Maryse: Not So Easy To Step Aside! (18+)

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It's been a wild few years for the young WWE Talent, Y/n L/n, he's pretty much on the fast track to being one of the best in the company, he's already a 2x WWE Champion and only 26 years old, he just beat Sheamus for his second title reign and now is in a on screen rivalry with one of his best friends, The Miz.

Y/n: So, The Miz won the Money in the Bank...

Y/n's in the middle of the ring with the WWE over his left shoulder, mic in his right hand, he just beat Sheamus last night on the PPV in a Steel Cage match, it's one of Y/n's favorite match types to do and the crowd seem to love them so it's a win, they however weren't sure how to feel about The Miz being the Briefcase holder.

Y/n: ... It's no secret that he's one of my best friends in this place but the thing is...

Y/n stopped talking when the crowd starting chanting there chant for him, Y/n's the ultimate face right now and this is a title reign that will be his personal longest, it's going to stretch from July all the way to November where the Nexus will kick his ass and The Miz while take the bait.

Y/n: ... The thing is friendships don't matter when it comes to the WWE Title. I promised all of you I would whoop the Irishman's ass and I did that, so I'm making another promise, Mike...

Y/n looked into the hard camera as he used The Miz's real name making the crowd focus, this is showing how personal the soon to be rivalry is for the two of them, their actually quite excited for it, they haven't worked together much since their time in ECW.

Y/n: ... I swear to you that I will...

Y/n stopped when he was interrupted by a new set of music, this is a group he's never actually had to deal with before, they've crossed path's but that's about it...

... Y/n turned from the hard cam and to the entrance ramp where Wade and the rest of the Nexus came out *Don't judge me, I can't remember half of them*, all of them stood there across the stage trying to intimidate the new WWE Champion.

Wade: It's real cute you coming out here to talk about your little friend Y/n but let's face facts. You got lucky last night against Sheamus.

Wade's words were met with a few boo's echoing around as Y/n looked around the crowd with a smile, it's his character, everyone thinks he's lucky because of his age and how many titles he already has in the WWE, it's okay though because Y/n don't care.

Y/n: That's tough talk coming from a hand-me-down Randy Orton.

Y/n still held the WWE title over his left shoulder with his mic in right hand, just looking up to the ramp with no fear as they clearly didn't like his comments too much, the crowd did though as they started another chant calling Wade a knock off Viper, Y/n chuckled with them as even Jerry Lawler and Micheal Cole liked that one.

Wade: You listen to me now...

Wade spoke over the crowd but it was Y/n that cut him off, it was all part of the script so Wade listened but the crowd loved seeing a new more forceful version of Y/n, his character was a bit of a push over in the past, now he's evolved, the fight with Sheamus in the cage is supposed to have been a war that brought a new him out.

Y/n: No you listen. Every single week you come out and talk your trash, well, I'm not listening to it!

Y/n leant on the top of the rope shrugging the WWE title back over his shoulder while he did, the Nexus watching him like wolves scouting out there prey, as always, it's just part of the plan.

Y/n: If you think you deserve a shot at this. Then put up and shut up!

Y/n tossed the microphone to the side as he dropped the WWE title, the crowd cheered when he took his jacket off and tossed it ringside, the Nexus stood there, Wade with a pissed look while the others are trying to talk him into going down there, Y/n encouraged him to as did the crowd, eventually, the British born turned to his team and said something before marching towards the ring, Y/n got ready for a fight but stopped when Wade did.

Wade stopped at the base of the ramp as Y/n looked a little uneasy, he knows what's coming next as does the crowd, all they could do though was watch as Wade turned to look at the rest of the Nexus, that was the signal they were waiting for, all now marching to the ring, Y/n though didn't back down, he couldn't anyway even if he wanted to because they had surrounded the ring, trapping the Canadian born in between the ropes.

Y/n waited in the centre of the ring, looking around to them as they all stood there, just watching him, Wade in front of him on the apron, the look in Y/n's eyes sold the segment as he actually looked worried, maybe even scared, it didn't stop him from launching at Wade first though knocking him off the apron, that's one down right, the rest however proved to be too much for him as the numbers game are not in his favour...

... The Miz and Morrison came running out the curtain to help their friend, The Miz with briefcase in his hands and John with a chair, the Nexus saw this and decided to get out of there, even with the numbers they've done the damage they wanted as Y/n laid in the middle of the ring, WWE title near him, The Miz and Morrison chased the Nexus out till they both turned to Y/n, John knelt down to actually see it he was alright, while The Miz seemed to see a chance.

The crowd did as well, they boo'd him while he turned his back on Y/n and John to call a ref down here, John quickly got up and argued with The Miz a little selling the friendship between the trio more, John's telling The Miz to make it a fair fight but The Miz didn't want to hear it and turned to face Y/n with briefcase still in hand...

