Chp.9 Fighting Agianst The Saiyan Warrior

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Goku then started stretching his arms and legs as he gets ready to have his fight against (YN)...

As for (YN), he suddenly started growling and also started grow his muscles and his whole body bigger somehow as his aura started to grow bigger...



With a huge mighty roar and growing his body more bigger and muscles as well, the collar around (YN)'s neck was destroyed by (YN)'s enlarge neck growing....after that, (YN)'s hair stood up spike as he eyes were looking like a savage animal...

Goku: Woah! His power is growing more! That's intense! *chuckles* looks like I'm going to enjoy this fight!

Goku then got into his battle stance as for (YN) he got into his battle stance as well...

As the two of them got in their battle stance, they both took a huge step forward...and then rapidly flew towards each other as their fists collide each other...and so the battle begins! They began throwing punches at each other and battling it out, in (YN)'s first person view, he backs up as he then lands a kick towards Goku's gut and then a punch, sending him flying away as Goku recovers himself quickly and blasts his Kamehameha wave towards (YN) as he dodges out of it, Goku started throwing several ki blast towards (YN) as he started blocking them, and blocks the last one as (YN) also started throwing ki blasts at Goku while flying towards him, as he got closer, (YN) quickly punches Goku to the side of his face, sending him crashing through a mountain as he goes chasing him, going through a hole of the mountain that he sent Goku flying through, he again punches him towards the gut, again sending him flying again as (YN) one last time lands a powerful to Goku's gut again, as he Goku burst our from the mountain and recovers, he then notices a huge green explosion from the mountain he came out of as he notices (YN) coming for him and he was fast...(YN) started throwing rapid punches and vicious kicks to Goku until after that he grabs Goku's leg and started spinning him around and tossing him away, Goku quickly recovers...

Goku: Woah! This guys fast and strong! I can't even lay a finger on him! Guess I should boost up my power! HRRRRYAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!

Goku turns into his super saiyan form as he goes after (YN), continuing their fight, (YN) started blasting several energy ki's to Goku as Goku started dodging them as he lands a kick but (YN) dodges it, as he tries landing a punching to Goku, but misses as Goku vanished and appears behind (YN) as he turns around and quickly dodges Goku's kamehameha wave again as both started vanishing and reappearing while throwing punches at each other, causing a lot of destruction and explosions...Goku then drop kicks (YN) towards his face as he backs up as (YN) recovers and goes after Goku, he started charging up a green energy sphere from his right palm as he then dodges Goku's punch above and places his right palm towards Goku's gut and caused the green energy sphere to explode and causing Goku flying away as (YN) quickly appears behind Goku and axe hands him from behind, sending him flying down to the ground as he goes after him, Goku quickly gets up as he kicks (YN) away from him as he gets the chance to get up on his feet and recover, (YN) roars as he flying towards Goku...

Goku: Alright then! Let's take it up or notch!

Goku then powers up as he then started changing his hair from gold to red and eyebrows and eye color as well as he turn into his super saiyan god form...after that he notices (YN) coming after him with a punch ready to strike, Goku gets ready as he quickly grabs (YN) whole arm and tosses him straight towards the ground as he backs away from (YN)...

Goku: Hey, take it easy big guy.


(YN) angrily started running after Goku as Goku the Lin suddenly on pen his arms wide as he created a red aura circle, as (YN) got close to him, he then trap (YN) on the red aura as (YN) then wasn't able to live at all...



Goku: By the Looks of it, you seem pretty tough to beat, and that really hypes me up, but You and your father got a lot to learn, here on earth we like to live here peace and quiet.


Goku: Not much of a talker huh? Its okay. But here's what I can tell you...what you and your father heard from Frieza about what happen our home planet and thinking it was me and Vegeta who destroyed it? Hehe, guess again buddy. Your looking at the wrong persons.

(YN): N-Nrgh...h-Huh???

Goku: Look you May not believe me and what I'm telling you, but at least listen to what I'm saying. So stop this fighting, and let us tell you and your father what really happen to your planet.

After that, Goku then stares at Frieza as Frieza stood quiet and drop a sweat the fact that Goku knows who actually destroyed planet vegeta...

Paragus: Lord Frieza, what is Kakarot talking about??

Frieza: *chuckles* oh nothing. There just acting innocent so they can make you two think their innocent.

Paragus: Ah I see my lord. (YN)! Son, Don't Listen to him! Their just playing innocent!

(YN) then Listen to his father as (YN) then stares back as Goku as he started looking at him a bit calm and innocent to think him and Vegeta may seem nice people...but once he shuts his eyes down, he started to have an image of his home planet world destroyed and his people crying in pain as he can hear the voice of his mother "(YNNNNNNN)" as she scream his name in pain and vanishes by the fire...after that...

(YN) opens his eyes wide with an vicious angry look on his face.


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