby has already disappeared.

Weiss: Oh, you insufferable little red.....

Back at the temple, Blake was looking up at the sky with yang soon hearing something.

Yang: Blake, did you hear that? What should we do?

Ruby: Heads uuuuuuuup!

Just as she's about to hit the ground, you appeared and caught her with your tail.

Jaune: nice catch.

(Y/N): thanks.

Ruby: "sighs" that was close.

Blake: Did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang: I...

Before she could continue, several crashing noises were heard in the forest ahead of you all. An Ursa came out and in just fell to the ground, showing Nora on top of it.

Nora: YEEEEHAAAAW!  .................Awwww... It's broken.

Ren came up behind her.

Ren: Nora! Please... Don't ever do that again.

he looked up again and noticed that Nora ran off again. She was now at the temple staring at a relic.

Nora: Oooohh...

She grabbed the one that looked like a castle.

Nora: I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

Ren: Nora!

Nora: Coming, Ren!

She skipped off to Ren.

Blake: Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?

Yang: I...

She was interrupted once more as screeching was heard from their right

(Y/N): what the fuck was that? 

Jaune: I think I know.

Pyrrha ran through some bushes with the death stalker still chasing after.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Ruby: Whoa!

You put Ruby ans Jaune down.

Yang: Ruby! (Y/N)!

(Y/N) & Ruby: Yang!

Nora: "Nora!"

She yelled coming between you all. The death stalker kept chasing Pyrrha as she ran.

Blake: Did she just run all the way here with a Death Stalker on her tail?

Yang got angry and erupted in a small burst of fire with her eyes flashing red.

Yang: I can't take it anymore! Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!

It was silent for a few moments before You, Nora, and Blake and Ruby looked up.

Ruby: Umm... Yang?

Weiss was hanging on a talon the size of her entire body that belongs to a gigantic Nevermore.


Weiss: You! How could you leave me, you red idiot?!

Ruby: I said "jump"!

Blake: She's gonna fall.

Ruby: She'll be fine.

Ren: She's falling.

Jaune: I got an idea. Toss me!

(Y/N): what? Uh.....i don't think.

Jaune: I'll catch her if you toss me.

(Y/N): "sighs".........

You grabbed Jaune and tossed him into the air. Once he was high enough, he stretched out his arms and caught Weiss.

Jaune: Just... dropping in?

Weiss was speechless... and Jaune realized why when they both looked down.

Jaune: Oh, God.

They both fell to the ground with Jaune faceplant into the dirt and Weiss was on top of him.

Weiss: My hero.

She said in a mocking tone.

Jaune: My back...

The Death Stalker was still chasing Pyrrha, but she managed to land on her side at the feet of you all.

Yang: Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!

Ruby: Not if I can help it!

She rushed at the Grimm.

(Y/N): Ruby, wait!

Ruby fired Crescent Rose and charged at the death stalker. When the two meet, the Grimm knocked Ruby away. She got up slowly.

Ruby: D....Do......Don't worry! Totally fine!

Ruby turned back to the monster and shot it in the skull, running away from it and sheathed her scythe as the death stalker went after her. Yang ran to her.

Yang: Ruby!

You charged up and rushed to them. Ruby ran to Yang, but the Nevermore flapped it's wings and released lines of sharpened feathers that caught on Ruby's cape and prevent Yang from reaching her.

Yang: Ruby, get out of there!

She struggled with the cloak.

Ruby: I'm trying!

The Death Stalker approached with it's stinger above her and about to attack. However, you came in and slammed your fist across it's face.

Ruby: 0_0

You started to land blows on the Grimm's face before it could fight back.

(Y/N): Begone!

You gave it one big kick and sent it flying back a few feet away. You then pointed your hand to it and fired a small ki blast, which it used it large claws to block it. But it still hurt as it screeched in pain.

Ruby: wow. ✨_✨

Yang: so cool. ✨_✨

Jaune: he knocked it back with only a few punches.

