Samantha Irvin: Who I'm Really Meant For!

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*Requested by Superflash2255*


Everyone knows the story of Samantha Irvin and Ricochet by now right, they met during their time on Monday Night RAW, fell in love with each other and are now months away from their big wedding day, Samantha herself can't wait for that day but one thing has become a bit of a spanner in the cogs of happiness, Samantha wants kids, pretty much right after they get married, 28 years old and she just has so much love to give, only thing is, Ricochet doesn't seem to want kids, maybe ever, they constantly argue about it, both having different dreams going into this wedding, Samantha can't help but wonder if he's the guy she's meant to be with after all.

So, after they had another pretty big argument, Ricochet left the hotel room to go and cool off, leaving Samantha all on her own, but she too wanted to go and lose some steam, so she dressed up as best she could...

... Which was pretty great, then found her way to the Hotel bar not too far from her room, she's not sure where Ricochet went but right now, she didn't care, she just needed a drink and that's where she saw him, Y/n L/n, the newest addition to Monday Night RAW, he's one of the most sort after agents in Wrestling, considered to be the best Indi wrestler ever, which is a high statement considering all the talent that came from there but from what she's heard, Y/n's got a pretty incredible career in the WWE.

Samantha: Hey, Y/n right?

Y/n sipped from his glass while looking at her, he can't lie and say he didn't think she was hot, the from the top that showed a small amount of cleavage to her knee high boots, she's a smoke show to him but he knows she's taken so he's going to keep it respectable, he can make friends though.

Y/n: Well, remembered. Samantha?

She nodded to him making him smile, they met the other night at his first show which was actually a 1 on 1 with Ricochet, Y/n won of course but it was a quick meeting, Samantha is great at remembering names though, Y/n not so much, he's hit his head on the mat a few times to many, so they got to know the other, Y/n distracted her from her little conflict with her boyfriend, in fact he distracted her so much so, neither were keeping count on how much they were drinking, so next thing they both knew, she was following him back to his room, pushing him inside when he unlocked the door.

Samantha and Y/n both being drunk though, they kind of just fell to the floor, her lips on his as his hands instinctively went to her ass, pulling her body into him, Samantha couldn't help but give a little moan into the kiss, but she got even more turned on when Y/n just sat up, wrapped her legs around him then easily lifted her from the floor and moved them over to the bed, Ricochet wasn't able to do that with her because he's much smaller then Y/n, Samantha was about to find out how much bigger then her fiance he actually is, in more ways then one...


Samantha woke up the next morning with a blinding headache that hurt so much when she opened her eyes, after fighting the pain a little, she managed to sit up and squint her eye to look around, it didn't take her long to realise that this isn't her or Ricochet's room, it's someone else's, she didn't want to wait around because she knew what she did last night, she fucked Y/n last night.

Samantha: Oh god.

She whined to herself as she double checked to make sure it wasn't just some crazy dream, it couldn't have been because she's in the bed, naked, she also remembered most of it and it was easily the best sex she's ever had, it was amazing, Y/n knew exactly what to do and where to go, he didn't need to be told like some people do.

Samantha: I should get going.

Samantha said to herself as she got up from the bed, letting out a large stretch, Y/n must be in the bathroom or something because he's not here now, all that was here is her clothes, scattered around from last night, Samantha picked them all up, the got dressed, her panties first, her pants second, then just her top, she decided to just throw her bra in her bag, she'll be heading back to her room anyway for a shower herself, also something to ease the hangover, she just hopes that things won't be awkward between her and Y/n now because of this...


... It's now been a few weeks since Y/n's and Samantha's secret, Y/n did keep it a secret as well, apparently he had no intentions of sleeping with her that night either, the alcohol just got the better of them both, so they stayed friends, almost like it never happened, sure they've got closer then before but friends can come out of nowhere and no one is suspecting a thing.

Samantha: Hold on...

Samantha's sitting in her hotel room alone, Ricochet has gone to a friends room, leaving her alone for the moment, he wasn't going to be gone long but it was long enough for Samantha to realise one thing, one detail that made her heart sink into her stomach.

Samantha: ... I'm late. How can I be late? I haven't even...

Samantha went through the last few weeks, she and Ricochet agreed to no sex till the wedding, it was supposed to make the night all that much more special for them but she did have sex with Y/n and she doubts that in their drunken state that he made sure to be protected, so with a new found panic, she rushed to find a pregnancy test, most women carry them around with them these days for obvious reasons, like one night stands that weren't supposed to have happened.

