Chapter 9: Super Kami Guru

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A/N: after finally disposing of Turles and Slug, you and Logan go with Krillin to search for a Namekian named Guru.

Your battle against both the powered up Turles and Slug, who also grew in their size, continued, you and Logan were having a bit of a harder time to take them down. Logan was trying to land a hit on Turles, but he kept swinging his big ass ape hands, making it harder for Logan to land a punch on him.

Logan: stop swinging your god damn monkey!

Turles: not until I've squashed you like the gnat you are!

Logan: f**k it!

Logan fired a massive barrage of ki blasts on the Oozaru Turles. The dust and smoke were covering the giant ape, making it hard for Logan to see him after he soon finished.


Turles' hand came through the smoke and grabbed Logan and then tried to start crushing him between his two large hands.

Logan: shit!!!!

Turles: now I can crush you until your eye ball pop out!

Logan: to hell with that!

He blew dust into turles' eyes, causing him to yell in pain and drop him.

Turles: my eyes!!!!

Logan: yeah! Dust in the eyes, bitch!

Turles grunted and growled around in pain as he tried to grab at logan, despite the fact he wasn't able to see him since the dust was still in his eyes.

Logan: what's the matter? Don't know where I'm at?

Turles' head was in range of logan.

Logan: here, let me give you a hint!

He said before slamming his knee against turles' face and knocking some of his teeth out.

Turles: gah!!!!

Turles growled as he managed to get the dust out of one of his eyes and swat logan away. With your battle against slug, You attacked with an ice beam and froze the Namekians arm and causing it to fall off. However, He grew it right back.

Slug: you fool! You can't hurt Lord Slug!!!

Logan: is that so?

He said as he got back up and soon started to whistle.

Slug: what the......? Oh, my God... Oh, my God...

He fell down on his hands and knees while writhing in pain.

Slug: oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Aaah! It's like one drill in one ear, and another drill in the other ear, AND THEY'RE MEETING IN THE MIDDLE!!!

Logan: let's switch. You take care of Turles. I'll handle Slug!

(Y/N): right!

You attacked Turles and unleashed a wind attack from your tail and blew the giant Saiyan ape into the air.

(Rayquaza did this in the pokemon anime. Pretty sure it was a rayquaza cynthia had at the time).

You fired your dragon pulse and blasted the large ape. He crashed to the ground before he got up and growled.

Turles: fine, I'll crush you first.

He fired a blast from his mouth, only for you to fire a hyper beam back at it. The two beams collided and made an explosion that covered the spot in smoke.

Bulma: geez, it like nothing but making smoke everywhere. It's like throwing a few hits and insults and then more explosions. Rinse and repeat I guess.

You rushed through the smoke and slammed right into Turles, cracking the front of his armor and causing the large ape to fall over.

Logan continued to whistle while punching slug in the face. Logan fired his attack and knocking Slug into Turles. They both got up and looked to you and Logan.

Slug: let's end these insects already.

Turles: fine by me.

They both charged up blasts from their mouths.

Logan: we better put an end to this.

(Y/N): could not have said it better myself.

You and Logan charged up your own attacks as well. Turles and Slug fired their attacks as you both soon fired yours. The attacks collided, but only for a few seconds before yours went right through Slug and Turles' and hit them both. The blast sent the two flying far as they went higher and higher into the sky. As that was going on, Krillin, Gohan and Dende were approaching the area.

Krillin: hey, what's...... OH GOD!!!!

They all dodged the blast as Turles and Slug were now completely destroyed.

Krillin: what the hell was that?!

Gohan: if I were to make any guesses, (Y/N) and Bulma were under attack and we just came in late.

Krillin: well, I think the least he could do was be careful next time.

They then noticed Logan next to you.

Krillin: who's that though?

Gohan: I don't know. Let's see.

You turned back to your human form.

(Y/N): well, glad to see we got that taken care of. Not bad back there.

Logan: thanks. Could say the same for you as well.