Blake: well, Arcosians are said to be incredibly strong, even at a young age.

Ruby continued to struggle with the cloak until the claw it was caught by was frozen and broken. Ruby looked up and saw weiss.

Ruby: Weiss?

Weiss: You are so arrogant.


Weiss: And dim-witted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose I can be a bit... difficult... but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together. So if you quit trying to show off, I'll be... nicer.

Ruby: I'm not trying to show off. I want you to know I can do this.

Weiss: You're fine.

She walked off.

Ruby: "sighs"

Yang rushed to Ruby and gave her a hug.

Yang: So happy you're okay!

The two stare at each other for a moment, then looked up at the Nevermore still flying overhead.

Jaune: Guys? That thing's circling back! What are we gonna do?

(Y/N): let's just get the relics and then get out of here.

Ruby: he's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the Cliffs. There's no point in fighting these things.

Jaune: Run and live, that's an idea I can get behind!

Ruby went over and grabbed a gold horse one and Jaune took hold of a gold castle looking one. The death stalker got up and screeched in anger.

(Y/N): Time to go.

Ruby: Right. Let's go!

Ruby ran forward with everyone following behind. Yang smiled as Blake approached her partner.

Blake: What is it?

Yang was staring proudly at Ruby as she leaped on a boulder and motions the others onward.

Yang: Nothing...

She and yang followed behind. All of you made it out of the forest and into another abandoned series of structures as the Nevermore followed as you tried to blast it out of the sky.

(Y/N): damn thing is too fast.

Ruby: Spread out!

You spread out when the Nevermore passed above you. The others hid behind stone pillars as you stood above on top a tall one, ready for the Nevermore.

Yang: Well, that's great!

Jaune looked behind at the Death Stalker bursting through the trees to them.

Jaune: Ah, man, run!

The group emerged from their hiding spots and caused the Nevermore to rise up into the air, only to get nearly blasted in the face.

Ren: Nora, distract it!

Nora ran out from her block and jumped through the feather projectiles before reaching behind her and launched several heart-topped shells from her grenade launcher, bursting into pink electricity when they hit the Nevermore. This caused it to retreat. Nora was however unaware of the Death Stalker rushing up behind her until Blake and Ren performed a cross-slash with their Gambol Shroud and StormFlower against it's shell. Weiss landed next to Nora so she can create a jumping platform beneath them and leaped to safety while Blake and Ren were being chased.

Pyrrha: Go, go!

She got out her weapon and fired red shots along Ren's green blasts for a second until the grimm reached them and tried to swipe at them. They ran again before it could.

They race over a stone bridge but didn't notice the Nevermore closing in on them until it used it's giant wings to shatter the path right in the middle, forcing Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Nora, and Jaune closer to the central collection of columns and Blake, Ren, and Pyrrha on the other side with the Death Stalker.

(Y/N): that's it!

You rushed at the large bird and rammed right onto it and caused it to crash right into a stone pillar.

Jaune: Man, we gotta get over there! They need help!

Nora: Let's do this!

Jaune looked down at the misty abyss.

Jaune: Yeah, but, uh... I can't make that jump.

Nora smiled diabolically at him and laughed as she knocked him back, turned her weapon to it's full-length hammer form, and jumped to the edge of the bridge.

Jaune: Oh, wait!

She slammed the hammer into the bridge and threw Jaune to the other side, constantly screaming.

Jaune: No, no, no, no, no, no!

Nora placed one foot on the hammer and fired it off the collapsing section of bridge, launching her to slam it's face right in the center of the Death Stalker's skull. She fired it just as the stinger comes down to get her, and blasted back again to avoid it' reach, accidentally knocking into Blake and making her fall from the edge. She saw the Nevermore above her and launched her whip so the gun's blade sunk into the edge of the bridge and circled around and leaped onto the aerial Grimm's back. She dashed all over it's body, slashing the entire time, before jumping off and landing on the ruined platform at the top of the columns next to Ruby, then going over to Yang and Weiss.

