Alice x Insane Male Reader x Fem Mad Hatter x Fem Alice in Wonderland Cast

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A/N: requested by John_Cipher. Enjoy.

You were running away from the police, you had escaped the insane asylum. They said you were insane but you think that they were the insane ones who needed or be in there. Right now you were looking for somewhere to hid until the police was gone. You kept running until you accidentally fell into a hole near a tree and fell down a long hole.

(Y/N): aaaaahhhhhh....ok that's enough of that. Good thing I have a perasoot.

You pulled but the only thing that you pulled on was the side of your shirt and made it rip. You didn't even have a perasoot.

(Y/N): damn it this thing never works!

You hit the ground face first.



After a bit of trying to get out of that room you were in you were now walking around this odd looking place. It seems dark and sort of dead-ish.

(Y/N): wow this place is not looking so well.

???: hello there.

You turned around and saw a girl with long hair wearing a blue and white dress.

(Y/N): oh hello. Who are you?

Alice: I'm alice.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N).

Alice: so what brings you to wonderland?

(Y/N): wonderland? It looks more like a dead land.

Alice: oh it may look that way but it's really a good place.

You noticed that she had a blood stained knife behind her back. She didn't know you noticed.

(Y/N): oh um I haft to go my Dog is calling me "barks"

Alice: that was just you barking.

(Y/N): don't be ridiculous. "barks"

Alice: -_-

(Y/N): don't give me that look. That's a real living breathing dog calling for me. "barks"

Alice: -_-

You then run off right before alice tried to hit you in the legs with her knife.

Alice: damn.

As you were running through a dead forest, you hired a different voice talking to you.

(Y/N): Who's there?

???: me that's who.

You looked and saw a girls with purple hair, cat ears and a tail.

(Y/N): a neko?

???: what's a neko I'm just a cat. Cheshire cat for that matter.

(Y/N): ok then what do you want?

She was suddenly on the opposite side of you.

Cheshire: I'm just seeing what a cute boy like you is doing in a place like this.

(Y/N): well that's what I'm trying to find out myself.

That's when you saw an odd looking woman in a hat sitting with a girl with rabbit girl and another girl who had mouse features. They noticed you.

Mad Hater: well hello there. Would you like to join us for a tea party?

(Y/N): oh...uh..sure.

You say down on the table with them and drank a small sip of tea until you noticed the three women doing weird shit.

(Y/N): 0_0

Cheshire cat: oh they always do this most of the times.

(Y/N): um....ok.

That's when you hired alice yelling for you.

Alice: (Y/N), get back here!

(Y/N): oh look at the time I must be going now.

Mad hater: time?

That's when you noticed a white rabbit girl with a small watch running while saying

White rabbit: I'm late!

(Y/N)'s mind: guess I'll follow her while I'm avoiding alice.

You followed the rabbit girl while she was running.

Cheshire cat: ah there he goes.

Alice: damn!

March hare: he seemed to be in a hurry.


You followed the white rabbit long enough to where you didn't see alice in sight anymore. So you then stopped and took a breather. But that's when you noticed that the spot you stopped in was right in forth of a castle and there was red stuff all over it.

(Y/N): good god that's too much damn red.

That's when you felt a pair of arms grab you and drag you into the castle. It was a bunch of guards in red looking armor

(Y/N): how did I not notice them before?

They dragged you into the castle until you were in the thrown room. And there you saw a woman wearing a red dress.

(Y/N)'s mind: oh good god.

Queen of Hearts: what is this?

Guard 1: an intruder my queen.

Guard 2: he was sneaking around here.

Queen of Hearts: is that right?

(Y/N): actually if I may speak. I was actually following the rabbit girl over there.

You Pointed to the rabbit girl other next to the queen.

Queen of Hearts: hm......leave us.

They all left the room with you and the queen. She got off her thrown and walked to you.

Queen of Hearts: I'm must say for a person I've just now seen, your rather handsome.

(Y/N): um thank you?

Queen of Hearts: come with me.

(Y/N): um....ok.

You followed the queen of Hearts to her room. Once there, you walked in first.

(Y/N): so why did you have me follow you in here.

???: because we all want you.

You tired around and saw the queen with alice, mad hater, the two rabbit girls, Cheshire cat and the mouse girl.

(Y/N): oh dear. This is not good.

They all had you cornered.

(Y/N)'s mind: this isn't a wonderland. This is a nightmare!

Eventually you were kept there forever with your seven wives. And if that wasn't enough you soon became really insane. But you were insane with your wives.....can't wait to see how the kids will be.

A/N: next is Lucy x Male Reader.

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