Chapter 18: Frieza Cometh

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A/N: After finding Dende, You and the others try to summon the dragon while Vegeta was asleep. However, Frieza soon found out about Dende and headed to your direction.

Nail and Frieza, after so long of flying, finally arrived at a deserted area. Nail then removed his vest as he faced Frieza.

Nail: this is my people's sacred battle ground.

Frieza: we flew over an hour for this? It looks exactly the same as everywhere else on this godforsaken rock!

Nail: hmph. Racist.

Frieza: well, maybe so... but I can't quite be a racist against a race that doesn't exist. Like the Clorfors. Dirty, money-grubbing Clorfors. Tried to clorf me right out of my money... Blew those little bastards up is what I did.


Nail did a karate chop at Frieza's neck... which had no effect on the space tyrant.

Frieza: oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know we were starting. Here, allow me.

Frieza grabbed Nail's arm and ripped it off.


Frieza: looked like someone's going to be missing this!

She said as she dropped Nail's severed arm.

Nail: no, not really.

Frieza: mm?


He regenerated his arm.

Frieza: ooh, that looks like it hurts a lot. Are you okay?

Nail: I'm fine...!

Frieza: good to know. Yoink!

She ripped off Nail's arm again.

Nail: URRRGG...

Inside Frieza's ship, you were all in a room where Goka was placed inside a healing tank.

(Y/N): so what exactly is this thing suppose to be anyway?

Vegeta: It's a healing tank. This will bring the idiot back to full strength.

Goka's mind: heh heh, the bubbles tickle... Heh heh, ow...! It hurts to laugh... Heh heh, ow...! Heh heh, ow...! Heh heh, ow...!

Vegeta: It'll take a while, though. This is the only other model the ship has... And it's kind of an old one.

Krillin: what happened to the newer model?

Vegeta: blew it the f**k up.

Logan: oh what, did it have an opinion or something?

Vegeta: eat me. Now you four... STRIP.

Krillin: ummmm...

(Y/N): excuse me?

Logan: who the hell do you take us for, woman?

Vegeta: I've got body armor for you.

Krillin: less awkward...

Logan: I'll pass.

(Y/N): yeah, same here. It would probably get in the way.

Vegeta: you'll probably still need it.

(Y/N): my scaled skin took an anti tank rifle once. That armor really won't be much use considering one of the first two soldiers we met on this planet got their armor broke by Krillin of all people.

(I'm aware it appears that Rayquaza doesn't have scales, I'm just going off the assumption that he has extremely strong and durable scales considering Pokemon attacks are more dangerous than shit like bullets).

Krillin: hey!

Vegeta: whatever. You're loss.


After, Gohan and Krillin removed their regular clothes, they put on the Battle Armor.

Krillin: you know, Gohan, it just occurred to me.

Gohan: yeah, Krillin?

Krillin: we're still on Namek.

Gohan: what do you mean?

Krillin: well, I mean, it feels like we've been here for like, a year.

Gohan: but we've only been here for six days.

Krillin: I know, right? Hey, by the way, don't I look like that one guy that Vegeta landed with back on Earth? What was his name again? Hey, Vegeta. What was that one guy's name? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta?

As Vegeta looked at Krillin with his constant saying of Vegeta's name, his head turned into Nappa's in her imagination.

Nappa: Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta?

Vegeta: Goddammit, Nappa.

Krillin: oh, right! Good ol' Goddamnit, Nappa.

Gohan: Krillin, we should probably focus on finding a way to use the Dragon Balls.

Krillin: well, there's always Little Green, but...

Gohan: but what?

Krillin: that's a really long flight...

Logan: oh, so now it's a problem with you, is it?

Krillin: well, now I'm tired.

Gohan: Krillin...

Krillin: plus, I think I sense some hostility...

(Y/N): oh just be useful and go fucking get Dende already, you whiny coward!!!!

Krillin: fine, fine! I'll go get him. Enjoy your company.