Samantha: Come on. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please...

She begged while kneeling on the hotel bathroom floor, the pregnancy test on the side as she waited for the news, if she is then that might ruin her relationship with Ricochet, not to mention how Y/n might take the news, she already knows her fiancé is't that interested in having kids but what about him, if she is pregnant and he turns her away as well, she'll be alone with the child, yes she wants kids but not to be alone.

Samantha: Okay... Moment of truth...

Samantha took a really deep breath then flipped the stick over, deep down she already knew the answer, she didn't really need the test to tell her, only one thing comes from having a late period at her age and it's this...

... She didn't know what to do or think, on one hand she has her fiance who she does love but he doesn't want the same things in life that she does, she wants a baby, she wants a family but he doesn't, so she thought about not keeping the baby and just pretending like this never happened, but the idea was quickly brushed aside, she would never do that, she respects people's right to make their own choice but an abortion is not going to happen, so she did the only thing she could think of to do right now.

Samantha: I need to speak to Y/n.

Samantha grabbed the test and went to get dressed, he's her best friend now, she can talk to him about this, plus it's his baby too and she needs to know how he'd react first before she told her soon to be husband, that sounds so bad but it's her only option, she's pretty sure Ricochet will reject her, she just needs to know if she'll still have Y/n after or not.

Truth be told, Samantha has actually been feeling a little more attracted towards Y/n then Ricochet, like when you go a long time without sex and you think of all the dirty, twisted things you can do once your able to finally get a play time, she doesn't picture doing them with Ricochet but with Y/n, that's not right.

Y/n: Alright Sam? What's up?

She didn't even realise she got to his room, she must have been in her own little world, him answering the door with a smile snapped her out of it though, even if he's shirtless and it's quite hard to keep her focus, she does need to talk to him about the fact their going to be having a baby together.

Samantha: Can we talk? Quickly?

Y/n nodded as he could tell by the tone in her voice that it was serious, honestly he was hoping that she dumped Ricochet so she can be with him, Y/n's kind of became obsessed with Samantha ever since that night, not in a weird stalker way but the idea of her being with another man is giving him a horrible knot in his stomach.

Y/n: What's up?

Samantha watched him grab two bottles of water and hand one towards her, Samantha didn't want it but her hands took it anyway, she's not sure why but they did, she then watched him sit on the edge of the small table in his room, there isn't much in here other then the must have's a TV, bed, bathroom and a little table to write stuff down on, she's never seen anyone use that thing for it's true purpose though.

Samantha: Well, I uh... I'm not really sure how to say this...

Y/n chuckled a little to her being so nervous, so of course his mind went to her saying that she's going to leave Ricochet for him, all he did know was hope filled his heart making him stand from his relaxed spot and walked towards her, taking her hands into his and making her look up to him.

Y/n: Whatever it is, I won't be mad... I think...

Samantha chuckled at him a little looking at their hands connected to each other, they did look good like that, his hands are much bigger then hers but they seemed to be a perfect match, so she looked up to him again, this time his eyes locked to hers as a small smirk appeared on his mouth, making her just spill the beans.

Samantha: I'm pregnant.

Y/n's smile dropped as he did the maths, he realised that she's not here for him, she came here to tell him the good news, something that Samantha didn't think about, he isn't to know that she and Ricochet agreed to leave sex till their wedding night, so she didn't think that his first thought would be it being his baby.

Y/n: Oh. That's great. Congrats, I'm happy for you both.

He might have said those words but he defiantly didn't mean them as he gently let go of her hands and slowly stepped back towards the table, grabbing the bottle of water and taking a pretty big drink, apparently he stress drinks, while tried to drink away his pain with water, it clicked for Samantha that he thinks the baby's Ricochets but it's not.

Samantha: No, you don't understand. It's yours...

As soon as those last words left her lips, Y/n spat out his drink causing a pretty big mess, not only on himself but also all over that small pointless table in the rooms, he then turned to her with a new light in his eyes, apparently he wanted this and is happy to be having a baby, not the reaction she expected to be honest.

Samantha: ... It's your baby. I wanted to tell you before I told Ricochet...

