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(Y/n) POV

     It had been many weeks since the Fall of Beacon and Mommy is still not feeling herself, Blake and I have done everything we can to help her, but she still feels sadness and guilt. Even when Grandpa tried to cheer her up by having Atlas make a prosthetic arm for her, she said she wasn't quite ready. Blake has been training me because apparantely I unlocked my Semblance at Beacon and helped me try and activate it again. But for weeks, I have had no luck and started getting frustrated. One day though, Blake and Grandpa were making lunch and I was working on something for Mommy. I had just finished and was happily running back to the house, when I walk in I see Grandpa and Blake passed out on the floor, before I can check on them I get hit in the neck by something and I felt sleepy and fell to the ground.

Yang POV

     I was sitting in my room staring out the window, when I start smelling something burning. I get out of bed and rush downstairs and see Blake and dad on the floor just starting to wake up. I get to both of them and ask what happened.

Blake: I don't know, I just got done with the tea and something hit my neck, all of a sudden I felt sleepy and must've passed out.

     I look Blake over and notice something sticking in her neck, I pull out some sort of dart and take a sniff. I take a similar dart out of dad's neck and sniffed that too.

Yang: *sniff* Sleep poison. *looks around* Where's (Y/n)?

Taiyang: He's been working on something in the shed. Won't tell us what it is.

     I rush outside and check the shed and don't find him, I come back to the house and look around again and see the prosthetic arm that was made for me but a different color.

Yang: (Y/n) did this for me?

Tai: Guess he wanted to make you feel better by making it more you.

     I look at the arm and smile at the thought of (Y/n) working so hard just be helpful and caring, like I was there for him when I found him. I grab the robot arm and attach it to my arm and surprisingly it fits perfectly and comfortablely. I go to my room and get my gear and weapons on and head back outside and look for clues.

Yang: Hmm, these boot prints don't belong to anyone I know, and there are two sets. One appears to be male and one female, and they're heading to and from the forest.

     I think for a moment and wonder who would be dumb and determined enough to take (Y/n) from me. Then it hits me, his abusers, I stand up and go to the shed and unveil Bumblebee, I roll it out and I see Dad and Blake standing there.

Yang: (Y/n) needs my help, you two are not going to stop me.

Tai: We're not going to stop you, just try and keep a level head while you're out there. Clearly these people are much more devious than previously imagined.

Blake: And you're not going anywhere without me.

Yang: *sigh* Alright, you win. Let's go get our baby back.

     Blake nods and jumps on the motorcycle and we ride off, following the tracks, no matter what it takes I will get my son back.

(Y/n) POV

I start to wake up and look around and see something familiarly awful, my old parents house, I try to move but find I'm shackled to a wall and can't break free. Just then the door opens and dad walks in, clearly still pissed about me rejecting them as my parents, mom walks in behind him and closes the door.

Dad: Let's see how tough you are without your precious blond mother around to defend you.

He quickly slaps me across the face and I just look back at him with tears starting to fill my eyes, but I keep my composure.

(Y/n): You've already done enough punishment, I think I can handle a little more.

Dad: Fine by me.

This time he punches me hard and I fell to the ground, then the loud rumble of an engine can be heard from outside, Dad sets me back up and turns to his wife.

Dad: Have your fun, but try and keep him quiet. I'll go check out the noise.

Mom: Gladly.

Dad leaves and Mom gets a devious smile on her face.

Mom: Just thinking about what I have planned is turning me on.

(Y/n): *gulp* Uh-oh.

Yang POV

I pulled up to a house where the tracks ended, Blake and I get off my bike and walk up to the house. I can see a figure moving inside the house and my anger rises, Blake puts her hand on my shoulder to calm me down. We walk up to the house and knock on the door, the door opens and the man I suspected of kidnapping my son opens the door.

Man: Excuse me, can I-

     I punch him in the nose to cut him off, he stumbles back into the house, I grab him by his collar.

Yang: I'm sorry that was rude of me, here let me help you. *headbutts the man* I'm only going to ask nicely once. Where is my son?!

(Y/n): *muffled* Mommy- *SLAP*

     The man pushes me off him and I suddenly start getting flashes of Adam and I start shaking, Blake then pushes me out of the way of an axe strike. I look up at her and she yells.

Blake: Go, find (Y/n)! I'll deal with this scumbag.

Yang: Blake. *recomposes herself* Right!

     I get up and start tearing down doors until I come to the last one and it feels like it's barred. I shoulder rush the door and smash it down, I roll and land up on my knees with my gauntlets out. I see (Y/n) shackled and gagged, he then looks behind me, I turn around but am too slow to get out of the way. I recover and see the woman pedophile in front of me, but I have myself between her and my son.

Woman: After what happened at Beacon we thought we'd finally get our son back, we didn't think you would be stupid enough to come here, and now, you will surely die.

Yang: As long as there is life in my veins, I will never stop taking care of my son! I will never stop caring, or defending him, because that's what real parents do for their children!

    We charge eachother and clash fists, so hard that we knock eachother back, as soon as the battle starts, those same memories of Adam come back, and the woman pushes me against the wall and tries to strangle me, but then I can hear my son calling for me and I remember all the good times we had together. I finally get my emotions under control and push the woman off and start expertly countering everything the woman throws at me.

(A/N): Yang is Thanos in this fight.

     The woman lies on the ground beaten, I make sure she's down for the count and go to (Y/n) and free him, I remove the gag from his mouth and he leaps into my arms and lets the tears flow. I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug, I actually start crying too.

(Y/n): *through tears* I thought I lost you, Mommy.

Yang: You're not getting rid of me that easily.

(Y/n): I love you, Mommy.

Yang: I love you too, my son.

     I pick him up and tell him I like what he did with my robot arm and he was excited that I was wearing it. We come to the front of the house and  Blake is there waiting with the man in handcuffs and my dad arrived with Professor Oobleck and Port in tow.

Blake: How is he?

Yang: A little shaken but otherwise unharmed.

Blake: Thank goodness. I'm sorry about-

Yang: Blake, it's alright. I was just as responsible for this. But now we are working through it together, right (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yeah!

      Everyone laughes and I kiss (Y/n)'s cheek, then we all head home a little bit stronger. I also reaffirm myself to always look after my son no matter what happens. After some time I gained enough confidence in myself to go after Ruby, though Blake said if the White Fang are going to repeat what happened at the Fall of Beacon she has to go see the people of Menagerie, so she left and tried to make a difference. Unfortunately, I had to leave (Y/n) at home with Tai, it was hard to drive away but this fight was something way too dangerous for him to get involved in, yet.

Yang: I promise I will come back. For now I need you to be brave and take care of grandpa while I'm gone.

Tai: Hey!

(Y/n): I will, I love you Mommy.

Yang: I love you too, my little colossus.

(A/N): Hey readers, thank you for reading and if you liked this chapter leave a vote and have a great rest of your day. PEACE OUT!!!

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