Madison Rayne: Good Things Come Back Around!

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*Requested by QueenZain3! Enjoy!*


Madison Rayne is one of the most experienced Wrestlers on the Indi Circuit, maybe even the world, she's been Wrestling since the young age of 18, straight out of High School she started her journey to get to the top of the Wrestling pyramid, only in doing so lost the love of her life, Y/n L/n.

Y/n and Madison grew up together, both born in Columbus Ohio, they first met in High School, Y/n was on the football team, first choice Running Back, and he was good, so good infact he was offered a full scholarship to Miami State, even though he also enjoyed wrestling, he didn't love it like Madison did but he still enjoyed taking her to shows in a car park after school, it's memories like those, that pushed Madison to make the separation worth it.

She, nor Y/n wanted to split but they knew long distance relationships wouldn't work, everyone knows that, so they decided to call it quits while things were good between them, it was an opportunity he couldn't let slide, some of the best in the NFL have come out of Miami State, it was a chance in a lifetime, one she wouldn't be able to live with if she was the reason he didn't follow it, unfortunately though, Y/n never made it to the big times, an injury put him on the side lines for 2 years.

During that time, Y/n wrestled, it started off as a way to just get movement back into his right leg but it ended up becoming a bit of an addiction, he saw the fun to be had doing it, he now understood why Madison pushed herself to be the best, it was however too late for them though as when Y/n returned back to Ohio, he got hit with the news that Madison was seeing another guy, he wasn't mad, it was her right to do so, he was just disappointed he didn't get here first, see although Y/n got injured playing football, he still finished up the scholarship, he's a fully qualified Football Coach now and honestly, he's dream is to be a football trainer for a High School or something, to train the next generation was always something he's wanted to do.

Y/n didn't just sit on his ass and feel sorry for himself though, he continued to work hard in wrestling, he had a part time job during Uni so he was able to live of that long enough for him to get an opportunity in 2012 with the Wrestling Promotion, Impact Wrestling, little to say his agility and stamina impressed, giving him the contract, since then he's been at the top of the company.

From 2012 to now, 2017, Y/n's been the one to beat in the company, you want to impress the fans, you beat him, which seems next to impossible as he hasn't been pinned in 3 years, holding the Impact World Championship for 2 of them first winning the title in 2015 against Lashley in a Last Man Standing Match, since then, Y/n's held the title for over 700 days making it one of the longest title reigns in the Modern Era of Wrestling, that's however not all.

Madison is too one of the biggest names in the TNA and Impact Promotion, they however tried to keep it as friends, since she was now married to that guy, she even has a daughter now, Charley, Y/n's met her a few times at shows but every time he can't shake the feeling, she should still be his, then in 2015, she divorced her husband, it was Y/n's time to take his chance, but every time he tried to, he'd just get tongue tied which really isn't like him, it even got to the point the guys and girls in the back knew they still loved each other, their just waiting for Y/n to get the words out.

Y/n is heart set on doing it tonight, July 2 2017, he's just done it again, beating Johnny Impact for the third time but he needed to get back, as soon as he got backstage though he was heart set on trying to find Madison, he's not sure what it is that's snapped in side him but after a literal bump to his head during the match he now has the confidence to ask her to be his once again but it wasn't to be.

With title in his hands he stopped after seeing her, just down the hall of the backstage area talking to her friends, all that confidence just left him, he should be the most confident man in the world right now, he's just won another title, only he keeps freezing when it comes to talking to her.

Drew: Whatcha you doin'?

Y/n jumped a little hearing the new voice joining him, but relaxed when he saw who it was, Drew Galloway, the big 6'5 Scots man is just one of the many men who have tried and failed to conquer "Ronan's" record setting Champion run, Lashley, Trevor Lee and the Hardy Brothers with him.

Trevor: Seriously, just go talk to her. She divorced her husband for you, that should be enough.

Y/n sighed while still looking over to her, that was just a rumour spread around the locker room, there's no actual physical evidence to that, although Madison hasn't denied or, nor has she confirmed it though.

Y/n: It's not that easy.

They sighed as well while the Hardy Boyz left with Trevor and Lashley, Drew stayed there, just standing beside him, arms folded across his chest, Y/n hates it when he does that 'cause he can feel the big man's eyes burning into him, Drew has really turned his life around since getting dropped by the WWE, he's no longer that scrawny guy you hate to see on your Tv's, he's actually quite intimidating now.

Drew: I'm not gonna stop till you go and talk to her.

Y/n looked between him and the small group of talking girls, not he's a 32 year old man now that can't go and talk to the women he's supposed to love, he knows he does, he's dated in the past, it's not like he just waited for her, but each time, he couldn't help but feel out of place, so he looked to the floor and decided that this was the time.

Y/n: Hold this. It's the closest you'll get to winning it anyway.

Y/n pushed his title into Drew, Drew grabbed it out of habit from being handed things then watched as Y/n walked away from him, he was pleased to se his friend stepping up but that comment finally clicked in his mind.

Drew: Alright, that was just harsh.

