Good Riddance

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Everyone, including Cold, stood still as Summer began to look around. "I' Beacon?" Cold looked at me with wide eyes and his mouth agape. It was then that her eyes set upon her daughter, well daughters if you wanna count Yang. "Yang...Ruby. You've gotten so big. The baby in my arms was so..." Ruby and Yang's tears flowed freely as Ruby dropped Crescent Rose "M-Mom." Summer looked back at me and it seemed like she couldn't find the proper words. "I've brought you here so you could learn the truth, Summer Rose." The girls froze as Summer seemed confused. "Truth? The truth about what?" She looked back at Ruby who started to shake "M-Mom don't listen to a damn word that monster says! He k-"

"I killed sinners who've harmed or damaged those who don't deserve it. Your husband, Taiyang was one of these sinners. Most likely anyways. Ghira Belladonna cheated on his loving wife who currently, is the bearer of my child. Cardin, Neptune, Sun, Fox, Ren, Yastu, Coco, Velvet, Weiss, Blake, Nora, Pyrrha, and of course, Yang, and Ruby. ALL SINNERS!" That loving look in her eyes had disappeared. She looked back to Yang and Ruby who looked at the ground " this true?"

"Mom I... we..."
"Why'd you do it? Answer me right now!!!"
"Because he was a useless fuck okay?!" Yang's eyes went red. "There was no way he could satisfy us so we did the reasonable t-"
"Actually Ms. Rose..."

She turned to me again and I pointed to Cold. "This man has been scarred by Yang and that redheaded girl over there." Cold began to grit his teeth as he held his gun tighter "Every single day, I get flashbacks to that moment. I remember that day to the smallest detail. What the weather was like, what time it was, what we had for lunch, all of it."

Flashback- Cold, er, Jaune POV

If there was one thing I would say about this would be that it's the best thing I've ever tasted. Though, it could use a bit more cheese. I looked around the table, but the odd thing was that Pyrrha and Yang had been missing. Maybe they're training or something. "Hey Ruby..." She looked up from her cookies "Where's Pyrrha and Yang? Shouldn't they be here." Ruby just smiled and wiped the crumbs from her face "They're setting up something special for... Y/N and they said that they could use a hand. We didn't go since we were hungry, but-"

"Why don't I go? I'm almost finished anyways."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Sounds like fun!"

5 Minutes Later

As I made my way down the hall, I saw Pyrrha waving at me with a bright smile "Hello Jaune!" Well she seems a bit too happy. She must really love Y/N to do all of this. "Hey Pyr! Heard you were setting up something special for Y/N and I wanted to help."

"Perfect! Just head inside and we'll get to work." I made my way inside and Pyrrha follwed me in, shutting the door. "It's a bit dark don't you think?" I didn't get an answer, only the sound of something shifting and opening "Hey Vomit Boy~" I perked up when I heard Yang and I rubbed the back of my head "Hey Yang! Where were you at? The bathroom or something?"

"Something like that~" I raised an eyebrow, but I just shook my head "So where's the decorations? Aren't we-" I was pushed to the ground and I could feel something holding me down. "U-Uh Pyrrha, I think you might've bumped into me by accident." I still couldn't see anything. It was like this room just got darker. The light started to come on a bit and my eyes went wide. The sight of Pyrrha and Yang naked nearly gave me a heart attack. Yang had been holding me down while Pyrrha watched with a smirk "Y-Yang, Pyr, put some clothes on! And get off of me!" I started to struggle, but she just licked her lips.

"Calm down Vomit Boy. Being fucked by two hot girls would warm up any guy's heart."

End Flashback

"I'll always remember it. It will haunt me for as long as I live."


"Mom I-"

I could hear their hearts shattering. It was like being in an opera house full of pros. "You said you kill sinners... Have fun." Summer turned her back towards Ruby and started to walk towards Beacon, however, Pyrrh had thrown her javelin towards Summer. My eyes went black and I ran/phased through Summer, grabbing it, and running through them, stabbing Fox in his eye. I then broke it in half and stabbed the other part in as well. "Not that it would make a difference. You're blind either way." He fell backwards and Coco screamed in anguish. Her mini gun started to spin, but before it could fire, Cold froze her in her tracks. The unarmed Nora attempted to disarm Cold, but she became a popsicle as well. "You tried to kill an innocent woman Nikos. How far you've fallen."

Summer, however, continued walking. "She's lucky I don't have my weapon."

With Nora, Coco, and Fox out the picture, that only left Yang, Ruby, Pyrrha, and Weiss. I smirked and cracked my neck "You take your two, I'll take mine." I grabbed Ruby and Weiss and ran off to a place where the bodies would never be found.