He left the ship.

Vegeta: try not to get yourself killed. God forbid you make me happy.

Gohan: you know, you seem like you're in a bad mood.

(Y/N): yeah, wonder what gave you that impression. This woman needs to take a little nap.

Vegeta: maybe YOU should... Eh, actually, that sounds good.

(Timeskip to You all standing outside Frieza's ship).

Vegeta: you keep guard out here. Make sure not to go too far; I like my meat shields within bullet-blocking distance.

Gohan: I didn't think bullets could hurt you.

(um..... technical foreshadowing)?

(Y/N): Interesting.

Vegeta: shut up, I'm sleepy.

(Meanwhile with Goka inside the healing tank).

Goka's mind: heh heh, ow...! Heh heh, ow...! Heh heh, ow...! Heh heh...

King Kai soon contacted her telepathically

King Kai: Goka! Goka, are you there?

Goka's mind: oh, hey, King Kai. I'm in a healing pod.

King Kai: I noticed, I wasn't paying attention. What the hell?

Goka's mind: well, when I got down I ran into some really weird guys. One was really big and muscly; he went down real easy. Though, from what I heard from the others, it was from that kinda cute dragon guy beating him up. Then these two guys double teamed me, one of them took it really hard in the back, but the other didn't seem that interested, so he went and brought this really horny girl!

George Takei: oh my...

He said as he was eavesdropping.

Goka's mind: who's that, King Kai?

King Kai: It's George Takei. Somehow he made this into a three-way...

George Takei: oh my...!


Back on the Battleground, things weren't looking so good for Nail after having lost his arm over several times with a pile of them just now laying in the middle of the ground.


Frieza: how many arms do you think we're up to...? I think we're up to twenty-four.


He fired a ki blast directly at Frieza. However, the smoke cleared and Frieza was shown to be unscratched

Frieza: tell me. Have you ever heard of the planet "Vegeta"?


Frieza: Funny. Because I expect to hear the same from the next person when I ask them about Namek.

She punched Nail in the face, causing him to fall down in pain.

Frieza: oh, was that your nose? That was your nose. I've had a worse time, you know. It's not often I dirty my own hands with this sort of grunt work. There's always a certain amount of satisfaction I get out of doing it myself.

Frieza began laughing, with Nail soon joining in while he was still covering his face.

Frieza: ah... It is kind of funny, isn't it?

Nail: aha. I'm... I'm laughing at something else, actually.

Frieza: eh, heh, heh, heh. What?

Nail: the earthlings have the password.

Frieza: .... what?

Nail: remember the little Namekian you passed on the way to Guru's? On his way to the humans with the password. By now, he's probably already there and they're about to summon the dragon. Haha!

Frieza was grunting, barely concealing her rage.

Nail: yeah, if I had to guess your biggest mistake, it would be not stopping him. That, or the purple lipstick.


Nail: whatever.

Frieza flew off toward her ship. As she did, she checked her scouter.

Frieza: why aren't the Ginyus showing up!? Oh, they're dead............. WHY ARE THEY DEAD!?

Meanwhile, Dende was still flying in the sky.

Krillin: stop right there, Namekian scum!


Krillin: haha! You should see the look on your face! Oh, I'm just kidding, it's me, Krillin!


Krillin: haha! You're killing me, Little Green! Now come on, we gotta go summon the dragon.


You and the Others were waiting in front of Frieza's ship, with Gohan sitting on a Dragon Ball.

Gohan's mind: you know, it's not so bad... I mean sure, I've seen more people die than most people my age, or really, most people in general. Then again, I don't really know anyone my own age. My best friends are a 26-year-old dwarf and a giant green alien who constantly hits me. Still, better than my dad; at least they're AROUND! Huh... Where did that come from?

(Y/N): you know, for someone who's quick to get up and run away, he's taking awfully long getting back here.

Logan: maybe he's dead.

(Y/N): hm, good point.

Krillin: hey, Gohan!