You soon see Gohan and Krillin, along side the young Namekian, Dende approaching you both.

(Y/N): well, looks like they're finally back.

Logan: and we already cleaned up the mess.

Bulma looked out from her hiding spot.

Bulma: well, what are the odds of Krillin showing AFTER the battle is over? -_-

Krillin: what happened while we were gone?

(Y/N): to put it simply, some really tough guys showed up, this guy here showed up to back me up.

You said pointing to Logan.

Gohan: and just who are you?

Logan: I'm Logan, who the hell are you?

Gohan: Gohan.

You looked at the small Namekian with the two.

(Y/N): and.... Dende.

Dende: Dende.

(Y/N): oh.

Krillin: yeah, saved the little guy before he got what the rest of the village got.

Gohan: KRILLIN!!!!

Krillin: what?

Bulma soon came out of her hiding spot and approached the group.

Bulma: well, if it isn't Mr. Super Soaker himself. What happened? Got tired of abandoning me and found something else to abandon?

Krillin: Bulma! You're scaring Little Green.

Dende: I am weighing my options.

Bulma: oh, by the way, my dad called earlier. He says Goka's on his way here.

Krillin: WOOHOO!

Bulma: aaand she'll be here in six days.

Krillin: WOOHOO..... awww... Well, good thing I took out that life insurance policy.

Dende: Mr. Gohan? Those things on that person's chest.

He asked referring to Bulma's boobs.

Dende: What are they?

Gohan: Oh, on Bulma? Those are breasts.

Dende: they look lovely. I wish to nestle between them.

(Y/N): 0_0

Logan: well......

Krillin: ...You are just adorable.

Far from the area, the two unknown figures

??? (2): it would seem turles and slug failed.

??? (1): it won't matter soon. Our next step will begin.

The two then disappeared.

Meanwhile, a Namekian village with a large group of villager outside.

Namekian Villager #1: and that's the story of the great drought.

The children laugh. Vegeta then landed in the middle of the village.

Namekian Villager #2: hey look, a visitor!

Namekian Villager #3: oh, boy! We love visitors!

Namekian Elder: now, now, don't crowd the young lady. Why, hello, good lady! Welcome to our fine village! You look like you're not from around here. You have to be careful; word through the grapevine has it that some unruly characters have been going around and attacking our villages. By the way, would you like to see our Dragon Ball? It's our prized possession; sacred on this planet. So, what brings you to our village?

Vegeta smirked as she looked to the spot where the Dragon Ball was before looking back at the Namekian.


Vegeta walked away from the destroyed village, with many deceased Namekians on the ground and the sound of a fire burning off-screen along with the voice of a Namekian screaming in pain.

Vegeta: life sure has a way of working itself out. I find Cui, I kill Cui. I find Dodoria, I kill Dodoria. I find this Dragon Ball.

She threw the Dragon Ball into a lake.

Vegeta: I take this Dragon Ball. Let's see what else I can find...

She left the destroyed Namekian village.

Back to you and everyone else.

Krillin: sweet crap! Did you feel that Gohan?!

Gohan: uh yeah, but... maybe we shouldn't.....

Krillin: man, Vegeta just ended that village!

(Y/N): dude, seriously, you.......

Krillin: I didn't think she needed to kill them either; they didn't even put up a fight.

Gohan: krillin!


Krillin: what? I.....

He looked behind himself and noticed Dende, who was completely shocked.

Krillin: oh, cripes. Um... Hey, listen. They may be dead now, but they've all gone to a better place... Heaven. Where everyone has their own little house, and everything is wonderful, and we all get along and there's puppies and kitties and.....

Dende: this sounds totally asinine.

Krillin: It totally is...

Gohan: Hey guys, I think I might have an idea. Frieza and Vegeta need all seven Dragon Balls, right? So what if we just found one and hid it away? Then neither of them could make their wish.

Krillin: hey, good idea! But we also need someone who can help us out. Little Green...

