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(YN) then flies oveer to Gogeta as he lands a kick to his gut, Gogeta recovers as he strikes (YN) back with two kicks, one towards his gut and the other to the side of his face, Gogeta then backs up after giving him two kicks....


Gogeta then notices (YN) bkastung a huge green ki beam towarxs him as Gogeta moves to the other side and dodges it as he goes after (YN), he then lands a punch towards his face, sending him flying as he goes after him, he started throwing barrage punches and kicks towards (YN) as he then strikes a powerful punch towards his gut, casuing him to setp back as Gogeta steps back as well....

Gogeta: Let's Go!!

Gogeta powers up as he goes flying towards (YN) and then gest ready to land a punch on him, but (YN) then lifts his arm as he tries to land a punch on Gogeta as well, both land their punches towards each others fists and caused a huge giant impact and casujnf more lava to arrive around themselves, after that impact, it sent (YN) flying away as he tried to recover himself but gogeta was quickly enough to catch him up and then lands a brutal punch towards his gut, and then another lunch with his other hand, causing (YN) to spat out blood, and then lastly lands another brutal punch to hus face sending him flying as Gogeta goes after him, and again Gogeta charges up for another punch and lands it towards (YN)'s gut, and also kicking (YN) towards his chin as (YN) was sent in the air and Gogeta started to charge up....


With Gogeta casuing a huge explosion towards (YN) somehow, the explosion then Paragus and the others to tiwards the attention of the explosion as Paragus was done wishing shenron to bring back Cheelai, the wound from Cheelai then was fading away as the wound was gone as Cheelai was then brought back to life, as she notices shenron....

Cheelai: WAAAH! A dragon?!?

Lemo: Cheelai! Your back!!

Cheelai: L-Lemo! Paragus!

Paragus: Oh thank goodness! Cheelai I'm so happy your back alive!

Cheelai: B-But how!?

Lemo: Thanks to Bulma and Whis, those seven dragon balls can actually grant you any wish, and our wish was to bring you back to life!

Cheelai was relief to bring back to life and happy and thankful to his friends to do such amazing thing for her, but she wasn't too happy to realize everything around was almost destroyed...she and the others realize another explosion coming from the other side...

Cheelai: What was that?!

Paragus: Its (YN)! Whats going?!

From what Whis is witnessing, he notices Gogeta was winning the battle as he also notices Gogeta was up to something...

Whis: Well how truly magnificent. I think this battle will become in a rousing finale.

Paragus: Wh-What are you sayin??!

Whis: Keep looking.

Paragus and the others started watching Gogeta as Gogega started to power an ultimate attack...

Gogeta: Kaaaaa-meeee-haaaaa-meeeeee...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Gogeta then unleahses a powerful ki blast towards (YN) as (YN) notices the beam coming towards him, he places both of his hands towards the beam as he manages to atop it from getting hit, he suddenly started pushing it towarda Gogeta as he then adds more boost to his Kamehameha wave, as he did, the beam can barely move (YN) away from him as (YN) suddenky started to grow angrier and angrier as he then lifts his arm and then strikes a brutal punch towards Gogeta's beam and caused a huge explosion alongside with him, Gogeta then realizes it....

Gogeta: Heh, looks like he's done for.

But then again, after the smoke was clearing away a bit, (YN) was still standing as he look more pissed off and growls...

Gogeta: Damn it! He's still up?! Hmph! I better get ready and continue kicking his a-

Too bad, they defuse...

Goku: H-Huh?! What happen?!

Vegeta: D-Damn it Kakarot! If you wouldnt have taken long of your damn kamehameha wave, we would have tried something else to take him down!

Goku: Hey now! Unlike half of you you were trying to kill him!

Vegeta: Sh-Shut up! Now we have to-


(YN) started charging towards Goku and Vegeta as they both started throwinf ki blasts towards (YN), but isn't strong enough to stop him, the two of them are out of strength and stamina after fusing their bodies together, they have nothing else to defend nor fight back... until luckily, Whis then appeared behind (YN)...

Whis: Thats enough!

Whis then chops the back of (YN)'s neck, knocking him our and goinf back to his base form....


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