Nikki Bella: The Perfect Guy! (Final - Part!)

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It's been a few months since Nikki and Y/n went for the scan, it was easily the best day of their lives to date, they both were so excited at that point to be parents, more Nikki then Y/n because she thought her time was running out on finding that one special guy to give her the gift she's always wanted, so while Nikki stayed at home in Arizona, Y/n still toured with the WWE since his shoulder injury is now fully healed up.

Seth: Welcome back, friend.

Y/n smiled up to his best friend when he walked into the room, Y/n was forced to vacate the WWE title after Extreme Rules to wait for his shoulder to heal, it was a muscles injury so it didn't require surgery, although it was timed perfectly, it kept Y/n out till their baby got here.

Seth: How's family land? Miss those sleep in's yet?

Seth sat next to Y/n as Y/n chuckled, having the baby in their lives has been a massive adjustment thing but they've adjusted perfectly, Y/n did miss those days where they can just stay in bed though.

Y/n: Not as I missed you handsome.

Seth pushed him while they shared a laugh, then more and more of the WWE Men's locker room came in, happy to see Y/n back, everyone likes Y/n, he's a good guy, one of the most requested wrestlers to work with, he has bigger fish to fry though, like taking his WWE Title back from Brock Lesnar, Y/n's never faced Brock before, so once he was ready to go...

... Y/n walked out the locker room and bumped into a few others, Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair and even the new Smackdown Women's Champion, Alexa Bliss, Y/n knew that Seth and Becky are dating now, he also knew that they wanted to keep it a secret.

Charlotte: Hey, Y/n. It's good to see you back.

Y/n smiled to them as they all gave him a quick hug, he's become a pretty big name in the WWE for all, the fans and the talent, he's helped a lot of them perfect the odd move here and there at the PC, hell if it wasn't for Y/n, then Alexa would probably still be running around in a tutu.

Alexa: How's the shoulder and when can we see the baby?

Y/n chuckled to her and was about to answer but his segment was about to start, so with a quick, "Soon, really soon", he had to get moving towards the curtain, the girls smiled to him as he was always one for being on time, Y/n hated being late, so the girls joined the others in catering as Brock is in the ring with Paul Hayman ready to bring Y/n back into the fold, no longer will he be the bad guy.

Paul: Ladies and gentleman. my name is Paul Hayman...!

Y/n stood in position as the crowd copied him, he knows at home his fiance and baby are watching him so he's looking to make this a big return and taking out the Beast Incarnate is a statement to be made.

Paul: ... I am the Advocate for the... Reigning! Defending! Undisputed! WWE Heavyweight Champion of the world! Brock Lesner...!

Paul was cut off from the crowd as someone jumped the barricade and slipped under the bottom rope with a hoodie on, no one knew that Y/n will be returning anytime soon so they wanted to make it special, the crowd cheered when Brock turned around and was met with a huge spear...

... Y/n has thought about his character over the past few months, while helping others with their's, his was toying on his mind he's confident that this new character will be a big step for him to stardom, so while the crowd loved that Brock is on his back getting wailed into by an unknown assailant, Paul could only watch from the turnbuckle the WWE title laying on the mat.

Y/n stopped hitting Brock and stood up still looking to the fallen Beast, Paul sold the show in the corner but it was when Y/n dropped his hood did the roof blow off the place, they loved seeing Y/n back and Y/n loved being back, especially since the news that he and Nikki finally have their baby spread around like wild fire.

Y/n looked around the crowd with a small smile before his eyes landed on Paul in the corner, Y/n slowly walked towards Paul as Paul tried to get more and more into the corner then possible, he crowd quietly encouraged Y/n to get him but before he could, Y/n was spun around and hoisted onto the shoulders of Brock Lesnar.

Brock acted quickly and went for an F-5, only Y/n countered it and landed on his feet, Y/n stumbled into the ropes as Brock got to his feet, Y/n ran at Brock ducking a clothesline and spring boarding off the middle rope...

... Y/n kicked up as Brock sold the shot, he knows this is Y/n's big moment and isn't going to ruin it, Paul however quickly got out the ring while Y/n hyped up the crowd, Paul could only shout encouragement to the fallen Beast as Y/n took the hoodie off leaving him in his new merch t-shirt...

... Y/n got ready stalking Brock as the crowd loved seeing Brock being the one on the back foot for once, plus Y/n's not a small guy so seeing him go toe to toe with Brock is a nice change of pace, as much as they love seeing Y/n vs Seth, a change is needed.

Y/n waited for the perfect opportunity to strike then returned the favour Brock gave him and hoisted the big man onto his shoulders before driving him into the mat with the new move he's been working on...

... The crowd seemed to like it so Y/n will keep it, Y/n then looked to the WWE title on the deck and smiled walking towards it, Y/n slowly picked it up before approaching the downed Brock Lesnar, the WWE title in his left hand and microphone in his right.

Y/n: I'm back, bitch!

Y/n dropped both the title and mic onto Brock as he stood to his feet, the crowd are all behind Y/n as he has just declared war against himself and the Beast, for the first time in their respective careers Y/n will go after Brock Lesnar for the WWE title...