Y/n smiled to himself before it actually dawned on him what he was about to do, his heart started racing and those butterflies decided to make their presence known, with a deep in hale followed by a pretty loud exhale he still walked closure till Madison's friends eventually saw him, alerted her then left so the two can be alone, although for a while, they kinda just stood their a little awkwardly.

Y/n/Madison: I just wanted/ I watched your match...

They spoke for the same time, cutting each other off, then awkwardly chuckling to the other, both completely unaware that both their respective friend groups are still watching while hiding behind anything they could find.

Madison: Sorry, you first.

Y/n relaxed a little more to hearing her voice, with a smile as well kind of made him think anything was possible and nothing can stop him, he still however knew the repercussions of this if she doesn't love him anymore, so he needed to be a little careful.

Y/n: I just, uh... I just wanted...

Madison watched him a little hopeful he'll do what she thinks he's going to do, because she did in fact divorce her husband for him, seeing him around this place for all that time was driving her wild and she couldn't help but feel the Jesse was getting in the way of her and Y/n being together again, which of course in a way was true but it caused her to hold a little resentment to her now ex-husband, that however was 2 years ago now, maybe this is what she was waiting for all that time.

Y/n: ... I was wondering if you...

Y/n wasn't looking at her and actually looking at his feet, they seemed the most interesting to him right now, so Madison jumped the gun, she thought he was going to ask her out and him stuttering and fumbling was making her impatient. 

Madison: Yes!

Y/n looked up to her still in the position of awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with a confused look on his face, that made Madison panic a little, did he not want to ask her out, what did she just agree too, all things filling her mind till they came out as words.

Madison: You were going to ask me out right. Please, God tell me it was that?

Madison was now the worried one, Y/n wasn't confused though, he was just shocked a little that she agreed, all this time he sat by and tried to wait for the perfect opportunity only for the perfect one to have been any time between today and the past 2 years.

Y/n: Oh, uh... Yeah, of course I was.

Y/n relaxed and so did Madison, both smiling to the other, it's been 12 years since their break up and it's been hell for them both, sure they tried to find love in others, Y/n wasn't as successful as Madison was but in the end, good things come back around, neither however could say another world as their friends jumped out from their hiding places, cheering and clapping for the new reunion...


It's been a week since Y/n asked Madison on that date and he has the perfect one in mind, their back in their home town of Columbus for press and Y/n made sure for them both to be here at the same time the Carnival was open.

Madison: I can't believe this place is still open.

Y/n walked beside her as they walked towards the open gates of the Carnival they went to once of twice as teens, sometimes with their friends other times on their own but this one feels different as the lights are on and kids are running around with smiles.

Y/n: Yeah, brings back old memories.

Y/n smiled to her as his hands are in his pockets, neither are wearing much, it's a nice causal date, nothing like suits and dresses, it's like the old times, so she smiled up to him, wrapping her arms around his left, he didn't mind while keeping his hand in his pocket.

It was just like they were teenagers again, going through all the stalls and activates, laughing and remembering the days before they had to grow up, although this is that time again, their not the wrestling superstars, their just two people in love having a good time.

Y/n: Oh, come on. These things are rigged... Right?

Y/n asked the later part nodding towards the man running the stall where you have to throw the ball knocking down all the bottles, Y/n read somewhere they nail a few to the surface so they can't be knocked down, although the guy knew how to force Y/n's hand.

Guy: Well. A strong guy like yourself out to be able to find out, maybe win something for his lady.

Any guy knows that to get another guy to do anything, you gotta question his masculinity in front of the person he love, it's called toxic masculinity for a reason people, so as he looked at the guy, knowing that he just got punked, he paid for 3 tries but only needed the one to knock the bottles down.

Y/n: Okay, it's not rigged.

Madison chuckled to him after she pointed to the stuffed toy she thinks Charley would love, she's a little to old for toys but her daughter isn't so much, she also has a feeling that they'll both be seeing Y/n a lot more in the future, so a toy he won for her, might be nice for them to have in the memory books.

It was like that for most the time, although you can't go to the Carnival without going on the Ferris wheel and just like an old cliche 60's movie, that's where they ended the date, just enjoying the slow rise above the place they grew up in.

Madison: Thanks for this Y/n. I forgot how fun this sort of thing was.

Y/n smiled to her as she looked over to the night sky, a few stars in the sky but none of them shined brighter then this star beside him, he really missed her, all throughout his life he always wondered "What if I stayed?", it's not like going to University got him anything, he could have stayed and they might not have been separated, that's the past, Y/n can't do nothing about that, he can however stop it from happening again.

Y/n: You know, I never stopped loving you...

Madison turned to him, his left arm on the back of the pod their in, almost hugging her into his chest, his words warmed her even more in the night breeze but she couldn't find the words to tell him she felt the same, all she could do was move her right hand to the back of his hand and pull him down to her level in a long sort after kiss, confirming what they've both known for a very long time, true love always lasts...


(How'd I do? Let me know! Take Care!)

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