Anna Jay: Marine's Heart!

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This is a reminder that this book isn't just a WWE One-Shot book, it's a Wrestling One-Shot book, the person the One-Shot's about doesn't have to be from the WWE, you can suggest others, as long as they were working in Wrestling before, so they can be retired, just no one that's been in trouble with the Law or deceased, I'm not writing that mess😅 ! Enjoy!


It's 2017 and a big day for Anna Jay and her high school sweetheart, Y/n L/n, Anna and Y/n have grown up together, they first met when they were 3 years old and playing at a playground, now, Anna's going to future education and Y/n is weeks away from his first deployment in the US Marine Corps, so before he leaves for his first tour, he asked Anna to marry him and she of course agreed.

They've been together for 5 years now and Anna is head over heals for her little Soldier, Y/n makes her laugh, treats her like she's a queen and her parents, although concerned about them being so young, support their marriage at the age of 18.

Handy: You ready to go?

Anna was so excited and so nervous but she is ready, it's taken her a few hours but she is ready thanks to the help of her bridesmaids and mother, Carla, so Anna stood their in her dress...

... She of course looked beautiful and Y/n wanted to give her the perfect wedding, he had to use his parents money for something better then what they wanted him to use it for, Y/n's parents are not very kind, their wealthy, and it was clear to Y/n at a young age they only had a child to give their money to after they died, his father never seemed to care about him, at least his mother seemed to care till he was around 12, now he went against his parents orders and did what he dreamed of doing, joining the Marines.

Anna: Is he out there? Please tell me he's out there because if he's not, I'm not going to look like a fool.

Handy couldn't help but smile with a chuckle to his only daughter as she panics a little, Carla shook her head and her bridesmaids laughed, Y/n would never do that to her, she's just really nervous.

Handy: Yes, he is. So is everyone else and their all waiting for you, so let's go.

Anna chuckled nervously to hearing Y/n is waiting for her, she did have the idea cross her mind if their making a mistake but hearing he's ready and waiting makes her realise this is what they should do, Carla looked up to her husband and remembered when Handy wasn't that sure about Y/n, all fathers have this, no man is good enough for their little girl, but Y/n's great, he's a Marine, has money to take care of her and Anna's brothers love him, Y/n really is already part of their family.

Anna: Okay, let's go.

Handy took his daughters arm and they walked out her dressing room, Carla and bridesmaids following them, they waited by the entrance as Y/n was at the altar in his uniform...

... Y/n has his best friend standing beside him, other then Anna of course but F/n *Friend's Name*, has been his friend since they were kids in Elementary school, F/n isn't joining the Marine's though, F/n is honestly fearful of it.

F/n: Incredible...

Y/n looked to his friend while the priest stood behind him waiting and all their family and friends sat around making small talk for now, well, Anna's family, Y/n did invite his parents but they still haven't arrived so screw them.

F/n: ... You're brave enough to get shot at in a unknown country but sweating bullets during your wedding.

Y/n smiled, he's not sweating but he is nervous, F/n wasn't against Y/n's career choice he just wants him to be careful, neither of them have brothers but they are, F/n has 2 sisters but no brother, Y/n is his brother.

Y/n: Nah, mate. I'm ready.

Y/n smiled and took a deep breath, he is of course nervous but it's okay, nerves are good, it means you want this to go perfectly, Y/n looked around and to Anna's little brother Zeke, Zeke looks up to Y/n and actually said about joining the Marines like him, Y/n shot him a thumbs up and he was pretty excited, everyone loves weddings.

Then the music started, now Y/n did let a little sweat drop fall as the bridesmaids and groomsman did their thing, then he saw Anna and he couldn't help the smile on his face, Anna was clearly happy under that vale both really excited for this...


The wedding went perfectly, what else could you really expect, so now everyone is in the after party of the wedding, some say it's the best part and it can be for the guests, music, dancing, food and drinks, what isn't fun about all those things but while sitting in the decorated venue...

... Anna is sitting with Y/n both over the moon their finally married, he originally proposed to her when they were 16 but couldn't get her a ring till he was 17, his parents money didn't come to him till his 18th birthday.

Anna: ... I can't believe they didn't even show up here.

Anna was talking about Y/n's parents, Y/n didn't care as he held her left hand in his right and was using his thumb to rub the back of her hand.

Y/n: Don't worry about it. Today's our day.