Blake: It's tougher than it looks!

(Y/N): yeah, it's annoying as hell.

Yang: Then let's hit it with everything we got!

The Nevermore approached the 5 of you, only to be hit with a barrage of blasts at the bird, which it either dodges or takes some type of damage until it crashed through the columns and platform. The girls leap from one section of falling stone to the next until they reach the higher bridge on top, just below the cliffs while you took to the air.

Weiss: None of this is working!

Ruby watched Blake whip over to another section of the area and Yang firing round after flaming round at the Grimm.

(Y/N): any ideas, Ruby?
Ruby: Yeah! Cover me!

she blasted away as Weiss raised her blade and headed into the battle. You flew to the Nevermore and started throwing punches at it's face.

(Y/N): overgrown pigeon!

Down below, the death stalker was still battling Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha.

Jaune: We gotta move!

They all rushd towards it as the death stalker aimed a claw at Pyrrha. But she deflectd it with her shield and slashed it with her blade. The scorpion recoiled and swiped at her with it's other claw, but Jaune was there to deflect it with his shield to knock it back so Pyrrha could leap over and attack it's face. Ren ran up firing and got on the stinger when it tried hitting him. But he shot at the base between it and the tail while Nora fired more grenades at the attacking claws. Pyrrha hurled her javelin straight into one of the monster's ten eyes, making it throw Ren to the side.

Nora: Ren!

Ren hit the side of a stone block hard and fell to the ground, not getting back up. Jaune, though, managed to stand and noticed the stinger was hanging limply.

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: Done!

She raised the shield and hurled it like a discus, slicing the stinger off and causing it to fall into the Death Stalker's head as Pyrrha retrieved her rebounding shield.

Jaune: Nora, nail it!

Nora: Heads up!

She jumped up, Pyrrha leaped as Nora aimed her blast down to give herself a maximum lift, and she smiled the entire way up before twirling down until her hammer slammed it's head piece into the stinger, driving the point through the Death Stalker's head and crushing the bridge beneath it. Jaune and Pyrrha then bounded over the monster to the land behind it as Nora fired up and away behind them as the monster fell into the abyss. Jaune hit the ground on his back while Nora landed on her bottom, Pyrrha, a crouched pose, and Ren simply walked over to them, panting and groaning until he just collapsed. They a watched the battle with the Nevermore continue.

(Y/N): Just lay down and die!

You said slamming the beast's head into the side of a cliff. It swatted you away with it's wing.

(Y/N): you're gonna haft to try a little harder than that!

You fired at the side of it's face and it was set on fire and the Nevermore roared in pain. It was about to attack you until yang was firing at it to get it's attention. Which worked as it flew to try and eat her, only for her to start firing in it's mouth.

Yang: I! Hope! You're! Hungry!

She soon jumped  out it's mouth onto a ruin as the creature crashed into another part of the cliff. But it recovered quickly.

(Y/N): Time to finish this!!!

Ruby looked forward and pumped Crescent Rose as Weiss turned a circle from black to red and released Ruby at such a speed. With each new shot, she got closer and closer to the Grimm until her scythe caught the Nevermore's neck in it's blade and caused them both to fall to the cliff wall. You flew down and caught Ruby.

(Y/N): let's really make some speed!

Weiss raised her sword and created a series of white circles up the wall, which Ruby dashed through by firing the entire way up as you helped with your boost of flying. The others watched as the two of you went up the cliff with the bird in grasp.


You both reached the top and circled up and Ruby fired one last shot from Cresent rose and blew the Nevermore's head from his shoulders. You both landed as the giant corpse fell off the cliff ans into the abyss.

(Y/N): okay, not going to lie. That. Was. Awesome.

A/N: it's only the tip of the iceberg.

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