Chapter 1: The beginning

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(M/N) = Male Name

(H/C) = Hair color

(H/L) = Hair Length

(E/C) = Eye Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

(F/C) = Favorite Color

"..." = Talking

'...' = Thinking


Heavy breathing could be heard as the massive beast was slowly dying from its wounds. A lone human slowly walked up to him, looking him straight in the eye. Sorrow and sadness could be seen in the human's expression as he stared at the monster.

"I'm sorry." Was all the human could say, but his apology was genuine and that for some reason put the beast at ease.

The beast slowly closed his eyes as death came to him.

Before his eyes popped wide open as he heard a faint roar – the roar of his child!

Letting out a weak roar, he slowly got up and started walking straight to the source.

This startled the humans as they started to panic. However,

"NO!, nononono!" The human that had seemingly formed a connection with the beast shouted at his fellow humans. "Calm down! I don't think he's going to hurt anybody."

"Nick how can you be so sure!" His ex, Audrey Timmonds, shouted. "Have you forgotten what that creature has done to the city."

Nick Tatopoulos simply said, "Something is telling me that he isn't going to threaten the city right now."

"What we should do is follow him."

"You're the boss, big guy" Victor Palotti said, willing to follow him. "You seem to have a better handle on this then we do."

"Very well, we'll do this your way." The French secret agent, Phillippe Roaché agreed, "I just hope that this will not lead to more destruction."

"Don't worry it won't" Nick reassured being getting a radio from one of the soldiers' "Colonol Hicks do you read me?"

"Loud and clear Nick!" "What's the situation?"

"Godzilla (remember this is set during the movie, that's what they are calling him) is still alive sir. But, I don't want you guys to attack him yet."

"What!? Are you out of your mind?"

"I know it seems crazy Sir, but I want to see where he's going. Just have a couple of your guys watching him from the sky."

"...Fine" after some deliberation he agreed, "But the moment he goes AWOL on us I will not hesitate to give the order to shoot."

"Thank you very much Sir!"

"Nick!" Came the voice of Sergeant O'Neal on a militarized Humvee (cannot remember what type of vehicle they had in the movie), "Need a lift!?"

"Much appreciated thank you!" Was Nick's response as they got into the vehicle and headed after Godzilla.

Sometime later

"Hey, isn't that Madison Square Garden?" Audrey asked, seeing as that was the destination Godzilla was heading to.

"Yeah it is." Victor confirmed "Why is he going back there?"

"Maybe he wishes to die with the bodies of his children?" Phillippe suggested, a grim verdict but one that could possibly make sense.

"No" Nick said, something didn't feel right about that statement "I think, I think there is a possibility that we mis-" His words were caught off as the monster roared.

RRRROAOoaoaaaaarrrrrr!!! (I don't know where to find 98' Godzilla roar, so just imagine that's there).

A smaller, weaker roar echoed back, startling the humans as out came a smaller -

"Godzilla!?" was the humans shocked response at the fact that there was one more that they missed.

The bigger Godzilla purred as he nudged the baby monster affectionately. The smaller creature chirping in response.

"...Now what do we do?" O'Neal asked.

Steeling himself, Nick prepared himself for what could possibly the stupidest thing he has done so far as he got out of the vehicle.

"Nick!?" "What are you doing!?" "Nick, get back here it's too dangerous!"

Was the screams of everybody as they yelled at him to come back.

Walking up to them, he proceeded to get their attention.

"Uhm, hi?" Nick said, gulping as the two looked at him.

"Hey, uh I'm Nick. Nice to meet you."


"Wake up!"


Was the shout of an (H/C) hair, (E/C) eye, (S/C) male as he was suddenly (and quite rudely may I add) awakened by a colliding heavy force landing on him.

"Gah! Junior how many times have I told you not to do that!?"

The male screamed as he threw the girl off of him. Grumbling he got up from the bed as he glared at his daughter.

(Zilla Jr.)

"Sorry dad!" Though her face and tone of voice said otherwise, "But uncle Nick here!"

"Hmph! I'll be down soon" Was her father response.

"Okay" She cheerfully went downstairs.