Dende: dende.

Krillin: you know anyone on this planet who might be able to do that?

Dende: I know of one... person. He is called the leader of our people; the eldest Namek. It is said long ago when our planet faced a great drought, he led our people through the peril. It is said that it was terrifying.

Goahn: the drought?

Dende: no...

Krillin: well Gohan, looks like this is our only choice. Stay here and protect Bulma. (Y/N) and Logan can come with me.

Bulma: oh, now you care.

(Y/N): yeah, suddenly you actually want to follow along with you.

Logan: boy, you got some really asshole friends.

(Y/N): I only met these guys a few days ago before. Have to help them resurrect some people.

Logan: ......... wow...........

Krillin: I'm gonna follow Little Green to meet this eldest Namek guy. He sounds like he's our last hope.

He flew away with Dende as You and Logan following behind.

Dende: please do not make jokes.

Meanwhile with Zarbon, who was flying through the sky and looking around.

Zarbon: Frieza seems increasingly frustrated... I'd best find Vegeta quickly...


Frieza: You know, Zarbon, I'm starting to think my people don't understand what I pay them for.

Zarbon: You don't pay us.

Frieza stammered quickly.

Frieza: allow them to live for. I mean, first we lose... what was his name?

Zarbon: Kiwi?

Frieza: Eh, Kiwi. Then we lose all of our scouters, and now Dodoria's dead? I'm sorry, but if this sh*t goes any further south, we're going to hit Space Mexico.

Zarbon: What would you want me to do, Lord Frieza?

Frieza: What I want you to do is pull up your frilly stockings, tighten your thong, and stop being such a...

The flashback ended with Vegeta ramming into Zarbon.

Vegeta: PANSY!

Zarbon: Wha....?

Both he and Vegeta collide in mid-air before backing from each other.

Zarbon: Vegeta, how dare you ram into me while I'm thinking about Lady Frieza and my thong!

Vegeta: yeah, just going to ignore that one entirely.

Zarbon: but it is a good thing I found you, Vegeta. Now are you going to come quietly, or do I have to make you scream?

Vegeta: oh, you mean like Dodoria?

Zarbon: oh please, never send a woman to do a man's job.

Vegeta disappeared and reappeared behind Zarbon. Zarbon tried to throw a punch at Vegeta, but she easily blocked it by gripping his hand and tossing Zarbon into the sky. Before Zarbon could retaliate, Vegeta appeared above him and sent him down to the ground with a kick. Zarbon managed to recover from the attack and noticed that Vegeta was gone.

Zarbon: Where is she?

Vegeta was behind Zarbon as she smirked and kicked him away. Zarbon groaned as he was sent across the ground.

Vegeta: facedown with a woman beating your ass! Is it Wednesday already, Zarbon?

Zarbon: Very cute, Vegeta. But you have no idea what you're getting into.

Vegeta: Ha! You have got to be kidding me! I may have lost to those fools on Earth, but since I got here, I've done nothing but slaughter you cretins! First Cui, then Dodoria. I'm two for three, and I'm back on top.

Zarbon: well, Vegeta, I hope you've enjoyed being on top because I'm about to put you back on the bottom; where you belong. You see, I've been hiding another side of myself...

Vegeta: where, in the closet?

Zarbon: now prepare yourself...for the beast within! I should warn you though; this form is entirely different from me in every way.

Zarbon transformed into his Monstrous form.

Monster Zarbon: IMMA RAPE YA, BITCH!!!

Vegeta: To be perfectly honest, you're not that different. You're just a lot lesssubtleaboutit....

Monster Zarbon rushed her.

Vegeta: OH, MY GOD!

Monster Zarbon easily dominated against Vegeta and proceeded to headbutt her multiple times.

Vegeta: POIT! Zort--! Apples...

She said while getting headbutted multiple times.

Meanwhile, Krillin, while holding Dende, flying in the sky as you and Logan were following behind.