She smiled to him and leant over for the kiss, Y/n happily accepted it then it was their time, the time for their dance, Anna was really nervous about this but Y/n was a good dancer, he new what he was doing and will happily lead.

Y/n: Come on.

Anna took his hand and stood up with him as she showed off her changed dress for the party, most women change out of their dress for the party now so they don't get the dress dirty or worse...

... Then the started to move out from their chairs walking past their friends and family, Y/n put his hat on Zeke's head walking past him though patting the boy on his shoulder as they went, Y/n took Anna's hand again and they took their place in the middle of the dance floor where all the eyes are on them, Y/n took her right hand in his left and put his right hand around her waist holding her close as the band started to play the song Anna wanted...

... The two danced together with Anna stepping on his toes a few times, Y/n just laughed it off kissing her cheek, Anna felt embarrassed about it though and hugged into him hiding her face, Y/n still chuckled while continuing to lead as people started to join them pair by pair, Anna's father Handy patted Y/n on his back as they went, Handy was proud, no one will be good enough for a man's daughter but Y/n's as best as they come...


It's 2022 and Christmas Eve is upon us, Anna is currently at home with her family putting the gifts under the tree for her daughter in the morning, it's been a wild 4 years for Anna, she graduated from College but has found herself in Wrestling, she's one of the top names in AEW right now, but her daughter is the most precious thing to her, little Grace L/n.

Jack: I can't get her settled. She's asking for you.

Anna's boyfriend Jack has been amazing to her and Grace since they first met, it was the year after she got married to Y/n, they didn't start dating though till Y/n didn't come home.

Anna: Okay, can you finish this?

Jack nodded and they swapped roles, Jack continued putting the gifts out while Anna went up to her daughters room to see Grace wide awake and holding a music box Y/n got her when they were 12, Y/n didn't know what to get her and just opted for a music box, at the time she thought he was crazy but now, now she adores that music box.

Anna: What's up, munchkin?

Anna never really liked calling her that, it was Y/n who started calling her that but she won't remember, she was only a baby when Y/n went away and didn't come back, so out of grief at the time, she started calling her it and it's stuck now.

Grace: No. I'm too excited about Santa Claus coming. It's just so close.

Anna smiled down to her daughter while moving to sit on the bed, her back against the head board and legs up getting comfy.

Anna: I know, I was like that when I was a little girl. Oh, what have you got there. My music box...

Anna chuckled as Grace giggled, she might look like Anna but she has Y/n's H/c hair and E/c eyes, she misses him so much but a story her father used to tell her when she was a little girl cheered her up, when Y/n first went missing, she listened to that music box every night so she can sleep, she ended up bonding the two together.

Anna: ... Your daddy gave that to me when I was, oh, about 12...

Anna had opened the box and a small soft tune started playing from it, making Grace's eyes light up not having heard the song before and Anna started to tell the story her dad told her when she was a little girl, she'll have to change a few things for her but Anna can do it.

Anna: ... I remember you're father's smile, in the glow of a bedside light. Like I do my own. My daddy would tuck the blankets beneath me chin, to settle me for the night...

Anna put the box on her outstretched legs so she can reached both hands and tuck her daughter in making her smile and get more comfy in the warm sheets.

Anna: ... And the stories Daddy would tell to me, they had a magic now, so it seems. They all began, "Once upon a time, in a land of fairy-tale dreams..."

Anna's now talking about the stories her father told her when she was a little girl just like Grace, Anna gave Grace a small bop on her nose making her smile once again, she has her father's cheesy smile.

Anna: ... There'd be a princess that no man could resist...

Anna flicked her hair a little pretending that she's the princess which caused a giggle to come from the child, Anna continued though because it's the part where Y/n comes into it.

Anna: ... She'd turn the frog into a prince with just a kiss. And a knight in shining armour with a magic sword...

Anna stood up and acted like she had a sword which brought joy to Grace, Anna was happy with that as this song she made helped her through losing the love of her life, so if she can use it to bring joy to Grace then that's good enough for her.

Anna: ... My Daddy would act it out word for word...

Anna sat back down putting the box back onto her lap as Grace was now holding her bear, it was the one Y/n brought her when she was born, she called it "Scruffy" because, well, I'm sure you can picture why.

Anna: ... And when it came to the part where the hero died, he'd cuddle me while I cried...