Gohan: huh? That sounds like Krillin.

(Y/N): damn it.

Gohan flew up to Krillin and Dende.

Gohan: wow, you made it in no time at all!

Krillin: yeah... Little Green here was on his way back from Guru's. He said he can help us summon the dragon!

Gohan: great! I'll go get Vegeta and.....

Krillin: no, no, no, see? That's the best part! We're not gonna TELL Vegeta!

Gohan: that sounds like a very dangerous idea that could very easily backfire...

Krillin: well, we can either take the wishes for ourselves or give them to Vegeta. And I'm not gonna lie, I don't think she's dedicated to Team Five Star at all.

Logan: uh yeah. Imagine that.

Krillin: I know, crazy right?

Gohan: you know, I've been meaning to tell you. That name... really doesn't sound very good.

Krillin: Well, why didn't you tell me sooner? I thought it was stupid from the beginning, but nobody said anything!

Gohan: let's just go summon the dragon and go home.

(Y/N): I second that. I'm just itching to kick Krillin's ass.

Krillin: yeah, fine. Whatever.

You all checked up on Vegeta, who was still sleeping

Vegeta: first immortality... then the bitches...

She said in her sleep as Gohan carefully climbed down the ship and nodded at You, Logan Krillin and Dende, with You nodding back. The Five of you then take all seven Dragon Balls and carefully fly away from Frieza's ship.

Krillin: we did it...! Again! For real this time, though! Now we just can have Little Green summon the dragon, and we'll finally have our wish!

Gohan then sensed something heading everyone's way.

Gohan: hey, is that Frieza?

Krillin: no...

Gohan: I think that's Frieza.

Krillin: no, it's not!

Gohan: yeah, that's definitely Frieza.

(Y/N): I should have known this was gonna

Krillin: Summonitsummonitsummonitsummonitsummonit...!

He said to Dende, who walked to the Dragon Balls and spoke in his native language.

Dende: Rise, grand Porunga, and grant our wish!

Krillin: dammit, stop speaking gibberish and summon the....

The Namekian Dragon, Porunga appeared out of the Dragon Balls.

Krillin: holy crap. Your dragon's on steroids.

The dragon soon spoke, in it's native language of course.

Porunga: I am Porunga, Dragon of Dreams, and I....

He soon noticed Krillin.

Porunga: ... why is there an Albino Namekian amongst you? I thought they were wiped out in the purge!

Dende: actually, they are earthlings.

Dende: god, they're ugly.

Dende: and annoying.

Porunga: whatever. Let's get this over with. I will grant you any three wishes!

Krillin: all right! We can finally get our wish!

Dende: the dragon says he'll give ya three.

Krillin: wait a minute, we get three wishes? That's awesome! I want a three-foot.....

King Kai suddenly interrupted you all.

King Kai: stop screwing around and wish these idiots off my planet!

(Y/N): wait, what the....?

Krillin: holy, crap! I can hear a voice in my head!

Dende: is it telling you my name is Dende?

Krillin: hush, Little Green! The voice speaks to me.

King Kai: this is King Kai. Wish these guys back to life before I kill myself.

He said referring to Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu.

Krillin: wait, can gods kill themselves?


Krillin: all right, Little Green, use our first wish to bring our friends back to life!

Dende: Porunga can only bring back one person at a time.

Krillin: oh... King Kai, he says it can only bring one person back at--

King Kai: I heard him!

Tien: which means, one of us gets left behind.

Piccolo: just wish me back.

King Kai: I guess we should ask Yamcha what he thinks.

Yamcha inhaled

Piccolo: no one cares what Yamcha thinks!

He soon spoke telepathically.

Piccolo: listen, if you wish me back, then that wishes Kami back. Then you can use THOSE Dragon Balls to wish these morons back.

Krillin: which leaves us with two more wishes! Let's wish him to Namek!

Gohan: wait, what?

Piccolo: wait, what?