Krillin: huh. Hey, Little Green, do you believe in Karma?

Dende: what is that?

Krillin: well, you see, Karma is where if you do something good...

While the conversation was going on, Monster Zarbon kicked Vegeta in the stomach.

Vegeta: OURGH!

(Y/N): to put it simply. Do good things, good things tend to happen to you.

Monster Zarbon knocked Vegeta down from the sky.

Vegeta: GAAAH!

Logan: and if you do bad things, bad things tend to happen to you.

Dende: so, if I am good enough, then I can have my family back?

Krillin: ........are you still on about that?

(Y/N): KRILLIN!!!!!!!!!!

Krillin: what?!

Monster Zarbon held Vegeta while plummeting towards the ground.

Vegeta: No! No! No! No! No!

Zarbon tossed Vegeta while in mid-air.


Vegeta hit the ground, creating a massive explosion and forming a huge crater that got filled with water around it.

Monster Zarbon: And that's the end of that.

Monster Zarbon transformed back to his normal form.

Zarbon: I'd best hurry back to Lady Frieza. If I take too long, she'll really lay into me.

He flew away back to Frieza's ship. A few moments later, a battle damaged Vegeta emerged from the water while gasping for air.

Vegeta: why did I explode?

You and the others finally arrived at Guru's house.

Dende: that is it up ahead.

Krillin: so that's where yours lives, huh? On Earth our old Namek lives in a floating castle.

Dende: you have one as well?

Krillin: well, he died, but yeah.

(Y/N): much to even my dismay.

You all descended in front of Guru's house.

Dende: this does not bode well.

Nail came out and spoke to Dende in their native language.

Nail: Dende ......what have you brought to Guru's house?

(Y/N): crap, I don't speak Namekian.

Dende replied to the taller Namekian in their native tongue.

Dende: foreigners. They claim they are here to help. Personally, I think we are boned.

Krillin: You have such a beautiful language.

Nail: ah, seems we must speak the universal language...

He then spoke in English.

Nail: english.

Krillin: aww, so you made a friend, Little Green? Ooh, I know, I'm gonna call you "Big Green"!

Nail: call me that again and I'll snap your neck.

Krillin: ...With that attitude, I don't think you should be friends with him, Little Green.

Nail: listen, I don't care where you come from or who any of you are, I will not put up with such disrespe.....

Guru: BIG GREEEEN! Get in here...

Guru yelled from inside his home.

Nail: oh... goddammit... What is it, Lord Guru?

He asked with an irritated groan.

Guru: I have a bitch of an itch on my left ass chee....

He noticed Krillin.

Guru: Nail, there is an albino Namekian standing behind you. Kill it like the rest.

Krillin: uh, actually, sir, I'm from Earth and these two are my friends.

Logan: so suddenly we're your friends now?

Guru: ...kill them like the rest.

Krillin: uhhh...

Nail: ehh, actually sir, I think they have business here about those people attacking our planet.

Krillin: yeah. We came here looking for help. And I see you have a Dragon Ball up there. Well, we're going to make sure that they don't steal it!

Guru: and how is that?

Krillin: I'm gonna take it!

Nail: Learn your place, Earthling! You have some nerve demanding a Dragon Ball from.....

Guru: Here, take it.

He handed Krillin the Dragon Ball.

Nail: I... What?

(Y/N): well, that was easy.

Guru: just don't steal the TV.

Nail: sir, we, uhh .......we don't have a television.

Guru: Nail... gather the rest of the Dragon Balls and wish for a plasma TV.

Nail: kord Guru, that would be a grievous misuse of their powers.

Guru: I'm about to misuse my hand upside your heaaaaaad!

Krillin: so... I can just take this and go?

Guru: wait. There is something I must first do.

Nail: you don't mean...

Guru: yes. I see something within this young man... strength yet untapped... power yet unleashed... Now hold still as I unleash the valley of strength hidden deep withiiiiin!