Samantha looked down to the floor thinking about telling her soon to be husband that she's pregnant with another man's baby mere weeks away from their wedding, it's not going to go well of course but Y/n didn't let her look down, he walked over to her and rested his hand on her cheek, making her look up to him.

Samantha: ... I'm pretty sure he's not going to take it as well as you have.

Y/n smiled down to her as she smiled up to him, this would be the perfect time to share a kiss but neither of them did, they kind of just stood there till Samantha cleared her throat while taking a step back from him, she actually doesn't feel bad about that night anymore, though she never actually did because it felt right, it felt like she was meant for him.

Samantha: Well, I best go let him know. Worst case scenario is we break up.

Y/n had to hide his smile from hearing that, he's hoping Ricochet does freak out because he's more then happy to steal his girl, so while Samantha composed herself, she walked towards the door, but before she could leave, Y/n called out to her making her stop and turn to him, standing there still without a shirt on and one hand in his jean pocket.

Y/n: Your welcome to come back here. You know, if worst case scenario.

He smiled to her which made her smile, she was over the moon to know she wouldn't be alone in this, that was one of the things that scared her the most so to hear him say that to her meant so much, but now she needed to go tell Ricochet and left with a small sigh, Y/n won't lie, he waited and hoped that it would go the way he hopes, so when a knock came at his door about an hour or so later, he looked through the peephole to see a pretty upset Samantha.

Y/n: Yes!

He whisper cheered to himself before going back to normal and opening the door like he was surprised to see her, as soon as she looked up to him with her bags in hand, he knew she was single now and let her into the room, he didn't ask Samantha what happened because he didn't really care what Ricochet had to say, Y/n just wanted Samantha and the baby all to himself, no one else...


... It's been 5 years since that night and things have never been better, 4 years ago Samantha gave birth to not only one but wo beautiful baby girls Willow and Wynter L/n, right after they were born Y/n asked Samantha to marry him and she said "Yes", of course she did, Y/n was there for her during the toughest moment's of her life, he kept her comfy and loved, that's all she needed.

Samantha: Hmmm.

Samantha hummed to herself in discomfort as she adjusted in their bed, Samantha's pregnant again, this time with a baby boy, of course they didn't care about gender but it was nice to have a boy when they already have two girls, they even already have a name for this baby boy, keeping with the "W" theme, Wyatt...

*R.I.P Bray*

... However, Y/n has the magic touch because when he's around Wyatt doesn't make a move, almost like he's comfortable when he's daddy's around but right now, he's not here, Y/n's making sure the twins are tucked into bed nice and cosily.

Y/n: That's two in bed and asleep...

Samantha looked to the front door where his voice came from, a lot's changed in the past years, lick now he has a beard, nothing too crazy but it's fun for her to run her hands through when their cuddling, she smiled though when he gently fell to their bed and moved his face close to her 9 month old baby bump, that's right any day now and Wyatt will be with them.

Y/n: ... One more to go.

Samantha watched as he left little kisses over her exposed tummy as well as rubbing his hand in a small circle, she enjoys it to, when Wyatt relaxes that means she can as well, it also tickles a little but not enough to make her laugh or anything.

Samantha: Thanks. He loves his daddy already.

Y/n smiled up to her as she looked down to the longest reigning WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion of the world, that's right, for 4 years, Y/n's been that guy in the WWE, it wasn't supposed to have gone this far but once he beat Roman Reigns for the belt, they didn't want to see him drop it, no one seems bored with him as Champion, no matter the circumstance, they cheer for him, for 1,500 days he's been Champion and it doesn't look like it's coming to an end anytime soon.

Samantha: Love you.

Samantha managed to get comfy on her side as Y/n slipped into the bed behind her, his left hand rest on her tummy so Wyatt don't keep her up and his right is folded, with her resting her head on his arm while his hand is tucked under his own pillow, they can't get any closer even if they tried.

Y/n: And I adore you.

That made her smile as she felt him lean over and kiss her cheek, she snuggled even more into his arms as they drifted off to sleep, after that night 5 years ago, Ricochet pretty much went weird, trying to cause trouble with Y/n whenever he could forcing Y/n and Samantha to be transferred over to the blue brand, the last thing they heard is he went back to Lucha Underground, apparently WWE didn't like his change of attitude and as respectful as they can be, Y/n and Samantha didn't care, they are finally with the person their meant to be with, they were meant for each other and no one's getting between them anymore, no one...


{Let me know how I did! Take Care!}

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