The Book of Life.

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On the Day of the Dead, a holiday celebrated throughout Mexico, had finally came. People in Mexico visited their graves. You were the Goddess of Love in Mexico and you disgused yourself as a beutiful woman to honor the dead.

Senor Muerte and his older brother Xibalba, God of the Forgotten, also attended the Day of the Dead as well. Senor Muerte was the God of the Remembered. He took the people who passed away, but their family will never forget them in their hearts.

You fell in love with Senor Muerte, but you didn't notice Xibalba had his eyes on you.

Senor Muerte told his older brother that he will propose you in marriage. Xibalba knew he couldn't let his younger brother have you. So he made a a wager for their own worlds after seeing Manolo Sanchez and Joaquin Mondragon competing over María Posada. Also, if Xibalba won the wager, he will ask you in marriage.

And so, Muerte and Xibalba watched Manolo and Joaquin playing with Maria as they were children. However, Maria noticed some pigs held captive and freed them and her father dediced to send her to Spain in order for Maria to become a proper lady.

And so, Maria gave a goodbye gift to Manolo a guitar since she broke his old one during the pig incident.

You noticed Maria watching her friends telling her when she will come back, Manolo will sing for you and Sanchez will fight for her. And so, you began to sit with the young Maria.

"It's nice to have friends, huh?"

Maria became surprised when you smiled at her calmly.

"May I sit with you?" You asked.

"Si." answered Maria, nodding.

You sat down in the opposite as you chuckled.

"It seems your friends are fighting each other for your love." You explained as you stared at the window.

"Love?" Maria asked.

You nodded.

"I have friends fighting for my love when I was young like you," You explained, remembering your time with Senor Muerte and Xibalba. "His older brother has his eyes on me, but my love truly belongs to his younger brother."

"So this is love." Maria stated.

"Si, amor..." You smiled.

"I think I want to love with someone when I grow up just like you. A beautiful and proper lady."

You smiled as you decided to take Maria under your wing.

"Then let me help you teach you how to be a proper lady. And maybe... I'll make you very beautiful where every men will fall on their knees. When you will return to your hometown."

Years later, you while disguising as a human beautiful woman, taught Maria everything.

And so, you watched Manola's very first bull fight, but Manola decided not to kill it in the end. This caused everyone booing at Manola and Manola himself disrepected his father and grandmami.

After you prayed for Maria to find true love, you returned to the Land of the Remembered. You became shocked to see Xibalba sitting in Senor Muerte's throne.

You didn't understand why Xibalba was here, you knew that he's supposed to be in the Land of the Forgotten.

Also, Xibalba then proposed you in marriage as he explained that he and his younger brother made their own wager of who Maria should marry, either Manolo or Sanchez. Also, you were told Manolo died, which Xibalba claimed that the musican committed a suicide to be with Maria. But Maria herself was alive because Xibalba's snake bit her once.

Also, you were told that Senor Muerte was sent to the Land of the Forgotten because he lost his wager to his older brother.

You slapped Xibalba in anger as your (e/c) eyes were in tears. You glared at Xibalba as you exclaimed, "I will never ever marry you! My love and heart belong to Muerte!"

You quickly left as you cried as you couldn't see your true love Muerte again. Later, you confronted Manolo, his mother, and his grandfather Luis when you found out that Xibalba cheated.

You told them that you can take the three to the Land of the Forgotten where they can find Muerte.

After facing the trials, you all met the God of Life which you recognized him the Candle Maker.

The Candle Maker also warned Manolo that his hometown was in danger as the bandits were coming. Manolo had to save his friend Sanchez and Maria as he needed to see Muerte.

The Candle Maker explained the life didn't write the story for Manolo, but Manolo himself can write his own story. You agreed with the Candle Maker.

And so the Candle Maker helped Manolo on finding Muerte.

You became happy to see Muerte all by himself.


He turned around to see you in surprise.


You gave a hearwarming embrace as you were cried in joy.

"I miss you so much."

"But I don't understand... I thought you're married to Xibalba already." he said.

"No, I would never marry your older brother, mi amor. My heart and love belong to you. I really love you so much." You explained as you wanted Muerte.

He smiled as he gave you a loving embrace. Senor Muerte became shocked to see Manolo here in the Land of the Forgotten.

Manolo knew the wager as he told Senor Muerte that Xibalba cheated.

"He did what?!"

"Yeah! With the two-headed snake!" Manola explained.

Muerte couldn't believe that what happened as he shouted for his cheating older brother.

"You might cover your ears now!" Candle Maker suggested before the God of the Remembered was about to shout.

You all covered your ears as you witnessed the rage of Muerte.

Xibalba appeared when he heard a voice, who he thought it was you calling out to him.

"Yes, my dear?" Xibalba held two wine glasses with the wine bottle, those were meant for you and him.

Xibalba became shocked to see you with Muerte as he stood in front of you and began to curse at him.

"You cheated... AGAIN!" exclaimed the enraged Muerte.

"I did no such thing!" replied Xibalba.

Muerte took his brother's snake staff and showed it to him.

Xibalba stated that he didn't mean to use his snake to bite Maria, especially giving Sanchez a medal.

"What medal?" You asked.

Xibalba realized that he blurted it out as he tried to lie.

"Tell us the truth." You demanded Xibalba the truth as you knew that lying won't save him.

And so... you and Muerte were shocked to find out the Medal of Everlasting Life was given to Sanchez. And Xibalba gave it to him!

You realized that the Medal of Everlasting Life mustn't be used by a human and what's worse, the bandits were actually looking for it.

Manolo knew that his hometown was in danger because of the forbidden medal. He needed to go back to his hometown to stop the bandits.

Xibalba decided to make a wager. If Manola completes a challenge of Xibalba's choosing, but if he fails, he will be forgotten and Xibalba will keep both realms. What's worse, you were be Xibalba's queen, to your shock. He didn't care your complaints as you ended up watching Manolo facing a giant bull skeleton, made out of other bull skeletons that his family killed through centuries.

Manolo was unable to kill the giant bull. He ended up playing his guitar and sang with an apology. He didn't kill the bull, but he defeated the giant bull with a peace song. You knew that Manolo won and Xibalba lost his wager.

Manolo finally returned to the Land of the Living and saved his hometown, his best friend, and Maria from the bandits.

Sanchez realized that he didn't need the Medal of Everlasting Life as he resolved to become a true hero of his hometown.

With that, Sanchez gave his blessings to Maria and Manolo during the wedding. You also attended as well with Muerte, who disguised himself as a human man.

Maria realized that you were with Muerte and knew that Muerte was your lover.

After Maria and Manolo's wedding, you and Muerte were married in the Land of the Remembered. Xibalba attended as well as he accepted the fact that you loved Muerte more than himself.

Decades later, two tour guides told a group of school detention students on a secret special museum tour, telling them the story of Mexican town San Angel from the Book of Life, holding every story in the world.

After they told the students about the Book of Life, the two tour guides revealed themselves as you and Senor Muerte. Everyone became surprised that you, the god of the Remembered and the goddess of Love, were the ones who told the stories of your both lives.

After watching the students leave riding on the bus, you and Muerte gave a romantic kiss as you both all knew the children had the courage to live on.

Xibalba will be the older brother of Male! La Muerte. 

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