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A few weeks pass, during those weeks, Paragus apologies Gkku and Vegeta for falling on Frieza's lies and thinking they destroyed their home planet, Goku and Vegeta forgave him and honored him and his son (YN) as friends already, Cheelai and Lemo as well since they help them out as well...anyways, Paragus, (YN), Cheelai and Lemo both ended up living on planet earth and call it their homes already. They were also introduced to Goku's and Vegeta's families and friends as they were honored to meet all of them, and thanks to Bulma, the four also got their new house thanks to bulma, she also gave them little capsules for enough food for themselves and clothes as well. They have been enjoying themselves living here on earth and experiencing new things all over the world like food, shopping, and more fun stuffs to experience. But also, let's not forget the relationship between Cheelai and (YN), aslo during these pass weeks, (YN) has been nothing but protective, kind, and sweet towards Cheelai...he has been also going everywhere where she goes, and that doesn't bother Cheelai at all, for her it makes her feel more comfortable around him and feeling more safe with him, she then started to feel more and more pleasant and congenial...she started to have these type of feelings that somehow...she starting to fall in love with him...for everything he has been doing for her during these pass as day and day goes by, One day Bulma has invited everyone over for a party, Paragus then gets ready to head over there as for Lemo, Cheelai and (YN) as well...

Paragus: Alright then. Ready to go already?

Lemo: Yup. All set.

Paragus: Good. Now we just gotta wait for (YN) to dress up and we can all go together

Cheelai: Oh wait Paragus. You and Lemo can go on without me and (YN), I wanna talk with (YN)...personal. Its important.

Paragus: Oh. You sure??

Cheelai: Yes. Besides, (YN) can fly us over there in no time.

Paragus: ...Alright then. But may I ask why?

Cheelai then grabs Paragus and Lemo's hands as she then walks them outside as (YN) was still dressing up...

Paragus: Cheelai, whats going on??

Lemo: Yeah, is something going on between you and (YN)??

Cheelai: *Taking deep breathes in and out* Okay...Paragus, you may have notice that me and (YN) have been getting along more together...and well...the thing us...I've may have feelings for him....and well, I've been having these feelings for him since he started hanging out with me...and Im telling you this, because I wanna let you know that I just wanna be...more than friends with him...

Paragus heard everything what Cheelai said to him about having feelings for his son, he then smiles as he then speaks...

Paragus: I knew this will happen between you and (YN)...and to let you know, he has feelings towards you as well...

Cheelai: R-Really??

Paragus: Of course. He's always telling me without you noticing. Ist very obvious he likes you...listen cheelai, if you and my son wanna be love ones, then thats fine by me. Besides, (YN) has to learn new things already.

Cheelai smiles...

Cheelai: Thank you for understanding Paragus. For a second I thought you won't accept it casue you want your son to become a fighter and not focus on anything that distracts him

Paragus: Of course not. I mean sure I want him to become a strong fighter like Kakarot and prince vegeta, but he has to have something on his life, which is love...and you Cheelai might be the one that can fit in.

Cheelai: Wow...Paragus, thats much to me.

Paragus: Dont mention it, Cheelai.

Suddenly, the three then heard (YN) calling them...

Paragus: Me and Lemo will be our way over to Ms. Bulma's house. Be sure to make it over there

Cheelai: We will.

Paragus: Good luck.

Paragus walks over to the car as Lemo looks at Cheelai and tells her...

Lemo: Good luck.

Lemo then goes over to the vehicle as Paragus starts up the vehicle and heads over to bulmas, Cheelai waves at them as she then walks over to the door and takes a deep breathe....and enters to realize seeing (YN) dressed up with a green shirt, purple pants, black shoes and still having bah's ear around him...

Cheelai: Hey big guy, you look good.

(YN): Thank you. And you look...

(YN): you look so nice on those clothes. I like it.

Cheelai: *blushes* thank you.

(YN): Your welcome...where's father and lemo??

Cheelai: They already went to the party, but I told them you and I will catch up. I just need to talk to you about....something.

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