The male groaned, "How the hell can she have so much energy?"

Sighing, he went to take a shower.


"Dad will be here soon uncle!"

"All right" an older Nick Tatopoulos said, "in the meantime, how about I cook something for the three of us?"

"Sounds good uncle." Zilla Jr. chirped as Nick started cooking.

Sometime later, the older Zilla got down to the kitchen just as the food was ready.

"Long time no see Nick"

"Ah (M/N)! Finally got your lazy tail up huh?"

Was Nick's response

Grumbling, (M/N) said:

"No thanks to you sicking my daughter on me you jerk."

Laughing Nick said: "Well, how else am I going to wake you up? You slept through the nails on chalkboard tactic."

"Had to figure out someway to get you up"

"Point taken, let's eat"

After breakfast

"So, Nick what brings you to this part of the woods?"

"Yeah uncle, don't you have HEAT to take of?"

HEAT an acronym for Humanitarian Environmental Analysis Team that dealt with the aftermath of the 1998 incident with the original Zilla (as they were now called). Mainly mutant monsters that emerged from the attack on New York all those years ago.

Nick was currently the leader, though he is planning on retiring soon, and was usually seen dealing with monsters and conducting research on the Kaiju Phenomena.

(M/N) and Zilla Jr. were also a part of the organization. Defending New York and the world from dangerous mutations that threaten it. This was in part a part of the agreement (M/N) had with Nick and certain members of the military in exchange for not being killed (though another part was to remove certain reproductive parts so that he couldn't reproduce asexually anymore. Can still reproduce normally if he bangs a female tho).

"Well, it's been pretty slow at the moment. So, I thought I take a break and see how you guys are doing."

Nick admitted

"So, your first thought was to see us huh?" (M/N) hummed at that "How's Audrey by the way?"

"Oh, she's doing good. Missing the kids now that they are off to college."

Nick said

(Yeah, they got married and had kids)

"You know" Nick started "I am surprised that they are somehow not aware of you and your daughter existence"

The 'They' that Nick was referring too was the organization known as Monarch (and by extension the rest of the military), and their fellow Kaijus.

They weren't exactly keeping a low profile, and yet not once have they been pursued by anybody who may have either good or bad intentions towards them. And with (M/N) being the only male kaiju to exist at the moment, certain Kaiju girls would have been trying to mate with him if they had already knew of his existence (good luck with that, you're not getting him that easily).

Hell, not even

(Kaiju girl Zilla, we'll just say that her species has been around for a long time and is different from our type of Zilla species)

Was aware of their existences, and she has more or less claimed New York City as her territory to protect (Literally living in the same city and has not even once crossed paths with them, WOW).

"Well, I guess we're just too good at hiding!" Zilla Jr. said.

"That, or they aren't the brightest bulbs around." (M/N) deadpanned


Was the sound of Nick muffled laugh at the jab (M/N) made towards his fellow Kaijus.

Of course, that set off a chain reaction and the house was filled with laughter.

"hahahah! Oh man that was a good one" Nick laughed.

"Well, in all honesty I am glad that they have not found out about us." (M/N) stated, "Means we can live alone in peace"

"Here's to peace and quiet!" Zilla Jr. exclaimed raising her fist to the year.

"Yeah, to peace and quiet!" Nick joined in.

"To peace and quiet" (M/N) smiled at their antics.

Little did they know, that due to the actions of one person that peaceful life would soon be over. And (M/N) journey into eventually becoming the King of the Monsters was soon approaching.

And done! Think I did all right in regards to making this chapter. So yeah, (M/N) is the Zilla that originally attack New York in the 1998 Godzilla movie (I don't want to hear it, I like the movie and it is what got me into the Godzilla franchise in the first place). Because he survived, his body continued evolving from the nuclear radiation until eventually he and his daughter gained human forms.

He is not really interested in meeting the Kaiju girls because, in his mind, the fact that they have yet to realize his existence really lowered his expectations of them (especially since he wasn't really making an effort to hide himself). Is of the belief that all of their blood went to their chests.

So, next chapter will start the plot for KOTM and the Zillas eventually involvement in the fight for the world.

Have a good day/night

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