... The crowd cheered when Y/n fell to the mat, grabbed his WWE title and rolled out, The Miz scurried into a corner, holding his briefcase close, while seeming to be in shock from what happened, Y/n though sold the beaten from the Nexus while John ran his hands through his hair, this will be the end of their on screen friendship for sure...


... It's been a few days since that episode of RAW and the world are already enjoying this new story that Y/n's on, his new temper has made things all so much better as well, now the only issue outside of work is the one and only thing that can destroy a friendship, a women.

Both Mike and Y/n have their eyes on one women and one women only, Maryse, she's possibly the most beautiful women in the WWE right now and both of them can;t have her so one needs to step aside, neither are the ones to do that though which is when John came up with an idea.

John: Why not arm wrestle for it?

John suggested as it's another day where Y/n and Mike have been arguing about who will step aside and who get's the beautiful, french, Canadian, Mike seemed to be all for it while Y/n wasn't too sure.

Y/n: Wait, what?

Y/n asked looking to John as he sat on his couch, there all at Mike's for a little guy time but it always goes into this and honestly, John's getting tired of it, so he wants it too end and so do the others but it just doesn't seem to feel right for Y/n.

Y/n: I don't know about that, it seems weird.

Something about arm wrestling over a women really doesn't seem to sit right with him, Mike however had already cleared the table and is ready to go, John was more then happy to be the ref to make sure no one cheated.

Mike: Come on, you scared?

Y/n looked to Mike and that's when the penny dropped for him, he really wants this, and honestly, sure Maryse is hot but he doesn't want to win her heart by some stupid men's activity, if he finds the one then he wants it to be special, so he throw in the towel without evening sitting down.

Y/n: Alright, if it means that much to you. I'll step aside. She's all your's, happy birthday.

Y/n smiled with a chuckle as Mike cheered in victory, it's just a little bro stuff, Mike knows that it's not certain that Maryse even likes him back but two guys can't go after one women it's just not right, so instead, Y/n said he'd play wingman and help Mike, the plan got underway when they were invited to a pool party, one of which Maryse will be attending.

Mike: Where is she?

Y/n looked to his right and saw Mike really thirsty for this, Y/n actually thought it was funny because Maryse doesn't seem like the type to go for desperate and needy guys like Mike is right now, so Y/n just tried to calm him down before he got too weird.

Y/n: Settle down, sea biscuit.

Y/n nudged Mike as they got to the party, both in swim shorts because it'll be weird to turn up to a pool party wearing a full two piece suit, plus they are both in peak physical condition, Y/n is a little better, he decided to work extra hard for that 6 pack, that doesn't mean Mike's not in good shape though, it just makes Y/n more of a heart throb to women.

Y/n: Alright, there she is...

Y/n spotted Maryse over by some of her friends, that's obviously already a red flag for most guys, ain't no man dumb enough to walk over to a hot women with her friends around, you'll look like an ass in 0-60, the sight however was one to make Y/n question his decision to back out the Maryse race...

... Y/n visibly gulped from the sight but snapped himself out of it while turning to his friend, Y/n told Mike to go and talk to her but Mike was slightly panicking now, Y/n though told him to calm down while holding his friends shoulder.

Y/n: Alright, breath. Go over to her, tell her you want to tell her something. Then take her hand and pull her away from her friends, once your alone, tell her "You didn't really have anything to tell her, you just wanted to get her alone".

Mike nodded while seeming to prep himself up for a marathon, Y/n was always more comfortable with talking to women more then Mike was, it is quite funny watching him fumble though.

Y/n: Go get her champ.

Y/n patted him on the back while walking away, he might as well talk to some other friends, maybe make some new as Mike get's his game on, Y/n wasn't a bad guy but part of him did want Mike to fuck it up, he even glanced over to them once and a while and Maryse seemed to look a little bored, till she caught him looking and gave him a little wave, Y/n gave a small nod back while going back to what he was doing before, trying to find the bathroom.

It's a big house, loads of rooms, he found two bedrooms, the kitchen and three cupboards before he actually found a bathroom, most people would ask but Y/n didn't think to do that, instead he did what he needed to do then washed his hands, a small knock came to the bathroom door making Y/n call out to them.

Y/n: Gimme a minute.

Y/n finished washing his hands, drying them on a nearby towel then walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it, the only thing is, before he could walk out, he was pushed back in, Y/n nearly fell on his ass but caught himself on the bathroom counter, he managed to get a look at who really wanted in the bathroom.