It's been a long night and Y/n's getting settled in his hotel room, he'll be heading home first thing in the morning, Y/n quickly took a shower and got into bed, it's been a long day and he hasn't traveled this much in months so he's bodies not used to it quiet yet, he'll get there eventually but it'll take time.

What he really needed though was to call the love of his life, so he laid there and called her, pressing the facetime button, Nikki eventually answered and Y/n felt really lucky for catching her at such a good time...

... Sure Y/n expected her to be getting ready for bed as well but seeing her in the bath tub was just a blessing in disguise, Y/n smiled to her as she seemed really happy to see him.

Nikki: Hey baby. You did great tonight.

Y/n snapped out of his little dream world and they got to talking mainly about their wedding coming up, Nikki wanted to postpone it a few more months because she didn't like the idea of walking down the aisle pregnant, Y/n told her she was being silly but in the end, it is Nikki's big day and what she wants, goes.

Y/n: How was she?

Y/n asked as their little girl is a few months old now and she's starting to teeth, apparently a 4 month old is a little young to be teething but Sara isn't like most and she's the child to two pretty tough people.

Nikki: Not too bad tonight, she missesher daddy.

Nikki smiled as did Y/n when he saw Sara crawl up her mommy and get into the camera view, Y/n was actually really happy to see her, she's already starting to look like Nikki, she has her features and hair colour, although she took her eyes from her daddy.

Y/n and Nikki spent the next hour or so just on the phone, during of which Nikki got out the tub with Sara, too long is too bad so as Y/n was on the phone, Nikki got Sara dried, ready for bed and settled into her crib, they have her bed in their room encase Sara wanted them during the night, then Nikki climbed into bed herself after shutting off the lights.

Nikki: Oh, I miss you~

She cutely whined while hugging Y/n's pillow like she would him, Y/n smiled to her through the call and put her mind at ease, he'll be home tomorrow and since next RAW he just has a promo to do, he already filmed it before leaving the arena so he has technically 2 weeks off to spend with his soon to be wife and kid, they want to bring Y/n back slowly to not over tire him out, that means no house shows and just live events.

Y/n: I'll see you both tomorrow. I love you.

Nikki blow a kiss into the phone, she never tires of hearing him say that, she did however get tired from the day she's had, she absolutely adores mother hood and adores Y/n for being the one to give her that, she really is so happy that she found herself the perfect guy...


Todays the big day, Y/n L/n and Nikki Bella are finally getting married, it's the day of the wedding, months of preparation and hard work has finally brought  them here, Nikki's been working around the clock with Brie and the wedding planner mapping this day out as Y/n just tended to stay out the way, Nikki said she needed him to get something, he got it, she asked him to do something, he did it, he just wanted today to be special for her.

Seth: Ready to go tough guy?

Y/n smiled to his best man while making sure his suit looks good, he wasn't too sure about it to begin with but now that he's wearing it, it's slowly growing on him...

... Nikki picked it out, he was just going to wear a pretty basic white, tailored suit but Nikki wanted to make a statement with this wedding, so Y/n's groomsman are wearing basic white, tailored suits as Y/n looks great with custom gold stitched into it, this cost him a small fortune.

Y/n: As ready as I'll ever be.

Seth smiled to him as they both walked out the room and towards the open garden that Nikki wanted for today, they were quite lucky when she decided not to get married while pregnant and were able to just change the date, so as Y/n stood at the arch with the priest behind him and the rest of his friends on his side.

Sara smiling to her daddy as she sat with the rest of Nikki's family sitting there, Y/n didn't actually have any family, his parents passed when he was a young man and he was an only child, his parents are here though in spirit.

Then the time came, the people around stopped making small talk as the music started to play, everyone looked down to the building and Y/n saw the most beautiful women in a magnificent wedding dress...

... She smiled down to him as she started to make the slow walk, neither of them were nervous, they both know their making the right choice choosing each other and are looking forward to the rest of their lives as husband and wife...


... Y/n was giving a week off from everything to do with WWE for the honeymoon, it's not really anything special for the small family, it's just a short break away from the hustle and bustle of life for the trio, Nikki, Y/n and Sara alone.

No social media, no friends and no family, just them in a secluded area in a beautiful place in Italy, Y/n was the one that found it, Nikki trusted him to sort the honeymoon out while she dealt with the Wedding and thank god she did because Y/n nailed it...

... Nikki watched as Y/n climbed onto the little row boat, he took Sara from her and helped her step over the water, she tumbled a little making Y/n catch her, it was nice almost like a scene out of a romantic movie, Nikki gave her now husband a quick kiss before taking Sara back from him and getting comfortable.

Nikki and Sara then enjoyed the lake as Y/n gently rowed them into the centre, they then just sat there, contemplating how much their lives have changed these past few years, they've found each other and continued to do what they've wanted all their lives, Y/n wrestling and Nikki branching out into the fashion world with her sister, all so they can make a better life for Sara when she's all grown up, Nikki was sitting in front of Y/n, his arms wrapped around her as he looked around them, she smiled to the fact she was able to find the perfect guy for her...


(How'd I do? Let me know! Take Care!)

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