Ruvik x reader

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"Come on ruby" (y/n) said smiling at Ruben who only blushed at the nickname "stop calling me that (y/n)" Ruben said while not making eye contact only making (y/n) giggle a little. Ruben was about to say something until (y/n) kissed his cheek making him blush harder "aaw look at my little brother and his girlfriend~" Laura said both turned toward her and now both are blushing this made Laura laugh "ha ha anyway I was think that we should go play at the born so we can get out of the sun" she said "do you think it's safe?" (Y/n) asked in a nervous tone "what to chicken" Ruben said teasingly making (y/n) pout and jump to her feet "ha you think I'm chicken" this made Ruben smile a little for how cute she's acting "well if you don't hurry both of you are chickens" Laura said running off  "HEY!!" (Y/n) said both now are running after Laura. Once the got there Laura smiled them two "chickens" Laura said making them both pout. They played hide and seek Ruben and (y/n) looked around for Laura "hey (y/n)" Ruben said while looking around for his sister "yes ruby" (y/n) said looking in a haystack "I was wondering...when we grow up do you want know..." Ruben said with a little blush "no Ruben I don't know what you mean" she said with a smirk on her face "marry me..." Ruben finally said. He than felt arms around him "OF COURSE" (y/n) said happily soon Laura joined the hug scaring both of them "what are happy about" she asked making Ruben blush a little "ruby just asked me to marry him when we grow older" (y/n) said with a smile "aw that's so cute" she said squeezing them both the three laughed enjoying this moment together started to burn the barn Laura and (y/n)  tried the best they can to open the door but soon distracted to Rubens calls of pain "Ruben!!" Laura yelled out she ran up to him putting out the fire on him. Laura Than got an idea Laura graved Ruben putting him to a window "WAIT AAAAH!!!" Ruben fell to the ground "LAURA,(Y/N)!!!!" Ruben said he tried to get up he heard Laura screaming and soon (y/n) "RUBY!!!" (Y/n) screaming. Ruben noticed a opening in the wall to see (y/n) "(y/n)!!" Ruben yelled out limping his way toward her she pulled out her burned arm Ruben did not hesitate to grave it "I-I'm scared" she sobbed out "I'm sorry Ruben I'm so sorry I'm going to have to break that promise" she sobbed even louder Ruben had tears going down is cheek. He weakly pulled her arm "(y/n) just hang on I--" he was soon cut of by her screaming in pain "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" She screamed out "(Y/N)!!!" He tried holding her hand but her throwing her arm around fire eating away her once beautiful skin. Soon her screaming died out the flame eating her away all Ruben can is cry for the lost of his sister and his love "NOO!!"
End of flash back
"NNOOOO!!!!!" Ruvik yelled tears going down his face "I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FREE!!!!" he screamed out of anger He sobbed out.

"Ruby..." he soon looked up to see the one he loved (y/n) "(y/n)..." he said cupping her face gently she smiled that beautiful smile of hers "yes my love it's me I've come back to take you home" she said as she gently took his hand "come we must go see Laura ruby" she said ruvik than smiled "ok my love" he said walking by her side "I love you (y/n)" he said kissing her head. She smiled "I love you to my ruby" she said ruvik smiled at the old nickname he missed it so much along with his love.

Hope u enjoyed bye

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