Maryse: I'll give you more then that if you ask nicely~

Y/n gulped nervously as she leant against the door, locking the door behind her again, she just stood there while Y/n tried to think of a way out of this, instead he just looked like a bit of an idiot himself.

Y/n: So the bathroom's all yours. Oh, is that the door behind you...

Y/n went to step forward and hopefully past her but didn't because she walked into him, her hands pushing his chest making him tumble back into the counter, Y/n looked down to her slightly as she held her body pressed against his.

Maryse: Why the rush? I only just got here.

Y/n knows that, he just needs to get outta here, he made a promise to Mike that he'll step aside but how can he when he's literally being pinned down by the women in question, she really didn't seem like letting him go either, maybe Y/n should just go for it.

Y/n: Well, you see. Mike's got a birthday coming up and I, uh...

Y/n stopped when Maryse's right hand slide down to his trucks and gripped his crown gules over them, Y/n's breath hitched as it felt great, not too tight but tight enough to make him want to explode.

Maryse: Why is it that everyone wants me but the man I want is trying to avoid me...?

Y/n couldn't say much, all he could do was feel her hand gently swirl his slowly growing cock in her hand, her eyes looking up to him as he looked down to her, Mike will never understand how much Y/n's holding back right now from giving her what she wants.

Maryse: ... Don't you want me~?

Maryse leant up moving her lips within inches of Y/n's, she knew she had him where she wants when he moved his head towards her a little, she giggled up to him as her left hand moved to his trunk, pulling the waist band back, Y/n then watched her lick the inside of her right fingers and slip her right hand inside his trunks gripping his already near hard cock.

Y/n: Oh~ Fuck~ Shit...

Y/n let out a little chuckle as he looked up to the bathroom ceiling, he can't really do much else other then grip the counter top behind him while enjoying the feeling of Maryse jerking his cock, Maryse picked up her actions, pumping even harder while she enjoyed his size.

Maryse: Wow~ It's bigger then I thought~

Y/n looked back to her as she smiled up to him, a little nibble to her lips and Y/n couldn't do it anymore, he wanted her like she clearly wants him, he'll just have to get Mike something else for his birthday, so he went all in.

Y/n: Oh screw it.

Y/n's hands moved from the counter to her body, his right hand gently holding her face as his left hand gripped her waist, she let him pull her into a kiss as she continued to jerk his cock off, her left hand snaked up his abs, past his pecks and around his neck, gently toying with his hair at the back, she let him control the kiss, letting his tongue slide into her mouth, he tasted much better then she imagined but wanted a little more so she broke the kiss and kissed down his body, pulling his trucks down as she did.

Y/n: You uh... You really wanna do this?

Y/n didn't want to ask encase she did change her mind but luckily for him, all she did was wink up to him while gently rubbing his cock in her hand, seeing Maryse right now on her knees in front of him was enough to make his cock throb, something she giggled to.

Maryse: It would be cruel of me to not help you with this~

Maryse pointed his cock up as she slowly ran her tongue up from the base to the tip of his cock, Y/n visibly shivered to the sensation while Maryse didn't give him time to compose himself, she just went to sucking the tip of his cock, stroking at the base with her right hand, her left holding the back of his thigh as his trunks still sat halfway up.

Maryse slowly got her mouth deeper onto him while his moans and groans were exactly what she wanted to hear from him, no one other then her close friends knew that she had a thing for the young WWE champion, it wasn't until she saw him trying to set her up with Mike did she have to force her hand and show him that she wants him, not The Miz.

Maryse: Come on. We haven't go long.

Maryse stood up from her kneeling position and moved beside Y/n, he watched her for a second as she bent over the counter a little looking into the long mirror, Y/n didn't wait for a second invite and moved behind her, pulling her ass into him, as she smiled at him into the mirror.

Y/n: You have no idea how long I've wanted this~

Y/n leant over her whispering in her ear as his right hand gently ran over her throat while his left hand gripped her ass, he didn't need to pull her into him because she's pushing herself into his cock, gently rubbing her ass as she did.

Maryse: Then take it, étalon~

Maryse said in her native, french tongue, Y/n has no idea what she said but didn't care, it was so hot and he needed this right now, so with one last passionate kiss, he kissed down her back and towards her ass, giving her the same pleasure she gave him, tugging her panties down as he did, Y/n didn't waste time in giving her wet pussy a few licks while he was here, her moans were so hot and her ass is pure perfection, like she said though, they don't have much time.

Y/n moved back to his feet, his hands on her waist and pulled her back onto his cock, he needed to squat a little because of the height difference but one she moved her right knee onto the counter, it was pretty easy to fuck her and fuck her he did, leaning over her, tugging her bra down and using her tits as things to grip while he pounded away at this French, Canadian beauty...


(How'd I do? Let me know! Take Care!)

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