He unlocked Krillin's hidden potential.

Guru: there. I have unlocked your potential.

Krillin: I don't feel that different...

Guru: It wasn't that much.

Krillin: Huh. So this is my full potential?

Guru: Yes.

Krillin: So... then it's...

Guru: All downhill from here.

Krillin: like Yamcha...

Guru: I do not know what this "Yamcha" is, but it sounds disappointing.

(Y/N): I haven't even heard of this person until now and it kinda feels like this is some sort of trend.

Logan: wait, what about us?

Logan said referring to you and him

Guru: the hell you need it for? You're already op as it is!

Logan: oh you gotta be fuckin kidding me! We had to deal with two assholes powered up with dark energy earlier!

Guru: not my problem.

Krillin: well, we better get this Dragon Ball back to Gohan. Once we find them all, we can wish back our old Namekian!

Guru: wait. You said that you were from Earth, correct?

Krillin: yeah.

Guru: so, the son of Katas has passed. Unfortunate.

Krillin: we just called him Kami.

Guru: oh, so he calls himself God. Pretentious prick. Nail.

Nail: what.

Guru: I shall henceforth be known as: Super Kami.

Nail: Yes, Super Kami.

Guru: No wait..... Super Kami Guru.

(Y/N): that sounds even more pretentious.

Nail: can I just call you Guru for short?

Guru: Super Kami Guru allows this.

Krillin: well, I'd better hurry up. See you later, Little Green! And thanks for the Dragon Ball!

Krillin left Guru's house and flew back to Gohan and bluma, with you and Logan following behind.

Guru: Nail... Prepare to retrieve the Dragon Ball... and the bodies.

At Frieza's ship, Zarbon entered her room.

Zarbon: Lady Frieza, the dirty deed has been done.

Frieza: ah, very good. It's nice to see there's still somebody I can rely on.

Zarbon: oh, she barely put up a fight after I transformed. Now that she's dead we have very little left to worry about.

Frieza:...... Zarbon, about an hour ago, a scout informed me that an entire village was completely destroyed. Do you possibly know who could have done that?

Zarbon: Ve .......Vegeta.

Frieza: aaaand, unlike all the other villages we visited so far, there was no Dragon Ball there. Do you know who could have possibly taken it?

Zarbon: Vegeta.

Frieza: veeeery good! Now, use your brain for this one, Zarbon. If somebody were to know where that Dragon Ball was, who would it be?

Zarbon: Vegeta.....

Frieza: Vegeta, yes. And you said you... killed her?

Zarbon: wait, ma'me! It is possible I just left her unconscious!

Frieza: Oh, good. And where did you leave her?

Zarbon: ...At the bottom of a lake...

Frieza: ...minion 43, would you come in here for a second? I need an example.

Namole: private Namole reporting. An example of what, Lady Friez....

He got blown into atoms by Frieza.


There was no trace of him after that.

Frieza: you see that, Zarbon? That's you if Vegeta is not in front of me in the next ten minutes.

Zarbon: uh...uuuhhh...!

Frieza: bye.

Zarbon flew out of the ship.


(Meanwhile, on King Kai's planet).

King Kai: I have to say I'm very impressed. All of you have been making great strides in your training since you arrived on my planet. Except for Yamcha.

Yamcha: what the hell?! But I waxed off everything! I waxed off your car, I waxed off your house, I even waxed off your monkey!

Piccolo: okay, I just started paying attention, what?

Yamcha: seriously, when are we going to learn the Kayo-ken?

King Kai: ...What?

Yamcha: the Kayo-ken, King Kai!

King Kai: "Kai"... o-ken.

Yamcha: what?

King Kai: KAIO-KEN!!! It's in my f**king name! Like "King Kai", as in "Kaio-sama"! That is it! None of you are learning any of my techniques! Neither the Kaio-ken nor the Genki Dama!

Tien: ...freaking weeaboo....

A/N: freaking triclops.

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