That part chocked Anna a little as she remembered the day clearly when she was told they lost Y/n, her family came by and Handy did exactly what Anna's saying, he held her while she cried, this is the part that helped her and her fathers words will stick with her forever.

Anna: ... And he'd whisper in my ear, "Don't you worry, dear, heroes never die."...

Grace smiled again as Anna's eyes started to tear up a little, Grace cuddled into her sheets more with her bear as Anna continued with the melody.

Anna: ... But the greatest hero in my life, he never slayed a dragon or left any troll dead. Hehe, no. He was just a plain and simple man, that wanted to be a Marine...

Grace knew that Jack isn't her dad and her real dad was a Marine, so that meant a lot to Grace that she knew her mother thought so highly of her father, the father, that she'll likely never meet.

Anna: ... And, when I think of you're Daddy and his love and his touch and how we all laughed... so much...

Anna chuckled a little to the good memories she has with Y/n, then her eyes landed on a  framed picture on the bedside table across from her, it's a picture of Anna, Y/n and Grace when she was a baby, Grace was quite the entire time as Anna leant over carefully picking up the photo.

Anna: ... And I don't miss him, you know, not a single bit...

Anna looked away from the photo and to her daughter to now see her sound asleep, resting peacefully till tomorrow morning, Anna smiled with a sigh as she reached for the music box and closed the lid, cutting off the melody before looking back to the picture.

Anna: ... Why would I? Heroes never die.

Anna pressed her right index and middle finger to her lips then onto Y/n in the photo, his smile still making her smile even from the past, Anna then sniffed away her own tears before putting both the music box and photo back and going to leave the room.

Anna: Goodnight, Munchkin.

Anna shut off the light and left the room with the door open slightly encase she needs to call out to her or something, Anna went down the stairs and looked to the front door but she took a right looking to see the gifts all set out and Jack relaxing, his attention was brought though by the doorbell ringing.

Anna too looked both wondering who's at the door at this time, it's near 10 at night, so Anna went to look with Jack getting up and approaching the door, Anna checked the peephole and saw two uniformed Marine's outside, she looked confused to Jack before opening the door.

Marine: Mrs. L/n?

Anna nodded as to them she is still married to Y/n, she doesn't want to file the documents because to her, she still being married to Y/n is keeping him alive, Jack joined her by her side as the Marines gave her the message they came to give.

Marine: It's about your husband, Corporal Y/n L/n...

Jack looked from them to Anna as it didn't look like they were dating, Jack kept his hands to himself and was leaning on the door frame, it really looks like it's her brother or something here for the holidays, Anna's eyes started to tear up already, they proclaimed him KIA 3 years ago, maybe this is it, they finally found his body.

Marine: ... He's alive. The British Army found him in the middle of the desert yesterday at 0500 hours...

Anna couldn't believe it he tears started to fall and her left hand covered her mouth as her emotions were going overboard, tears falling and gasps barely escaping her lungs while Jack put his arm over her to comfort her, he's not an idiot and knows what Y/n meant to her so for her to hear this news, it's go to be over whelming.

Marine: ... He's been brought to the base medical centre here in Florida. If you'd like to see him, we can take you now.

Anna dropped to the floor still crying not able to compose herself anymore, the Marine's were happy though and had smiles on their faces, very rarely do they actually get to give good news and seeing happy tears is a breath of fresh air, they helped Jack take her into the house and he got her a glass of water.

Jack worked on calming her down as the Marine's stood by and waited, if she does want to see him then they'll take her to him, what the didn't expect to hear was a little girls voice behind them.

Grace: Mommy?

Anna snapped out of her emotions and got them in check walking over to her wiping the tears before squatting down to her level as she wanted to tell her as much as she can without telling her too much, Y/n's been missing for years, there's no telling what state he's in and the last thing Anna wants to to destroy the image of her father for her and seeing him in that condition isn't the first thing she wants Grace to remember.

Anna: Listen, Munchkin. I'm going to go with these men, Auntie Tay is going to watch you, okay?

Grace nodded still wearing her PJ's and holding scruffy under her arm, Anna then grabbed her phone and sent her best friend a message begging her to come and be watch Grace for a little while, love her or hate her, Tay and Sammy jumped to help their friend allowing Anna to go and see her true love for the first time in years...


