Plans Gone...Right?

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Blake POV

Oh God my head! It feels like a bullhead just fell on top of it "You're finally up Blake. That's really good to know." I growled and tried to escape my bonds, but to no avail. "It's no use kitty cat. Not will you're here with me." My body shook at the sound of Y/N's voice "What's wrong Baby Doll?" He went to my level and smiled at me and I growled "I'll kill you for what you did to me and my family! You hear me?! I'll end you!" He chuckled and grabbed my neck "You and I both know that you're too weak to do anything against me. I mean, who would you even talk to out here?" I looked around and my eyes widened. Y/N had me in some place I didn't even know "Where could we be Blake? Atlas, a place of faunus haters? Vale? No. I wouldn't be that stupid. Mistral? Well...they do have their fair share of faunus murders. Vacuo? Anything's possible."

He stood up and cracked his neck "You wanna know something hilarious? Not only did I... possibly get Kali pregnant, but I murdered two boy toys earlier and let me tell you, it felt...wonderful. Not only that, but now all of Remnant knows your little secrets. The murdering, the raping, the robberies, and the cheating. I made sure to show videos of everything you and those bastards did. And you know what? I think I'll go back there and act like I've been fighting Zoom. Oh, I'm Zoom by the way, but you already knew that, hehe. Now you're probably saying 'How will he get them to believe him?' well, I have a plan. See, I'm able to...grab myself from another time. Okay, that sounds complicated, but I don't care. Anyways, I'll record us 'fighting' and leak it. Smart? I know." He chuckled and leaned beside me "They'd trust me to bring an end to him but really, I'd bring an end to them. And it's all because of you. You decided that I wasn't enough and now people will die because of your decision." He smirked and put his mask back on "Now don't wait for me too long now. I still have two fuckers to deal with. Behave while I'm gone and maybe, just maybe, I'll bring you a TV."

Ozpin POV

I think I'll have Port take Goodbitch's position. Yes, that'll do nicely. Just need to make him busy so I don't hear him ramble. Maybe I'll have him do my paperwork because I'm fucking bored! "Professor Ozpin we... we've found someone important!" Finally! My boredom is cured! "Bring them in Oobleck." The door opened and... Oh. My. God. "Y-Y/N?! Where have you been my boy?" I got out of my seat and have him a hug "I... I've been fighting a demon for I don't know how long. His semblance is similar to mine." Zoom came to my mind and I nodded "Yes, all of Remnant has seen him. Zoom I presume?" (Hehe, rhymed.)

He nodded and fell to his knees "Y/N! Are you alright?!" He started shaking and grabbed his shoulder "Y-Yeah. Just...just gotta rest for a while. Zoom is... he's just too strong!" I sighed and helped him into a chair "Y/N there... there's something you need to know. Your lovers...they... they were unfaithful. Some sexually assaulted Mr. Arc who locked himself in one of the abandoned rooms. For some reason when one of the students walked passed the room they froze and we couldn't unfreeze them. But back to the topic at hand. Even though I...I shouldn't be happy about the deaths of students I'm glad that they are getting punished. If I knew this would've happened they wouldn't even be here."


...Wait what? Ozpin...agrees with me? That...holy fuck. "Let's get you to the infirmary Y/N. I'm sure you need some rest and a large meal." ...Since when did Ozpin become so cool?!

Time Skip- Yang POV

I really fucking hate this! Ever since that Zoom guy showed up everything's gone to shit! Everyone hates us and not only that, but...he...he took Dad and Zwei away from us. That bastard needs to pay! "Hey did you guys hear? Y/N came back after a fight with Zoom!"

"You serious?"
"No joke! Turns out he was alive after all!"
"Well where is he?"
"The infirmary. Guy looked pretty banged up."

Y/N's alive?! I looked around the table to see everyone with wide eyes "He... he's alive and he...he fought Zoom. We gotta get to him  to find out more about this bastard!" We all nodded to each other and ran towards the infirmary.


I can hear their footsteps from here. Perfect. The door opened and they ran up to me "Baby, where have you been?" Do they really think I'm stupid? And I thought Cardin was dumb. "Baby? Yang...I know what you guys did." Let's put my acting skills to good use "You guys... you hurt me in ways I..." I bite my lip and a "tear" came down "I trusted all of you. Didn't... didn't you love me back at all? And...I thought of the guys as brother, but it turns out you guys...just wanted to get close to..." I "cried" more and Pyrrha hugged me. Get your fucking hands off of me you fucking rapist! "Y/N we...we should've told you that we didn't feel the same. It... it's our fault that your heart is broken, but let us fix you!" I looked her in the eye and bit my lip "I... I'm sorry, but I can't. I can't risk it. You'll just break my heart again." Yang, Ruby, and Nora also hugged me while I "cried."

I'm burning these clothes.

Jaune POV

Yang and Pyrrha will pay for what they did! I'll show them that revenge is a dish best served cold! I picked up my weapon and smirked "What was it that Yang said to me? Oh yes. 'Calm down Vomit Boy. Being fucked by two hot girls would warm up any guy's heart.' Well slut...I like my heart colder than the Ice Bitch's family."

A/N: Yeah, if Y/N is Zoom then Jaune's Captain Cold. Thing is... Nevermind. Don't wanna spoil it. You'll need to wait til next time! Also check out the Scorpion story if you haven't.

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