Chapter 53: More to The Red Ribbon Army's Fall

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A/N: a look into the past shows what had played a part in the destruction of the red ribbon army, as hinted within 16's memory.

(May 12th).

In a mountain range area, A grey and purple Pokémon was flying through the air. This was the Clone of the Legendary Mew, Mewtwo. He was responding to the sounds of a couple of The Clone Pokémon crying out for help as they were somehow taken from the Sanctuary without MewTwo knowing.

(Anyone who's seen MewTwo Strikes Back and MewTwo Returns should know what I mean by Sanctuary).

MewTwo: they shouldn't be too far off by now.

He said as he continued flying, looking around for the distressed Pokémon. As he continued flying, he finally got close to where they were. He saw that the Clone Pokémon were being held captive in strong cages by Team Rocket and a Group of people with red ribbons and two Rs in them. MewTwo soon noticed something was wrong with the Clone Pokémon, as if they were..... fake.

MewTwo: wait a minute......

Before he could react, He was suddenly caught within a pink orb that had him in a hold as electric energy started surging around him. The orb was produced from two small machines that were attacked to separate rocks under him.

MewTwo: what?! D.......damn, whatever this is, it's old is too strong!

He said as he tried to get out of it, but to no use. The electricity soon increased in the orb and caused massive pain for Mewtwo.

MewTwo: ahhhhhhhhhh!

He yelled from the pain as it overcame the Legendary Pokemon before he finally passed out as the last glimpse he saw was of a shadowy figure looking up to him from the group.

???: excellent, He's finally ours. Very good work, perhaps the Red Ribbon Army seems to have really shown its worth. Using mere animatronics with fake skin and speakers was able to fool even MewTwo.


Mewtwo had finally begun to reawaken after being out for what seemed like a while. He noticed that he was no longer within the rocky area before.

MewTwo: ...where..... am I?

The grey and purple Pokémon clone awoke to find himself inside a laboratory. The room had red ribbon army and team rocket scientists.

MewTwo: what kind of hell is this?

???: ah, I see your awake, MewTwo. Good, we were waiting to begin.

MewTwo: what?

He said as he soon looked up and saw the shadowy figure he saw before he passed before step out of the shadows to reveal himself to be the man known as Giovanni. He was the Boss of Team Rocket and even tried using MewTwo as a weapon long ago.

MewTwo: you!

Giovanni: indeed, even after all these years, it's nice to know that you still remember me.

MewTwo: why have you brought me to this place?!

Giovanni: you should be wise enough to know, MewTwo. We have unfinished business to take care of. And this time, I'll make sure it all goes as planned.

MewTwo tried to move but he found himself bound to a machine.

MewTwo: what is this mechanical monstrosity?

Giovanni: this machine here, curtsey of the Red Ribbon Army, shall allow us to do what I had failed before to do. To have you follow my commands.

MewTwo: NO!

MewTwo tried using his powers but nothing worked.

Giovanni: that will do you no good this time. This machine is durable enough to take whatever you have. Your efforts are futile.

MewTwo growled.

Red Ribbon Army Scientist 1: we're ready to begin.

Giovanni: perfect, we may now proceed.

MewTwo: I am not your pawn!!!

They turned on the machine and it started to shock MewTwo and try to take control of his mind. While all this was happening, Goka, while still a child at the time, was outside attacking the base.

MewTwo: ahhhh!

Giovanni: as a Pokémon, You are to do as a master orders. Clone or not, you will obey, as all Pokémon should to humans.

MewTwo: I am not your slave!!!!

The shocks on MewTwo kept on going, however, he continued to resist to the best that he could until they added more power to the machine.

MewTwo: P.....Pokémon and humans.....are equal. Neither should be the other's slave!!!

Giovanni: hmph, as far as I can tell, you could never be equal to humans. Especially coming from a mere clone.

MewTwo growled as he continued to try and escape from the machine as much as he could.

Giovanni: hm, it seems you didn't listen before, it doesn't matter how much power you have, you won't escape.

MewTwo soon felt a surge of power grow in him as he looked in pure anger at Giovanni and the scientists.

MewTwo: humans may have created me ...BUT THEY WILL NEVER ENSLAVE ME!!!

Before they knew it, MewTwo's power increased to an extraordinary amount, overriding the machine.

Giovanni: what's going on?!

Red Ribbon Army Scientist 1: MewTwo's power increased and it overrode the machine!

Giovanni: quick, activate its back up power source before he escape.

Red Ribbon Army Scientist 2: we're trying, but it's not responding!

Then, A humongous force of psychic energy came from MewTwo and it tore the machine apart, setting MewTwo got free. During this, Goka continued her attack on the base. All of this as Alarms soon started going on.


16, when he was still human, was sending a recorded message to his dad, Dr. Gero all while these events were going on.

16: May 12th, 750, 4:30 P.M. Red Ribbon H.Q. Hey, Dad! I, uh, I'm here at headquarters, getting everything put away. No bunkmate, so, room to myself. Which is good for a guy my size... Well, uh, I just wanted to, you know, record something for you, since you and Uncle Frappe are busy building robot guys and stuff. I know you're calling them "artificial humans" now, but...that name is way too long. I mean, what about cyborg? Like from that movie we saw? Hmm. Well, uh, just wanted you to know that I, uh, miss you, Dad.

He soon heard the alarms going off.

16: what the..?

Soldier: Hey! Get your ass moving! Some thing's tearing its way through the compound! We gotta go! That kid is here AND THAT DAMN TEST SUBJECT HAS ESCAPED!!!

Goka: KA... ME... HA... ME...

While Goka was yelling from outside the building, MewTwo let out a yell of his own for all within the base to know.


His eyes glowed blue and he started to make things inside the lab, such as computers and other machines, to explode. He even unleashes a wave that knocked Giovanni and The scientists in the room to fall over.

MewTwo: I will end your madness one and for all!

He said before charging a power up Shadow Ball in his hands.

MewTwo charged up a shadow ball. While this was happening, 16 was about to finish his message.

16: uh... Okay, sorry about this, Dad. Gotta run! Love you! Good luck with your cyborgs...


As Giovanni and the scientists ducked in cover from what was about to come, MewTwo fired his Shadow Ball, blasting through the whole room inside the base as Goka fired her Kamehameha outside of it.

Goka: HA!!

Coincidentally, the two powerful attacks collided and caused an enormous explosion that destroyed the entire Red Ribbon Army Base. The only things that survived was Goka from outside, and MewTwo from inside. Any Red Ribbon Army and Team Rocket Members within or in close range of the base were not fortunate. Goka flew off on a small cloud while MewTwo stood before the flames and rubble of the now destroyed base. He saw as the remains of Giovanni's shirt burn up from the flames.

MewTwo: it's over. No more shall I be used as a pawn.

MewTwo then flew off back towards the sanctuary.


MewTwo, currently as Shadow Mewtwo, was flying around as Towa allowed him to observe around before the next task. As he continued to flying around, he soon noticed something below him just a few meters away. He stopped in mid-air and looked down towards it.

Shadow MewTwo: this place...... it feels so familiar to me. But why......................?

He asked himself as he continued to look at the sanctuary and watched the Clone Pokémon there move around. He had light memories. But they flew by fast for him to try and figure out. He eventually shook his head and shrugged the memories off.

Shadow MewTwo: hmph, it's nothing.

He said before flying off and continuing on his way.

A/N: only visions in Shadow MewTwo's head.

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