Aya Maruyama & Yukina Minato x Male Reader

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(Author's Note: Requested by no one, but me.)

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm probably one of the lucky guys who has not one, but two girls to be my friend. Not to mention that they're my senior. Their name was Aya Maruyama and Yukina Minato.

Both of them are third-year students of each school. Aya is in Hanasakigawa Girls Academy and Yukina is in Haneoka Girls Academy.

Here's how we met. My friend is a huge fan of both Pastel*Palettes and Roselia, so he gave me a listen to their songs and it's really good. That's how I became their fans and wish to meet them in real life.

I went to their concert and I get to see the band members. They're really cute and gorgeous as well, but the vocalists are the one who attracts me the most. Aya with how cute her voice and appearance are, and Yukina who has a charming voice along with her beautiful appearance.

I get to meet both of the vocalists once the concert ends and confess to them that I'm their biggest fan. Later on, I kept seeing them everywhere I go and at one point, me and the two vocalists decided to become friends. I also called them my senpai.

Present time...


For the day, I have planned to visit a cat cafe since I have a huge passion for cats. As I was walking, I wasn't expecting what was about to happen to me.

???: (Y/N)-kun!

Out of nowhere, someone pulled me into a hug and it was Aya-senpai.

Yukina: Maruyama-san, what are you doing to (Y/N)-san?

Yukina-senpai said as she appeared beside me.

Aya: Hehe~ Are you jealous, Yukina-chan?

Yukina: Don't be ridiculous.

She said and from her tone, I can tell that she's not admitting that she is.

(Y/N): Hello, Aya-senpai, and Yukina-senpai.

I smiled at them and they greet me back.

Yukina, Aya: Hello.

(Y/N): What brings you here?

Aya: We just wanted to see our junior. Right, Yukina-chan?

She teased Yukina a little as she nodded in agreement.

Yukina: She's right. So, where are you going?

(Y/N): I have this urge to pet some cats, so I want to go to a cat cafe.

Aya: Cat cafe?

Yukina: Sounds good. Can we go with you?

Yukina-senpai said with a sudden reaction. I guess she just really loves cats.

(Y/N): Sure thing, the more the merrier.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N), Chibi Aya and Chibi Yukina petting a cat for each one of them.

Cat Cafe...

We arrived at the cat cafe and come inside. The waiter greets us immediately.

Waiter: Welcome! A table for three?

(Y/N): Yes, please.

Waiter: Come this way.

The waiter brought us to an empty table where it was nearby the window.

Waiter: Please wait and have fun with the cats.

She leaves us as the cats start climbing up to our bodies and rubbing their fur.

Aya: Aww~ You little feline~ Come here.

Aya-senpai carried a cat and rub her cheek on its face.

Yukina: Maruyama-san, you love cats too?

Aya: Can't say I'm not.

Seeing both of the girls makes me feel embarrassed by them.

(Y/N): Both of you... look so cute.

My face become red when I complimented them. They giggled at me.

Aya: Thank you, (Y/N)-kun.

Yukina: Meow~

Yukina-senpai becomes a cat as her cuteness sends a critical strike in my heart.

(Y/N): A-Anyway, are you girls busy today?

Aya: Nope, Pastel*Palettes doesn't have a rehearsal today, so that's why I'm here.

Yukina: Roselia was busy with their own business as well, so that's why I'm here.

(Y/N): I see. Band life must've been hard for you girls, huh?

Aya: That's right. We got lots of work to do. Rehearsal, fan meetings, setting up the stage, and many more.

Yukina: With our hard work, everything went well and we became experienced in these things.

(Y/N): Oh... I see...

I put my head down while being disappointed in myself. They noticed this and asked me.

Aya: What's wrong? Why are you feeling down?

Cat: Meow~

The cat meows as it brushes its fur on my chest to try to cheer me up.

(Y/N): I-I'm sorry. I just thought that when you girls told me about your hard work and it went well, I feel... left out. A thousand miles behind both of you who got your fans and achievements. You girls are way too amazing if I were, to be honest.

They became silent once they heard the truth coming from me. The cat purrs at me, but it didn't help to heal my heart. But then, Yukina-senpai speaks up.

Yukina: What are you saying? You're trying your best too, you know?

Aya: Yukina-chan's right. We didn't mean to show off to you. We're just telling you that we also have our struggles.

She puts her hand on my shoulder as I gazed at her.

Aya: So, don't get yourself down because of this, okay?

Yukina: Just try your best. We'll give you support if we can.

Aya-senpai and Yukina-senpai gave me a reassuring smile and my heart is fully healed thanks to them.

(Y/N): Ahaha, yeah. I guess I'm just overthinking.

Yukina: Don't let that become something that'll ruin our bonds.

(Y/N): I won't, I promise. I'll work hard as well like you girls.

Aya: That's more like it.

Waiter: Sorry for the wait! Here's your order!

Yukina: Let's eat now. We're here not to just pet the cats and chat about random things.

Aya, (Y/N): Yeah!

We begin digging into the coffee and cake as we have fun for the day.

Third Person's POV

Right now, Yukina and Aya were walking to their home as Aya asked Yukina.

Aya: Yukina-chan, do you love (Y/N)-kun?

She stopped her tracks because she wasn't expecting that question.

Yukina: Why are you asking this?

Aya: I noticed that you keep staring at him. Do you think that he's quite charming?