Cold POV

Finally, I have these two to myself. "Jaune, we know you're angry, but this isn't the way to go." I growled and began to fire an Ice Blast towards her, but she put up her shield to block it. I smirked as her shield started to freeze to Absolute Zero, but she dropped it just in time so her hand didn't freeze. Yang used her gauntlets to boost herself towards me, but I put up an ice shield...that she broke through. Her hair was glowing and her eyes had been a bright red. "Temper temper!" I smirked and took a few steps back as I fired.

Zoom POV

I let go of Ruby and Weiss as they began to roll. "Ruby, the innocent prodigy, defiled by a racist fuck. Weiss Schnee, heir of the Schnee Dust Company, fucked by a grave robber. The two of you could've changed the world. Too bad that your lives end here!"

Ruby's eyes had been filled with tears and she didn't seem to get back up "I'm sorry Mom..." Weiss however, was a different story. She stood back up and growled "Don't talk about that asshole! I don't wanna hear anything about him!" I ran behind her and punched her square in the back, breaking her spine in half. She fell to the ground and started shaking "I want this to be a massacre. There will be no fighting back." I stepped on her wrist, breaking them and looking at Ruby "Your partner's too much of a mess right now. I wonder what's going through her mind right now. Hehe..." I kicked her weapon aside and kicked her over so she'd be laying on her back. I jumped into the air and came down on her stomach. "Tell me Weiss...were you pregnant?" The tears in her eyes told me her answer "Oh, that's too bad." I continued to jump on to her stomach and with my speed I made sure to make it hurt even worse. I stopped and got off of her stomach. I picked her up by her ponytail and looked back at Ruby, who was still a mess. "Look at me Rose..." She slowly picked up her head and her eyes widened into terror "You stayed there, crying to yourself while I brutalized your teammate. This goes ro show that you weren't ready for the real world." I moved my hand down from her ponytail to her head and started to crush it while she starts to scream in agony "Y/N stop!" I looked at Ruby lazily and dropped Weiss. "K-Kill me instead. Just leave Weiss alone...please."

I chuckled and crouched down "Now why would I listen to you? After the things you've done, why would anyone? Your father is dead. Your dog is dead. Your sister is going to die. Your mother came back, only to disown you. All of your suffering is because of one person. You. You cannot put the blame on me. If you hadn't sucked Cardin's dick, you wouldn't be here. And for that... I'll keep you alive. I'll make sure that you suffer the longest. I was gonna make Blake suffer, but I have plans for her." I stood up and grabbed Weiss' weapon "And the next thing...will be the death of Weiss."

"NO!!!" I stabbed Weiss through the neck and walked off "The blood isn't on my hands. It's on yours." I ran back to Cold's location to see that Pyrrha was frozen and that Yang had ice shards in her legs. She was on her knees and Cold started to make his way towards her "You'll be meeting your Dad soon enough." I ran towards them an chuckled "She will." Cold took out a device from his pocket and looked at me "Force her mouth open." I shrugged and went behind her, prying her mouth open. He tossed the device down her throat and it started to freeze her from the inside. "Don't even shatter her. Just leave her there."

We turned out attention to Pyrrha and smirked "Thinking what I'm thinking?"

10 Minutes Later

Cold held up Pyrrha's frozen form and laughed "I know this joke is done to death, but have a nice fall." He threw her off the roof and after a few seconds the sound of it breaking could be heard. "Did you kill Ruby?" He turned to me and I took my gloves off "She'll suffer for the rest of her life. Is Velvet still frozen?"

"Before you came I had a bit of help taking care of her."
"Who helped?"

Ozpin POV

I slowly began to sip my coffee.


"And what of Nora and Coco? I didn't see their bodies."
"Used them as shields when I was fighting those two whores."

Time Skip

I entered the warehouse to find Blake in the same spot as last time "Hey Kitty, I'm back." She looked at me with anger in her eyes, but then stopped when she saw my smirk "They... they're all dead."

"All but one."
"Ruby. I'm gonna make her suffer for what she's done. As for you..." I caressed her cheek and smiled "I'm gonna see how long it'll take to break you."

A/N: And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion to Monster Of Your Making. I'd like to thank the people who've supported this story from the beginning, it means a lot to me and hopefully I can deliver with other stories. Oh wait, one more thing....

Cold POV

I stood in this line wait for 13 fucking minutes! I sighed and left the restaurant, only to come back with my freeze gun. I froze the people in line and walked up to the front "Don't try anything funny. You know exactly why I'm here."

"F-for t-"
"Yes! For the goddamn wings!"
"We...we ran out about 5 minutes ago."
".....Do you have a daughter?"
"How old?"
"Cool. You wanna see her grow up right?"
"Then. Find. Me. My. God. Damn. Wings."

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