(Y/N): Krillin, I think you completely misinterpreted what........

Krillin: Little Green, wish our friend Piccolo back to life, and then with our next wish, bring him to Namek!

Piccolo: hold on a minute...

Porunga's eyes glowed.

Piccolo: don't do that! That is a terrible i...

He got transported to Planet Namek.

Piccolo: ...dea!

He soon started screaming.


Dende: he is on Namek.

Gohan: wait, where is he?

Dende: on Namek.


He yelled from the very far off distance.

Krillin: why didn't it bring him here?

Dende: You must be specific.

Gohan: oh, so it's a sort of monkey's paw. You have to be careful with the hubris in your wishes.

Piccolo: NERRRRRRD!!!

(Y/N): the hell is all that noise going on in the background right now?

Meanwhile, Vegeta was still sleeping next to Goka, who was still inside the healing tank. Vegeta suddenly woke up and got up on her feet.

Vegeta: I have to pee!

She started running but stopped and looked out a window and saw that the skies were dark.

Vegeta: jesus, I overslept. It's already night... For the first time since I got here... on a planet with three suns...

She soon realized that you all had summoned the dragon without her.

Vegeta: oh, you MOTHERFU...

Back to you and the others, with you hearing Vegeta's yell in the distance.

Vegeta: ...UCKERS!!!

Piccolo: OW, MY EARS!!!

(Y/N): I guess bitch tits is finally awake.

Gohan: so, what do we do with the third wish?

Krillin: Well, if nobody else has any ideas, I want my three-foot....

Vegeta soon showed up, extremely furious.

Vegeta: hey! What's up, guys?!

Krillin: I'm never gonna get my hoagie.

Vegeta: so what are you doin'?!

Gohan: what am I doin'?!

Vegeta: what are you doin'?!

Gohan: nothin' much!

Vegeta: thwartin' my plans?!

Gohan: thwartin' your plans?!

Vegeta: ARE YOU?!

Gohan: ...Yes.

He said bluntly.

Vegeta: ...I'm gonna f**king kill you!

(Y/N): yeah, I'm sure you will. -_-

She walked up and grabbed Dende by the scarf.

Vegeta: but first... you are going to give me my wish for immortality, or I will snap his neck!

Krillin: wait! He's the only one who can ask the dragon to grant wishes!

Vegeta: then I've got nothing to lose!

Dende: whatever.

Vegeta: good answer!

She tossed Dende down.

Vegeta: now get to wishing.

Meanwhile, at Guru's place.

Guru's mind: I feel that they have finally summoned the dragon... Would be a real dick move do die right now... Huuurr!!

Back with the group and Porunga.

Dende: grant her immor.....

Porunga suddenly disintegrated and all the Dragon Balls turned to stone.


Logan: well...... that was anti climatic.

Vegeta: is... that normal?

Dende: no... It's dead. And that means Guru is too.

Krillin: I'm so sorry for your loss.

Dende: someone has to be.

Vegeta: That doesn't matter! Don't you understand?! If it didn't grant me my wish, then I'm not immortal! And Frieza's going to... g.... going to...

She soon started stammering in fear.

Logan: going to what? If you're gonna make threats

Krillin soon looked up and started whimpering in fear before You and Logan looked up and saw that Frieza had finally arrived at the scene.

Frieza: ohohoho, no, don't mind me. By all means... give me some ideas.

(Y/N): well, we're fucked.

Meanwhile, at the lookout on Earth, Mr. Popo was humming and watering plants. Just a few moments later, Kami poofed back onto the lookout.

Kami: fan-freaking-tastic, we're back here again...

Mr. Popo: oh, you're back. Hi, Kami.

Kami: Mr. Popo, what are you watering?

Mr. Popo: pot.

Kami: pots of what?

Mr. Popo: pot... I'm not getting rid of it.

Kami: are you kidding? That s**t's great for my glaucoma.

A/N: I guess we all know what Kami does in his spare time then.

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