Yukina: Y-Yes, I do. I... have a crush on him.

She said with a tint of blush on her face.

Aya: I knew it.

Yukina: What about you, Maruyama-san?

Aya: To be honest, me too.

Yukina: I wonder... why do we fall for someone like (Y/N)-san?

Yukina pondered about the question as she stared at the orange sky and Aya answered her.

Aya: I'm questioning myself the same. I guess that he's just really nice to us.

Yukina: I can see that.

Yukina supported Aya's statement.

Aya: How about this? We'll make a small challenge where you and I will make (Y/N) develop his feeling for us. Whoever (Y/N) chose at the end, I guess one of us has to remain as his friend.

Yukina pondered once again about Aya's challenge. She thought that it was something that she won't give up with. So, she decided and agreed with Aya.

Yukina: I accept, but you know that I'm not the type of person who would give up easily.

Aya: Fufu~ I do, and I won't either. So, good luck.

Yukina: You too.

They smiled at each other and bid goodbye before walking separate ways.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) bow down at Chibi Aya and Chibi Yukina.

(Y/N)'s POV

Lately, Aya-senpai and Yukina-senpai are being nice to me and when I ask them, they simply said it's something usual that they would do to me.

I couldn't watch them practice at all since I serve no important part of any band girl's life. I'm just a guy and all I can do is support them by going to every single concert of theirs with my friend.

Speaking of him, I didn't tell him about me befriending Aya-senpai and Yukina-senpai. If I told him, he would be envious of me and will end our friendship instantly.

(Y/N): Man, what should I do today? Maybe some scrolling through some social media might fill the time.

Suddenly, my phone rang and I opened it. I received a message from Aya-senpai.

Aya: (Y/N)-kun, meet us at the park.

(Y/N): Huh? Why?

Aya: You'll know later. Trust me.

I obeyed Aya-senpai and headed over to the park immediately, canceling my intention to scroll through social media. I'm curious about what will she want to do. Once I get there, both Aya-senpai and Yukina-senpai were there waiting for me.

Aya: You finally came.

(Y/N): I am.

Yukina: You weren't too late.

Aya: (Y/N)-kun, we have something important to confess to you.

Yukina: Both of us have had a crush on you for a while now.

I can't believe what I just heard. Aya-senpai and Yukina-senpai have a crush on me, who is their biggest fan. I got surprised by hearing the sudden confession and asked them.

(Y/N): Eh? Really?

Yukina: That's true. Me and Maruyama-san even make a small challenge on who can make you attracted to either one of us even more.

Aya: So, who do you choose? Me, or Yukina-chan?

I can't decide who I love the most. I don't want to either leave Aya-senpai or Yukina-senpai heartbroken by my words, so I give them my answer.

(Y/N): To be honest, I can't choose. You both have the things that make you special. So, my decision is final and I will say it.

I paused as I take a deep breath and finally confess to them.

(Y/N): I love both of you equally, and I won't be afraid to say so.

There was no response coming from Aya-senpai and Yukina-senpai.

Aya: (Y/N)-kun...

Yukina: So, that's your answer.

They approached me as my leg couldn't move to back away from them.

(Y/N): D-Did I say anything wrong? If I did, then please forgive me. I just really admire and hoping to deepen my bond with you girls.

They finally went close to me and whisper at my ear.

Aya: Stand still.

Yukina: We're not going to hurt you.

Aya: But instead, we want to do this.

(Y/N): D-Do wha-

Suddenly, they kissed both of my cheeks as they pulled away and smile at me. Their warm lips touched me for the very first time in my life.

Aya, Yukina: We love you, (Y/N)-kun/(Y/N)-san. We really do.

They gave me a warm smile and Yukina glance at Aya.

Yukina: Maruyama-san?

Aya nodded as I'm confused about what will they do. They played a game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" and at the end, Yukina won the game as she cupped my cheek.

Yukina: I won, and I'll have my first kiss now.

She kissed my lips and this makes me blush deeply, but I just let her do the thing until she's satisfied. After that, Aya-senpai went to me and did the same.

Aya: Ehehe~ My turn~

She kissed me, and she went to put her tongue into my mouth. I guess she's not satisfied that she lost the small game and I just let her do what she wants. After a few moments, she separate from the kiss and we pant heavily.

(Y/N): Haaah~ A-Aya-senpai... Yukina... senpai...

Yukina: Are you satisfied, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah...

I panted as the three of us sat at the nearby empty bench.

Yukina: I can't believe you decided to choose both of us.

Aya: And we're so happy to hear that coming from you.

(Y/N): Thank you, Aya-senpai, Yukina-senpai.

Yukina: No need to call us that anymore.

Aya: From now on, call us Aya-chan and Yukina-chan, okay?

(Y/N): Eh? B-But, we're just a year apart.

Yukina: That doesn't mean you can't call us other than your senpai, you know?

Aya: Yukina-chan's right. It won't hurt to call us by "-chan".

(Y/N): O-Okay then, Aya-chan, Yukina-chan.

From that day, I have become a boyfriend to Aya-senpai and Yukina-senpai. I give them love, affection and attention equally not only as their biggest fan... but also as the one who they love the most.

(The end...)

(Author's Note: I make this one-shot because I just wanted to see an interaction between Aya and Yukina. That's all. Anyway, see you later.)

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