All the way to the Marine base, Anna was full of emotions, imagine being told the love of you life is dead, have a funeral for him where she only got a folded up flag in place of his life, then a couple of years later, being told he's been found and is a few hours away.

Jack went with her to support Anna, he does love her but he knows he won't take Y/n's place, that's something running through both Anna's and Jack's minds, what will happen to their relationship now that Y/n's back and alive, Jack didn't get an answer because they got to the base and went through security, the jeep took them to the medical building where they were taking inside.

Marine: Mrs L/n. She's here to see the Corporal.

The Marine said to the women behind a desk, she looked up from the pages she's looking at and saw Anna, puffy red eyes and Jack beside her, she then turned to the Marine and raised her eyebrows with a small smile.

Receptionist: It's Lieutenant now...

Anna was amazed to hear that but what did Y/n do to get that massive leap of a promotion, from Corporal to Lieutenant, he's been promoted to an Officer and for what reason, Anna didn't get to ask because the women turned from the Marine and to her still with an impressed smile on her face.

Receptionist: ... You're husbands a hero. You should be proud.

Anna is proud but she doesn't know what he's done, so she asked but the Marine could only take her to where he is, they walked down the hall past about 6 other rooms till the got to a room with Lieutenant's name on the door...

*Lieutenant Y/n L/n*

... Anna ran her hand on if not expecting to ever see him again but here he is on the other side of a wooden door, Anna took a deep breath before walking in as the Marine stood guard outside and there he was, sleeping with tubes in his arms pumping fluids back into his body as the doctor stood at the foot of his bed looking through the info.

Anna: Y/n?

She asked with hushed breath while slowly walking towards his bed, the doctor stepped aside as Anna gently and slowly reached for his face almost not believing he's really here, as soon as her left hand touched his right cheek, she knew he was here and alive, the water works started again as she berried her face into the bed covers, Jack put his hand on her shoulder and knew they didn't have this kind of love, he might have to step out the way for them.

Anna stayed like that for seemingly hours, just so happy to see Y/n back and breathing meant so much to her, Grace can meet her father outside of pictures as well which was a win, Anna sat up on the chair wiping her face seeming to have calmed down now, Jack had gone to get them some drinks leaving only Anna, Y/n and the doctor in the room and she needed to know what happened.

Anna: What happened to him?

The doctor put the clipboard back clearly having just finished his assessment and looked to her, he decided to tell her putting his hands in his pockets and looked to the still asleep Lieutenant.

Doctor: Well, we're not too sure but from what we have seen. He was held in captivity since he went missing three years ago, they clearly didn't feed him all that much...

Anna chuckled a little as Y/n is completely different, when he left he was in great shape now, now it looks like you could see his ribs if you lifted the covers.

Doctor: ... But this man, I'm not even sure he can be killed. It was the British who found him in Iraq, he didn't say anything to them, he just collapsed in front of their camp. They helped him in and saw he was shot 3 times, then found he was carrying important documents...

The doctor looked to Anna turning his body to her as well while rubbing the bridge of his nose, he's probably been working for hours now but he's still going strong trying to get these men and women back to peak health.

Doctor: ... Those documents lead to the British army raiding the terrorist camp, stopping a terrorist attack that would have killed thousands of people, that and the men and women they found still held captive there.

Anna looked to Y/n and her happy tears were started to brew again, only a about an hour ago she was telling Grace her daddy is a hero, turns out he really is and will never get the credit he deserves for what he did.

Doctor: All that and he walked 20 miles to the British.

Anna looked to the man of medicine and can't believe what she's hearing, Y/n was probably tortured for those years he was missing, extremely malnourished, shot 3 times and escaped while making sure to pick up enough info that led the British to stop a terror attack, also having to walk 20 miles in the blistering heat, bleeding to get it to the Alias.

Doctor: I don't always say this...

He walked towards Anna and put his hand on her shoulder for comfort, Anna hasn't let go of his left hand the entire time she's been here, tears brewing once again.

Doctor: ... You're husbands a hero.

He then gently patted her shoulder and left them alone, Jack eventually came back and she told him everything she was told, that explains why Y/n was made a Lieutenant from a simple Corporal, Jack couldn't lie, the mans a damn hero but what will their future hold now, that's to be dealt with in the future, Anna just wants to enjoy having Y/n back in her life...


(How'd I Do? Let Me Know! Take Care!)

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